John Russell


@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 46
Posted a new Comment on When Your Little Ohio Town Becomes Port Au Prince and No One Cares:
"I guess he's out to mow down Haitians with his big gun. Women and children too ? "
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 228
Posted a new Comment on Sabotage!:
"George previewed MAGA"
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 228
Posted a new Comment on Sabotage!:
"Some sad traitor apologists see the picture and see Trump to the rescue Having seen the articles in that issue of The Atlantic I can assure everyone they are..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 228
Posted a new Comment on Sabotage!:
"I dont think it is Mark Milleys fault there was no world war going on while he served.  CLAIM: Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark   A.   Milley has..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 228
Posted a new Comment on Sabotage!:
"Or Trump's secure border? More people crossed the border during Trump's term than in either of Obamas terms. "
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 228
Posted a new Comment on Sabotage!:
"aint that the truth"
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 46
Posted a new Comment on When Your Little Ohio Town Becomes Port Au Prince and No One Cares:
"He'd pee his pants. "
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 46
Posted a new Comment on When Your Little Ohio Town Becomes Port Au Prince and No One Cares:
"Trump would never pick up a cat or any other animal, they have germs. "
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 46
Posted a new Comment on When Your Little Ohio Town Becomes Port Au Prince and No One Cares:
"This was posted by the Trumpster fool , Congresswoman Nancy Mace"
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 46
Posted a new Comment on When Your Little Ohio Town Becomes Port Au Prince and No One Cares:
"I forgot Michele Malkin existed and you had to go and remind me. "
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 228
Posted a new Comment on Sabotage!:
"Republicans against Trump @RpsAgainstTrump · Q. Would you have certified the 2020 election? JD Vance: No. “I would have asked the states to submit..."
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