Liz Cheney Bashes Mark Levin For 'Spreading BS' About J6
By: Mediaite

Jennifer Bowers BahneyMar 10th, 2024, 2:23 pm Twitter share button
A good old fashioned social media spat broke out between Mark Levin of Fox News, and former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) over an article in The Federalist that accused the J6 Select Committee of suppressing "exonerating evidence" regarding Donald Trump .
The "exclusive" article came out Friday with the heading, "Liz Cheney, January 6 Committee Suppressed Exonerating Evidence Of Trump's Push For National Guard," by editor-in-chief Mollie Hemingway .
The article's subhead read, "Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had 'no evidence' to support Trump officials' claims the White House had asked for 10,000 National Guard troops."
Hemingway cited "a previously hidden transcript obtained by The Federalist ," and former Trump official Kash Patel as her reliable sources.
At 7:10 p.m. on Saturday, Levin posted on X (formerly Twitter), calling Cheney "sleazy" and demanding she be "compelled to testify" about hiding information that proved former President Trump did call out the national guard on Jan. 6, 2021.
Levin wrote:
Sleazy Liz Cheney needs to receive some of the Stalinist medicine she introduced into the body politick against scores of patriotic Americans — that is, she needs to be compelled to testify under oath about, among other things, what knowledge she may have about: possible witness tampering, censorship of exculpatory information and testimony, the destruction of committee evidence and data, etc. This is very, very important.
Cheney didn't take the insult or the accusation lying down, posting:
Hi Mark: I see you're still spreading BS. You & the bozo who wrote this might want to actually read the 1/6 report (eg, Appendix 2, 741-2, 127-8, 587-92), SecDef Miller's transcript (Trump never ordered 10k troops), Judge Wallace's finding (Kash Patel is "not a credible witness")
— Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney) March 10, 2024
Levin responded, "I wrote it, moron" — evidently thinking that Cheney was referring to the post and not The Federalist article. He then let loose with the insults.
I wrote it, moron. You're a pathetic disgrace and demagogue. And have exposed yourself for all time. Funny how you avoid public debates with your detractors, including me. Coward. You should consider professional help.
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) March 10, 2024
Cheney replied:
Good morning, Mark - I was actually referring to the bozo who wrote the article you are peddling. If I had been referring to you, I would have used the term "angry bozo." Have a nice Sunday.
— Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney) March 10, 2024
Back in 2022, Levin compared Cheney to infamous traitors Jefferson Davis and Benedict Arnold for her work on the committee.
Cheney received intense backlash from staunch Republicans over her investigation into the events of Jan. 6. She voted to impeach Trump for instigating the Capitol riot and ended up losing her seat in Congress.
Read The Federalis t article here.
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Hi Mark: I see you're still spreading BS. You & the bozo who wrote this might want to actually read the 1/6 report (eg, Appendix 2, 741-2, 127-8, 587-92), SecDef Miller's transcript (Trump never ordered 10k troops), Judge Wallace's finding (Kash Patel is "not a credible witness")
— Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney) March 10, 2024
I guess the title means what it says. Cheney couldn't disprove that testimony was hidden. Instead, she simply called Levin & others names.
Sign her up for NT.
Trump didn’t know how to be a Commander in Chief:
“Former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller told the House panel investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol that then- President Trump gave no orders to prepare troops before that day.
In testimony shared by the committee Tuesday evening, Miller was asked about an assertion made by former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows that as many as 10,000 National Guard troops were told to be “on the ready” that day.
Miller said he was “never given any direction or order or knew of any plans of that nature.”
“Obviously, we had plans for activating more folks, but that was not anything more than contingency planning,” he added. “There was no official message traffic or anything of that nature.”
Trump and his allies have insisted that he made orders to have National Guard troops ready before Jan. 6.
Miller was responding to a claim Meadows made in a Fox News interview a month after the riot, in which he implied that Trump was “very vocal” in making sure there were “plenty of National Guard.”
“As many as 10,000 National Guard troops were told to be on the ready by the secretary of Defense. That was a direct order from President Trump. And yet here’s what we see is, there’s all kinds of blame going around, but yet not a whole lot of accountability,” Meadows said at the time.
When specifically asked about whether there was a direct order from Trump to have Guard troops ready, Miller said there was not.
“There was no order from the president,” he told the House select committee.
The testimony comes a week after the panel held its final public hearing of the summer, making the case that the former president chose not to act during more than three hours of the Capitol siege.
At the hearing last week the committee shared testimony from Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who recalled how he felt about Trump not issuing orders to deploy the National Guard.
“You’re the commander in chief. You’ve got an assault going on on the Capitol of the United States of America,” Milley said. “And there’s nothing? No call? Nothing? Zero?”
Little miss never Trumper.
Mark Levin has been a clown on Fox News and on right wing talk radio for many many years. Liz Cheney would chew him up and spit him out in any debate about January 6th
Fuck Liz she and the J6 committee have been caught in repeated lies; with holding information/evidence to fit their narrow narrative; and having their lackeys destroy evidence.
She is done; on TDS driven mighty mental midgets listen to her now.
The woman ought to just put a D behind her name, change parties, and get it over with! She certainly is not doing the conservative right any good.
Sure, Ed. Her voting record shows she has voted overwhelmingly GOP on policy, and voted pro-Trump on policy. But according to your post, the real test of whether or not she's a Republican is whether or not she supports Trump, the man.
She's not a cult member, but that doesn't mean she's not a Republican. It's sad that some now consider blind loyalty to Trump to be a litmus test for party membership.
She certainly isn't a Democrat.
What on Earth did Liz Cheney do to deserve such a comment? She was a loyal GOP member (even while Trump was PotUS). When she chose to hold Trump accountable she lost her entire political career. She did not abandon GOP and conservative principles and run to the Ds. She upheld the principles that were trashed by Trump's post-loss wrongdoings.
For holding true to the CotUS and what is right she is ostracized by the GOP?
In terms of conservative principles and doing good for the party, the person she opposed (Trump) continues to trash what was the old GOP ... the GOP that Cheney still properly represents.
We are living in a bizarro world where right is ostracized and wrong is rewarded with the presidency. SMH repeatedly.
I know.
A true “enemy of my enemy is my friend” moment.
This article is in reference to something that was seeded here a couple days ago claiming there was some new blockbuster evidence that the J6 committee covered up evidence. Obviously nonsense
The only nonsense is coming from Democrats.
Again fuck Liz Cheney and the rest of Pelosi's hand picked TDS driven Jan 6th committee. When it comes to honesty, integrity, and obedience to the rule of Law or Constitution, Democrats don't have any.
It is a shame TDS ruined a decent conservative politician.
The brain rot involved is culpable
lol. loudermilk is implicated in j6 himself
Lawmaker who gave tours of Capitol will lead inquiry of …
web Mar 9, 2023 · Barry Loudermilk , the Republican representative from Georgia who has been accused of giving tours of the Capitol building days before the January 6 insurrection, will lead a new House committee...
OMG …. You mean a US representative was giving constituents tours of the Capital building just days before Jan 6th?
Stop the presses and bring out the guillotine.
Off with his head ……
"Good morning, Mark - I was actually referring to the bozo who wrote the article you are peddling. If I had been referring to you, I would have used the term "angry bozo." Have a nice Sunday."
Who seems angry now?
Since they lied about her i think she had every right to be angry
Yep, going down to their level is not a good look. Ignoring it altogether may have been in her best interest.
Since I value politicians who show enough integrity to do the right thing instead of blindly following party lines or selling themselves to big donors, if I were an American citizen I would not only vote for Liz Cheney to be POTUS but I would want to work on her campaign to help her get there. And I don't give a shit that the brainless Trumpster MAGAts voted her out of office or how the Trump disciples on NT feel about or criticize me for my opinion.
Yep, a very uninformed opinion.
And I value TiG's opinion a thousand times more than than your opinion of my opinion.
Liz Cheney was the chair of the House Republican Conference — a prestigious position held often by the Speaker of the House but also (later) by individuals who later became presidents, vice-presidents, speakers, etc. It is a grooming position for high-level political leadership.
Cheney gave that up and her seat and basically was ostracized by the GOP because she refused to overlook the serious, historically bad wrongdoings of Trump after he lost the election.
You seem to be better informed than some who live here in the USA.
In the current GOP, Cheney has no future. I doubt the GOP will be able to fix itself soon enough for her to have a future run as PotUS. As noted, she basically gave up her career. But she is an example of someone who is not only presidential, but has demonstrated integrity. When someone gives up their career to do the right thing (e.g. hold a PotUS accountable for attempting via fraud, coercion, lying, and incitement to violate the CotUS and disenfranchise voters), you can bet that the denial of that integrity will be emotional / partisan.
Well it seems like the GOP has forgotten who it was. It has inexplicably surrendered itself to Trump and his minions. And unfortunately many of the voters who have been lifelong Republicans do not seem to understand that their party is now GOP in-name-only and will be further trashed should Trump win.
One tends to be criticized by one side of the American spectrum or the other when posting an objective far off view of American political issues. It should be obvious that I have no American political party loyalties as I have seen both benefits and detriments in both and at various times have pointed them out. I am able to bear the onslaught of party loyalists whose brains are frozen to one side only.
Meaningless in the scheme of things.
Bullshit, Cheney is a never Trumper first and formost because he attacked the Bush cabal. A Cabal her father was hip deep in. A cabal the left adamantly opposed until they found a member stooge to support their Jan 6th witch hunt.
That committee was a joke and she was used like a rented mule. Had that committee been a serious endeavor, they would have included true bipartisanship. Which they didn’t. And please, don’t say Cheney was the Republican representative. On this committee, she was a RINO. Nothing more.
Cheney is nothing more than a spoiled brat who rose to power on her daddies coattails and boy do I remember how much the left hated those coattails. That they support his daughter just demonstrates the hypocrisy at play here.
Its outrageous.
TiG, She hid testimony.
Are you ok with that? /tony-ornato/
'He's a Trump acolyte': Reporter shreds Secret Service agent's credibility in face of denials about SUV incident
Travis Gettys 3-3 minutes 6/30/2022
A reporter who has written a book on the Secret Service shredded the credibility of a former agent who has pushed back against Cassidy Hutchinson's bombshell testimony .
The former White House aide testified that Tony Ornato, who moved from the Secret Service to deputy chief of staff, told her that Donald Trump became irate when his security detail would not take him to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and lunged for the steering wheel of his armored SUV and physically attacked his lead agent, and Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig poured cold water on his denials.
"This is a person who worked as President Trump's security detail leader, and the boss liked him so much he installed him in a political White House job," Leonnig told MSNBC's "Morning Joe." "That broke every Secret Service tradition in the book because he stayed as a Secret Service employee, but Trump essentially had him directing the Secret Service to make sure that all of its campaigns events, all of his photo ops, everything that he wanted to do to get re-elected went off without a hitch."
"That included paid rallies that caused COVID surges and included the forcible clearing of peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square," Leonnig continued. "Tony was the secret hand behind all of that, and that is what Trump wanted. Trump White House staffers and Secret Service agents have told me repeatedly, he's a Trump acolyte. He will defend the president to the end, and he remains in contact with Trumpworld, so I want to stress that also Tony Ornato has indicated that this story Cassidy Hutchinson told didn't happen. Well, Tony Ornato said a lot of things didn't happen. He tried to say to the press and to me indirectly that the clearing of Lafayette Square was not done for President Trump's photo op, that's not true. He was at the center of that, so I take the points because they're saying in their experience, things that we reported, Tony tried to deny."
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"The Secret Service often tries to deny things that are unflattering, and then when the rubber hits the road, we learn there is a little bit more to it," Leonnig added. "I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and if Tony Ornato testified under oath that he exaggerated this story and it didn't happen in the limo, forgive me, in the Suburban on Jan. 6, as she relayed, then that is important and we should take that seriously."
Can't you speak for yourself?
The Committee had him testify under oath. His testimony no matter how you feel about it should have been preserved along with Hutchinson's.
Btw John, there are other people that heard Trump make the suggestion.
All of this subterfuge was done because the Trump suggestion goes against the narrative of the Jan 6th Committee.
Again, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of him. He testified under oath. All of that testimony was supposed to be handed over to the incoming Republican House members.
I call it obstruction of justice.
You have proven over and over that you know nothing about the charges trump faces over the January 6th stolen election plot.
Even if we play along with this and agree that trump was willing to send National Guard to the capitol, that would be only a small part of the charges against him.
Why don't you tell us for the first time - why did trump sit watching TV for three hours in the White House without making any effort to stop the riot.
When he was asked that exact question by Kristen Welker of NBC he said "I'm not going to tell you that".
Real Commander in Chief don’t make suggestions, they give orders.
Yes, we've really proven that haven't we?
Even if we play along with this and agree that trump was willing to send National Guard to the capitol, that would be only a small part of the charges against him.
It is not playing along. It is accepting a proven fact. They got caught.
Why don't you tell us for the first time - why did trump sit watching TV for three hours in the White House without making any effort to stop the riot.
Am I suddenly on "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos? I am responding to the article you posted, which simply involves name-calling tweets by Liz Cheney.
When he was asked that exact question by Kristen Welker of NBC he said "I'm not going to tell you that".
I am proud to be voting for him for the third time.
I'm on to you now.
You can ask others here what happens.
Well at least you tacitly admit you don't know what you're talking about
I know what I'm talking about.
You posted the article, and you don't want to talk about it..
Here is the most positive spin that I can put on this:
Trump made an idle suggestion about finding 10,000 troops somewhere to protect his supporters from the big, bad Capital Police.
The Army said fuck you. Trump was then too inept to follow up and see if his “suggestion” was being followed.
Trump couldn’t handle the truth and the Army gave him a code red.
Deliver the evidence that Liz Cheney hid credible testimony that Trump offered 10,000 National Guard individuals and that Pelosi refused.
Or do you have some other allegation in mind?
It wasn’t up to Pelosi to accept or refuse. It was up to Donald to issue an order or not.
You missed the point. I asked for credible evidence of the allegation.
The overriding point is that Polosi and the DC mayor don’t matter WRT 10,000 soldiers deployed on 6 Jan. What matters is did Trump order a deployment or not and he didn’t.
I think we can all agree, there were only 2ways Trump could have ordered the use of troops on J6.
One is by a request from either the mayor who is responsible for the safety of the residents of DC, or a request from the speaker of the house through the sergeant at arms of the capitol for their usesince the SoH is responsible for the capitols security.
The only unilateral option open to Trump was to declare Martial Law, which would have been painted as a use of the military to effect a coup or junta, causing more panic not just in DC but through out the nation,.
And that is how this nations 2nd civil war would have started , if it had been done unilaterally, looks to me like someone didn't take the bait, no matter how much it looked like it was what was needed to happen.
One also has to remember that the declaration of martial law has some prerequisites as well as consequences for civilian government.
You can have your own point. But that is not my point.
The so-called secret bombshell thing about Ornato is just another attempt at misinformation on the part of the insurrectionist MAGA cult. Another big nothing burger.
Ornato said he walked in on a phone conversation between Meadows and Bowser where the number 10,000 came up, and that's all he knew about it.
Yay. Big deal. Not a lot of information there.
But, as Liz Cheney references in her Twitter comment, a more detailed account was given by the acting Secretary of Defense himself, Christopher Miller, in testimony that has been public all along. Read it for yourself, on pages 99 and 100 of the following pdf.
January 6 Select Committee Interview of Christopher Miller – January 14, 2022
According to the SecDef himself at the time, a person who would certainly know, there was no official request or order for 10,000 troops for Jan 6, period.
This has been public knowledge all along, at least over here on Earth 1.