John Russell


@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 94
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 66
Posted a new Comment on Trump Tweeted 'Remain Peaceful' on Jan. 6 After Violence Began | Snopes.com:
"I cant comment to these people anymore. They are flagging me for triggering them. "
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 8
Posted a new Comment on The Americans Who Yearn for Anti-American Propaganda:
"Why does the far right love Russia so much? NPR https://www.npr.org/2022/05/09/1097673785 A growing number of white nationalists..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 8
Posted a new Comment on The Americans Who Yearn for Anti-American Propaganda:
"This is because the messages formed part of a larger stream of authoritarian ideas that are now ubiquitous on the far right, and that make coherent sense as..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 66
Posted a new Comment on Trump Tweeted 'Remain Peaceful' on Jan. 6 After Violence Began | Snopes.com:
"“What we also know is that President Trump wanted to make sure that the people that came, that there was a safe environment for that kind of assembly. And..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 66
Posted a new Comment on Trump Tweeted 'Remain Peaceful' on Jan. 6 After Violence Began | Snopes.com:
"I'll make this easy for you, if the Trump White House requested national guard troops from Miller on Jan 6th, why doesnt Trump just say so ?  Maybe he knows..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 66
Posted a new Comment on Trump Tweeted 'Remain Peaceful' on Jan. 6 After Violence Began | Snopes.com:
"LOL. This seed is about Jan 6th. At least your in "good" company, Trump changes the subject away from Jan 6th every chance he gets too. "
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 66
Posted a new Comment on Trump Tweeted 'Remain Peaceful' on Jan. 6 After Violence Began | Snopes.com:
"What happened? [✘]"
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 66
Posted a new Comment on Trump Tweeted 'Remain Peaceful' on Jan. 6 After Violence Began | Snopes.com:
"145 cops were injured. Did Trump move a single muscle to help them?  NO. "
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 66
Posted a new Comment on Trump Tweeted 'Remain Peaceful' on Jan. 6 After Violence Began | Snopes.com:
"the January 6th Committee’s final report cited testimony that Trump suggested 10,000 National Guardsmen may be needed to protect him and his supporters –..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 66
Posted a new Comment on Trump Tweeted 'Remain Peaceful' on Jan. 6 After Violence Began | Snopes.com:
"USA Today https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/... Fact check: Trump did not request 10,000 Guard troops for Jan. 6..."
@john-russell • one week ago • comments: 66
Posted a new Comment on Trump Tweeted 'Remain Peaceful' on Jan. 6 After Violence Began | Snopes.com:
"If Trumps behavior was okey dokey, why wont he answer the question?  This entire discussion is insanity. "
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