It's FINALLY time to hit the wet stuff.
As of Friday - May 29 in the year 2020, I will finally be on the water with my own creation in the next few weeks that I have been trying to Re-Create since March 27, 2007.
Classic 1975 - 15 ft. Starcraft American !
Back Story:
I have always wanted my own small classic boat since I first saw my Grandfathers 1959 Funliner runabout. I use to to climb on it all the time, Pretending I was running it, shifting the shifter, making motor noise, pretending I was fishing, all the while it was sitting in his garage.
Well, I Finally had a chance to purchase a cheap 1975 StarCraft American 15 footer with trailer back in 2007, for $350.00. It had rotten floors, a Rotten Transom, no steering system, no motor controls, and no motor. Nothing but a Bare Fiberglass moldy hull. At least the existing windows were in great shape, along with the aluminum framing, albite really dirty. My wife thought I was nuttier than a peanut that allowed itself to get squashed into butter for doing it. Well….was she …… WRONG !
The work started 10 days after I brought her home. Ripped out the rotten floor and Ribs, cut the transom fiberglass and ripped out the rotten transom wood, took off all the aluminum pieces, and then gave HER a good washing. Cleaned up all the aluminum pieces and at least re-installed them to get that out of the way. Did little fiberglass patches here and there and at least got them sanded down. Of Course, work got busy, so my project was put to the side for 3 months. Then the “Crash” hit. That put a damper on things. If that wasn’t bad enough, in the beginning of 2010, my Dad got sick. Really Sick. So, for the next 8.5 years, every weekend was put towards taking care of my Dad, and for the weekdays, we had hired a home care company so he could stay home, which ate up many, many, many funds. Work became the most important thing on this planet. It was so nice of my siblings to help like they did /S . Well, last March (2019) my Dad passed away. Took a few more months to get his final wishes in order, got my “Siblings” satisfied ( Selfish non-helping Fuckers
) , and started getting my families life back in order. After all, “Grandkids” were starting to show up now.
Happy Days started to come back in mine and my wife’s lives. We started getting our backyard “Grandkid” friendly, which was actually fun.
In the meantime, “SHE” was still just sitting there, getting moldy again.
Well, thank goodness for my Daughter-in-Law. She looked me straight in the eye and said, “Why don’t you get that boat finished so you and Mom can go have some fun for a change.
Well, that was all I needed to hear. (Wish my Wife had said it, LOL)
The ordering BEGAN. Ordered all the pieces and parts and parts and pieces to get what this little thing needed to get out in the sunshine again. Box after box of parts started showing up at the door. Took a few months, but everything was finally here. Even got a little Port-A-Potty for the girls.
My Oldest son helped me get all the framing, transom, floor and fiberglass completed to really start getting this thing done. After that, it was a one man job. Every chance I got I worked on it, while sneaking in some “What the Wife Wants” to keep her happy too.
Day after Day, “She” grew out of the weeds to become a flower in my backyard.
Just gotta register her, put on the new Trailer lights, and we’re off.
From NOTHING much !
Once this is in the Water ……… No tellin'.
NT may take 3rd place.
Boating and Fishing = 1st and 2nd place ?
Congratulations it looks fantastic.
I hope I don't forget to put in the drain plug the first outing. That would really suck.
Awesome transformation IIM.
Lot's of Advil and "Becks Beer". I ain't that young anymore.
Damn, it looks nice. Bil put on the same kind of top.
Gotta ask, is that a rear view mirror?
I am guessing like a cb radio...
Looks like you added an air horn.
I have never seen the bumper you put on top of the window.
I kind like the split seats in the back instead of a bench seat.
Love the floor. Carpet kinda sucks.
Rear view mirrors are a must. Ya never know if an Ass is gonna sneak up behind ya. LOL !
Mirror is more for ease at watching the kids if they wanna tube for awhile.
It's a VHF radio (Not like I'm gonna be 30 miles out though). Same 6' Antenna hooks up to the FM Stereo system too. Have a new membership to "Sea Tow". No matter how hard one tries, ya know "Somethings" gonna happen. Ya just call em on the radio, and they come out to give you fuel, tow you off a sandbar, or tow you back to the port ya came from. Great deal for the "Safe Factor".
Horn IS loud. Scared the crap outa my daughter in law.
Temp Bumpers are just for the "Tarp" when it's on. Stops it from ripping.
Nice thing about the rear seats is, I have "Quick Disconnects" on them. if four folks go, I take out the middle seat and put in a large "BEER COOLER" in it's place. If only two folks go, I can take all three out quickly, for more fishing room.
I looked at the carpet stuff available for boats. Blah ! That's that 3m self stick EVA Fake Teak look flooring (Gray or Teak Colored). Thick, Really soft, and non-slip too. Cleans up quick. Cool stuff.
That is actually a good idea about being able to see behind. I was usually designated as look out when the kids were tubing.
So I am guessing it is designated for five? Taking out the middle seat would be great for a cooler. I have one that would fit there perfectly. Even has cup holders on top. Haha
That is what I was wondering about the floors. Non slip. I need to show that to Bil. He hates the carpet. Always full of sand.
Around here one has to have a designated trash can and have a fire extinguisher. Anyone under 13 must wear lifevest.
An odd tidbit, they changed the laws around here so now anyone after a certain year has to have a license. I am grandfathered in and don't need one. All the kids had to get one to be able to drive the boat or jetskis.
We have had DMR check them before.
Edit: The sea tow thing sounds interesting. I have seen many people getting a tow from a passerby.
"I was usually designated as look out when the kids were tubing."
LOL ! Tell the "Captains" you've boated with to get one. you deserve some "Fun" too.
"So I am guessing it is designated for five? "
Yippers !
"Taking out the middle seat would be great for a cooler. I have one that would fit there perfectly. Even has cup holders on top. Haha"
Okay...... Your comin'
. LOL ! It will be full of "Beer"...… Right ?
"An odd tidbit, they changes the laws around here so now anyone after a certain year has to have a license. I am grandfathered in and don't need one. All the kids had to get one to be able to drive the boat or jetskis."
Ya ..... we got the same thing here. What's funny, is my daughter-in-law has that lisc. because her Dad had her get one for his boat. My "SON" , who is the same age as she is, doesn't. She loves rubbing it in how she will ALWAYS have to be the "Captain" when they take the boat out themselves. I can't stop laughing about that. Drives him nutz. LMAO !
Of course !
Cool !
Looks great...have fun on the water!
Thanks ! I'm just glad it's OVER !
Absolutely Gorgeous!
Have a blast !
Stay Safe !
Bring the B&B (Beer and Bait) and you're welcome anytime.
She's a beauty - enjoy!!!!
I'll come pick ya up if you tell me the best Port to go to.
Go up the Yangtze River to Chongqing. It will take you a while to get here so you better pack some water and provisions. LOL
I'll do a test to see how far 24 Gallons of Fuel will get me. Gotta know where the Pit Stops are along the way.
You will have a few cases of Tsingtao and Yanjing iced and ready to go …… right ?
Tsingtau is the best. The brewry was founded by and still run by Germans, and it uses the purest montain water.
It's great !
Only in "Specialty Shops' here though, and a bit pricey, but what the heck ! It's only money.
Congratulations. It looks great.
Thanks ! You're invited too.
Nice job ! Have fun.
Will Try very hard too.
Or would that be "Try Very Easy" ?
Wheel grease - don't be Larry.
There's nothing better than getting on the boat. We have a 20' pontoon and can't wait to finally be able to get in the water this year.