John Russell


@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 4
Posted a new Comment on Washington Post Editorial Board erases Trump's coup attempt when pondering 'policy' differences between candidates:
"American media, including those at "the top" do not care if Trump gets back in power. We cant rely on them to defend American principles anymore. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 231
Posted a new Comment on A big misstep for Harris:
"Extremists look at things differently than the rest of us do. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 231
Posted a new Comment on A big misstep for Harris:
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 4
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 4
Posted a new Comment on Washington Post Editorial Board erases Trump's coup attempt when pondering 'policy' differences between candidates:
"it's self-evident at this point that our glorious media betters do not see themselves as parties who ought to weigh in on whether a seditionist felon who..."
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 4
Posted a new Comment on Washington Post Editorial Board erases Trump's coup attempt when pondering 'policy' differences between candidates:
"The policy distinctions between the Mainstream Political Figure and the venomously misogynistic compulsive liar who attempted a coup against the government..."
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 4
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 32
Posted a new Timeline Comment: {jrCore_module_url} required parameter "module" is missing () https://thenewstalkers.com/just-jim-nc-ttth//21506:
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 14
Posted a new Comment on JD Vance lays bare the 'lie at the heart' of Kamala Harris' campaign | Fox News:
"I dont know what you are talking about, thank god. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 32
Posted a new Comment on JESSE WATTERS: No one is really voting for Kamala Harris | Fox News:
"Jesse Watters is trash. "
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 13
Posted a new Comment on Gen Z Men Are Shifting Right. What Could That Mean for Kamala Harris? - Newsweek:
"Trump does have one advantage in trying to win over young people  -  some of them can't distinguish fantasy from reality. All of "Gen Z" has grown up under..."
@john-russell • 3 weeks ago • comments: 13
Posted a new Comment on Gen Z Men Are Shifting Right. What Could That Mean for Kamala Harris? - Newsweek:
"Some bookmakers are now even taking bets on whether Trump will make an appearance on Rogan. tells us a lot about the disintegration of american society"
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