John Russell


@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 163
Posted a new Comment on As Predicted:
"[deleted] [✘] The very first thing Trump said about the violence there was that it was coming from "all sides". It was , specifically, a..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 163
Posted a new Comment on As Predicted:
"4. Sarcasm  Trump said he was being sarcastic when he recently said he lost the 2020 election to President Biden.  "I said that sarcastically. You know..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 163
Posted a new Comment on As Predicted:
"5. Pelosi There were other moments that weren’t full-blown fact-checks, but were seen as hostile moments against Trump, such as when Muir snarked that a..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 163
Posted a new Comment on As Predicted:
"Trumps lies were not confined to those three incidents , not by a longshot. Those may have been the three most obvious ones.  Dp you think Trump should be..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 61
Posted a new Comment on Kamala Harris is faking moderation — and voters aren't buying it:
"Why don't you jump on John (or any of the dysfunctional leftists on this site) for not posting any anti-Harris pieces? You and yours had three years to..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 163
Posted a new Comment on As Predicted:
"Trump has a talking point about "after birth abortions". He has been saying, for months if not years, that the Democrats want to be able to abort a baby..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 163
Posted a new Comment on As Predicted:
"Trump gave no policy specifics either. Its not what is done during debates. They always talk more or less in generalities.  Trump embarrassed our country..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 163
Posted a new Comment on As Predicted:
"Harris, an ex criminal prosecutor, was very well prepared.  Trump, a lifelong con man and huckster, wasnt.  That explains 95% of what happened last night...."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 250
Posted a new Comment on Debate Night Live - Harris versus Trump :
"Charlie Sykes @SykesCharlie · 3m Agree Quote..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 250
Posted a new Comment on Debate Night Live - Harris versus Trump :
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 250
Posted a new Comment on Debate Night Live - Harris versus Trump :
"You can post whatever you want as far as I know. "
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 250
Posted a new Comment on Debate Night Live - Harris versus Trump :
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