Eddie Glaude Consoled On MSNBC After Emotional Trump Rant
By: Zachary Leeman Load Comments (Mediaite)

Princeton University professor Eddie Glaude Jr. needed a moment to collect himself after warning former President Donald Trump is going to put "babies in danger" in a second term.
During a panel discussion on Deadline: White House, hosted by Nicolle Wallace, Glaude blasted Trump for promoting false stories of migrants in Springfield, Ohio kidnapping and eating pets like dogs. In the aftermath of Trump's claim, multiple schools in Springfield were closed due to threats citing the same false stories.
Glaude called Trump "dangerous" and said Vice President Kamala Harris needs to "bust him in his mouth." The panelist was describing being "nervous" about Harris's chances in November.
"This man is running around here busting his chops, scaring the hell out of communities, and we're trying to figure out how to keep that middle locked in on when she needs to bust him in his mouth. I'm saying it like that because he's dangerous. He's dangerous to particular people, and the history of the country is such that we can't play fast and loose with it," Glaude said.
The professor argued Harris needs historic numbers to "keep this troglodyte out of office." The emotional rant ended with Glaude telling fellow panelist Claire McCaskill, a former senator, that he'll get himself "together."
"We got to keep this troglodyte out of office because if he comes in, our babies are gonna be in danger because, remember, we know children are gonna grow up with the memory of having to not go to school for the threat of bombs, and somebody told them that their moms and dads eat cats and dogs. I'll get myself together, Claire," he said.
McCaskill told Glaude to take "deep breaths."
"Okay, take a minute. Deep breaths," she said.
McCaskill continued the conversation by saying she has trouble "reconciling" her love for her country and her shock at the number of Trump and MAGA supporters.
"I understand what you're saying. It is the hardest thing to reconcile — is how much I love this country and the values that we hold dear, and that so many in this country are attracted to the dark, dark horrible vision he is putting out, and the reality of that is really sobering and it's really hard to figure out," she said. "And I think part of it is that people for a lot of complicated reasons, microchips and automation and technology, you know, they're not doing better than their parents did and somehow they feel like they've been dealt an unfair hand."

Why ?
I see it as he gives them someone to blame. To blame for so much, while keeping them out of touch, with the true reasons for their hurt feelings, and so much, much easier to blame the not so rich, as in the poor, the immigrants, the blacks and any non-white, cause for too many, it makes them feel alright, for why they haven't prospered to the extent they had of might, if it only wasn't for the non-white foreigners and all the economically down trodden deciding our countries policies, we'd all be so much further along, yet, if only there was a dance, to go along with this sad song....
Every day, every day, Donald Trump proposes a very dark image of America. Our blood is being poisoned, our cities are "hellholes" , Democrats are radical COMMUNISTS, violent crime is runaway, the only reason he doesnt call everyone who disagrees with him "of Satan" is because he doesnt know a single thing about religion.
So why? Why is this happening to us?
I think you are correct, it is directly related to demographic and racial change in the makeup of the country towards a white minority status.
Hey! He ate that little cracker!
another racist example
That's not what I meant
You got a good one
I think some journalists need to get their meds tuned in and maybe a few of my friends on the left as well.
Damn shame that these "journalists" put their feelings over true reporting.
and where do you find this "true reporting" ?
They have no idea.
Ironic that some talk about others feelings when they wear their emotions on their sleeves
True, it’s almost impossible to find these days. The sorry state of journalism today. This is a great example of it.
The idiot had a meltdown on TV. That is not journalism. That id putting his poor wittle feeeeeeewwwings first.
A true leftist.
and worn to warn, they are short sleeved adorn, for they must emphasize their right to bare arms, whilst a tempting to intimidate the opposition, and that one would be, if gotten were one whiff, of their fruity pits, that'll stop you in your trax, up the arms to harm, as needled are they, when a "journalist" has truth to say, they just refuse to see it that way
lol …. That fits right in. Put a resume in with big brothers media arm
Square peg, square hole
as Peg, as whole
i could be
Yes, they do. They have anger which they think is righteous but it's misguided and stupid
lol you go girls, you go ……
In another article I said they probably laid down a walk way so he wouldn't get his feet muddy because he's too good to put on a pair of rubber boots. Look closely at the photo. See the brick wall....the dry ground?
He had his MAGA costume on , blue suit, red tie , white shirt (red ,white and blue, get it,) and his MAGA hat. There is no way he was going to get a speck of mud on him.
You forgot the debris.................
Please....they cleared a path for him
I don't see any paper towels...
Nothing as usual. Trump showed up. Biden and Harris just ignored them, or were tied up and had better things to do...apparently.