Trump Tells His Followers Only 2% Of Them Could Pass A Cognitive Test
Everyone said, 'Oh, that's so easy.' There’s only about 2% of this room that can do it, but I did it. I did it very easily.
Things are going so great for Trump he feels free to tell his followers they're kind of dumb, not like him.
Trump Suggests 98% of His Supporters Would Fail Cognitive Decline Test (
Donald Trump told a room full of supporters that only 2% of them could pass a test meant to detect cognitive decline, declaring that the test asking participants to name pictures of animals was ‘not easy.’
Trump delivered the comments at a rally in Nevada, claiming the test was tough, and noted that it required memorizing six words. He then cited five words, telling his supporters, ‘There’s only about 2% of this room that can do it.’
Trump: The first couple of questions are easy, like they have a lion, giraffe, a whale, and a shark. They'll say, which one is the lion? Okay? That's all the press covered, the first question. They didn't cover the last question. Multiply 4733, multiplied times seven. Divide, without paper and pencil, divided by four. Add up another 37.5. I remember that. What's your number? How many people in this room could do it? Not too many. Or they give you six names in a row. I took a lot of heat on this. They give you six names in a row at the beginning. 'Sir, I'm gonna give you six names.' Good. They look at them. A chair, a hat, a badge, a necklace, and a vote. Those things. 'We’re going to give you six things.' I said, 'Good, what's going on?' Can you rename them? So, I rename them. Then they go back, and if you can do it in order, that's even better. I do them in order. Perfect. Then they come back to you 30 minutes later at the end, last question. They say, 'What were those six things?' There aren’t too many people, and I get... they laughed. Everyone said, 'Oh, that's so easy.' There’s only about 2% of this room that can do it, but I did it. I did it very easily. But I got mocked. They said, ‘oh, that’s so easy.’ It's not easy.
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This alleged human being spends a lot of time thinking about the strangest things.
BREAKING NEWS! Trump finally tells the truth about something!
If we limit this to his followers and supporters, he's absolutely right.
Strange cult this MAGA group. Trump tells them that 98% are not smart enough to pass a cognitive test and they are not insulted by that?
This appears to be the test that Trump took (this is a sample, his questions likely varied):
Of course, Trump lied about the test. This claim that he had to do arithmetic in his head: " Multiply 4733, multiplied times seven. Divide, without paper and pencil, divided by four. Add up another 37.5." is undoubtedly a lie.
(4733 * 7 / 4) + 37.5 ... in your head ... BULLSHIT!
This test is an early detection for cognitive decline. It is not an IQ test. 98% of Trump supporters might be in cognitive decline (that would be an explanation for their support) but I suspect that is not true. So Trump is full of shit on that point as well.
Used to moonlight performing medical exams on folk taking out large life and health insurance policies.
(The money was actually much better than my paramedic salary.)
This test is close to one I used for certain companies.
The vast majority of semi lucid raisons could ace it.
The fact that Trump constantly brags about passing it says much about his amazing lack of intelligence.
i came up with 8,270.5
but checked it and found i was wrong, i guess Trump is vastly and tremendously and bigly even and far superior over ole iggly me;
used to be able to do this in my head, but have not attempted as much in decades, and it showed, but, i could be way off, as i forget the order of when told to multiply then divide and too lazy to now look it up, but hey, doubt Trumpy drank 8 or 10 brews and smoked some bud, before his test to cull the heard i did...
I lost that ability long ago with advent of hand calculators. Dealing with constants like Avagadro’s number helped that decline along nicely.
I believe the order is division, multiplication, subtraction, addition.
I could be all wrong. I was taught this in 4th grade and that was many, many, many moons ago
Normal precedence is that multiplication and division are done first with subtraction and addition next.
There is no difference if you multiply first or divide first. Same with addition and subtraction.
See...I knew someone would know it. But I was in the right ball park
In Trumps case, Division is always first.
Good point. LOL
I aced the test. That means I am smarter than 98% of Trump followers.
I flunked it
No one knows whether Trump "aced" the test or not, because he is a known pathological liar. The people who gave him the test would not be ethically able to reveal his outcome so we are stuck with his word for it. No thanks.
The test was rigged!
Only if he failed it.
In Trump's case, it was rigged if he passed it.
I was taking the "it is rigged" to be a hypothetical exclamation from Trump about the test.
I understood that, but that was not what I intended. I meant the moron couldn't really pass anything.
I know what you meant.
And it's the truth.
I am seriously wondering about his mental state. He has gone beyond being a narcissistic asshole. He loses a $5 million dollar suit and then turns around and engages in defamation only to get an additional $83 million tacked on for damages and punitive measures.
He is either out of his mind or thinks that he is some kind of royalty where laws and accountability do not apply to him. Or both.
I have to wonder how much influence his advisors and legal team had over him, to keep him reined in while he was in office. How much worse could it have been, had he gone so far off script then as he does now?
Good point.
The answer is: both.
His family needs to do an intervention and get him to talk to a psychiatrist
Trump will never do that. Trump will do what Trump will do. He is like a machine.
A machine that needs its computer overhauled
A machine that needs to be decommissioned.
2% seems like a gross exaggeration. It can't possibly be that high of a number.