So many "Special" people out there !

Be the reason someone smiles today !
Happiness requires a few sad moments !
Those that constantly flip that statement (Sadness requires a few Happy Moments)....will always be useless.
There are many "Special" people out there, no matter what "As-seen-on-TV" tell's you !
Seek out the "Postive" and the "Special" (Where have you been). Not the constant "sadness" !
Get out more ! "Special" really isn't hard to find !
So many "SAD" people out there these days !
"Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy."
Old favorite of mine..................
"He (or she) who angers you, controls you."
Exactly !
The "Media" (Queen of the Borg) controls , and some folks don't even know it !
Look at the blog I just posted. I wrote it some time ago (probably a year or more) elsewhere but it is as relevant now (if not more) than it was back then.
Will do !
Is that a spin off of this famous adage?
The Grand daughters expression when her "Grandfather" sings, Is priceless.
Another unexpected "Special Person".
I remember seeing that live. What a performance.
And so young (13) !
Some are "Gifted", others seem to want to be "Gifted" !
"Special People" !
I discovered Mr. Dodd on You Tube awhile back and he just blew me away. I listed to him over and over.
I was referring to Mr. Dodd. I tried to correct my statement but it wouldn't accept the changes for some reason. Also it should be listened and not listed.
So much out there that shows "Great Stuff" ongoing. He was GREAT !
I do hate when these folks come around, and they are changed by those that seem to "Know Eeverything".
The "Look" and the talent is what peopled liked.
Susan Boyle was an example. Her simple looks and her "Damn Good" voice is what got me to "Like". Then they changed her to what they thought she should be.
I guess I'm just an old fashion kinda guy. "YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE" ! DON'T LET OTHERS CHANGE THAT "FACT" !
Get out more ! "Special" really isn't hard to find !
It isn't....