Just Who Are the Meek Who Will Inherit the Earth?
In the popular vernacular, when you hear the term meek you think of weakness.It implies a wimpy, whimpering coward, cowering in a corner at the sound of his own name.In Darwins world of survival of the fittest and strongest, the meek would be the first to go.So how could the meek inherit the earth?When Jesus said Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth, in Matthew 5:5, He had a completely different meaning for meek.Jesus picture of meek was like that of a stallion that has been brought into subjection to its master. Whereas it once fought with all its strength against any attempt to be brought under any control or be directed, now it yields its will to its master. The stallion still has all its strength and stamina; it has simply turned those over to its master.Jesus wants us strong and capable, but having submitted our will to the Master. Meekness is not submitting to those around us, it is taking direction from God. Meekness is not having to defend our rights, but allowing God to defend us. Meekness is self-control that comes from trusting God. Meekness incorporates an attitude of long-suffering knowing that God will deal with the injustices that occur in our life and knowing that our submission will, in the end, put us in a better place.Jesus, himself, was the ultimate example of weakness. He was not a weak, whimpering, cowardly man. Yet he allowed despicable sinners to torture and kill him. He was not powerless to defend Himself and could have called upon legions of angels to rescue him from the cross. But He chose to yield to the will of his Father because he trusted the Father. http://www.tpnn.com/2015/08/23/just-who-are-the-meek-who-will-inherit-the-earth/
I trust God, and God gave me tools to deal with the vagaries of the world. now your telling us that we shouldn't use the tools he gave us?
We should just blindly follow whomever declares they are here to lead us?
God didn't create sheep to be lead off for shearing or slaughter.
He teaches us that we are all responsible to him for ourselves. So if we allow ourselves to be used and abused by any human aren't we committing a cardinal sin?
Isn't that making a choice to follow man instead of God?
Didn't Jesus die on the cross so that singular choice could be placed before every one of us?
I have no doubts of the father in heaven, and no man can walk his path, he made man to walk his own path. And one of those paths is the choices we make in life, only we can be responsible for that choice we make.