Israeli Expo Showcases New Artificial Intelligence Technology
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Israeli Expo Showcases New Artificial Intelligence Technology Engineers at a cutting-edge technology expo presented Israeli-developed inventions that police forces and armies around the...
We Regret to Inform You the White House's Solution to the Opioid Crisis Is Kellyanne Conway ... Green Rules apply
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
The scale of the opioid crisis gripping the United States is hard to fathom. Since 2000, lethal overdoses from opioid use have tripled, and the problem is so widespread Centers for Disease...
What Makes a Dinosaur a Dinosaur?
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
The question may sound like a “duh,” but it gets to the heart of how we categorize and define nature Ask any 8-year-old what a dinosaur is, and she’ll eagerly rattle off her favorite of the...
Brain activity can continue for 10 minutes after death - new study
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Scientists cannot explain the single delta wave burst CREDIT: TELEGRAPH Henry Bodkin 9 MARCH 2017 • 2:05PM T he human brain can continue...
Trump Just Won’t Give up on Undoing Obama’s Methane Rule
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
The Trump administration really doesn’t want to impose rules curtailing the venting of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, during oil and gas operations. On Friday, the Bureau of Land Management...
VW halts European van deliveries amid diesel emissions 'uncertainties'
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Volkswagen said on Friday it had stopped delivering the T6 Multivan to dealers after detecting that the diesel model emitted excessive nitrogen oxide levels. VW said it had reported the findings...
Freaky New Dinosaur Was Part Duck, Part Raptor
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
The last few years have yielded some truly bizarre dinosaur discoveries. From rhino-like animals with massive heads and stubby spines, to beaked mishmashes of every dinosaur in the book, there’s...
Astronomers Have Discovered the Most Distant Quasar Yet
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
This discovery should speak for itself: Scientists have discovered a crazy example of a crazy thing at a crazy distance. We’re talking about the furthest quasar yet—the incredibly bright light...
The German Amateurs Who Discovered ‘Insect Armageddon’ ... Green Rules apply
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
In a nature preserve in western Germany, an elderly gentleman approached a tent-like structure that was in fact a large trap for flying insects. Peering through thick eyeglasses, the...
The Internet Is Dying. Repealing Net Neutrality Hastens That Death ... Green Rules apply
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
The internet is dying. Sure, technically, the internet still works. Pull up Facebook on your phone and you will still see your second cousin’s baby pictures. But that isn’t really the...
Call it the Trumpchi conundrum ... Green Rules apply
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
China finally feels it has a car capable of following vehicles from Japan, Germany and South Korea into the U.S. market. But its biggest roadblock might be its name. The Chinese automaker GAC...
Voyager 1 Just Fired Up Its Backup Thrusters for the First Time in 37 Years ... Green Rules apply
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Voyager 1, the probe which became the first man-made object to leave the solar system in 2012, has been away from home for a long, long time—approximately 40 years. It’s still been beaming back...
Here's Why Scientists Cloned the First Cloned Dog ... Green Rules apply
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Ever since the first cloned mammal, Dolly the Sheep, died abnormally young, there’s been plenty of talk about clone aging. Now, scientists have cloned the world’s first cloned dog in order to...
Fighting for My Son with Cystic Fibrosis
Via: trout-giggles
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
https://www.thecut.com/2017/11/raising-child-with-cystic-fibrosis.html Every Parent Wants to Protect Their Child. I Never Got the Chance. To fight for my son, I have to argue that he should...
Huge New Spider Species Discovered in Mexican Cave ... Red Rules apply
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Califorctenus cacachilensis is the width of a softball and represents a new genus of arachnids Califorctenus cacachilensis San Diego Natural History Museum Arachnophobes, go to your happy...
NASA goes back to the middle ages for its rover tire design ... Red Rules apply
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
"Superelastic" tires can deform down to the axle and retain their shape. NASA The Mars Curiosity rover has been a big success, but NASA's modern tech couldn't save its tires from breaking...
The unfortunate side effect of LED lighting
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
LEDs have become so ubiquitous that we’re lighting everything, at a cost Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images Light pollution has increased worldwide because of the prevalence of...
The driverless revolution may exact a political price ... Red Rules apply
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
In its race to embrace driverless vehicles, Washington has cleared away regulatory hurdles for auto companies and brushed aside consumer warnings about the risk of crashes and hacking. But at...
The First Interstellar Object Seen Buzzing by Earth Is Pretty Weird
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Roughly the size of a football field, the object is roughly 10 times longer than it is wide Artist’s rendering of ’Oumuamua ESO/M. Kornmesser In October, astronomers announced the first...
VA study shows parasite from Vietnam may be killing vets
Via: pj
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
VA study shows parasite from Vietnam may be killing vets Associated Press 3 hrs ago HERALD, W.Va. — A half a century after serving in Vietnam, hundreds of veterans have a new reason to believe...
New global survey reveals that everyone loves green energy — especially the Chinese ... Red Rules apply.
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Also everyone hates coal. I have written many times about the high levels of public support in the US for renewable energy — support that has been strikingly consistent over the years,...
The problems of Science
Via: thomas-craig
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x67aije The above link is to a full episode of Adam Ruins Everything. This episode is actually titled "Adam Ruins Science". It actually covers the problems of...
Trillions of Flies Can’t All Be Bad
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
The world’s flies do much more than annoy us. Pollinating plants, cleaning up carcasses, swabbing drains — flies are part of every strand of the web of life. A male fly of the genus...
Climate Alarmists Everywhere Celebrate Advocacy Over Science in New NCA
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
By E. Calvin Beisner | November 10, 2017 | 11:02 AM EST (Sreenshot) Gee, I wish I’d had $7.9 billion to play with over the last three years! But I didn’t. In...
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