John Russell


@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 20
Posted a new Comment on JD Vance Calls For People To 'Love Our Neighbors,' And It Backfires Immediately:
" "I'm sure he doesn't include immigrants as neighbors,"  That explains it all. "
@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Strangers in their own land:
"They arent worth a response.  If you tell us what your proof is that Harris is a Marxist I will respond. "
@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Strangers in their own land:
"Why dont you take a crack at proving Harris is a Marxist. Maybe you can have more luck at it. "
@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 28
Posted a new Comment on Unbalanced is the new black | Salon.com:
"Beginning in 2015, violent rhetoric and actual violence entered our politics in the words and actions of one man, Donald Trump Yep, although the utterly..."
@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Strangers in their own land:
"ends up in the same place (i.e. same salary, same living conditions, same education, ...) You are deliberately misunderstanding her meaning of "the same..."
@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Strangers in their own land:
@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Strangers in their own land:
"My point was very precise - there are all sorts of people who think Trump is a threat to democracy that are not radical leftists.   This latest suspect..."
@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Strangers in their own land:
"Everyone at The Bulwark thinks Trump is a threat to democracy. None of them are radical leftists. "
@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Strangers in their own land:
"i dont believe that is what he said"
@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Strangers in their own land:
"Why did he want them to say their names on camera ? "
@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Strangers in their own land:
"i saw your comment. it should not have been ticketed, imo"
@john-russell • 3 days ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Strangers in their own land:
"Neither of the two people who tried to kill Trump were radical leftists.  Therefore, something else directed them.   "
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