"Friends, Romans and Fellow Lusty Countrymen, lend me your ears, for I have lost mine and am in great need of seeing reality through yours", as George Washington Carver once said to an albino donkey, while shucking peanuts for a living before he hit it big with that peanut butter scam and jam.
Everybody, that is anybody, knows that"peanut butter"is code for doing the "nasty's", gettin' down, way down, low down, hanging around. So, why doesn't America come clean once and for all and vote into office only VOLUTOUS, SEXY, GOOD LOOKING WOMEN with big bosoms to public office and not allow gorillas, or, men to run.
Men waste too damn much time grimacing, grinding their teeth and pounding on their chest. We ain't got time for that. Besides when a politician opens his mouth most of us are trained to go to sleep instantly. What do you think, Brothers and Sisters of the Corn Hole Degeneration? Am I rite?
I think this is utterly disgusting and below the standards of The News Talker, but, I can't stop myself from reading it.
When R we gonna see women 'pounding on their chest' ?!