50 Toddlers Who Are Best Friends With Their Dogs (Photos)
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
Just trying to think of ways to multiply cuteness. [ Ed. note: We don't know if you can actually die from cuteness, but you'd better be careful looking at this. You've been warned.] (More...
Dog Welcomes Soldier Home In This Touching Video
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
In a touching video that has gone viral this week, a U.S. Army soldier returns home after being deployed for 8 months. His boxer, named Chuck, patiently waits in the back of a truck to see...
Guam Snakes Being Fought With Poisoned Mice Parachuted In From Helicopters
Via: perrie-halpern
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
Yes, you read that right. Sometimes the best solution are the simplest one. So why not airdroppoisonedmice to kill these pesty snakes? I bet you would love to see that. Brown tree snakes...
Zoo Caretaker Licks Monkey’s Butt To Help It Defecate
Via: peter-loves-the-real-tea-party
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
Yesterday, Wuhan Zoo Monkey caretaker Zhang Bangsheng unbelievably used his tongue to lick a small monkeys butt! 50-year-old Zhang Bangsheng used warm water to clean a small Francois Leaf...
musical challenge , animals
Via: petey-coober
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
I can't believe I'm doing another musical challenge ! Yes , it's true . This one is all about the accompanying video .In this case you need to find music with a video of an animal subject [or...
4th Grade Teacher Arrested After Beating Rescue Dog To Death For Eating Paper.
Via: rescue
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
Derek Fierro, a 4th grade teacher in Chicago called police to turn himself in. He had become enraged when the a rescue dog he had adopted "ate every paper in the house" and then soiled himself....
Listen To Your Heart - A Beautiful Filming of Penguins And Their Offspring
Via: rescue
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
As I watch it, I wonder what will happen to these magnificent creatures with the changes with the world climate. The ice in the Northwest Passage opened up this week.
How To Give A Cat A Pill In 20 Easy Steps
Via: rescue
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
Sit on sofa. Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your elbow as though you were going to give a bottle to a baby. Talk softly to it.2......With right hand, position right forefinger and thumb...
Toddler Plays With Gorilla: Caught on Tape, Father Discusses in Exclusive Interview
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
Damian Aspinall discusses a viral video of his daughter and a 300-pound gorilla. Article: Twenty-two years ago conservation activist Damian Aspinall let his 18-month old girl play with a...
Creatures such as these are what makes this world so special.
Via: rescue
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
These horses are native to the Netherlands.... It should make your day.. Thesemagnificentanimals don't have to be taught to run like this, like the dressage, this is a gift of nature from...
A Special Letter Returned by the Post Office......From God
Via: rescue
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
This is not my story, but of a little girl named Meredith, Our 14-year-old dog Abbey died last month. The day after she passed away my 4-year-old daughter Meredith was crying...
Sarge, The Mayor of Maxwelton Beach
Via: malamuteman
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
Sarge was a Malamute... What kind of story do you expect from someone named MalamuteMan? "Officially" he belonged to someone who had adopted him to save him from being shot because he had...
Parakeet Sings For The Cops....
Via: perrie-halpern
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
NY Daily News: This tale of a lost pet has a really tweet ending. A Japanese woman was reunited with her missing pet parakeet Tuesday when the bird began reciting his home address to police....
Hungry Kitty! LOL
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
This is the original video that went viral in 2007. It appeared on the Tonight Show on 3-20-08, on Oops TV in England on 3-09-09, and America's Cutest Cat on Animal Planet on 11-13-10.
50 Amazing Photos From Cat Heaven Island In Japan
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
Photographer Fubirai has spent the last five years documenting the lives of the semi-wild cats that roam the island in Fukuoka, Japan. The cats are fed by local fishermen and wander freely...
20 Cats In Christmas Trees
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
Sometimes cats can get a little carried away with the Christmas spirit. Here are 20 lovely felines who werent satisfied simply receiving presents. (Warning: these photos are very cute!)
The amphibious Asian mystery cat ("Flat-headed-cat")
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
A cat with webbed feet? A cat that's happy to hang out in water? A stump-tailed, flat-headed cat that swims expertly and dines almost exclusively on fish? Such an animal exists . . . An...
A VIDEO Christmas Message from Pharaoh and the Gang! (Original Video)
Via: dowser
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
A very special Holiday Message from Pharaoh and the gang! All of us at the Dowser Clan wish all of you a very happy time-- and hope that you enjoy the holidays! Take care, all of you! Note, best...
Bebe Our Only Pet
Via: charlie-courtois
Pets & Animals
10 years ago
Having been used to Great Danes and Shepherds or large dogs, my wife and were given a shepherd colored Chihuahua who the vet says looks like the "Real McCoy" healthy as a horse and he is now...