Court Filing Reveals Threats Made to Judge in Trump Case
By: Mediaite

A new court filing has revealed "hundreds of threatening, harassing, disparaging and antisemitic" threats made to Judge Arthur Engoron, who is currently presiding over the civil fraud trial of former President Donald Trump in New York and trying to get the gag order he imposed against Trump reinstated.
Trump already violated Engoron's gag order twice, costing him $15,000. An appeals court paused the order last week, citing Trump's "constitutional and statutory rights." But the threats have caused serious security concerns for Engoron and his staff, especially his principal law clerk Allison Greenfield.
One voicemail, according to an affidavit filed by court officer Captain Charles Hollon, stated: "Trust me. Trust me when I say this. I will come for you. I don't care. Ain't nobody gonna stop me either." Another said: "Resign now, you dirty, treasonous piece of trash snake. We are going to get you and anyone of you dirty, backstabbing, lying, cheating American. You are nothing but a bunch of communists. We are coming to remove you permanently."
Hollon also wrote in his affidavit that Greenfield has been repeatedly doxed, resulting in, "on a daily basis, harassing, disparaging comments and antisemitic tropes. I have been informed by Ms. Greenfield that she has been receiving approximately 20-30 calls per day to her personal cell phone and approximately 30-50 messages per day."
In asking for the gag order to be reinstated, attorney Lisa Evans said:
[I]t is unquestionable that the conduct engaged in by Petitioners [Trump and his legal team] — the deluge of the court's chambers phone and the law clerk's personal cell phone, personal emails and social media accounts with hundreds of threatening, harassing, disparaging and antisemitic messages — which threatens the safety of court staff is the type of countervailing interest being served that warrants the imposition of the limited gag orders imposed by the Court.
Evans further argued, "The First Amendment does not prohibit courts from limiting speech that threatens the safety of the court's staff. Courts have broad discretion to control the conduct of litigants and attorneys in ongoing proceedings."
Trump has continued to lambast Engoron, Greenfield, and New York Attorney General Letitia James on Truth Social, as recently as Thursday, calling Engoron a "Psycho" and Greenfield a "Politically Biased & Corrupt Campaign Finance Violator."

The Maga halfwits are sure giving conservatives something to be proud of.
Shocking..... /s
another MAGA hero -
Trump Advisor Roger Stone Calls Casey DeSantis a C*** for Mentioning Her Children on Campaign Trail
Roger Stone, a longtime advisor to former President Donald Trump backing him in his quest to reclaim the White House in 2024 called the wife of Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis a c*** on X Wednesday night.
Stone was responding to a post from failed GOP congressional candidate Mike Crispi objecting to Casey DeSantis’s invocation of her children on the campaign trail.
“Casey Desantis campaigning: ‘I have a 6, 5 and a 3 year old’ ‘I have a 6, 5 and a 3 year old’ ‘I have a 6, 5 and a 3 year old’ ‘I have a 6, 5 and a 3 year old’ ‘Did you know I have a 6, 5 and a 3 year old?'” remarked Crispi mockingly.
“SeeUNextTuesday,” replied Stone, using the common slang for the derogatory, misogynistic word.
Ron and Casey DeSantis — the latter of whom survived a bout with breast cancer in 2021 and 2022 — have two daughters and a son together. She is known to be not only a close confidante, but valued political advisor by her husband.
The day before DeSantis cruised to a historic reelection victory in 2022 and amid speculation that DeSantis would eventually announce a presidential campaign, Trump boasted that he knew “more about him [DeSantis] than anybody other than perhaps his wife, who is really running his campaign.”
Wednesday’s profane outburst did not mark the first time Stone has taken aim at DeSantis’s wife. In May, Politico‘s Michael Kruse quoted Stone in a long, unflattering profile of Florida’s first lady panned by DeSantis allies as a hit piece.
“Have you ever noticed how much Ron DeSantis’ wife Casey is like Lady Macbeth?” asked Stone at the time, who was quoted alongside three Democrats in the Politico piece.
The shared enmity of Casey DeSantis by progressive media and the Trump campaign was also exhibited by a June article published by the Daily Beast’s Katie Baker that referred to DeSantis as ‘Walmart Melania [Trump].”
“Ron and Casey will also never be the Trumps,” insisted Baker.
These morons do love to call people who dont agree with them "communists".
Well, at least I'M not at all afraid of Communists.
I sure as hell hope the judge does not recuse himself on the basis that Trump's threats have prejudiced him because if he does then Trump will threaten every judge who sits in Trump's trials so no judge will ever be able to hear the cases against him. Because Trump has been dealt with so leniently he will not stop threatening. IMO he should be put into solitary confinement without access to a phone or computer, and no visitors save for his counsel.
As well, previously I had said that because of his being a former POTUS he shouldn't be jailed if that is a penalty awarded but should be kept under house arrest at his Mar a Lago Florida home and access to his golf course, but now I don't think he deserves that leniency and I suggest he be put into the same place Chauvin was in.