U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall of Kansas introduces bill to deny transgender identity
By: Advocate. com

U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall, a Kansas Republican, has introduced a bill to deny transgender identity.
Marshall Wednesday introduced the Defining Male and Female Act of 2024, which a press release from his office calls "a bill to codify legal definitions of male, female, and sex to ensure they are based on biology rather than ideology."
It would write a binary definition of sex into federal law. "In human beings, there are two — and only two — sexes: male and female, which refer to the two body structures (phenotypes) that, in normal development, correspond to one or the other gamete — sperm for males and ova for females," the legislation says.
"Every individual is either male or female" and "an individual's sex can be observed or clinically verified at or before birth," it continues. "Rare disorders of sexual development are not exceptions to the binary nature of sex. In no case is an individual's sex determined by stipulation or self-identification." Gender should not be used as a synonym for sex or shorthand for gender identity or expression, the bill says.
Separate restrooms, locker rooms, and other single-sex facilities according to sex assigned at birth, plus separate sports teams and leagues organized in this fashion, "do not constitute unequal treatment under the law," it goes on.
Marshall pointed to his experience as a medical doctor as justification for the bill. "As a physician who has delivered over 5,000 babies, I can confidently say that politicizing children's gender to use them as pawns in their radical woke agenda is not only wrong, it is extremely dangerous," he said in the press release. "I didn't think we would need legislation to tell us that there are only two sexes: male and female, but here we are. We must codify the legal definition of sex to be based on science rather than feelings. With our legislation, we can fight back against the Biden-Harris Administration's assault on our children."
Actually, transgender identity is recognized as real by major medical and mental health organizations.
Marshall's bill will likely go nowhere in the Senate, as Democrats still control the chamber until January. U.S. Rep. Mary Miller, an Illinois Republican, introduced a similar bill in the House of Representatives in July. It was referred to the House Judiciary Committee, and there has been no further action. However, such legislation may be a harbinger of what's to come in the new Congress, with Republican majorities in both chambers under Donald Trump's presidency. Marshall's bill has the backing of right-wing groups Heritage Action for America (a sister organization of the Heritage Foundation, the group behind the anti-LGBTQ+ Project 2025), Concerned Women for America, the Family Research Council, and the Alliance Defending Freedom.
This is not Marshall's first attack on trans people or LGBTQ+ people in general. In 2023, he introduced a bill to ban gender-affirming care for trans minors nationwide and one to ban federal funding for such care for trans people of all ages. Neither bill passed. He put out similar, equally unsuccessful, bills in 2021. In 2022, he led an effort to police LGBTQ+ content in children's TV programs, which also went nowhere, as did his plan the same year to block school meal funding in protest of the Biden administration's support for LGBTQ+ rights.
The introduction of his latest bill came on Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual observance that commemorates trans people lost to violence.
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I think the trans issue could do with a little "benign neglect". Transgender does exist, and they should have equal rights and not be "canceled " in law, but this whole topic gets too much attention from all sides.
The Europeans have moved away from it seeing the damage it has done to the young who were fed this shit.
The American left still promotes it and the Trump campaign was wise to remind us all.
Where do you find your (mis} information, Vic?
The difference between Europe and America is that Europeans don't spend their time in other people's crotches.
Oh, but they have Bob.
Tell Macron to hold onto that Muslim vote.
Amazing chutzpah!
Will you be trying to get rid of Halloween as well? I mean, don't want people dressing up as something they aren't.
Big difference someone dressing as a character for one night and dressing as someone they are not every single day and demand everyone accept it.
Healthy males have some "female" traits, and healthy females have some "male" traits, that is the way nature or God made us. Why should it be surprising that sometimes (about 1.5 out of 100) things get jumbled up?
You have to ask yourself why Republicans are so obsessed with transgender people, a tiny fraction of the population. It's clearly about them (the Republicans), not the people they want to legislate out of existence.
Good point.
It’s that puritanical streak in them. Stuck on stupid seems to be a good a reason as any.
It would seem there is more to it than that, and that it is a manifestation of deep psychological repression, especially among the most vituperative and outspoken. There is something inside themselves that they deeply fear.
I am reading and rereading (because it is on-point) and will keep in my library this book: Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think by George Lakoff, Third Edition, Published 1996 Pages 413 ISBN 978-0-226-46805-1
The issue for some conservatives is a moral issue. That is, some conservatives do not think that liberals have moral strength (they feel liberals as a whole are morally weak ) due to the issues liberals give their support too (the "marginalized" - 'the powerless'). Moreover, some conservatives adhere to a Strict Father/strict parenting model of moral structure as the only value worth holding and accordingly they deVALUE the Nurturer model (social gospel;caring for the Other, helping marginalized people) whom they feel are weak.
That is, some conservatives respect POWER, SUCCESS, and WINNING. They do not respect the 'struggle' or those whom struggle (but still can't get ahead) in society.
Much more needs and will be shared on this topic in other comments.
For all the bad press they give Darwin, they sure do like social Darwinism
The government has no compelling interest in such cases. It is one of the Reight's bogey-people. Of course, some of the religious people who inhabit Congress may truly think that there is a reason, but that reason circles back to religion. It may attempt to cloak itself in science, but it is in reality a way to make a certain miniscule segment of society appear to be less than and in turn make the crafters of the legislation appear to be fighting "woke". From their point of view, it is a win-win scenario, fuck the people who's rights they are trampling on.
It is picking on the powerless. The perception is this: Transpeople are a bastion of people seeking a place in society for which they currently can be kept repressed if 'nipped in the bud.' Some conservatives are attempting to push these people back across the 'threshold' of the closet that contained them for so long. Some conservatives see trans-people as morally weak people who can not equal to their 'coveted' way of life, and thus must be 'capped,' corralled, as deviants not allowed to be normalized.
I'm pretty sure prisons are gender specific.
No one is obsessed with them.
The problems start when they DEMAND we accept their lifestyle and threaten violence and insult when we don't.
If we tell them we don't accept their lifestyle they demand we accept, then many on the left label us as bigoted and hateful.
Transgender is nothing more than a mental disability that could be helped with mental health interdiction, not coddling to the defects that cause more harm than good.
Hmmm... Mace posted no less than 240 times in a week on her 'House bathroom bill'. That's pretty obsessive.
What demand did you get. Only that they exist and are treated with the same disrespect we treat everyone else. What violence have you been given since it's obvious you don't accept their lifestyle. And while we are talking about lifestyle, the lifestyle of all people (trans included) is to be productive members of the community.
Isn't that true? Does it hurt your feelings when someone you don't respect anyway tells you are bigoted?
Where did you study mental health? What qualifies you to diagnose and treat anyone? There is no harm to community to let someone be who they want to be as long as they aren't harming anyone. Letting those who wish to transition IS part of their treatment.
It is part of their (mental) health self-help, in fact.
What is happening is once again some conservatives are slick (and MEDDLESOME) to cross into "other" people lanes of freedom, liberty, and prosperity and try to tell them how they OUGHT to live while keeping their 'shady' lanes off-limit or crying to the 'sky' when other dare look in their direction.
So, you want to be accepted. You want the rest of us to accept the way you think and talk, and the legal restrictions you want to put on other people. You want us to accept all that, but you won’t extend that acceptance to someone else who just wants to pee. Or love someone. Or be addressed in a way that makes them comfortable.
No, she is warning. She is a rape survivor and don't want another woman going throiugh what she did. The more she posts, the more women are aware of what the left is trying to unleash on them. Hopefully the next Congresss will put an end to the BS and legislate bathroom use by birth gender, not by what you feel like.
"Does it hurt your feelings when someone you don't respect anyway tells you are bigoted?"
Where did I say I don't respect them. They are still human but they need mental help, not adoration ffrom the left to further their delusions.
""Where did you study mental health? What qualifies you to diagnose and treat anyone?"
I haven't and never said I did. I notice you never said the same to other leftists here when they claimed Trump was going downhill cognitively. I wonder why that is s/
"There is no harm to community to let someone be who they want to be as long as they aren't harming anyone. "
Never said there was. You sure do like to put a lot of words in people's posts that don't exist.
I said I do not want them trying to force us to agree with their lifestyle and accept it as something pseudo normal.
Here is another that likes to put words in people's posts that were never said.
I don't care if someone accepts me. The difference is I don't try and force others to do so, and if they don't go on a rant threatening others and insulting with names.
I am better than that.
Better women rape victims feel unsafe than a man use the bathroom that matches their biology. That's what a true supporter of women believes.
Clearly obsessed, as your comment proves.
Tell us about every instance in which you have been threatened with violence, intimidated or insulted by a transgender person who DEMANDED you accept their lifestyle. Provide a detailed, factual account of every time that has happened to you, or anyone you know, including the date, location, persons present and an accurate recitation of exactly what was said by everyone involved.
We're waiting.
Sorry but never said I was personally threatened. I said trannies threaten with violence if their demands are not met. Why be another to put words in my posts that do not exist?
The moment this transgender debate got heated
Transgender city councilwoman confronts Aberdeen store owner over controversial sign
Megyn Slams Shocking Response From "Trans" Activist Who Threatened Nancy Mace Over Bathroom Bill
Trans woman threatens to ‘obnoxiously’ blow wind instrument at anyone who misgenders her
I rest my case. Defense rests and found to be victorious.
Thank you, Mike. I forgot to address that.
It is truly amazing how these activists claim we are the ones obsessed when they are the ones that come out swinging (at air) when a tranny or tranny activist are criticized for their demands that we accept their lifestyle and what they believe they are.
Oh yes you do. You very much do! That’s why you whine about this:
or this:
See? You don’t want be labeled as bigoted and hateful. You absolutely-fuckin-lutely care if others accept you. Otherwise, you’d be all, “I don’t care if people label me as bigoted and hateful.” But you’re not saying that. In fact, I see this complaint all the time from the right. Somebody says some racist or otherwise prejudiced crap, and then their poor feelings are hurt when someone calls them on it.
Of course the same people don’t care about the feelings of LGBT people that they label as groomers and sexual predators.
You’re so butthurt you have to make yourself even more of a “victim” by pretending someone is threatening you.
Pretty long fact free rant to say I am right about leftist activists going coo coo when they are proven wrong.
Was the perp calling himself a trans? Why isn't she introducing bills to ban actual sexual predators from the Capitol Building?
If the rest of us have to accept MAGA sycophants and their lifestyle as normal I think you guys will be okay to just ignore a trans person. You wouldn't even know most of them were trans anyway.
‘Why isn't she introducing bills to ban actual sexual predators from the Capitol Building?’
In my opinion, there is a good chance she is.
‘If the rest of us have to accept MAGA sycophants and their lifestyle as normal’
Who said that?
They say worse things than that about them. But gawd forbid we call them a bigot if they call someone a "f!@
So really nothing...
I did. If you can't accept there are people who are different that you don't like, you need to realize there are people out there that don't like you too. We can agree to not regulate or criminalize each other out of our communities as long as we can all be peaceful.
Many on the lefty are struggling right now. First they can't understand why their voices were ignored and the "antichrist" was voted in anyway. Now they have to come to grips that no one really cares about all the names they are calling people or if they are accepted by them. They need to understand that the only people that care about their opinion are the ones that agree with their opinion.
As per usual, quoting to you your own words is somehow "fact free." I mean that is some hard core denial.
OK since you want me to prove you wrong.....here you go...
Oh yes you do. You very much do! That’s why you whine about this:
"You absolutely-fuckin-lutely care if others accept you."
I absolutely fucking lutely do not, and have said so several times. Go back and read my comments.
"Of course the same people don’t care about the feelings of LGBT people that they label as groomers and sexual predators."
Some are. Are you saying there are no groomers or sexual predators in the LGBT community? Sounds like you are.
"You’re so butthurt you have to make yourself even more of a “victim” by pretending someone is threatening you"
Absolutely fucking lutely bullshit. Show where I said I was a victim or someone was threatening me.
I will make myself clear once again so you can stop trying to argue what I never said.
If you want to dress up as a gender you think you are, go ahead. I don't care. Just don't try and demand that I accept it as a norm because you would be wrong.
Do you know what a fact is? The words you wrote are facts. You don’t have to agree with my interpretation of your comments, but their existence is a fact. Quoting your comments as support for my argument means that the argument cannot be “fact free.” If you can’t acknowledge what a fact is, you can’t have a rational conversation with people.
I think you are in denial because your protest is logically in conflict with your comments. That is my opinion. As explained, that opinion is based on a plain reading of your words.
And some are not. Biological males whether they are transitioning or not, are more likely than biological females to commit sexual crimes. There is good evidence for this. What is lacking, is proof that male-to-female transitioners are any more likely to commit sexual crimes than cis males.
So, any man, whether he is trans or not, could sneak into a locker room or bathroom and assault somebody. There is no reason to single out trans people.
‘So, any man, whether he is trans or not, could sneak into a locker room or bathroom and assault somebody. There is no reason to single out trans people.’
I didn’t read the rest of your rant because the facts are on my side…..no need to read them.
I did see this little bit though and I figured I would answer it.
If a man walks into a woman’s bathroom dressed as a man, he would probably be pointed out and dealt with before he could harm anyone.
A dude dressed like a woman may be overlooked and get inside to commit whatever crime he intends in doing.
There is a reason to single out trannies in a woman’s bathroom . Not my fault you don’t see it.
Well, I am pretty sure she was not raped by a 'queen' or a transsexual, because the collective you did not bother to detail it so. So, that blows this eco-centric empathy (treating others as you would have them do unto you when they share your values) "y'all' are attempting to plead. Moreover, I see no need for a cross-dresser to be confused with a transsexual - other than opportunism to denigrate them both and throw both under a rhetorical bus!
BTW, if Mace can not empathize (as a "mother") with someone willing to imitate "her" femininity, for its own sake, then she is a fool. Lying on transsexuals and demonizing another human being who has already been 'victimized' by nature emotionally and mentally. . . is cruel and unusual punishment. And though it does not diminish Mace's rape experience or pain. . . she is MORALLY WRONG to try to SABOTAGE another 'VICTIM' for political 'points.'
A transsexual who has achieved success to get elected to congress is a 'SURVIVOR'! And will need to be one too, as "she" is going against the grain by simply 'being.'
Yes, you did. Since you apparently aren't aware, in English the word "we" is a pronoun that includes the speaker, or writer as is the case here. From Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
The truth is that neither you nor anyone you know has ever been threatened with violence or insulted by a transgender person. That doesn't mean it might not happen, as, unfortuntely, many people in many circumstances are threatened with violence or insulted. For instance, the people you probably consider heroes, the January 6th rioters, actually physically assaulted police officers with weapons, as part of their political "engagement" that day. Further, numerous election officials and poll workers were threatened with violence by Trump supporters over the last few years. We can also mention the number of doctors who provide abortions who have been MURDERED by right wing anti-choice terrorists. I guess you consider that a victory.
It is truly amazing how anti-transgender haters call people "activists" who merely question why the haters are so obsessed with a small minority of people they have never met. Typical reactionary propaganda.
Hmm, like the people showing up at my door demanding I go their church or burn in hell? Oh wait, never have had a trans person show up at my door demanding.....anything.
Why is it that republicans think a bathroom is where people are going to get laid? Jesus...
Mace is an ignorant fool. Sure, a trans-female can do any number of things to a female/woman, but it is highly improbable that trying to sexualize a cis female is happening in a bathroom or not. Why? Because if as trans-female wants to 'bump pus-ies' with a female. . . it would make more sense to be APPEALING to the woman to begin with: A(n - attractive) man.
These some conservatives are projecting what they would want in a girl's or woman's locker room onto trans-female because they like to 'molest' people who have little political power to fight back. Some conservatives do not like feminists (whom they see as "aggressive") or trans-female whom they see as weak. In both cases, some conservatives see them as immoral, because they will not bow down to conformity (control under some conservative ideology).
Show me where I said so.
"The truth is that neither you nor anyone you know has ever been threatened with violence or insulted by a transgender person."
How do you know that? Do you know me, my family or everyone I associate with? Don't make bullshit accusations if you can't back them.
"For instance, the people you probably consider heroes, the January 6th rioters, actually physically assaulted police officers with weapons, as part of their political "engagement" that day. "
Fail number one
"Further, numerous election officials and poll workers were threatened with violence by Trump supporters over the last few years."
Some have been threatened by leftists. Fail number two
"We can also mention the number of doctors who provide abortions who have been MURDERED by right wing anti-choice terrorists. I guess you consider that a victory."
Fail number three
Is there anything else you would like me to prove wrong to you?
Who are these anti transgender haters you blab about. I never said I hated trannies. I just said I don't agree with their lifestyle. That is not hate, that is reality.
But, hey, go on with the reactionary responses
Someone demanded you go to their church? I would like to see a video of that.
It is much easier to shut the door in their faces than to get a mad tranny out of someone else's face when they use the wrong pronoun on them.
I have posted videos proving this.
I will attempt to educate you in the English language one more time:
For your further education see the following:
To attempt to refresh your recollection, see Comment 3.4.7, above:
You were failed to provide a response, therefore, logic holds that you cannot. Accordingly, "The truth is that neither you nor anyone you know has ever been threatened with violence or insulted by a transgender person." must be true. It's known in the law as an admission by silence, but, of course, you already know that, right?
You offered no proof contrary to the statement to which you replied. So, you failed.
You offered to no proof of your statement "some have been threatened by leftists". Again, you failed.
You offered no proof contrary to the statement to which you repled. So, your failure on every count.
You've proved that you're wrong about everything so far. We will credit you with being 100% on that.
"...the term "tranny" is used as a dehumanizing slur to describe transgender individuals and is oftentimes the last word someone hears before they are brutally attacked. Similar to the anti-gay F-word, the term "tranny" is commonly used to humiliate and degrade transgender individuals."
You have been corrected in your improper use of the word "reactionary" on numerous occasions. Again, "reactionary" connotes someone of extreme right wing views who is strongly opposed to social change. That accurately describes the political and social views you express in your comments on this website.
Because they want transsexuals ("Others") to get back in the 'box' and close the lid—to (hopefully) be joined there by all liberals in due time.
The "classic" republican ploy. Abuse and classify some as "others" and destroy their base of belonging in the mainstream of life. Deny them their humanity. Label them, "deviants." And talk about them as having no value to society (or at least to some conservative society) and yet take their hard-work and taxation same as everybody else to SUPPORT some conservative ideology set and meant against them. As stated above, it is the 'strict-father model' some conservatives honor for themselves applied to people who seek a different model of behavior: The nurturer model.
Think: Archie-bunkerism. (Some conservatives do not value those they see as 'powerless,' ineffectual, and immoral (not living life according to some conservative ideologies).
Social 'norms' that are outdated don't deserve to exist, anyway. BTW, social norms are created to assist people in living; people are not created to 'fit' social norms! Science is not being ignored when it is medical science that is making it possible for these people to find happiness in being alive and thriving versus just 'living' to please someone else ideal of what happiness is.
Democrats aren't the one trying to make laws controlling a tiny minority.
There are people in the world who apparently wake up and ask themselves, "how can I make someone else's life miserable today?"
Institutionalized cruelty to minorities is a standard part of fascism.
Trannies are not minorities.
If they are simply black, Hispanic or Asian, they are minorities.
Adding a mental disability does not make one a minority.
Okay, it is time for some conservatives to declare what the mental disability is in transsexualism. Go ahead, inform us. Make. It. Plain.
Very easy......Boys are boys and girls are girls. You can't be one if you are the other. There a misfire in the brain somewhere if you think you are something you are not.
Those that transitioned have a much higher rate of suicide than those that don't. They need mental health help, not blockers and castration.
Science matters, right?
So, the solution is give them a hard time about where they go to the bathroom? The solution is to treat them like sexual predators?
Do you imagine they don’t seek psychological counseling? Do you imagine they don’t consult with doctors?
Yeah, it would be nice to see the anti-trans people use a little science.
Because it seems like a lot of these people assume - without scientific support - that trans people just get out of bed one day, run down to the clinic and get hormones and surgery without a second thought. That their main concern is how to get in a quick government funded surgery in between sexually assaulting someone or brainwashing children.
Is that what you really think?
"The solution is to treat them like sexual predators?"
They may not be but why take the chance?
"Yeah, it would be nice to see the anti-trans people use a little science."
XX and XY. That is all the science you need.
"Because it seems like a lot of these people assume - without scientific support - that trans people just get out of bed one day, run down to the clinic and get hormones and surgery without a second thought. That their main concern is how to get in a quick government funded surgery in between sexually assaulting someone or brainwashing children."
Many if them are groomed by leftists to believe they are a gender in which they are not, causing many minors to pursue procedures that could be far harmful than just simply letting a phase pass or get them the mental help they so desperately need.
"Is that what you really think?"
Again, stop putting things in my posts that are not there.
The best political ad in a long time.
The American Psychiatric Association includes it as a mental disorder .
That doesn't specifically say it's a mental disorder
and doesn't appear to be in the latest version DMS5-TR.
The Diagnoses offered only deal with the stress or discomfort of their feelings and treatments,
not their identities.
What chance?
We’re all taking a chance on you and everyone else. We don’t treat people like criminals in this country just in case.
That’s not how science works. Science never stops and says, “this is all we need.” Knowledge is always expanding. You have no justification for thinking that what you learned about sex in the 6th grade is all the science we need.
How many? Do you have source?
Whatever their personal situation might be, that doesn’t justify treating them less than you’d treat anyone else. They should not be singled out for scorn or demonized the way conservatives are doing.
I didn’t put anything in your post. I asked you a question. Multiple questions, actually. Why don’t you try answering a few?
Why do you insist on letting a man in the women's bathroom. Highly unlikely another woman would be a sexual predator in a woman's bathroom. A man that thinks he is a woman? Decent chance
"That’s not how science works"
XX or XY
"that doesn’t justify treating them less than you’d treat anyone else"
Yet something else you try and argue that I never said. I don't find these people less than me, I find their lifestyle unappealing, and I do not have to approve of it, no matter how you demand I do.
"Why don’t you try answering a few?"
Not only have I answered all of your questions, I showed you how wrong you are. Nothing else needs to be said.
Bruce Jenner, known as Caitlyn Jenner since 2015, is a Republican and ran as a transgender Republican candidate for Governor of California in 2021. Do you assume that Jenner was groomed to be transgender by right wingers?
See 9.1.8. Caitlyn is running in 2026 for governor of California as a Republican (wonder how that works with U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall, a Kansas Republican, working through the system in the meantime).
No, he was looking for a way out of the Kardashian clan.
‘Do you assume that Jenner was groomed to be transgender by right wingers?’
You need to ask him, not me.
I am not a leftist, therefore I don’t assume. I work off facts.
You do it all the time. Take for example your statement in Comment 6.1.14, above:
Merely an assumption on your part.
Where? On this website? Not that anyone knowledgeable and with rational intelligence is able to detect.
Women can be sexual predators on other women.
Tell you what.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, and the fact that we will never see eye to eye on things I am correct on, I'm willing to do something I rarely have a reason to. I am going to cede and declare us both wrong.
Have a great Thanksgiving and see you on the other side of the holiday.
Sure they can, but at a far, far less chance than a man being a sexual predator on a woman.
I don't understand why any real male agrees that a man who dresses like a woman going into a women's bathroom is OK. The chances of a woman being sexually assaulted by one of these males in a bathroom are fairly high.
Why any real woman is OK with this is mind boggling to say the least.
It seems strange that we would go thorough such lengths to make a biological male comfortable going to the women's restroom while making the vast majority of biological women uncomfortable sharing a restroom with a biological male.
Maybe we need a bathroom for everyone.
so we don't end up with
I don't get it either.
You wonder about the mental stability of real women being OK with a male in the bathroom with them, even when they are playing dress up as a man.
I think it is not a problem until it happens to them or their daughter.
Agree one hundred percent.
It's unfortunate that it would take that for them to see the insanity of it.
Don't worry about women; they are fine and can take care of themselves around. . . all types of men too! After all, as a group they give birth to all. . . men. And, women have ways to get even if all else fails.
So you are saying a 5 foot 2 woman can handle a 6 foot 3 man just because?
Odd thinking.
As some conservatives are so fond of stating: when something goes wrong - charge an individual and not an entire class of people. That is, get the 'perp' and put him in jail for the good of the people. Do not fearmonger over an entire class of CITIZENS just because they lack the political force to push back effectively alone.
5 foot 2 men can cut the 'b-lls' off a 6 foot 3 man too!
There 'be' equalizers in this modern world even as it was in the beginning. Of course, in the history of the world. . . women could simply COOK something. . . 'GOOD' up for a(evil) man who needed retribution treatment and let him swallow it down with a fine wine. . . . once old 'boy' is asleep. . . the timing is 'perfect'! Sleep: The great equalizer!
Don't kid oneself. Women have devised ways to get back what is taken/stolen from them. Same as anybody else! Moreover, be advised: Women understand men just as much or better than men understand themselves-once they put their minds to it.
Well, you got it half right, but we can both agree about you!
I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving, too.
Salamat po.
I don't want to see government funding to be used for gender reassignment treatment. That means if someone in the military wants the DOD to help them change from a man to a woman, they can get out when their enlistment is up and pay for it out of their own pocket. Nor do I want to see trans women participating in women's sports.
Come at me and try and take my liberal card
To be fair then we should shut down all government funding used for any treatment. No Medicaid, Medicare, or VA.
If women in the military want to get pregnant they can get an administrative discharge and pay for it out of their own pocket. Same with men with ED issues.
Shouldn't we cancel women sports anyway? It's not like they are good...
I never got one.
You win. I don't have the arguments to debate you
Crazy talk
"If women in the military want to get pregnant they can get an administrative discharge and pay for it out of their own pocket. Same with men with ED issues."
These are perfectly normal occurrences, not made up problems just because someone feels like they are something they are not.
"Shouldn't we cancel women sports anyway? It's not like they are good."
Sure...let's just substitute the women with men who think they are women.
Being hateful pricks to those who are living a peaceful life is crazy.
Thankfully you aren't the arbiter of what is made up and what is not.
For the millionth time...I don't care if one wants to dress up and make believe they are a gender they are not. Nobody is stopping them.
It is not hateful to not recognize nor accept ones lifestyle. Hell, several other leftists here have made the same remarks concerning my lifestyle. I don't care if you don't like/accept it.
"Thankfully you aren't the arbiter of what is made up and what is not. "
That's good because I never made the claim.
So are transgender situations. Like the ED referenced, they exist on a spectrum. There are many ways to be transgender. It occurs for many reasons, and manifests in myriad ways. Therefore, the responses or treatments are also many and varied based on the individual. What’s not helpful is sweeping and restrictive legislation based in bigotry.
Mental health professionals should be the first and best answer.
Keeping men out of women's bathrooms is not bigoted...It is protection.
There are leftists who say that women should not be concerned because the tranny will be in an enclosed stall and not out staring at the woman.
Would you be OK when ones that have not had their dicks cut off and are simply dressing as a woman start demanding urinals in the women's bathroom because "it's their right"?
I'm not sure there is much statistical support to declare something affecting less than 1% of the population to have similar normality to something affecting up to 70% of men as they age.
Cruelty to minorities - that's anyone different from the norm, by religion, race, whatever - is a key element of fascism.
Fascists force everyone to conform to their definition of "normal".
You're trying to be reasonable.
Hopeless task.
Who is forcing you and what are they forcing you to do?
Be specific...
Trans people are required to get mental counseling long before they actual transition.
First, we aren't talking about men. Second, can't men be trusted to not be sexual predators? Third, is that attitude projection?
It would be nice if we could protect women from men....men with actual working penises* and who think they are alpha males
*trans-women who take estrogen and other hormones usually can't get erections if they still have all the male parts
It would be nice if men weren't raised to be pricks in the first place.
Be patient. It's coming, as sure as death and taxes.
If we look at the upcoming Administration, .....
Correct. And if they did, that first, there would probably be a very high chance they would not go through with castration or cutting their breasts off.
"First, we aren't talking about men"
Yes, we are. Biological males (men) who dress like women are still men, getting your penis cut off or not.
"Second, can't men be trusted to not be sexual predators?"
Sure they can. Never said otherwise
"Third, is that attitude projection?"
It's a reality projection
I agree and my comments more reflect those men who simply think they are women, and dress like men.
Come back and talk to me when you are forced to do something other than death and taxes.
I will... if public forums still exist...
What do you base that on?
You really don't have the first clue.
You just said they couldn't. Make up your mind.
Or is that men can be trusted, but you can't? Is that what you're saying here? You're all over the place and the logic is twisting in the wind as usual.
So irrelevant to trans-females, your commenting is about drag-queens. By the way, drag queens PREFER sex with men too! Of course, there are exceptions to every rule.
That comment is ridiculous by some conservative definition. A "man" in some conservative parlance is a "head of a household, with children preferably/mostly, and with strict-father, strict mother, parenting. Biological males have penises; males without penises. . . are classified as "eunuchs."
Therefore, that quote above is opportunistic (disingenuous) and is a snuck premise attempting to 'sneak by' as fact.
It's not "protection" - that is true. Here's why. When it comes to 'protection' - some conservatives let Sandy Hook Elementary children 'hang out to dry' (unceremoniously). Y'all "protected" the second amendment over and beyond children by arguing that one should go after the (mentally ill) 'perp' that shot us the school. . .and all other schools, respectively.
But, here and now, the same some conservatives are arguing that a class of citizens should be treated as criminals and driven out of existence politically. . .because some conservatives wish to DELUDE themselves into thinking they are "protectors' of FULLY GROWN WOMEN in bathrooms from trans-females. Some conservatives simply want transpeople out of the spotlight in society and back in their 'box.' And will say anything to turn the public against them.
Just stop the false narratives.
Reality. Being told you are not what you think you are can be a wake up call.
"You really don't have the first clue."
Far more of a clue than a leftist that thinks it is OK for a dude to go into a women's bathroom, even after those same leftists have been told over and over that women do not feel comfortable....by women
"You just said they couldn't."
Show me where
"Or is that men can be trusted, but you can't? Is that what you're saying here? You're all over the place and the logic is twisting in the wind as usual."
Your logic is all overt the place. I'll give you another chance at it.
As a parting note...
Can you define what is a woman?
Why do you take this position?
It's kinda like plastic surgery: some is very important for mental health and some is "comfort medicine". The problem is defining the limits.
Kinda depends on the surgery and the context, doesn't it?
If my foot has gangrene, is my decision to have it amputated "elective"?
I said I lost the argument to evil. I don't have a position anymore
That's not elective surgery. That surgery is necessary to save your life
You absolutely didn't lose, but I certainly understand why you would say that.
Some people would rather die than lose a limb. So there's always a "choice".
Like porn: "I can't define it, but I know it when I see it."
I think I'll take the loss of a limb. I hear death from gangrene is pretty gruesome
There are established definitions of "elective" and "medically necessary".
Yeah...like an infected appendix is definitely not elective surgery
Sorry, Jack. Can't talk. TPTB are watching.
You're like an old school, common sense liberal. I'm guessing you would have voted for somebody like Lloyd Bentsen back in the day.
Not sure if that's allowed anymore, but we need more of those.
Thanks, Jack. I'm trying very hard to remember Lloyd Bentsen. I know he was someone's running mate for VPOTUS? Maybe? I should go google that
Edit. Yes I do remember him now. And I probably would have voted for him
The rare case of liberal wisdom.
Transgenderism is a mental disorder we have known for years as body dysmorphia. I personally don't care if you want to pretend to be something you can never be but don't force me to agree with your delusion. Yes I am very aware that modern medicine can turn your current sex organ in to some atrocious meat pocket but even then you will still be the same gender.
Then why do you get so excited?
[✘] I [✘] am [✘] more concerned with the damage this issue has caused regarding women's progress. Goons injuring real women in sports is not acceptable to me. 40% of the mentally disturbed that have their organ turned into an open wound that rarely heals end up killing themselves. I find that statistic sad. I would rather modern psychology treat the body dysmorphia than see people kill themselves.
"Goons" - there it is the name-calling by self-righteous some conservatives who apparently have a 'disorder' that causes them to label people trying to do the best they can with what they are faced with in the SCIENTIFIC AGE. Well, let's be clear: As with all things medical-science the professionals will 'perfect' their procedures over time for the benefit of humanity and transsexual (youths/adults).
Of course, it is none of some conservatives affair - since no one who is some conservative will EVER have to 'worry' about themselves or their CHILDREN 'suffering' from transsexualism. /s
I don't believe some conservatives care about damages to women's progress. Or, transsexuals. Here is why: If some conservatives are taking actions to make sure transsexuals can not exist, then it is evidence of not caring about their welfare (either). And, as for the women. . . well, they are dying waiting on healthcare from some conservative (red-state) forced pregnancies that end in death. And no apologies or changes from the red-staters whom sit and watch girls and women perish.
Therefore, the appeal to caring from some conservatives is HOLLOW.
Time has finally come to call it out for what it is: Some conservatives have been using DIVISIVE rhetoric to win 'victories' for their causes for well over 200 plus years in this country! People are sick and tired of 'living and dying' for some ideologies that are out of touch with their "routine" lives. Y'all have had a "good run" now get fundamentalism out of the 'effin' way!
As fundamentalists some conservatives are entitled to live by some conservative MORALS, but not entitled to demand that "others" live by the same rules of morality as "you"!
The funniest thing is when an extremely successful professional throws it all away to change their body image and becomes more successful, more relaxed
and still votes Republican.
Interesting choice of words.....
So they should automatically become a Democrat? Why?...
It is sad. And personally, I find "log cabin republicans" (homosexuals in league with their 'captors') to be shall we say. . . 'Unaccomplished.'
Case in Point!
Clay Travis
Caitlyn Jenner is running for California governor as a Republican (2026) . This is somehow perfect for the identity politics era:
We will have to wait and see what the platform for Caitlyn to run will be. The Question: Will U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall, a Kansas Republican, have succeeded in canceling her identity by then politically in the GOP "up and down."
Is that your own personal "slang"?....
Really. I don't even know what to say to that since some conservatives don't even know what/who are sitting down to the 'table' with them.
Transsexualism is NOT body dysmorphia.
I don't recall reading anywhere that transsexuals are asking some conservatives to like them or their decisions—personally. It is a 'far-cry' from that to crossing into the transsexual lane and passing laws that deny them their right to exist in a land that 'bills' itself as the model of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. There is injustice in just messing with Others-simply because "you" view them as "low-hanging fruit" to be attacked and destroyed!
True. the current version of DSM-5-TR only offers diagnoses and treatments for stress related to BD persons, not their identities.
Maybe it references the stress DUE to their identities
I think you mean "gender dysphoria", which was classified as a mental illness until relatively recently when it all became political.
Can't someone believe this without making it federal law?
I'd like to have a law that makes being an asshole illegal.
Yes. Until we start talking about spending federal money, what constitutes civil rights, and what behaviors are to be forced upon other people.
since when are civil rights dependent on the gender you were assigned at birth?
Since people started going deep into litigation over bathrooms, sports, etc.
The trend in other western democracies is concerning. Canada already imposes criminal penalties for misgendering someone. In the UK, misgendering can be considered hate speech, which is punishable by imprisonment.
I don't think it's outlandish to say that the vast majority of Americans don't want nonsense like that happening here. Whether or not this law is appropriate is a separate matter. I haven't looked at it closely. It's certainly possible to run amok on either end of the political spectrum, and that may be the case here. Or not.
Since fascism.
Who cares? I am concerned with what happens in the USA.
Ask those who spew that women are "oppressed".............still
In a country which really doesn't mind dragging a black man to death behind a pickup truck or gang assaulting gay men and leaving them to die tied to a cattle fence somewhere?
Really, that kind of nonsense?
I think executing the offender qualifies as "mind", but you continue right on with the teenage melodrama.
Politicians pulled this same bullsh-t when they denied blacks access to 'everything' meaningful in existence - until the intentional lies could not sustain themselves any longer. Some conservatives SELECTIVELY IGNORE the medical science that is 'equipping' gender re-assignment—just like they tend to do with any behavior that does not fit their strict-father model of the family.
It is effed-up to the max to tell citizens of this country that they must remain as outcasts, simply because they are not some conservatives!
Incidentally, some conservatives feel this way about all liberals. They do not value 'our' opinions. They see value in only some conservative opinions. Which is why you won't see them COMMENTING against their own worldview here. They come here to denigrate "YOU" and not call themselves out.
Time to put that 'trick' out of here.
As it relates to trans-females in restrooms. I say at the Capitol, when the democrats take back the House: Reinstitute trans-female permission to use "all" publicly shared facilities. Or, change the sign on the doors to UNISEX. (See how they like it when anybody can be inside the locker-rooms and rest-rooms singularly, or collectively.)
Also, just imagine how LOUD THE HOWLS of men will be if a trans-female (with 'perky' breasts) is seen entering a male toilet. Yes! Get the visual.
This bathroom silliness is going to cause the return of pay toilets
Or simple multiple single person toilets.
Probably not a terrible idea anyway.
It is similar to why we have no PE classes in some schools, in my opinion. Some conservatives did not want their "little" Bob being seen naked by. . . LGBTQ types! Where it is an issue: Single bathrooms (with locks) works!
I think you're inventing that.
It's an "opinion" do with it as you will. Use it in part or whole or trash it. It's all the same to me. That being said, you can share an opinion or fact (for that matter) about it.
The transgender population of the US is about one-half of one percent.
Why is MAGA so upset about this vanishingly small demographic? The psychology here is worrisome. The need to scapegoat a weak community.
We've seen this movie before.
The MAGA strategy is all about highlighting problems - real, exaggerated, and invented - and blaming them on someone else. Scapegoating “the other” has been very effective for them.
It's in their books: 'How to create Culture Wars and Other Discontentments among the Masses.' /s
It's the transgenders' fault!
About one out of one hundred children born have "indeterminate" external sexual characteristics. This means it is fairly common. In the past this was often handled quickly, privately and secretly for all the obvious reasons. Doctors usually recommended choosing female because that was BY FAR easier. Of course, disasters ensued...
My second cousin's child "Jaime" was such a child. They were raised a girl, but no surgeries were ever performed. At puberty Jaime chose to live as a boy, though they had a hard time at school in rural Oklahoma. Today Jaime is a young adult now adjusted to living as a "they". How individual families deal with this situation is nobody else's business!
Why, besides MAGA cruelty, are lawmakers now going out of their way making their lives more difficult? The way I understand Oklahoma's new "Bathroom Law" it might be a felony for Jaime to use either!
Why do some conservatives do it? It is because some conservatives believe in the strict father model of living/raising children/lifestyle:
God is the head. > Father is under God. > Mother is under Father. > Children are under Father.
Trans-youths and trans-adults are an anathema to the 'strict father model' and its associated grouping: strict Parenting. Only male and female categories are 'right' to some conservatives. Thus, some conservatives see no value in transsexualism. It does not fit in with some conservatives' MORAL acceptance. Resulting in transsexualism being IMMORAL.
Also, some conservatives have been engaging in ("manufactured") culture wars with liberals (and "Others") since the 60's civil rights movement (as people learned to plead for freedom from some conservative dominance over American society.). Some conservatives really believe nothing was wrong. . .and that they are the ones being 'beset' by unwelcomed change in our society. And, (sigh) so they attack and fight to not lose their. . . dominance over 'us.'
Cruelty to minorities - unable to fight back - is a standard aspect of fascism. Only the Nazis carried this to genocide, but ALL fascists have abused minorities: Mussolini, Franco, Pétain, Pinochet, Tojo... ALL of them.
Russia is industriously stripping gender minorities of the few rights that Russians had.
The gay+ community is an easy target in the US. They're gonna get hammered.