John Russell


@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 5
Posted a new Comment on Flying Tigers' spirit 'a common treasure' :
"Cool story. The American people and the Chinese people are not enemies. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 69
Posted a new Comment on Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president:
"You are the one here trying to pigeon hole Liz Cheney as nothing but a failed politician rejected by her district.  Trump won Wyoming in 2020 by a 70% to 26%..."
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 69
Posted a new Comment on Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president:
"I guess Wyoming is a provincial place. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 69
Posted a new Comment on Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president:
"Yes ,we can see what you dont like about her.  The fact remains her impact on current events goes far beyond Wyoming. If nothing else she wrote a book that..."
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 69
Posted a new Comment on Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president:
"It might comfort you or amuse you that a person who is essentially a national political figure can be reduced, by those who oppose her principles, to a local..."
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 148
Posted a new Timeline Comment: {jrCore_module_url} required parameter "module" is missing () https://thenewstalkers.com/community//65166:
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 17
Posted a new Comment on Opinion: For undecideds, will this be Kamala Harris' Achilles' heel? - Los Angeles Times:
"You sure do like your traitors. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 17
Posted a new Comment on Opinion: For undecideds, will this be Kamala Harris' Achilles' heel? - Los Angeles Times:
"Arent you embarrassed to death that you support a criminal buffoon like Trump?  You should be. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 11
Posted a new Comment on Jimmy Kimmel Recaps All the Crazy Stuff Donald Trump Did Over the Summer:
"Jimmy Kimmel is the best in the country at humiliating Trump. Its not hard to do but he's still the best at it. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 17
Posted a new Comment on Opinion: For undecideds, will this be Kamala Harris' Achilles' heel? - Los Angeles Times:
"All this "policy" fretting over is irrelevant. Man up righties and admit you are trying to pawn the worst major party candidate in US history off on us ...."
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 17
Posted a new Comment on Opinion: For undecideds, will this be Kamala Harris' Achilles' heel? - Los Angeles Times:
"What is there to be undecided about ?  One candidate is not a traitor and the other one is. "
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