
I keep my intellectual pimp hand strong for just such occasions !!! Boko Haram apologist be mad trippin at CNN .


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  kpr37  •  11 years ago  •  36 comments

I keep my intellectual pimp hand strong for just such occasions !!! Boko Haram apologist be mad trippin at CNN .


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37    11 years ago

this video should be embedded above.

oops upside your head.

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  kpr37   5 years ago

Hi, its me. I’m single now.  Sold my house up north and moved to Florida. But came down just as Covid hit. Had a few meetings set up for work, but was going to fish for a few months, and then decide. Found out “fish camps”existed when hotels and campgrounds were closed by the governor. This was just going to be temporary. It really was?!  Months later I’m still here? 

all that yard furniture, just showed up. I admit I got the big blue pallet myself. People told me that I needed one. They all had them. When I got mine I grew concerned. Then walked right down to the river, private access for residents only. Or ride there with my neighbor in his camo painted golf cart, with real mag wheels I never knew things that existed. Can ya see it across the road? 

My only real concern is the cost of this.lol

I have spent more on my electric bill up north in a single month. Than all my expenses combined in a month at the fish camp. I only need to pay to rent a motorboat (never have) the others are free to residents. The people are real friendly and cook really good food, then just bring it to you. It’s like a conspiracy to keep me here. Just writing this took forever. I don’t have a computer down here. This is my first ever smartphone. Got an iPhone. And I am dumb as shit with technology. Plus two neighbors dropped in since I started . So that’s it’s, I’m really living there. Oh, if that was unexpected, I got a all wheel drive Volvo station wagon to come down in, then fish all around in, before deciding what to do, and what part of the state I wanted stay in. I hate station wagons. But knew I needed the wagon with good all wheel drive for the kind of fishing I wanted to do. Just going to sell or trade it in when I was done. But now I know, I’m keeping it.

I swear, I have not thought of getting a golf cart myself yet.

Nor have I considered getting my own trailer. Yet?!?!

phone service vanishes sometimes for hours or a day or so here. I’m so far out in the middle nowhere,  that I travel down two dirt roads just to get to a lonely backcountry lane. 

I will try to respond if I get comments. But it may take time. Everything is working fine now. But that’s subject to change. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
link   Split Personality  replied to  kpr37   5 years ago

My daughter & SIL had a huge house around Hendersonville near both of their jobs for the Fed.

At a recent funeral, my son in law says "NC is getting real crazy tax wise",

"we're thinking of moving permanently to our fishing camp in SC".

Fishing Camp?  is that where the RV *& boat went?


Verbatim, every one is friendly, they just bring you good food and text and call and ask us when we will be down next.

So they did it.

Eventually bought an even bigger home on the next biggest lake closest to "fishing camp".

So they can fish off of their own dock, or go over to the camp, now only 15 minutes away where they pay $50 a month to

keep an RV and a boat.

Crazy stuff but enjoy it while you can.

btw I think it offends them to say golf cart, lol, they are all terrain vehicles ( until they get stuck in da mud or sand ) LOL !!!

Great to see you on line again.

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  Split Personality   5 years ago

Right away people just started acting like they knew me for years. Would go out of their way to help. The big plus for me was the wagon, I only shop once a month and asked if anyone wanted a ride cause I didn’t know where to shop of food. Every time I go now, I have company for the ride.

 And I thought I was crazy wanting a tow bar on my Volvo, part of the sales pitch was it could really tow things. It can, I towed a small bass boat. I was not going to get a tv. I still didn’t get a tv. No, one of my neighbors got a new one, brought his old one over an set it up over my protest. I had lawn furniture in mass. I sat down on it once or twice a year. That strange collection in front of my camper gets used every day. Even if it’s not me. I have people waiting out there, cause they know I get home around the same time if I’m out. 

Professor Expert
link   Krishna  replied to  kpr37   5 years ago
Hi, its me. I’m single now.  Sold my house up north and moved to Florida.

Hi kpr37-- great to hear from you again! :-)

(Brings back fond memories of the time we were both on "that website whose name shall not be mentioned", LOL!)

From the description of where you are it must be really nice there...

If you were previously living up in "Taxachusetts" (as many locals there call it) life must be cheaper in FL (to say nothing of the more pleasant winters...)

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  Krishna   5 years ago

Hey, good to hear from you. 
I’m still a moron with technology. Maybe worse with this Iphone. 

This was may favorite old article.  I delete it by accident changing photos at the top. Little keyboard, auto-correct, instead of spell check. I look at what I thought I just wrote sometimes and am amazed whats there! Been away from online for a while. 

One thing I missed here was having a dog. I found a totally new type of dog here. The borrowed, or baby sat dog. After about a month one of my new neighbors, asked if I could watch his dog cause he had to go see his sister, and the dog is a pit bull, she got two little kids 4 and 6. Them blue pits are a thing down here, and some don’t trust them. An hour after her owner brought her into camp. I was on the ground wrestling her in front of the camper. Now I got a dog a few times a week, and take her for walks or jogs. I get just the fun parts of having a dog, and no feeding, cleaning up, or vet bills. Plus, it is small in here. I posted some pictures on the gallery at my page. 

I lost phone service right after I got in touch with you. Ate supper and slept till now. It’s getting cold tonight, and my electricity is still not working well. I got some photos of the drop lights I been using for a few days in my gallery.

 My phone gets charged by a power pack thing a different neighbor let me use. I have no lights at all. There were car dome lights every four feet across the entire camper. They don’t run on plug in power, they run on whatever a car runs on. That smoked up under the sink several days ago. I got the drop lights before dark the first night. Third night new lights that plug in, like real lights. I like them better. Car dome light were a big expense, I’ve replaced everyone once, some two or three times. But when whatever it was that smoked up under my sink screwed up the plugs in electrical system as well. Tv works fine. Phone not at all. It somehow is really bad for the phone?

I got an electric heater cause it can get cold, in an aluminum box, cold comes right in. I’m hoping it don’t drop below the mid fifties inside tonight. Supposed to be 28 outside tonight. No one here remembers it getting that cold.

 I did talk to some people earlier to ask if I can get a police report of Sean being arrested. If I can I will write an article. He had been camp a few weeks I met him several times, never got a racist vibe. He was just a strange dude. He was sitting across from me at my kitchen table, smoking a blunt, he gets it legally for  post traumatic whatever he said it was. And he asked what I was doing playing on my phone all day for a few days. I said jokingly, being a Zionist again proving Palestine never existed. I saw his reaction real quick. He was trying to say the grand mufti of Jerusalem’s name and was having a difficult time pronouncing it. I knew, get this giant idiot out the door quick. I did, then stood by the window and mocked the shit out of him and his moronic nonsensical delusions. His face was turning red, i could see the frustration, and kept it up till he walked away. I knew the police were called. My neighbor two campers down called. So I hopped in my car and went out for dinner. Nobody thought he would get out anytime soon the bomb squad was here. I did not see that. and exaggeration  is common here. Everybody agreed they had never seen that many police here tho. 

I was a little board after the bugs got so bad late in the summer. night fishing was out of the question. (They have outdoor lighting for fishing year round. God I love this place.) So I joined a site to post historical fact about Israel and fuck with antisemites. Way more of them now than I remember. Some very smart as well. New tactics, indigenous Canaanites, DNA evidence is science they said. 

I found articles the dude had of true life Nakba, historical facts. 
I can make up nonsensical, delusional, historical bullshit as well as anybody. So after dinner for a little more than a week I tried to re-Write a different one every night. Close to what his said. But with more feelings more passion, then his. I tried to keep it believable till the end. 

the last paragraph was the fun part. 

i was going to just show a single paragraph. Then I remembered this one. I will cook something and try to get back to sleep soon but I’ll share this first. 

This or sharing my super secret Zionist scientists joke got me kicked out of the Zionist group. The I love Israel group got it, they thought It was funny...I found it’s like riding a bike, making up bullshit that is.

be right back with some nonsense for ya to read, and get a chuckle from you hopefully. 

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  kpr37   5 years ago

Titled it how to fabricate history like a professional

I smoke more weed down here and it’s not legal then I did back in Massachusetts were it was. But its legal for the dudes who smoke it with me. So that’s something lol...this was under the influence of some good government weed......

In the modern age, however sadly, our remembrances have been solely focused on an unprecedented tragedy, a catastrophe of epic proportions, a Nabaka if you will .

Subject to horrible, unspeakable treatment at the hands of their physically fitter, healthier, recently arrived European oppressors. The indigenous, simple farmers ( of color) native to historic Palestine, without complaint, meekly made way for the hyper aggressive, cosmopolitan, sophisticated European capitalist land speculators who had recently invaded the peaceful, historically true, nation of Palestine. Did you know, that the word Palestine, in the indigenous Palestinian language, means homeland of the indigenous Palestinians?

A humble, poor man of great faith, and dignity, whose only means of subsistence for him, and his family was a small plot of land, that had been in his family for the last six million years.

Watermelon, oranges, pineapple, passion fruit, avocado, hot peppers and even Agave cactus, grew in abundance in the gently rolling, fruitful fields of the central lowlands of historical Palestine.

Many unfamiliar with the true history of historical Palestine were completely unaware that Tequila was invented here in historical Palestine.

The indigenous inhabitants of historical Palestine, themselves, did not drink alcohol, as you may know. but they invented tequila for all of us. Those who have betrayed them, time and time again, in their hour of need. Progressives, socialists, communists, theocratic fundamentalists, fascist influenced nationalist political parties all turned away. To their everlastingly eternal shame.

We the indigenous natives of historical Palestine, we, a peaceful people, practicing a heartfelt tradition of non-violence, Gandhi, I believe, got his philosophy from the historical Palestinian people . We were unfairly left to the unholy designs of our Jewish tormenters. Ethnic cleansing , apartheid, theft of ancestral lands .

A short (not really) personal truthful (Delusional)  Truth of the nature of the white European colonial enitity that besieged us unrelentingly.

Since the first proto- humans, where transitioning to bipedal locomotion, Palestine was the homeland of the Arab emirate of Palestine. First Nation in the history of the world, first functioning democracy known to humans. The birthplace of western civilization.

From ancient Palestine, the wisdom of the Greek philosophers was held for nearly six million years in a sacred trust for the European enlightenment far far in the future.

After all that we had done for the world, from the world’s very inception, we as a people were betrayed. European Zionist armies blitzkrieged across eastern Europe, in 1923 or 24, or 25 ? Or Something like that! heading for the traditionally, very peaceful, non aggressive, feminist supporting, ethical, egalitarian, and strictly secular Middle East.

this simple indigenous native of the land called Palestine from time immemorial bore the brunt of the Zionist onslaught.

Amir Ibn Abdullah Mohammad steadfast in his love of his holy land could only do so much , with the local nonviolent philosophy the historical Palestinian indigenous people. His will was broken, when the unspeakable happened. His land was slowly disappearing, he could not understand how. He was a simple man, with no pretenses, no way of knowing the evil that he was to personally experience. The night of February 31 1837 The truth of the Zionist movement was exposed to the unsuspecting masses of innocent, indigenous eyes, of a native of the land, named Amir Ibn Abdullah Mohammad. He awoke to voices in a strange language, that he could not identify.

He silently peeked out the window, quivering with anticipation, and there it was, exposed for all the world to see.

Two men, well dressed, but not overdressed, were silently opening a plain brown attache case. Within it, they both silently withdrew two small ziplock plastic baggies, then a matching pair of sterling silver tea spoons.

Then it happened, the weight of the moment hung in the air like the truth of historical Palestine. The two men remorselessly took the zip lock baggies in their hands, quickly arming themselves with the special tea spoons they leaped into action. changing the course and very rotation of the earth itself.

the two men, we can call them Zionists at this point, started to do what all Zionists are now so well known for.

They got down on their hands and knees. Thrusting their tea spoons violently into the earth repeatedly , they quickly filled the zip lock baggies to the very top.

This is the deepest darkest secret, most prized by the nefarious Zionist controlled colonial extension …incorrectly called Israel, it is what gives the Zionist entity its supernatural power. All around the world, every single night without a bit of remorse, committed fanatical Zionists fill up little plastic zip lock baggies and send them home to Israel.

Don’t you get it!!!!! Are you blind to the evil before your eyes!!!!! They are recreating greater Israel one little zip lock baggie at a time. Why in a few thousand years, Israel may very well gain ( by our estimate) two point three acres of illegal land. Note all land of Israel is illegal land.

This should be all the proof, proof, proof, I say, swinging my arms wildly in the air, spittle running down my chin.

Evidence evidence, video, we have video, we do, thats all any reasonable person should need. (crazy look in eyes twitching cheeks) 

Kevin Reilly
Freshman Silent
link   Kevin Reilly  replied to  kpr37   4 years ago


Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    11 years ago

The translation of boko haram is important, and eye opening as well. Strange that some other media besides blogging has not picked-up on this.

come to fully informed opinions, critiquing the teachings of the Prophet as found in the Quran and the hadiths that inspire this horror brought upon these young girls. It's near impossible to change things for the better while swimming, if not drowning in a veritable sea of ignorance.

Every belief system besides islam is subject to thorough critiques; yet, to do so of islam is not correct, even frightening to many.

Succumb, submit, are the only choices ol' mo gives; and, if he's the supreme example, then his actions and words are to be followed. Ignoring the source of islmaic extremism is to ignore islam...we do it at our own detriment.

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37    11 years ago

The group is nick-named boko haram by others. When this started to get reported years ago, the full name was used much of the time.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    11 years ago

Unlike many other religions there is no central authority to declare what "official' policy is in Islam . This is why any nutcase can declare himself an authority on his own version of the "religion of peace" and it also explains why there is so much conflict between the 2 main branches who kill each other in the 100s of thousands every year ...

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    11 years ago

Thanks. Went to do a little investigating ...the group wasn't' even designated a terrorist organization 'till last year!

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  Larry Hampton   5 years ago

Hey, how ya doing. Have not heard from ya in a long time. Have an update on me in a comment above. If you’re still active here, would love to hear from you.

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    11 years ago

...explains why there is so much conflict between the 2 main branches who kill each other in the 100s of thousands every year ...

Hey, if they'd leave everybody else outta it Id have no problem at all with the slow pace...


Jonathan P
Sophomore Silent
link   Jonathan P    11 years ago

Not to mention "condemn their actions in the strongest possible way"...

...whatever the fuck that means.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago


Good to see you.

If you don't mind, could you please explain to our membership why you have these feelings about exteem Islam and Islam in particular. Your story is very unique.

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   5 years ago

If ya can, could you make the picture right. I’m to stupid to. I admit.

I never had the problem before. I think its got something to do with my phone? 

Jonathan P
Sophomore Silent
link   Jonathan P    11 years ago

I've heard this before.

Never gets old.

Like watching 'The Godfather'.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Tis true Jonathan. But Kpr's story is so unique and his knowledge is almost boundless.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     5 years ago

What part of Florida are you living in, Kpr?

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  Kavika   5 years ago

Hilliard st Mary’s river fish camp I can’t believe how much I love it here 

Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  kpr37   5 years ago

On the Gulf side north of Tampa?

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  Kavika   5 years ago

I met my first white supremacist. Everything about it sucked. He was Irish, he was former military, he is 6. 5 and said he was 325. Oh, I found out because I started talking about writing. I mentioned I was a Zionist. Lucky for me I’m quick witted. And he is a moron. Before he knew what just was said or how to react, I got him the four feet to the door. I told him my opinion of his intellectual abilities from the kitchen window. 

Never thought I would see him again. He got out of jail a few days ago. And they can’t get him out for a while. 

Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  kpr37   5 years ago

Best stay as far away from him as possible.

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  Kavika   5 years ago

Have you ever stayed in a camper before? 

Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  kpr37   5 years ago

We owned a 5th wheel for a number of years and took so long trips in it. We spent close to five months on one trip that took us thru Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Washington, BC, Oregon, and California.

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  Kavika   5 years ago

This is all new for me I never considered staying in a camper.  We had mobile homes. But they were like the Rockford files trailer. When I first got here and saw it I wondered if I could get my money back. It looked bad from the outside. But the inside was nice, way cleaner than I imagined it would be, and she said the new mattress would be here soon. Now l can’t think of a good reason to leave anytime soon. I got a new picture up. I remember you hunted ? If ya did that photo is from about ten thirty in the morning and it had not rained in three days. I had not left the camper yet. But I use that picture to explain to friends up north why that made me realize I needed the big blue plastic pallet. 

I bet you can read the signs on my steps why I thought that?!

Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  kpr37   5 years ago

No, don't hunt any longer but I love to fish and fish and fish some more.

Looks muddy at the bottom of the steps, my eye are old and I can't read the writing.

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  Kavika   5 years ago

Just noticed two of my responses are not here. I said I was avoiding the moron and I was running again. Not a chance he can get close. He got served with eviction papers the day after he got out. So he should be gone soon. I’m filing for my concealed carry the next time I drive into town. 

The sign is there,  because about ten people had come over,  and just that,  their steps did that. It also brought mud in every time anyone came in. So I got a giant blue plastic pallet. I knew cause I had been here a while, I better get my neighbors one, cause he would want one. So I got two without asking if he wanted one. He did, and he was happy I got it for him. They told me I was southern shorty after I got here. They still don’t know why I walk everywhere I can in the camp,  and run when nothing is chasing me. They are sure that’s crazy. 

it’s a veteran friendly camp so many of my fishing buddies are navy vets from the base forty, fifty miles a way. In the right words ...It “a little piece” down the road.

 I was thinking I got to get out of here, before it’s too late. Then the Gar fish started biting. And that idea went out the window. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
link   Split Personality  replied to  kpr37   5 years ago

Right on the state line between FL & GA?

Good RV Park

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  Split Personality   5 years ago

You know this place? There ain’t nothing like it in the world. Laws. rules . regulations don’t apply in fish camps. Well many of them don’t. There are sort of houses built around campers and weird netted things all around others. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
link   Split Personality  replied to  kpr37   5 years ago

My kids belong to one in SC, built a small deck and shower enclosure around the back of the RV ( it doesn't run or have a trans in it  ) they pay $50 a month and love it.  Like you said, super clean inside.

More importantly every one there loves them, worries about them and takes care of them emotionally.

Professor Silent
link   author  kpr37  replied to  Split Personality   5 years ago

Ya, I was amazed. I will post a picture of the inside. It takes a little while to load with the shity service, but it works today. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
link   Split Personality  replied to  kpr37   5 years ago

I see that you changed the picture above.

You should also be able to just stick a new photo into your comment

depending on your phone of course.

But yes it looks great.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    4 years ago

Holy smoke.  Is this the non-religious meaning of resurrection?   The comments even show a dead man talking.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    4 years ago

Holy smoke.  Is this the non-religious meaning of resurrection?   The comments even have a dead man talking.


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