John Russell


@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 9
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 9
Posted a new Comment on To:       VPOTUS From:  Steve Schmidt Re:       Debate/kicking Trump’s ass:
"The test at hand is about character, and you are about to be tested in a way that every hero in every American western has ever been tested. You will stand..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 9
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 5
Posted a new Comment on Trump's rambling rants get a pass, but Biden was labeled 'too old'?:
""This 'sanewashing' of Trump's statements isn't just poor journalism; it's a form of misinformation that poses a threat to democracy. By continually..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 5
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 23
Posted a new Comment on 'A bad night': Republicans worry Trump will be 'like a lab rat hitting the cocaine' at debate - Alternet.org:
"I'd sure like to be proven wrong, but I think David Muir and Lindsey Davis are going to go easy on him. The mainstream media has been derelict for months..."
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 85
Posted a new Comment on Harris’ momentum has stalled — but not reversed. Here’s 5 takeaways from the latest polls.:
"Saying you know absolutely nothing about J6 isnt a personal attack, it is the easily observable truth on this forum. "
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 85
Posted a new Comment on Harris’ momentum has stalled — but not reversed. Here’s 5 takeaways from the latest polls.:
"I've never voted for Dick Cheney, have you? "
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 85
Posted a new Comment on Harris’ momentum has stalled — but not reversed. Here’s 5 takeaways from the latest polls.:
"You know absolutely nothing about J6 , thus your opinion is irrelevant. "
@john-russell • 2 weeks ago • comments: 85
Posted a new Comment on Harris’ momentum has stalled — but not reversed. Here’s 5 takeaways from the latest polls.:
"Claiming that Trump is unfit based upon personality traits You must be fucking kidding.  Well , at least you dint say "mean tweets". "
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