
Christian conservative talks about good Republicans

Via:  John Russell  •  2 weeks ago  •  3 comments

Christian conservative talks about good Republicans
So you’re hearing me talk about Trump supporters, and you’re thinking, “How can they support him even though A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I?” You know, all of the list about Trump. And a lot of it is, Trump supporters don’t know all of that stuff. They don’t know even half of it. They don’t even know a third or a quarter.

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S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

French: One of the things that does make me optimistic is that I’m around a lot of really good people who are Republicans. Just really good folks who are Republicans. People who have good sense, have good hearts, would do anything for you as their neighbors.

If you’re listening to this podcast, you’re probably a person who pays a lot more attention to politics than the average person. So you’re hearing me talk about Trump supporters, and you’reG, H, I?” You know, all of the list about Trump.

And a lot of it is, Trump supporters don’t know all of that stuff. They don’t know even half of it. They don’t even know a third or a quarter. But I know a ton of really good folks who love their neighbors, who are Republicans, who have voted for Trump, will vote for him again, and one of the things that’s so grievous about this moment is that their good will has been lashed to the person of Donald Trump.

I think if you remove the person of Donald Trump, their good will has an opportunity — not a certainty — to change the course of the Republican Party. For example, in my hometown, we had a situation where a hyper-MAGA candidate arose to challenge our longstanding Republican mayor. And this hyper-MAGA candidate was deep into conspiracy theories, just unbelievably toxic.

The good folks in my community rallied against her and re-elected a very good Republican mayor. It’s that fundamental decency that I see that gives me hope. But that fundamental decency has to be given room to breathe outside MAGA.

People who don’t live in MAGA spaces don’t understand the incredible social, hostile social pressure that is put on anyone who dissents. It is intense, it is sometimes intimidating, it is sometimes threatening, it is always painful, and there are a lot of people who right now are living in that environment and want to be free of it. And I do think that by removing the dominant Donald Trump figure, you have an opportunity for the inherent decency of a lot of the Republicans I know to emerge. Maybe I’m wildly optimistic. But look, I know the people I live around in many ways, and many of them actually are ready for the Trump era to end. They are ready for it to end. They just don’t want it to end at the hands of a Democrat, but they are ready for it to end.


jrGroupDiscuss - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    2 weeks ago

It would be nice if David French's opinion represented most Republicans, but , as he says, it is not half, a third, or even a quarter. It is just "some". 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2  Trout Giggles    2 weeks ago
They just don’t want it to end at the hands of a Democrat, but they are ready for it to end.

They don't have much of a choice this time if they want the maga era to end. They are going to have to be patient and nominate a better candidate in 4 years

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3  Sean Treacy    2 weeks ago

David French:  Mandatory abortions, speech codes and gun buy backs are actually the conservative position..

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