Release the Hounds !

What a funny....yet weird "Demand".
Now we know most of the folks "Demanding" this "Full Release" of the Mueller report, have been in congress for quite some time now. "WE" know, they are "Adults" knowing the rule of laws of congress on what is allowed and what isn't. Or so we think anyway !
Now I have a question.
Since these "Adults" have been in congress for quite sometime, and they know the "Laws" of the land they MUST follow, will they accept the "FACT" that the "Full" report may not be able to be "Released" ?
Do these "Adults" actually know that "Fact" ?
For Political Reasons....will they "Ignore" that "Fact" ?
I will guarantee .... if the "Full" report isn't released....a "Certain Group of Folks" will claim ..... COVERUP !
Think about it. For two years this "Certain" group has been ranting about how the "Mueller" investigators are beyond reproach and shouldn't be hindered. How the "Mueller Group" is what everyone should wait for, as this will be thee "Truth" !
THIS IS THE ENDALL REPORT NEEDED, to get this country back together !
At least that's what the media, and the politicians for that matter, have been telling us day-in and day-out !
Guess what ?
The "End All" Mueller report says "No Collusion", and the "Liberals are pissed.Surprise, Surprise …… NOT !
So know that "God" has forsaken them , Liberals are gonna drag this thing on, and on, and on, and on, and …………..hoping to get a new Blue wave that doesn't actually refer to being "SICK" , tell us they are just dragging this on because they "Care" about the "People" again ?
WE MUST SEE THE "FULL" REPORT...…."Stupid lemmings" Agree, say the "Polls" !
What if we all just watched the OJ Simpson trial and the judge selected was a known "Juice" fan and had written an open letter dismissing the possibility that Mr. Simpson could have done something like what he'd been accused of. Then the jury comes back with their verdict and hands it to the judge, who, instead of reading it, says "Well, the jury looked at the evidence and believes there is a strong case either way on first degree murder or perhaps manslaughter, so they left it up to me and I've decided he's not guilty, you're free to go Mr. Simpson"...
Don't you think people would have a right to see the jury verdict for themselves? Should we just leave it at "just trust me"?
And on that note, regarding the actual OJ trial, question: Do any conservative republicans believe after watching the actual OJ Simpson trial that he was innocent because the jury came back with a verdict of not guilty?
Point being, just because Mueller was unable to find any concrete conclusive evidence of illegal conspiracy doesn't mean it didn't happen. Just because the Trump associates so muddied the waters and lied constantly about their contacts with Russian agents that Mueller wasn't able to find the smoking gun doesn't mean there wasn't one. As the report literally says “while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him”.
Personally, I believe OJ murdered Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman regardless of the jury verdict and Trump has been in Putin's pocket for a lot longer than any of us know regardless of the inconclusive report.
They never had a smocking gun on Capone either. Yet we all knew he was a mob boss.
Follow the money.
from what?
Reading comprehension troubles? It's right there in the same sentence, the subject is "a crime" which the report "does not exonerate him" of.
what is the crime?
There is two parts to that sentence. Funny how the first part is always left out when one is against trump.
"while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
"The Special Counsel therefore did not draw a conclusion — one way or the other — as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction."
Just because you desperately wanted him to find a smoking gun does not mean there was one anywhere but In your own imagination.
OMG...are you being obtused on purpose? Where did you come up with that analogy? In the OJ case, two people where murdered, a crime was committed regardless of who the perp was. There was no crime committed for Mueller to investigate, he spent $25 million dollars investigating a fucking fairy tale.
We had the dead body in all the evidence that Russian did in fact hack State election systems, hacked both the GOP and the DNC and illegally disseminated stolen emails in an effort to aid Donald Trump win the Presidency which they felt would benefit them.
“President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?”
“Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.–Russia relationship back to normal.”
The only question was whether it was premeditated election murder or whether Trump was just an unwitting accomplice guilty of nothing more than manslaughter at best. It appears Mueller has concluded there is not enough evidence to prosecute Trump with criminal conspiracy aka premeditated murder, but that the report does not exonerate him of all wrongdoing.
A crime was committed whether the Trump sycophants want to admit it or not. The Russian meddling did make a difference regardless of our lack of ability to quantify it with anything more than the 122 million Americans it reached. The attack on our elections were the digital equivalent of Pearl harbor but apparently there are some traitors among us who dance with glee at the fact we were attacked, an attack which they know gave their candidate an edge in a narrow electoral college victory but they're too dishonest to admit it.
You just can't admit that your chosen candidate was by far and away the worst choice you and yours could possibly have selected can you?
There never was a crime committed because there was no crime to commit! There is not a law prohibiting collusion no matter how much you want there to be.
No...Mueller concluded there is no evidence because there was no crime committed to warrant an investigation focused solely on Trump and his campaign. Only allegations.
Read the letter correctly,
Members of the jury later admitted that they thought Simpson was guilty as sin:
"In an excerpt aired on public radio show “Fresh Air” this week, juror Carrie Bess, who is now in her 70s, is asked whether “there are members of the jury that voted to acquit OJ because of Rodney King.” “Yes,” she says simply. Later she says that she was one of them."
I thought everybody knew that by now!
The point is, we don't believe Barr's summary, it is meant to protect Trump. We won't know what Mueller really says until we read it. Congress will get it one way or the other and the truth will come out. Until then, we know it can't be good because Barr said in his pre-job interview he would protect him. Barr's letter means nothing.
Are you sure you will be able to handle the truth? Or is Mueller going to become a Russian agent too?
Actually, all the money that the Russians spent was on Facebook with ads that aided both sides. In other words, the Russians didn't really care about who won, they just wanted chaos in the USA.
You do realize he was asked this question AFTER Trump had won? What else was he going to say about the person he had to work with? "I didn't want him to win, because he wanted to bring things back to normal where we wouldn't get anything except through threats of force." Remember, Clinton and Obama had the Russian reset, in other words, they tried to bring things "back to normal" and the Russians just thumbed their noses at them. If Hillary had won, the Russians had a lot of dirt on her already and could have used that as leverage to get WHATEVER they wanted. They had the payments to Bill Clinton while Hillary was Secretary of State and the subsequent deals for Rosatom and technology exchange via Skolkovo (aka Russia's Silicon Valley).
And that is exactly why they wanted Trump to win. They used both sides, but they manipulated and used the right to a greater degree and success. They DID want Trump and trying to pretend otherwise takes away the rest of your argument.
They had ads that targeted black Americans constantly reminding them that Hillary wanted to lock them up back when she was first lady. They had ads pretending to be liberals organizing hate rallies against conservatives and ads pretending to be conservatives starting hate rallies against liberals. They had ads claiming conspiracy theories against Hillary and ads claiming conspiracy theories defending Trump. There is no evidence they ever wanted Hillary to win, their support was for Trump and they got what they wanted. Putin believes Trump to be the equivalent embarrassment as Gorbachev is to the Russians. Russians hate Gorbachev for what they see as the selling out of their nation to the west, Trump is Russia's retaliation for that. They saddled us with one of the most ignorant and incompetent Presidents in American history and have been laughing at us for the last two years and applauding our increased divisions they helped widen. Divide and conquer. That was their strategy and conservatives jumped on their bandwagon believing the enemy of my enemy is my friend. What they don't realize is Putin hates them just as much as liberal Americans and will stab them in the back the first time it becomes profitable for him to do so. Conservatives and liberals should be joining forces to condemn the Russian attacks and work together to make sure it never happens again. Sadly, it appears many conservatives are willing to let half of their nation crumble and die if they feel they might be able to gain permanent control of the nation and implement their religious agenda.
Bamboozling 101. This article that is.
I agree that you have been "Bamboozled" !
I'm concerned about grammar being taught more than the Mueller Report at this stage. The report will be gone over for grand jury and procedure & methods concerns and then it will be released. The AG does not take orders from Nancy Pelosi, Ms Cortez or Spartacus for that matter. When it's ready, we will all get to see it!
Congress tried to introduce bills to protect Mueller from the 'evil' president .. but now a percentage of the 'Mueller is So Great' club have turned on him. Those that have not turned on him now try to interpret what Mueller 'intended' .. I wonder if Mueller knows that he 'intended' for congress to decide if the President was guilty of obstruction...?
I patiently waited for the report to come out, I did not speculate the end result .. the findings are what they are, like it or not... the bringing down of Trump will have to wait. If the gnashing of the teeth continues, it may just strengthen his bid for reelection...…………… !
If given the chance .. I will be voting Biden / Buttigieg in 2020 - but I will have to wait patiently to see if the DNC 'rigs' the nomination process again : )
That was my Fav. Part.
Typical politician response that lost the overall argument for the last two years of "Crowing"...."We have....We have" !!
I never understood how so many could be so confident that there was 'proof/evidence' that would bring down Trump … Manafort was torn apart (perhaps rightfully so) because he was going to the big fish caught on the expedition ..? Manafort broke the law, slept with Russia (figuratively speaking) but even he was not found guilty of collusion. Flynn was financially squished for 'basically' nothing .. he took a plea to protect his son .. Papadopoulos was set up .. Carter Page's rights (I feel) were violated, he did nothing wrong and the FBI knew it .. the fishing expedition into his private life was in hopes of snaring a mythical creature ... and people cheered, because it was the destruction of Trump that was sought .. did not matter how those results were obtained .. thus the Steele Dossier was believed by so many...
I am still shaking my head over the outrage and anger individuals/elected officials are putting forth .. meanwhile, Trump sits back vindicated, no collusion, no obstruction, do you suppose that bugs peeps the most?
Apparently, Even Mr. Adam Schiff-ty didn't turn over to Mueller, what he says he knew and has. Wonder why ?
I also wonder what happened to the 'evidence' regarding Trump and Russia the Obama administration squirrelled away, in a so called attempt to protect it from the incoming administration .. ?
So many questions.
Hopefully, Lindsey Graham will get to the "Real" bottom of it all.
Yet, apparently so lil evidence : )
Like Mueller's inability to conclude Trump's intent regarding obstruction being compared to the OJ verdict .. screaming 'just because'... ?
Others rambling about 'we do not believe Barr' .. Comey did not seem to have an issue with Barr's summary last night - he was more confused about Mueller leaving the obstruction decision to political appointees .. well that and Comey defending what he did regarding the Russia investigation and the Special Counsel .. told a cute lil 'what if' story about Obama and Iran
This howling at the moon for a report that has not even been released for a week, to be fully released, when it already has been stated by Barr that he is consulting with Mueller and Rosenstein on what can be released .. Barr has agreed to meet with the House .. This gnashing of teeth is why I do not think Congress is entitled to read the complete report, I can hear the anonymous sources familiar with the situation now …..!
Congress is nothing more than investigators anymore, investigating each other !
Case in point...
"Democrats, who like all other lawmakers have not seen the report, have all but accused Mr. Barr of covering up damaging information it contains"
It's like the Democrats "ALREADY KNOW" !
How is that ?
Did Donna Brazile do her deed again !
There certainly is very lil governance happening … 5B dollars for border fencing shut down the government, costing far more than that 5B requested, sheer pettiness caused this … I think they can only be the one to investigate each other - if an outside investigation was to take place, 'all' would/could be exposed .. elected officials may actually lose their jobs...
In my never popular opinion that is …. : )
Could it be from Anonymous American Officials ….?
This nation has become a leak tank .. and the information does not have to be factual, just anonymously provided!
It's all in the name of taking down the ones the "People" vote for....that aren't deemed ….. "Worthy" !
The Bible holding, gun toting types …. for sure !
"Anonymously" saying that is !
Not "pettiness"......Pure hate !
kinda makes you wonder how important "The People" of this country really are !
This is my fav quote.... Obama speaking about small towns in the Midwest lack of jobs...
Yeah, no he is not a bigot .. he was not calling those that mostly likely would not vote for him bitter religious racist haters …. can I toss in a 'what if Trump had said that' ...? : )
Haha …. "Anonymously" saying that is ! ..?
Hate is a pretty strong word … the refusal was personal for sure - all things anti Trump club rides again .. Viva Resistance .. or something like that...
"We the People" are pawn's in a game of not very well played chess .. 'we' see what is happening, but not everyone sees the same thing .. without compromise and bipartisanship, what can one do to prevent the US from to continuing to get more divided? Sadly 'we' seem to be the ones paying the price for the poor decisions made in DC .. and to think 'we' actually 'elect' these individuals to obstruct, both sides of the aisle do it......
Strong Words are warranted for a "Change" !
"Sugar Coating" has us where we are these days.
"Well.....he /she meant well" !
"They really didn't mean it" !
"This is what they really meant" !
Sure....why not.
Good points It Is Me .. there is always a 'follow-up' making sure that 'we' understand what the words spoken 'actually' mean .. our elected officials always get a do over where most everything is 'sugar coated' …. apparently there are 'some' that believe the explanations they are spoon fed.. I always struggle with things like 'you did not build that' .. did I know what was meant by that remark, yes .. but it was still a rather fuck'd up comment to make .. yet the comment turned into a 'mantra' .....!
Ooops I better put the soap box away.. : )
There is going to be a brawl in Congress .. the lines are being drawn, (R)'s called for Schiff's resignation … won't happen .. but I see a major divide forming over the Mueller report … sad to see..
Good morning Colour Me! Hope all is well up in the great Northwest. Of course that group turned on Mueller. That is a consequence of not getting exactly what they demanded, which was a 100% smoking gun aimed rightbat President Trump that would justify each and every accusation they have made in the last two years....
ED! so good to see you .. I am doing well, the snow is almost melted : ) How are you?
I kept waiting for a smoking gun, and will continue to wait .. since I am certain this is not over, but I do not think what is being looked for will be found.
Dig deep enough and something is bound to surface .. just ask Manafort .. does not matter if said offence is related to the 'crime' being sought...
As a tax-paying citizen of this country, I would love to see the full un-redacted report.
However I also understand that there are some parts that cannot be released. I don't know if the president can release the parts dealing with the grand jury, I think those must remain confidential but I'm not sure. And I know it's not a good idea to release sources and methods but the president can authorize that information to be released.
We don't know how large this report is but it's easy to guess that it's several hundreds of pages so it will take time to go thru everything to determine what lines must remain confidential and what can be safely released. But party politics is pushing for the immediate release so that they can remain in front of the camera. Until proven wrong I think we need to take Barr at his word that he wants to release as much of the report that can be released. And have patience which is a rare commodity in Washington.
Well said Snuffy!
The "President" isn't going to authorize anything. The DOJ will.
And as a tax has been done for decades and decades, We will see what government deems is Okay for us tax payers will see. Again...that has been going on for decades and decades. We may "Vote", but there are ALWAYS "Secrets" we aren't allowed to see !
Agreed that the DOJ has the lead on this and Barr has stated several times that he wants to release as much of the report as he can while being consistent with DOJ rules and regulations and the law.
But as the DOJ is part of the Executive branch and the President has final say in these classification matters, I think he can authorize to release the entire report including sources and methods but not grand jury material. As I said above it's not a good idea to release sources and methods but the president can un-classify them and have them released. I'm not sure however of the law around grand jury materials but I don't think they can be released even by the president.
LOL, ok you went back and added this in.
Agreed, there is always some information that the general public should not see. Sources and methods should be protected always. My big problem around that is I don't really trust politicians who have in the past over-used classifications in order to hide their mistakes from us rather than really keeping what should be secret kept that way. I can wish all I want that they would be more open and transparent but I know that's not the world we live in. As my father used to say, wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets full first.
Or material pertaining to innocent people, or material not relevant to the "Investigation", or ……..
The "President" has limits on what he can control over the DOJ !
Do presidents oversee investigations of the Justice Department?
Definitely not.
Long-standing protocol dictates that the FBI and Justice Department operate free of political influence or meddling from the White House. That's one reason that the FBI director serves a 10-year term and does not turn over the reins as presidential administrations come and go. It also means that presidents are not supposed to supervise, initiate or stop law enforcement investigations.
White House officials and Justice Department lawyers aren't even meant to talk with each other about ongoing criminal investigations or civil enforcement actions, though there is some leeway granted for matters of national security.
A 2007 Justice Department memorandum says the department will advise the White House of criminal or civil enforcement matters "only where it is important for the performance of the president's duties and where appropriate from a law enforcement perspective."
"This limitation recognizes the president's ability to perform his constitutional obligation to 'take care that the laws be faithfully executed' while ensuring that there is public confidence that the laws of the United States are administered and enforced in an impartial manner," the memo states.
Current law dictates Grand Jury information must be protected. The President can do nothing about that. Not sure even an Executive Order can change that. Other information that must be redacted relates to national security related issues. The sanctity and privacy of the Grand Jury systems trumps any politicians desire for it to be otherwise.
They'll piss and moan about it endlessly i'm sure but Democrats are "legally" shit out of luck in that regard.
I hope they will be there demise in 2020. Biden will be the DNC's Hail Mary and the looney left doesn't listen to Creepy Joe. So they will blather on and on about Russia and the obstruction nonsense while the media will be their bitches blowing it for Biden.
Morning Sunshine
I hope you are wrong in that prediction .. I see Biden as a man that can begin the healing process for the United States if elected to office - perhaps even (as my dear friend says) becoming the life time Vice President : )
This great nation is bogged down .. mired in conflict and division amongst 'We the People' .. Seems 'our' elected officials are okay with this division .. I see Biden as an individual that can unite people, party politics / tribalism is not working
Putting my Biden soap box away .. : )
He's really NOT...a healer !
He's really a nice closeted …… ?
Thanks for the link …
Another one of those dig deep enough and 'we' are all guilty kind of things … my oldest son is black, I made a comment the other day that was / could be considered rather racist, it just came out - he just stared at me and laughed..
If Biden is racist .. then Bush 43 is the greatest president ever, Trump is a member of Atomwaffen .. Obama glows in the dark... and Clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman!
"Dirt" is more prevalent on this planet….so it seems.
Hi Colour - how are you? I hope well.
I am afraid that the Democrats and the left have become predictable. They seem to have learned nothing from the Trump victory and why it happened. Keep beating the same drum hoping a different sound will come out...I guess. And most of the media is all to willing to be their mouthpieces/cheerleaders without regard to any integrity of their profession.
Yep .. and there is always someone digging it up : ) … I am rather certain my remark the other day will come back to bite me .. my son will use it as a weapon down the road … : )
That's always been my Fav. with my kids over the years….. "Well You said...…." !
Hi Sunshine .. I am good .. tweaked my back so I am crippled up (which makes me mad : ) Hope you are well ...
I am a cynic that continually tries to wear rose colored shades .. I approach things [the first time] with cautious optimism .. once I get smacked in the face .. the glasses come off. At this time, I must remain hopeful that history does not repeat itself .. but alas .. it most likely will...!
HA! I always get the "Do you remember when you said ………..?"
It is always a trap!
I'm sure you said that at least partially tongue in cheek but it is spot on for these times.
A time where innocent remarks, made with clearly no ill intent, are weaponized to progress a narrative.
PC culture is out of control
Hi Sparty On … yes it was tongue and cheek partially, but also to show what happens when one 'makes a slip' .. as you point out … shit like what Biden said, and my off color remark happen, yet in this day and age, that 'slip' makes one a neo fascist neo Nazi white nationalist member of Atomwaffen instead of a human that fucked up ...
Think about it, a black man (by all the evidence) made a false/fraudulent claim of a hate crime - it was splashed all over the news .. popped in his own trap of lies, but gets a walk ..? yet an individual that makes an off the cuff remark is a racist sum'bitch .. My oldest son always says "only in America" .. I think I am starting to see what he means ...
cough cough. We will repeal Obamacare.
There goes your good narrative.
They can demand a full release to congress itself.
I knew that we the people would never see it all.
But holding it from congress should not be allowed. Our elected representatives should be able to see it themselves and make a determination.
So a special council report could be released on the internet yet this special council report should not be?
Sounds like partisan politics to me.
Hello Ender ...
Mueller's report was given to the DOJ on Friday .. it is a counterintelligence report that looked into possible collusion with a foreign country .. I am confident there is information, contacts etc in Mueller's report that requires discretion .. the intelligence community cannot be outed. There are also ongoing investigations...
I believe the report will be released, but it will be redacted, Barr has already said he would be consulting with Rosenstein and Mueller to determine what can be released... I think patience is required, it is a lil early to be thinking there is a cover up happening, although I know there are many that think the cover up has already begun .. yet I do not see any proof of that at this time - I could be wrong, or have missed something that has been released in regards to the DOJ blocking the reports release... ? Congress does not have a say .. McConnell cannot block the report
I was naive, I thought the Mueller report was suppose to be the investigation that would put people at ease .. it has fired things up in a major way..
Oh I know we will never see all of it. I have known that all along.
My first comment was more along the lines of congress should be able to read it in its entirety. As coequal branches of government, one branch should not be left in the dark.
IMO we hired them to go to DC for us, they should know what is happening.
Though congress has outed intelligence people before.
My second comment was more along the lines of how republicans handled each case.
Cannot argue with you regarding Congress being able to read the report .. but I do not agree they need to read the complete document for the very reason you stated ….. Though congress has outed intelligence people before.
Congress also leaked the information that US intelligence was tracking bin Laden through his use of a satellite phone .. sadly, I do not think all our elected officials are competent nor capable in many ways .. I can foresee members of congress yacking just to hear themselves yack .. especially after the controversy that is seemingly surrounding this report already … 'We the People' are better off without the sound bites and innuendos with no facts to support them..
Just my never so popular opinion Ender …
I do not care for Trump .. think the man is a puke, but I am also thankful that there was no collusion found. (like it or not Trump is president) I know it is going to take a while for people to come to grips with the idea that the US can/will survive the Trump presidency … had there been collusion or obstruction identified, a huge can of worms would have been opened .. serving only to make the US healing process that much more difficult....
Have you read this article?
Haha. My opinions usually are not very popular.
Just read the article. Kind of surprised the hill wrote that. Usually their opinions are more pro trump.
I agree the the Dems should stick with the issues facing people and not just an anti trump stance. Imo he can hurt himself all on his own.
I am afraid this next election cycle is going to be a nightmare.
That's why I like you : )
I thought the article was interesting - def makes one take a second look at all that has been happening... been a long road to get where we are right now .. and are still left with not a lot of answers - but one does not have to view everything as negative..
…. but there may be hope .. have you listened to this guy?
I have been passing around various video to my friends … : )
Razing .. I have so missed your words of calm wisdom during my fingers much needed absence from the keyboard... Hope all is good with you.
It is hard to be patient .. it is not one of my stronger virtues … but this is sooo important, it has to be handled with care - I can be flippant, have been flippant about the results thus far .. I deserve to be, I was so patient in waiting for the reports release .. even if it is only 4 pages long...
OOOOOO ….You are not going to believe what I found … a concert poster from Jimi Hendrix's concert in Stuttgart Germany in 1969 … I am still pinching myself .. it is SOOOOO awesome... : )
and Peace to you!
I found a pic for you... : )
The concert date is wrong .. the reprints said the concert was on the 15, but it was the 19th he actually played Stuttgart ...
Sorry I went off topic It Is Me .. I understand if you delete....
Life has a way of interrupting life doesn't it .. paddling is all one can do at times ...
Thank you razing!
My opinions are also not very popular sometimes, but they can be fun sometimes. As far as the next election cycle being a nightmare, you are probably correct. The big unanswered question is nightmare for whom? To me that will be the intetesting part.
Can you say Woodstock : )