69% Say Attempting To Overturn Election Results Is a 'Crime'
By: Tommy Christopher (Mediaite)

In a poll taken after last week's Jan. 6 hearing, a whopping 69 percent of Americans it is a "crime" to try and overturn election results, and similar numbers say the Justice Department should prosecute.
A new poll taken after Thursday's hearings of the House Select Committee Investigating the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol began last Thursday shows Americans overwhelmingly view elected officials' involvement in promoting Trump's election lies as a "crime," and support the Justice Department taking action against them.
Respondents to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll taken June 10-12 were asked "Do you believe each of the following is a crime?"
The results for each choice were overwhelming:
- "Elected officials misleading Americans about the outcome of an election" — "Yes, definitely" or "Yes, probably" — 69 percent of all respondents
- "Elected officials attempting to overturn the results of an American election" — "Yes, definitely" or "Yes, probably" — 69 percent of all respondents
- "Elected officials claiming that presidential elections are fraudulent without evidence" — "Yes, definitely" or "Yes, probably" — 55 percent of all respondents
Even among Republican voters, there were convincing majorities on two of those questions:
- "Elected officials misleading Americans about the outcome of an election" — "Yes, definitely" or "Yes, probably" — 59 percent of Republican voters
- "Elected officials attempting to overturn the results of an American election" — "Yes, definitely" or "Yes, probably" — 54 percent of Republican voters
And when asked "do you believe that the Department of Justice should bring legal action against the following?", the results were almost identical:
- "Elected officials who have misled Americans about the outcome of an election" — "Yes, definitely" or "Yes, probably" — 63 percent of all respondents
- "Elected officials who have attempted to overturn the results of an American election" — "Yes, definitely" or "Yes, probably" — 67 percent of all respondents
- "Elected officials who have claimed that presidential elections are fraudulent without evidence" — "Yes, definitely" or "Yes, probably" — 55 percent of all respondents
Attorney General Merrick Garlandtold reporters on Monday that while he wouldn't comment on the investigation, "I am watching," and that "I can assure you that the January 6 prosecutors are watching all the hearings as well."

And when asked "do you believe that the Department of Justice should bring legal action against the following?", the results were almost identical:
I hope he is doing more than watching. I hope he and the others are planning and gathering. I would love for that flimflam artist to finally get what is coming to him.
It is important the USA not allow such reckless and arguably criminal behavior. Not bringing consequences is irresponsible.
When you have "Americans", such as many commenting here, to deny any and all, regardless of how large or small, i can see why they are reluctant to rush down this path, yet again, i can also think and hope, justice will finally catch up to 45, and he receive his deserved wrath.
I agree with you 100%.
I hope they are studying the Constitution, the law, and maybe for once- just for a change looking at the statue with the scales- and remember the reason it is blindfolded.
After doing that they then demand the Jan 6th committee turn over every last interview; piece of evidence; and the thousands of hours of video footage that hasn't been release- because it doesn't fit their narrative.
Unfortunately Garland is a tool of the Democrats. So any hope for impartiality from the DOJ and courts is long dead.
Al Gore and numerous members of the Jan 6th committee shaking in their boots...
Are Democrats trying to convince themselves to finally throw Trump in prison? Trump is guilty as hell. So what are Democrats waiting for? Apparently accountability is so alien to Democrats they don't know what to do. Besides Democrats don't want to waste a perfectly good scapegoat. If Democrats don't throw Trump in prison now then who's going to believe them on anything else?
I think they actually fear a real prosecution. If Trump is charged and ultimately acquitted, it will be the biggest political victory of his life.
Your loyalty to Donald Trump is ultimately touching.
I doubt any jury will believe Trump's Bigass Lie!
More importantly Democrats would lose the best scapegoat they've had since Ronald Reagan.
Trump will do anything to avoid testifying under oath. Any trial would have to been done with everyone else testifying.
Holy Shit this wins! Dumbest Poll Ever!
Let’s ask a whole bunch of people who don’t know shit about the law if something they don’t like is a crime. Then - even worse - let’s act like their ignorant responses mean something.
Let’s run with this idea! We can just dispense with police, prosecutors, juries, and judges altogether. We’ll just take a fucking poll and whatever the mob says will determine the fate of people.
Mother Fucking GENIUS!
I dont think anyone expects Trump to be indicted on the basis of a poll.
This more shows that the public takes Trumps "crimes" seriously.
No, they enjoy being partisan. If they took crimes seriously, they’d be able to you why something is a crime. That would involve identifying statutes, listing elements of the crime, examining caselaw, collecting relevant facts, and finally applying the law to those facts.
None of that is happening. All this poll reflects is that people think “Orange Man Bad.”
Do you think that any crime happened on the 6th? How about those who stormed the Capital?
Do you think that trying to get Pence to reverse the election doesn't violate the "Peaceful transfer of power"? That was a direct request.
Is this a precedent that doesn't need to be addressed?
Your comments are ridiculous. Very few people have the texts of statutes at their fingertips.
If you want to criticize a pasta dish at a restaurant you ate at, do you have to be able to recite a list of ingredients and talk about how long the dish was cooked?
It is totally normal for people to say they think Trump should be prosecuted and then leave it up to the prosecutors to decide what are the charges. If there are none that can be successfully prosecuted then he wont be charged.
To be fair, it's possible many of them were just guessing at what they thought was some sort of quiz.
Also, polling techniques can easily influence the outcomes.
He's not the one being ridiculous.
Which is exactly the opposite of what this poll does.
The poll questions are somewhat vague, therefore the respondents are suggesting it be left up to prosecutors to decide the exact charges.
You have zero credibility when it comes to Trump issues. For the last couple years you have been claiming Trump is old news and irrelevant. He is to this day the frontrunner for the 2024 GOP nomination and exerts influence across his party.
No they're not.
"Do you think xxx activity is a crime?" is not vague.
That's true of one of us....and it isn't me. You have a well documented full blown insane obsession with the man and everybody knows it. Seriously bro. Get some help.
I know you worry about what you'll do with your days when he finally does fade completely into irrelevance. But it's happening.
It would happen faster if Pelosi & Co would let it, but they're in deep shit with this upcoming election and they need a villain to run against.
is somewhat vague.
Regardless, we don't decide whether or not something is a crime based on a random poll of people who don't know anything about the law.
I understand you believe he's committed multiple crimes, and I do not argue against that assertion. Given his 50 year history of questionable behavior, it's certainly not improbable.
However, my sinking suspicion is that if he had in fact broken any laws, we'd be watching a criminal trial instead of political theatre.
Every day that goes by makes it less likely he's actually going to be charged with a crime, just like every day that goes by makes him gradually less relevant in American politics. If he has committed actual crimes, they need to get on with charging him.
No, actually, your seed is ridiculous.
Yes, and sadly very few people - or at least the people who answered this poll - have the integrity to just be honest and say “I don’t know.”
Perhaps worse, though, is spreading this poll around as if it means something important.
Sure it is. Hell, I have said that much. But that’s not what this poll does.
Of course. That’s not really the topic, though, is it.
Who is doing the trying? People breaking down doors are not peaceful. People who argue, make speeches, or march most certainly are peaceful.
That is one hell of a leap to reach that conclusion about the mindset of respondents.
To me it is not the time but rather the failure to hold him accountable. He is very slippery.
When I see the GoP (the preponderance) distance themselves from Trump rather than suck up to his Big Lie to get endorsements and see candidates from the 'normal GoP' run while dismissing Trump when asked, then I will start agreeing with that perception.
If someone had told me, after Trump's grand finale: the Big Lie, that in 2022 Trump would be playing king-maker and considering a run at the presidency due to extant GoP support, I would have dismissed that as nonsense. Given it definitely was not nonsense, I do not see this gradually less relevant phenomenon happening.
Perhaps that is something the committee's efforts might finally trigger.
Sure. He's a NY real estate mogul. That's what they do.
I just think that if they could have charged him by now, they would have. We're talking about people who WANT to charge him. They ache with the longing.
He's been under pretty much constant investigation for the last 5 years, and they've got nothing to show for it.
Also, this is the 4th time (at least). There comes a point where this backfires on them.
That's happening. And they're winning.
Again, it's going to be gradual. We haven't even had a regular scheduled election since Trump lost. We're still in the primary cycle of a midterm election, which is when the whackadoodles are at peak power. We're a long way from choosing the next president.
I will say I don't think it's realistic to imagine that the sort of blue collar anger that Trump tapped into is gone, however. It's still there, and somebody is going to be next to ride that wave.
I just don't see that.
I know a lot of people who voted for Trump, and none of them thought he was anything other than a complete bastard. That was part of his appeal.
The more rational folks who voted for Trump really voted against Hillary, and several of those said they were afraid of what her SCOTUS appointments would look like. Regardless, everybody knew what they were getting, and they were willing to put up with it to avoid HRC.
I don't think you change any of that with these hearings. At some point, they have to become something more than the Party of Not Trump.
I wrote 'the preponderance' :
He should have been ejected from the GoP yet 22 wins vs. 8 losses thus far. He should be a poison pill for any candidate, but he is not. Those who will do anything to win are still seeking his endorsement and fairing well in result.
I accept that. But note that you and I are not speaking on Jan 20, 2021 but rather the middle of June in 2022. I would say his influence is waning at a remarkably slow pace.
I have the same experiences. You are talking about Trump's personality whereas I am talking about his abuse of the power and influence of the presidency. My position today would be different if the Big Lie campaign had not taken place and Trump had conceded in a timely manner based on the professional advice of those who can confidently declare the results of an election, like all his predecessors have done. I am not focused on his junkyard dog rhetoric and generally unpresidential behavior. Rather I am focused on the qualities that show he should never hold public office and should not have any influence over the GoP because he demonstrably will put the nation through hell, cause all sorts of damage, engage in at the very least highly unethical and dishonest practices and do so simply because his ego cannot handle losing the election.
Hard to predict, at least for me, because I consider Trump supporters to be categorically irrational on matters involving Trump. I suspect there are those who have merely dismissed the allegations as 'politics' and if they watch these proceedings (or the analysis/coverage of same by the media) that they could indeed be influenced (their eyes opened).
And I wrote "gradually". You are seeing it happen, even if it is slower than you would like.
It's also important not to presume that correlation implies causation. Just because Trump endorses somebody doesn't mean they wouldn't have won anyway. Trump has a very long history of arriving at the 11th hour to claim credit for whatever success he can find, whether or not he had anything to do with it.
For example, he endorsed Greg Abbott. I assure you Abbott was going to win anyway.
Which I acknowledged!
I am quite aware of that. Trump's endorsements are largely based on his expectation of who will win. He withdraws endorsements when he sees a candidate falter.
The problem I referred to was the fact that people are seeking Trump's endorsement and many will stoop so low as to repeat the Big Lie to earn Trump's continued favor. That is the problem. Trump remains waaaaaay too relevant to the GoP.
Democrats have painted themselves into a corner of public expectations. Now Democrats are waiting for the paint to dry?
Kamala Harris was an Attorney General and a prosecutor. Prosecution is supposed to be Harris' area of expertise; not immigration, not foreign diplomacy, not community organizing, and not Congressional negotiations. So, why is Harris AWOL?
Speaking of Herself, she campaigned in 2020 by insisting that Stacey Abrams had the governor election in Georgia stolen from her and she should be in office. Somehow, not considered a crime.
so Y, would you wish to take the pole, position ?
69% huh?
America has a 31% problem. The Nazis overtook Germany with a 35% approval. They just did it.
You can tell how seriously the democrats take this “insurrection” by the fact that they are spending millions to get “insurrectionists” nominated to congress.
The Dems have about two and a half months to get serious....then they all go homeroom for the midterms break