Ron DeSantis Says He Will 'Destroy Leftism' As President
By: Alex Griffing (Mediaite)

By Alex GriffingMay 29th, 2023, 2:26 pm Twitter share button <?php // Post Body ?>
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) joined Fox & Friends on Monday morning for a lengthy interview about his 2024 presidential campaign and at one point was asked point blank to make the pitch for why now is the time for him to run.
"Why is right now the time for Ron DeSantis to run for president?" asked Fox host Joey Jones.
"Because everyone knows if I'm the nominee, I will beat Biden and I will serve two terms and I will be able to destroy leftism in this country and leave woke ideology on the dustbin of history," DeSantis replied.
"At the end of the day, I've shown in Florida an ability to win huge swaths of voters that Republicans typically can't win while also delivering the boldest agenda anywhere in the country," he continued, adding:
And I think there's a reason why the legacy media is attacking me more than they're attacking anybody else, because I think they realize that if I'm successful in winning the Republican nomination, we're going to bring it home in the general election.
And I pledge to Republican voters, if you nominate me, I will be taking the oath of office on January 20th, 2025, on the west side of the Capitol. No excuses. No more excuses about why we can't get it done. We need to get it done and I will get it done.
DeSantis, who launched his run on Twitter last week, has been criticized by some pundits for being "too online" and overly engaging in culture war issues.
Fox News host Jessica Tarlov recently argued DeSantis "missed the boat" when Trey Gowdy interviewed him in prime time following his announcement.
"Trey is a wonderful interviewer, gave him a glowing biographical opening and wanted him to talk about his military service. And instead of doing that, he pivoted right away to gender ideology problems in the military, not talking about why he served, what it means to wear the uniform, things that are going to resonate with other veterans," Tarlov argued.
"He has a working-class background. Working-class people don't talk about the woke mind virus, ESGs Bitcoin, and, you know, whatever George Soros is going to do to ruin the country. They want to hear about what your policies are, how you're going to lift people up who are farmers, who are policemen, who are teachers, etc." she concluded.
DeSantis's campaign later shared a clip of the Florida governor's remarks on Fox & Friends, highlighting how central combating "wokeism" is to the campaign.
Watch the clip above via Fox News.
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Filed Under: 2024 ElectionDonald TrumpFox & FriendsRepublican PartyRon DeSantis Previous PostNext Post Previous PostNext Post Alex Griffing - Senior Editor
Alex Griffing is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Send tips via email: Follow him on Twitter: @alexgriffing
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If we look at NT as an example, many in the MAGA contingent think defeating "leftism" or "wokeism" is the greatest issue facing the country. I truly hope they keep this up for the next two years. It is a loser.
As far as defeating "leftism", leftism is a political ideology that is in opposition to the abuses of capitalism, so as long as there is capitalism there will be leftism. DeSantis can no more "end " it than he can jump out a 10 story window and fly.
Because open borders; record high illegal immigration; high crime rates; inflation; energy prices; interest rates going nothing but up; the economy on the verge of recession; two tier justice system; weaponization of the IRS, FBI, and DOJ; an endless proxy war with Russia draining US resources and keeping inflation high; and China becoming our #1 enemy with Democrats still screaming "Russia, Russia, Russia"
Sounds like an award winning platform from the Democrats; they should run on that.
Out of touch doesn't begin to describe Democrats.
Excellent list. I would add filling key positions based on checking a box and not because of qualifications.
DeSantis entire focus seems to be to defeat "wokeism". He says it himself for pete's sake.
It has been shown over and over that "wokeism" is not what Americans worry about.
Starting with his VP
What rock you living under?
Military recruiting is suffering because of woke nonsense.
Anheuser Bush Bud Light sales tanked when they went too woke. Other InBev brands are following. Target, Kohl’s, etc are running into similar issues.
Woke school board members are getting voted out in large numbers
No one likes woke sentencing guidelines except crooks and woke loons.
I could keep going but am pretty sure it’s a waste of time considering.
You are kidding , right? It is just part of the total Biden agenda that is being rejected by more and more Americans. DeSantis can focus on this for the time being since Joe is helping him on most other policy issues with his shitty policies.
The funny thing is there is no such thing as going too woke for the woke. No matter what someone does to try to appease them it is never woke enough for them. More and more companies are starting to learn this as more and more people finally have had enough and are pushing back.
Proud to be woke and out of touch with far right wing ranting points that don't have anything to do with reality.
Fascist fringe group Russian propaganda and outright lies will not help in the 2024 election cycle. This was shown in the last midterms.
P.S. Woke just means being socially aware comrade. It's not an insult.
with the inert ability to virtue signal on demand........................see also NIMBY acronym for full definition
Harris is likely the most qualified VP this country has ever had.
I imagine that's why the ignorant white boys hate her so much.
Smart black women can be quite emasculating to some folk.
Not sure who actually identifies as MAGA but it seems "wokism" is just another issue facing America, maybe not the most important but it is up there. It seems most of America is getting a little tired of it also. I hope the dems keep trying to shove it down everyone's throat for the next two years. It is a loser.
What is it with the right wing's obsession with oral sex being a bad thing?
What is it with the lefts obsession with misinterpreting comments to somehow make it about sex?
maybe because they've never had a decent hummer?
It's a gift
Probably not getting enough themselves
Maybe because they have so they don't have to dream about it all the time.
you wish you got as much as we do
Nah...they were super jealous that Clinton got one in the oval office and so it was all out war on sex because their own sweethearts won't drop to their knees for them.
Crude enough for ya? I can get a lot worse. But we can stop this conversation if it's making you uncomfortable to listen to a woman with a filthy mouth
Any data to support if it is true you all get more than I do or that I wish I got as much as you all do?
Or are you just talking shit?(That is rhetorical)
good gawd, Man! You still going on about sex? I thought it was liberals who had sex on the brain 24/7
Nope. Whatever floats your boat. [Deleted]
Just responding to your post. I seem to recall I was not the one that brought it up and you felt the need to interject your input.
And you are deflecting.
All part of the same TDS they refuse to admit exists.
Yep, and getting sadder every day. You would think they would have something in their life other than "Orange man bad".
I didn't bring it up first. But I did run with it. I thought maybe...just maybe...that you might have a sense of humor. Disappointed again
I don't think some of them could have fun or crack a smile if their life depended on it.
I think there's a rule that to maintain your conservative card one must never laugh, crack a smile or even smirk
Try saying something funny
Sadly I don't think they know how
Cute when the eternally outraged talk about some ones lack of sense of humor. Can't make this stuff up.
I did. You just didn't get it.
The satire you all post is bad satire. Satire is supposed to contain an element of truth. Sadly, conservative satire consists of name calling and making fun of people
To maintain a progressive card one must find something new to be outraged about at least once a day .
You boys are starting to bore me. Toot a loo. That's your cue to pile on while I don't respond to any more of your "content"
Now that is funny.
Then they double down and get more outraged if everyone doesn't get sufficiently outraged over the same thing they are.
It is actually funny
A “woke” mouse is giving DeSantis fits at the moment.
Oh yeah .... Woke mouse stock down about 14% in the last month.
Mickey is kicking ass .....
One has to wonder why they are now looking to sell of the music catalog of Queen. Do they perhaps need the cash?
Yup, the Mouse is kicking ass for sure.
As of March 31, 2023 they had $10.4 billion cash on hand.
Disney and others own the distribution rights in North America. The actual catalog is owned by the band.
Queen Productions Ltd is jointly and equally owned by the three living Queen founder members – Brian May, Roger Taylor, and John Deacon – plus the estate of Freddie Mercury.
But still way below what it was pre-pandemic.
I stand corrected, but Disney still makes a lot of money from that which is why the potential selling price is looking around $1 billion. One has to wonder why they are looking to sell that money maker.
Of course, it is lower than pre-pandemic and that is to be expected. They are on the other hand still quite profitable and with redesigning some of the business ventures I expect to see the growth to continue.
It is a $7 billion dollar turn around from 2020.
In 1991 Disney paid $10 million for the rights they have to Queen's music and now selling it for a cool $billion.
And yet, their stock value is down and continues on a downward trend since the rat decided a woke agenda was more important than a entertainment agenda. From a high of nearly 127 a share in august of 22 to a near 5 year low of 87 today.
Disney is giving itself fits ....
Just bought some for cheap. Thanks Ron!
The mouse always wins in the end.
Good luck, I’d be waiting for it’s 200 day moving average to get closer to triple digits before I bought and of course looking for a course change from less woke to more entertainment.
So I doubt I’ll be buying Disney stock any day soon but you rock on.
Or better yet, for it's profit to get back to double digits instead of under 5. at least they are above zero.
It seems like DeSantis is giving a "woke" mouse fits at the moment.
Florida just lost a billion dollar investment by Disney in Lake Nona and 2,000 jobs. Yup, DeSantis is really giving the Mouse fits.
I’m not a DeSantis fan and don’t really understand why he wants to fight with Disney. But I believe that Bob Iger announced his intention for several rounds of layoffs last Feb.
t lost a billion dollar investment by Disney in Lake Nona and 2,000 jobs. Yup, DeSantis is really giving the Mouse fits.
Might as well blame a witch.
He announced a delay in the start of the Lake Nona project, he halted the projected completely last month and they had already transferred a number of employees from CA to FL and now they are paying to bring them back to CA.
Yep..............dropping 7K but those 2K pie in the sky jobs were REEEEAAAlly gonna be a deterrent to stop the bleeding...............
The Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger is hosting a town hall meeting today in Burbank, California to discuss the company’s future and has addressed the Lake Nona relocation of Disney Imagineering.
Iger has stated that he is not prepared to change the current plan, but as it stands, the relocation of Imagineering to Lake Nona in East Orange, has been delayed until 2026.
Iger stated that he has not made a decision and will look into the potential ramifications of relocating versus staying in California.
He made the decision last month and if you don't think that the fight with Florida/DeSantis had something to do with it you better try again.
Perhaps just a delay. Disney is a Florida institution and will be there long after DeSantis isn’t. Disney wants the cheaper tax rate and their CA workers didn’t want to move.
DeSantis will be in the dust bin of history and the Mouse will still be dancing around Orlando.
Disney gave up a $550 million dollar tax break when they walked away from the Lake Nona project.
I read an article that stated it was not just Disney, that other people investing in the area are going to be screwed and pull out as well. As it was suppose to be a community, the people opening up shops and restaurants and the like are now changing their plans as the people they planned on servicing will not be there.
Not a sound business decision.
Won't even make a blip on the state's economic radar.
1200 homes new homes were built in anticipation of Disney opening there and now I'm sure that there is a lot of scrambling going on. Yes it was designed to be a community.
You don't seem to understand the impact that Disney has on Florida's economic radar.
Meh, most of the people I talk to who are currently trying to relocate to Fla talk about inventory availability issues. It’s a sellers market.
1200 houses is nothing in such a buyer rich market. Of course Joe’s higher mortgage interest rates does cool that down some.
That will take a whole day's worth of people migrating from New York, Illinois etc to snap up.
Extra housing to put a tiny dent in that demand is the best thing that could possibly happen right now.
Actually, the market is still relatively strong but nothing like it was last year. We have 55 homes for sale in our community and last year if there was more than 2 it was amazing, oh and the builder is now offering incentives on new homes something that was unheard of in the last few years.
The project next to ours, OTOW is currently offering incentives on new homes so if they are having availability concerns they can look no further.
It's good to know with your extensive knowledge of Florida RE that you do not see any concerns. It's good to know that all of those transplants are moving to Central Florida.
The business leaders in the area sure have some concerns. Of course they actually live, work and build there.
Here is some information for you on the RE market.
Florida Real Estate Forecast Next 5 Years: Will it Crash?
May 23, 2023 By Marco Santarelli
The Florida housing market has continued to face challenges caused by rising mortgage rates, resulting in a decline in both single-family and townhouse/condo closed sales. Despite the challenges, the market has seen a significant increase in end-of-month inventory levels for both categories, albeit still short of pre-pandemic levels. In this article, we will take a closer look at the current trends and what they mean for the Florida housing market.
Closed Sales
According to the recent report by Florida Realtors , single-family home sales in January 2023 were down by 32.5% compared to the same period in the previous year, a trend that has persisted for several months. The decline in townhouse/condo sales was even steeper, at nearly 41%. While this is not unexpected given the high mortgage rates, it has resulted in a significant drop in buyer demand.
New Listings
The level of new listings for single-family homes for sale has been below normal, with a decline of about 5% compared to a year ago. This trend is partly due to the high mortgage rates, which are discouraging some potential sellers from listing their homes. In contrast, new listings for townhouse/condos were down by 2.4% compared to the same period in the previous year.
Inventory Levels
At the end of January, the number of single-family homes listed for sale was more than double what it was a year ago, with an increase of over 134%. The inventory levels for townhouse/condos were up 90% on a year-over-year basis. However, these levels are still short of pre-pandemic levels, and in most parts of Florida, we were considered to have an inventory shortage even before the pandemic.
Median Sale Price
The shift in the ratio of active buyers to active sellers has resulted in a deceleration of overall home price growth, but not a full reversal. The median sale price for closed existing single-family home sales in January 2023 came in at nearly $390,000, which is still 4% higher than last January's median price. The median price for townhouse/condos grew by almost 9%, up to $310,000.
The above report shows that despite the challenges posed by rising mortgage rates, the Florida housing market continues to remain resilient. While the decline in sales and new listings is not surprising, the increase in end-of-month inventory levels offers a glimmer of hope. As we move further into 2023, it will be interesting to see how the market continues to evolve and how it responds to the changing economic landscape.
Higher inflation and mortgage rates can do that. Buyers can’t afford as much and sellers want to hold on to good rates.
In many areas of Florida the prices increases over the last 5 years have been astronomical and that is hurting the market as well with people simply being priced out of the market.
Yes, its good to be able to read and not be so blinded by partisanship that I don't make constant factual mistakes.
Much like the 2023 version of Trump, there will always be people who voluntarily move to Florida and constantly whine about how terrible it is.
Guess what increasing the supply of houses will do, especially in central Florida which remains a strong seller's market?
You're grasp of the facts is limited at best and you are one that should never talk about being blinded by partisanship, you're the poster boy for partisanship.
You are out in right field again, that comment has nothing to do with anything that I've posted.
Wokeism is just a term that describes the overall left-wing agenda....which is not supported by a majority of the American people.
The prime issue is to win elections and sweep Democrats out of power, starting with the Presidency, retaining the House, and gaining control of the Senate. Which is doable, and what will most likely happen. Only then can a more united Republican party begin to clean house and start draining the swamp of Demo corruption and the illegal activities of the DOJ, FBI, and IRS.
Yeah, good thing we don’t have a president who calls every single policy or person he opposes “extreme maga “that must be destroyed to save the country
Or in the case of Chuck call everyone out as MAGA even if one ruling does not go his way. I am sure Sotomayor, Brown and Kagan are happy about that.
No worries .
Beach baby Biden will soon revert back to Basement Biden.
It’s already begun ....
Yawn .... Bill Kristol, a card carrying never Trumper, has become the Democrats poster boy for RINO’s.
His opinion is more or less meaningless to conservatively minded folks these days.
His livelihood is predicated on keeping Trump and relevant. He, more than Trump, needs Trump to win the Republican primary. Focusing on DeSantis helps Trump short term, while making DeSantis insurance to be the next boogeyman if Trump flounders.
This has been going on since Truman went around calling Dewey a Nazi. Amazing people haven't caught on to it yet.
And Bill Kristol is the spokesman for whom? He doesn't have to worry about sounding too earnest.
"Working-class people don't talk about the woke mind virus"
Sorry Jessica but as the woke continue to try and pull more and more level headed Americans down that particular rabbit hold the more they become concerned about what it means for them and resist it. As for the rest of the "kitchen table issues" Joe is doing a great job turning Americans against him, just look at his approval ratings.
I'm sure it's the ultra rich causing Bud Light's sales to tank.
Nope. It is idiots that all the sudden would wish a business out of business all because they dared to be nice to someone...
Where are DeSantis economic policies? Foreign relations? Deficit and debt ceiling crisis?
Has he ever talked about those? The United States is not a bubble. The so-called wokeism thing is internal. It doesn't relate to the economy or a our foreign policies.
I've never heard DeSantis speak nationally on policies. He must have some since he is a governor of a large state, but he spends all his time on culture wars.
But imagine if Biden came out and said "I am going to destroy conservatism in the United States", people would want to put a straitjacket on him.
De Santis is in many ways a cartoonish figure, but because he is so boringly unlikeable no one cares.
He just calls conservatism "ULTRA SUPER MAGA" and you lap it up.
MAGA is neither conservatism nor republicanism it is straight up patriarcal animal farm populism.
that's very good, Hal
Right. Sotomayor and Kagan are the definition of patriarchal animal farm populists.
Try to be a tad more creative with your rejoinders.
Do digress, I could use a laugh.
Say something interesting and I will. Believing that Biden actually has a delineated definition of MAGA other than "I don't like them" is the droning of a sycophant.
Sort of like DeSantis droning on and on about woke ... the man is a sellout to the lowest common denominator, and quite frankly boring ... @!@
Oh boohoo, is it a slow day on your side of the 'patriot' fence? Hang in there, the gods are not favorable to either side.
Anyhoot, it's your words 'we' are all hanging on.
Biden just says voting for Republicans will end democracy
I know what his policies would be. Retract from the world and live in our own little bubble.
What a blowhard. He's pathetic.
That will go over well in the general election. Always nice to see a nominee with a positive plan to unite and lead our nation.
Why did Ron have Biden’s hat?
This is the guy that wants to be president....
This is his campaign. No questions from the audience, just him and his wife talking about bullshit...
DeSantis is well known in Florida for calling press conferences and not taking questions after he speaks.
I guess if Biden qualifies for PotUS under that characteristic, DeSantis should be in like Flynn...........
The crickets say less and the crickets would be right.
Now, what’s the over/under on how many debates basement Biden will participate in?