Marjorie Taylor Greene: No Money for Ukraine If GOP Wins
By: Michael Luciano (Mediaite)

By Michael LucianoNov 3rd, 2022, 8:05 pm Twitter share button <?php // Post Body ?>
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) ripped Democrats at a rally in Sioux City, Iowa on Thursday and promised that Republicans will not provide money to Ukraine if her party retakes Congress.
The GOP is poised to take back House and perhaps the Senate as well. That prospect has raised questions about what the party's policy toward Ukraine would be, as Republicans are split over whether to keep sending aid to the besieged nation.
That question would become all the more important if Republicans control the nation's pursestrings.
"The only border they care about is Ukraine, not America's southern border," Greene told rally-goers. "Under Republicans, not another penny will go to Ukraine. Our country comes first. They don't care about our border or our people."
The crowd cheered.
Greene: Under Republicans, not another penny will go to Ukraine..
— Acyn (@Acyn) November 3, 2022
While Greene has proven to be an effective fundraiser, she has been a thorn in the side of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who has been asked numerous questions about the congresswoman's antics.
McCarthy recently suggested he might roll back funding for Ukraine if he becomes the next speaker, but the party's policy on the issue is very much in a state of flux. It remains to be seen what kind of clout Greene would have as a member of the House majority. Currently, she does not have any committee assignments, as the Democratic-controlled chamber stripped her of them after she endorsed violent political rhetoric and spread wild conspiracy theories.
The minority leader has said he will give Greene committee assignments if Republicans take back the House.
"I think that to be the best speaker of the House and to please the base, he's going to give me a lot of power and a lot of leeway," Greene stated in October. "And if he doesn't, they're going to be very unhappy about it."
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I wonder if any of the Republican leadership will have the balls to tell her to shut the fuck up.
She will probably get re elected in November. McCarthy will have to deal with her and the other nut case for another two years.
She would be more than happy to aid her fascist soulmate Putin.
In other who gives a fuck news Democrats continue to get their inner; and now even outer; Fascists on.
Tell us all what Ukraine has that we need so damn badly again?
Russia has proven they are not a threat to any NATO country. Even if we cut Ukraine off now- Russia will be faced with holding territory against Ukraine rebels, militias, and the military. Considering how little success Putin is having recruiting new soldiers; and how raw those soldiers he does get will be- Russia will be forced withdraw in time. Even if it takes several years.
Brandon wants to continue to poke the Russian Bear in order to draw the US into a war. The Democrats don't give a fuck if it turns into WWIII; they hate Putin- and obviously don't believe the threat of nuclear war. A war is exactly what they need. It would force the US into a war time economy- money would no longer matter. US citizens would be forced to accept high prices and shortages for the good of the War. I can just imagine the recycled WWI and WWII commercials,
I am sure Democrats would even be willing to cut off unemployment to force people to work. No more free handouts. Everyone would need to work for the good of the War and the good old USA.
If Russia is such a damn threat why has the US supplied 99% of the aide and troops to the area?
This is a European problem, not a US problem; but once again our "allies" are absent.
Correct, but the new USSR is a threat.
"This is a European problem, not a US problem; but once again our "allies" are absent."
The Battle of Britain was a European problem also.....
Isolationism won't work now either
I agree,
Twice in two days?
I was reading where bombing the crap out of a country doesn't bring a country to it's knees.
Didn't work in London
Didn't work in Berlin
Didn't work in Tokyo
Being slow learners, it didn't work in for us in Vietnam either.
Russia is making the same mistake.
They are just forging the resolve of the Ukranians and other ExSoviet satellite countries
Bombing Tokyo didn't stop the Japanese. It took Hiroshima and Nagasaki to do it.
Yes, we fire bombed different German and Japanese cities into plats.
It did not change the resolve of those populations.
Actually, all of our European allies are not absent. Many of the smaller NATO nations are giving considerably more as a % of their GDP than the largest NATO members.
Germany, France, Spain, and Italy are larger countries in NATO are MIA
I would not trust Germany at all. Between the stupidity of the Merkel Russian oil and gas deal that got them in this fuel situation and Olaf playing cozy with China allowing them to buy a chip manufacturer in Germany and recent part ownership of a wharf in the Port of Hamburg, his head seems to be up his ass. Both of these deals were against German security groups.
it's complicated.
Germany is upgrading tanks and carriers to smaller nations that are in turn donating older ones to Ukraine.
France is vague about "significant artillery shippments" and claims their total donations exceed 2 Billion so far
They can make all the claims they want but the much smaller countries are donating at a much high rate than they are.
As a percentage of GDP?
How about writing off war material and donating it?
Does that count as an expense towards GDP?
I think the GDP thing is lacking.
I don't know, what do you think we should use?
This is a list from wikipedia and show by country pleged and sent.,in%20order%20to%20support%20Ukraine.
What do you think China is going to do that upsets you so much?
this is typical
Czech Tanks, U.S. And Dutch Money: Three Countries Team Up To Send A Whole Brigade Of T-72s To Ukraine (
Who gets credit?
...but back to the GDP thing which shows Latvia's $353 million as the highest percentage of GDP at 1.01%
while the US contribution in many $Billions is only 0.25%?
I don't know who gets the credit, but any of those countries could send newer and more powerful tanks to Ukraine.
It's 1.01% of their GDP and of course, it isn't close in dollars to the US but it's a huge amount for a country the size of Latvia population of 1.9 million also considering that the three Baltic countries are ex Russian iron curtain countries and are right on the Russian border.
Additionally, there was been a large number of crowdfunding events for Ukraine.
Lithuanians donated millions in just three days for Ukraine's military to buy a Turkey-made Byraktar UAV.
My point isn't how much was given by the US which is huge the point being that the smaller ex iron curtain countries have done a hell of a lot more considering their size then the biggest economies in the EU, namely Germany and France.
It doesn't upset me, but the EU has been attempting to limit the dependency on Chinese products and Germany seems to be going the opposite way, which is upsetting the EU.
Their sale of a semiconductor plant in Germany is, with today's environment, damn stupid and has been opposed by all of the security agencies in Germany.
After the wall came down Germany went in the ''trade is the only thing that is good for Germany'' and let their military go down the tubes because other countries would pick up the slack, namely the US. Germany then went for the cheap available fuel furnished by Russia, Merkel being the architect of that disaster which has now put them in dire straits. Now, it seems they are going to repeat the stupidity of the gas situation with the trade situation. VW, MBZ and BMW are pulling the strings on that one since China is a huge market for them.
Other than that I don't much care what Germany does, but let them bail themselves out of the deep holes that they dig.
I hope that clears up any misconception that you have about my feelings on the subject.
I think that Germany is doing what is best for Germany. China is its biggest trading partner. It may be a black sheep as far as the USA is concerned, but then this is a big world with a lot of different nations, and I'm not surprised that they don't all do what the USA or the EU dictates to be their concept of what the World Rules-Based Order has to be. The USA certainly goes its own way perhaps thinking the what's good for General Bullmoose is good for everybody, but, an example of not everyone agreeing with that is that almost every nation in the world opposes the USA's blockade of Cuba.
As I stated before and you seem to have missed or avoided, Buzz. I don't much care what Germany does, it's the EU that is concerned about what is happening. They can deal with it and perhaps Germany can fold and go back to buying Russian oil, or they can rebuilt their military and defend themselves instead of waiting for other countries to do it for them.
Again Buzz this has nothing to do with the US as much as you keep trying to play that game.
Cuba has nothing to do with this but if you want to play that game most of the world is against China's aggressive stance toward Taiwan or their treatment of the Ugyers or building military island in the SCS.
And yet China is whining because the US stationed six B 52s in Australia, what business is that of theirs? If they don't like it they can take it to the Hauge.
I hope that is crystal clear to you.
You're the one who brought up China with its investments in Germany, and I responded to it. We seem to have some communication issues. For example, you posted an article entitled "Understanding Traditional Medicine" and I responded to your title with my experience with traditional medicine and you criticized me for being off topic.
I brought up Germany and pointed out what a number of countries are saying about their engagement with China in reference to the disaster they created for themselves with Merkel and the dependence on Russia for gas. They are members of the EU and it is concerning to the EU who are the same people that pointed out to Germany that their dependence on Russia for energy would not end well and it didn't. Germany at this point is scrambling for energy suppliers.
It's that simple if the word China is mentioned in anything you jump to their defense.
I posted that article and it was very specific to one band of Ojibwe the Sault Band and how they are handling and dealing with traditional medicine. Ozz brought up that NA's are not the only ones with traditional medicine which I agreed with but pointed out this article was specific to ONE BAND OF OJIBWE. If you took offense to my comment to both you and Ozz that pointed out this was an article on the Sault band and Native Americans, not Chinese, or any other practitioners of traditional medicine that is your problem, not mine or the articles. The world does not revolve around China and if you don't like my response then don't comment on my articles, it's as simple as that.
"So let it be written, so let it be done." (The Ten Commandments)
I love how your second paragraph is little more than a testament to how effective the US and NATOs response so far has been while still trying to somehow bash the US and NATO response. the mental gymnastics are very impressive.
Ah yes, there is the inner Putin lover. We are poking the bear by... um not standing idly by while autocrats invade democratic countries without provocation? We are provoking "the bear" by supporting people who share, or at least claim to share our (supposed) values? I mean, how exactly did, and is, the US poking the teddy bear, sorry, "the bear"?
Uh yeah. He is a prick of the highest order who has proven himself to be a threat to global stability, why do you insist on defending him?
LOL! You act like that has mattered since the 80s.
Okay, now you seem to be [Deleted] running off on some weird ass fantasy.
Ummmmm, we haven't supplied any troops to the area.... and we have supplied a shit load of aide because we are doing what we should always be doing, standing up against tyrants.
[Deleted] European problems ALWAYS become US problems. We do not live in a vacuum.
Cool, then dust off your battle rattle, squad up your wife and kids and go fight some russkies for some Ukrainians. I’m sure all Euro’s would appreciate it.
Go get it on!
I think you responded to the wrong post because your comment makes no sense in relation to mine.
So was Germany in WWII..... Oops!
Cool, let’s go kill some former soviets for some lighter test former soviets but ....
Don’t forget to send your kids as well ......
Or we can just supply the Ukranians with weapons and let them defend their country. You know, what we are already doing. That is also an option.
Lol, I don’t think she has final say on that matter.
Among other things, Russia conducted cyber attacks on the Baltic states, threatened Norway with increased military activity. Since Russia's Ukraine invasion, the threats have increased
Meanwhile, radical reactionary Putinite Republicans continue to let their Fascist freak flags fly.
Oh my. So the MAGA base of the GOP is loud and proud of it's support for the Putin Regime? Damn. And the average American wants that?
Well, does the average American want that?
I hate to agree with this woman but no liberal would support arming Ukrainians. Liberals don't send weapons. We offer diplomatic solutions. This has yet to be even attempted and tens of thousands have been slaughtered. The democrat party is the establishment and the establishment is largely controlled by the military industrial complex. It saddens me to see these people parade as faux liberals.
Yes, anyone that calls themselves a liberal these days is a fake and a phony.
Oh wait, you do.
I shouldnt have said that. My humblest apologies.
You aren't a liberal, [Deleted] Sometimes weapons and force are the only option, like when a democratic country is invaded, without provocation, by an autocratic one.
Trump supporters still trying to get Russia a win it seems.