Via: a-macarthur • 11 years ago • 6 comments
A songbird of the American blackbird family, the male of which has shiny black plumage with a blue-green sheen (Quiscalus quiscula). The white eye is one of the species' identifying "field markings".
I sometimes see them by the hundreds, occasionally with other blackbird species traveling along.
He looks like he rolled in a rainbow.
Down in Ft Smith, I saw thousands travelling as one big flock...
Love the detail in your fine feathered friend, Mac!
We have a lot of them on my hill. They have very interesting plumage indeed.
And they are not pesty like starlings.
Beautiful photo, it's like it own rainbow.
Don't shoot (take a photo?) till you see the whites of their eyes.
(Where have I heard that before?)