A white Ole Miss frat boy dances like a monkey and makes monkey noises near a Black woman who was protesting for Palestine.
A white Ole Miss frat boy dances like a monkey and makes monkey noises near a Black woman who was protesting for Palestine.
The guy above the red arrow is the racist idiot dancing like a monkey .
blackademthick @blackademthicc · 22h Really need Jewish people in this county to ask themselves why white nationalist, Christian nationalists, and neo-nazis are on their side here. These are not your friends, and they are fickle, violent, amd volatile
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44 visitors
I'd be satisfied with even a tenth of that number-- if I could get so many people viewing the stuff I seed on NT! Maybe I should change my approach...
Maybe I should go to one of these protests and make monkey noises at some of the people there?
Granted it might make me look like somewhat of a fool. (But then again, many people in social media forums frequently make fools of themselves by some of the things that they post!)
(Of course I don't think anyone has tried making monkey noises at other NT users in order to get more views-- and get their seeds voted up--
but what the heck? Its certaibnly worth a try!
Here's the way the vile far right rag Townhall saw it
Townhall called it correctly. It's a right leaning site with many authors. Morbidly obese agitator was just looking to stir up shit. And she was rightly mocked and ridiculed.
Any thoughts about what happened to this guy.
How a Black Man Reacted When a White Pro-Hamas Supporter Told Him He Couldn't Walk Around UCLA (townhall.com)
Wow. It is just low to mention the woman's weigh issues-though apparent. It has nothing at all to do with her presence or reasoning for being there. Do come 'up' and speak to the moment and not play to the lowest common denominator.
Also, "agitators" is a much maligned word as it has both good and bad connotations. In the sixties, the civil rights marchers (such as the three students killed in Mississippi ( Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner) by racists living in the state.
But did he smirk?...
They are emphatically NOT on our side and no one is, or should be, under the misapprehension that they are. They have their own agenda and it is not ours.
They were also chanting "USA USA" as if they were at a Trump rally.
I seriously doubt if Israel was even mentioned by them.
As opposed to "death to America"? Somehow I find that comforting...
I seriously doubt if any of them could find Israel on a map, has ever met a Jew or has any idea what Judaism is. But, if you ask them their opinion of Jews I'm sure you wouldn't like what you hear.
Someone would have to be totally clueless to believe that these guys give two shits about Israel or Jewish people.
Speaking of "Death to America"-- here's an olde (humorous?) video on the subject I came across some time ago:
So what does this all mean ?
Are Trumpsters shouting "lock her up" and making racist gestures toward a black woman really the best advocates for Jews?
This incident and others like it that are growing more common show us what the right really wants, and its not to help Jews. I doubt if even one out of ten of these "frat boys" gives a damn about anti-semitism.
They are NOT advocates for Jews and no one should ever think they are.
"This incident and others like it that are growing more common show us what the right really wants, and it's not to help Jews."
This is a very isolated incident and there is no evidence that it is happening more frequently. There is ample evidence, however, to support the fact that right wingers do, indeed, support Israel's fight against terrorism. The same can't be said of the left.
It's doubtful they're mocking her because of skin color, more likely it's because she supports Hamas terrorism.
Alex Cole
The face of racism. Here is one of the guys from the Ole Miss video making monkey sounds towards a black woman.
No child is born with hate. Hate is taught.
Are you saying that ALL those frat boys are racists?
I will attempt to answer that with my observation: No. From the size of the gathering on that side of the police line. . . many may have not seen or heard is 'gesturing' . . . what did occur however is the crowd picked up on a taunt. . .and used it for their purposes. Understood as racially offensive or not.
How many of the Palestinian protestors' give a damn about anti-semitism?
A vast majority of the protestors appear to left wingers who know even less about Jews and Israel.
Face the music - it's loud and clear. There will NEVER be an end to racism in America. There will NEVER be an end to antisemitism everywhere in the world except maybe Israel.
Or almost anywhere else for that matter. Not everyone is a racist or antisemite, or acts in a racist manner, but far too many do. That is a fact of life and has been throughout the history of mankind.
Our world will NEVER become a utopia. I think it is more directed towards what Orwell described in 1984. I feel SO SORRY for my grandchildren.
You and Buzz are very right. There will always be groups of some type and that leads to competition, rivalry, jealously ect, ect up to wars. Some tolerance and cooperation and good manners with others and returning that would be good but hard to achieve.
What is the other side advocating for?
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Students at “Ole Miss” (University of Mississippi) were caught on video mocking a Black woman in a shocking display of racism that has gone viral.
Protests over the Israel-Hamas war have roiled campuses across the country and led to clashes between pro-Palestine and pro-Israel protesters, as well as with cops .
But the clash took on an added ugly dimension at Ole Miss this week when a pair of dueling viral videos illustrated a disturbing dynamic.
In one clip that was praised by Governor Tate Reeves , students drowned out pro-Palestine demonstrators by singing “The Star-Spangled Banner”:
But another clip posted by Stacey J. Spiehler shows White students mocking a Black protester by mimicking monkey noises and gestures suggestive of odor, and chanting “Lock her up!”:
The shocking video earned praise from Republican legislator Rep. Mike Collins , who posted the video and wrote “Ole Miss taking care of business.”
Others denounced Collins and the racist display:
Mississippi Free Press journalist Ashton Pittman called out the video and Collins, as well as Gov. Reeves, writing “A white Ole Miss frat boy dances like a monkey and makes monkey noises near a Black woman who was protesting for Palestine. Is this heart warming?”
Pittman also reported “frat boys throwing food, drinks and bottles at them. Others waved Trump flags and flipped the protestors off.”
Watch above via Twitter.
The post White Ole Miss Students Caught on Camera Mocking Black Protester In Shockingly Racist Viral Video first appeared on Mediaite .A group of pro-Israel counterprotestors repeatedly attacked pro-Palestine demonstrators at UCLA as police stood by, a New York Times investigation has found.
Separate reporting from The Daily Beast indicates the counterprotestors were partly funded by outside agitators.
On Friday, the Times published an extensive report after the paper examined more than 100 videos from the clashes on Tuesday night. Pro-Palestine protests have taken place on college campuses across the country to urge their schools to divest from Israel over its war in Gaza in response to the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks. More than 2,000 demonstrators have been arrested nationwide, including about 200 at UCLA.
“The videos showed counterprotesters attacking students in the pro-Palestinian encampment for several hours, including beating them with sticks, using chemical sprays and launching fireworks as weapons,” the Times reported . “As of Friday, no arrests had been made in connection with the attack.”
The paper stated the attacks began at 10:50 p.m. “when a group of counterprotesters started tearing away metal barriers that had been in place to cordon off pro-Palestinian protesters” in an encampment that school officials declared illegal earlier in the day.
“Security personnel hired by the university are seen in yellow vests standing to the side throughout the incident,” the Times said. “A university spokesperson declined to comment on the security staff’s response.”
The attacks were nearly three hours old before police arrived. In the meantime, “Counterprotestors shot fireworks toward the encampment at least six times.” One was thrown at a group of protestors “who were carrying an injured person out of the encampment.”
The Times added that “counterprotesters sprayed chemicals both into the encampment and directly at people’s faces.”
“At times, counterprotesters swarmed individuals — sometimes a group descended on a single person,” the report continued. “They could be seen punching, kicking and attacking people with makeshift weapons, including sticks, traffic cones and wooden boards.”
The violence continued even after police showed up:
The Times said that neither the LAPD nor the California Highway Patrol replied to questions about their response to the violence.
Even after police dispersed the crowd, counterprotestors continued the assault:
The day after the violence, The Daily Beast reported that Jessica Seinfeld – a cookbook author and wife of Jerry Seinfeld – donated to the counterprotest.
“A GoFundMe for the effort, which Seinfeld promoted in an Instagram story this week after contributing at least $5,000, has since made the majority of its donations anonymous,” The Beast reported . “The fundraising page has raised more than $93,000 as of Wednesday and also changed its organizer name and description since launching over the weekend.”
The publication further noted that billionaire Bill Ackman donated $10,000 to a similar counterprotest at George Washington University.
The post Pro-Israel Counterprotestors ‘Instigated’ Violence Against Pro-Palestine Demonstrators, NY Times Finds first appeared on Mediaite .So they should just take it?
Take what? A protest? If it is illegal let the police deal with it. At best, the ones who attacked the protest encampment are vigilantes.
Vigilantes? Or simply counter-protestors?
Oh please JR, don't tell us that counter protestors are some kind of vigilantes. They have every right to counter protest against the Hamas supporting protestors. They don't appear to be any more violent than the protestors getting arrested for violence
I watched a lot of what went on at UCLA live on our local news. I saw chemical spray, or whatever it was, coming from behind the encampment barriers being sprayed at the pro-Israel counter-protestors. I also saw someone come out from behind the encampment barriers and attack people wildly with a skateboard without any obvious provocation. People from the pro-Palestinian side were also armed with poles. So, I'm not so certain about the veracity of some of these reports.
I'm sure there were confrontations from both sides, but this newspaper report clearly states the ones outside the encampment instigated it.
These are text messages from the student group organizing these protests cheering for Hamas and wishing they reached Tel Aviv on October 7
Which is going to anger progressive more? The leaders of the protests cheering for genocide or a clip of a single guy arguably making racist noises?
A single guy?
Face it, the objection by our right wing has very little to do with anti-semitism, they are using all this to proclaim their anti-Muslim and anti poc bona fides.
Why does the left wing embrace Hamas?
I dont embrace Hamas and I very much doubt if many people on "the left" do.
2000+/- last I heard....
I seriously doubt that you will find very many right wingers among these thousands of left-wing protestors nationwide, who rank right alongside the Antifa and BLM goons.
Except for a misguided few, the "left wing" does not embrace Hamas. However, there is commonality between the right wing and Hamas, including, among other things, extremist and often fanatical religious beliefs and reactionary, authoritarian politics.
Hyperbole much?
You made a mistake. Your question should be directed at Comment 9.1.1. My comment is fact based and truthful.
Thank for your post perfectly exemplifying clinging to a mythical worldview despite being slapped in the face by reality.
A perfect example of a mythical worldview is exemplified by your insane Comment 9.1.1. The truth of my comment is undeniable except by propagandists and those who refuse to accept reality.
It's a Hamas translation, not my thought.
So all those kids protesting on colleges are all card carrying Republicans? What a load of crap!
Where did anyone say that? Your comment displays a complete failure to comprehend.
[✘] And now students and professors at the elite institutions that the left has controlled for decades are being organized by groups literally using Hamas gliders as symbols.
[✘] And not only do your allies not care, they protect the Hamas cheerleading racists as they deny jewish students access to libraries and other areas of campus like something out of the the third reich. Even your party's president, who you so loyally defend despite the ridiculous things that entails, can barely be bothered to speak up and when he does can't condemn it without immediately equivocating to ensure the literal Hamas loyalists in his party don't get mad at him.[✘]
Gsquared, I am pleased to read this response from you. Because it shows maturity and that you are not easily swayed by those who will try to divide liberals from the Jewish community whom vote 'independently.' This Gaza/Hamas-Israel war is damaging to our politics. . . and the Right see opportunity to spread misinformation and disinformation between liberals. I am glad you can see through the 'game' afoot.
To be clear, my perspective is one of peace and justice and goodwill for all in the Middle East. I saw (Youtube) videos of Hamas shooting Israeli civilians (did not watch the burnings or other violent acts) and it sickened me. Hamas has no excuse for its act(s). Hamas should be found and brought to justice even if it means their organization being made ineffectual for all times or defunct! That said, Israel killing of Gaza civilians in the thousands is beyond the pail and I condemn it equally.
I will leave this thought:
see 9.1.18.
Ole Miss and Mississippi know better than this. The state, right down to its historic college (Ole Miss) and its capital city. . . are well known for its racist past for which it ought to be ashamed to let the cover be pulled off of 'now.'
Places can't know, are you confusing them with people?
Jackson and Oxford are two different place.
If "well known", then there is no "cover" to be pulled off.
Take that bull somewhere else.
"There are no fools so tiresome as those with wit."
(the quote has a number of attributions)
The bull goes where it wants to go.
"There are no fools so tiresome as those that are witless.” - Drinker of the Wry
Must be time to burn 4 or 5 blocks of Oxford. Break a few windows and trash a squad car. Looks like there ain't a CVS in Oxford so have to settle for liberating the Walgreens.
It was a protest what did she expect?,
If it upset her then the "frat boy" scored for his side
And yet, some think it was plain old Southern racism.
It could be racism, it is not clear that it is not. Coming from Old Miss of today it would be surprising as minorities are all over the place being educated there. But, the South has been 'steeped' in racist history and that is no surprise. Or, it could be an isolated incident of one ignorant kid taunting a woman which got into racial overtones.
The woman has not expressed any feelings one way or the other about the 'incident' focused on by this article. Moreover, this is not a competition. It will be nice when our country can get back to sanity and letting its better "angels" fly than its devils—from all perspectives.
Both sides are infiltrated with agents provocateurs. The blame-game has been this way for millenia.
Agreed. The two-party system that has sustained us this far is now going through another spasm of irreconcilability as the extremes come to the forefront and attack its middle. Still, it is the 'duty' of those who are suitable for the task to call for political normalcy. That is, for the extremes to return to their stations at the far corners of the political ethos.
Too late, the internet 'democratised' the soapbox, we all will be trolls soon.