Lauren Boebert Welcomes Musk to the Republican Party
By: Alex Griffing (Mediaite)

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) welcomed billionaire Elon Musk to the "right side" on Wednesday after the Tesla CEO tore into the Democratic Party and said he would vote Republican in a tweet.
"In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party," Musk wrote Wednesday on Twitter - the platform he is struggling to purchase.
"But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold …," Musk added.
Boebert tweeted a reply, saying, "Welcome to the right side, Elon!"
Welcome to the right side, Elon! — Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) May 18, 2022
The controversial Republican congresswoman followed that up with a tweet of her own, saying:
.@ElonMusk says he will be voting Republican for the first time in his life the next time he votes.
Elon is not alone. It's nearly impossible to stand by and vote for today's radical Democrat Party.
Welcome, Elon!
.@ElonMusk says he will be voting Republican for the first time in his life the next time he votes.
Elon is not alone. It's nearly impossible to stand by and vote for today's radical Democrat Party.
Welcome, Elon!
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) May 18, 2022
Musk's tweet also got the attention of Colorado's popular Democratic governor, Jared Polis , who responded:
Some of us are Democrats because we believe it is the party of unity and love, and yes, kindness too. Also of prosperity and freedom.
Some of us are Democrats because we believe it is the party of unity and love, and yes, kindness too. Also of prosperity and freedom — Jared Polis (@jaredpolis) May 18, 2022
Other observers and pundits commented on Boebert's response to Musk and his use of the term "the party of kindness" and recalled a statement from local Colorado journalist Kyle Clark of 9NEWS in Denver, in which Clark called out Boebert's cruelty.
"We hold Congresswoman Boebert to a far lower standard" than other lawmakers, Clark said of Boebert in the wake of her Islamophobic attack on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), in which she falsely smeared the Muslim congresswoman as part of the "jihad squad."
"If we held her to the same standard as every other elected Republican and Democrat in Colorado, we would be here near-nightly chronicling the cruel, false and bigoted things that Boebert says for attention and fundraising," Clark concluded in a monologue that went viral at the time.
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Filed Under: Elon Muskjared polisKyle ClarkLauren BoebertRepublican Party Previous PostNext Post Previous PostNext Post

Birds of a feather.
Musk has his head screwed on backwards.
He is nuts.
I would be worried if I owned Tesla stock. It is already doing bad.
It should be no surprise that ultra-rich billionaires would favour the political party that helps them escape fair taxation - let those who struggle just to put food on the table carry the load.
Let's hear it for the NON-billionaires (LINK) ->
Biden sure did have a lot of billionaire supporters.
It would be interesting to see a poll of billionaires as to which party they support, just to see the percentages, not to identify particular individuals. I would guess that a vast majority support the Republicans.
While not billionaires, you can get some ideas here.