John Russell


@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 151
Posted a new Comment on Money Matters:
"Trump is not the only one babbling.  This seed is a waste of time that I am abandoning now. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 151
Posted a new Comment on Money Matters:
"If you actually think Putin was sincerely endorsing Harris I feel sorry for you. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 151
Posted a new Comment on Money Matters:
"Vladimir Putin endorsed Kamala Harris for president. Who's next? Hannibal Lecter? Putin makes the assumption that his "endorsement" will be a kiss of..."
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 151
Posted a new Comment on Money Matters:
"I'm not going to answer your dodge questions.  - Trump gave a barely coherent answer to a specific question, which is what he often does, yet you heap praise..."
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 30
Posted a new Comment on Trump Babbles Nonsense On Child Care:
"There are a LOT of grandmas and grandpas that watch kids while their parents are at work.  But we have so many people in America where grandma is not an..."
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 151
Posted a new Comment on Money Matters:
"you have to have it in this country. You have to have it.  Trump's words yesterday, talking about affordable child care.    You can stop tap dancing now. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 151
Posted a new Comment on Money Matters:
"In this instance it was Donald Trump. Unfortunately his long rambling answer to a straight forward question quickly careened out of control. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 30
Posted a new Comment on Trump Babbles Nonsense On Child Care:
"Excellent question. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 151
Posted a new Comment on Money Matters:
"So Trump's ridiculous babbling was his way of saying he doesnt care about the issue of child care?  I will pick his one coherent sentence out of that mess of..."
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 30
Posted a new Comment on Trump Babbles Nonsense On Child Care:
"Keep fantasizing about Trump I just posted his exact words. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 30
Posted a new Comment on Trump Babbles Nonsense On Child Care:
"This article is about Trump babbling.  If you want to see one about your opinion on child care, seed one. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 151
Posted a new Comment on Money Matters:
"a second Trump presidency"
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