Newt Gingrich: Democrats want to abort babies ’30 days after they’re born’
By: Mr. Frost

Way to double down on a lie, Newt.

During an appearance onSean Hannity‘s radio show, former GOP Speaker of the HouseNewt Gingrichclaimed that Democrats want to able to ‘kill’ babies up to 30 days after they’re born.
“If the debate on abortion is handled correctly by Trump and the Republicans — that is – we think 15 weeks is a reasonable limit to abortion,” Gingrich said in anaudio clip flagged by Media Matters.
“We think the life of the mother, incest, and rape are reasonable exemptions. Versus a party committed to killing your baby on the last day, or in some cases, committed to killing your baby up to 30 days after it’s born. I think we win that fight,” he said.
Gingrich was likely referring to an online rumor from last year that claimed the state of New York passed an abortion bill that legalized “abortion” 28 days after birth.
On Sept. 5, 2022, someone tweeted, “NY just passed a bill allowing “abortion” up to 28 days AFTER birth? Is this real? How can this possibly be happening?” The tweet,which is still live, got over 7,000 likes and over 3,000 retweets.
AReutersfact checkfound no evidence that any such law exists.Jeffrey Hammond, Deputy Director of Communications at the New York State Department of Health, told Reuters that the claim was “misinformation” and is “unequivocally false.”
In the state of New York,abortion is legalup until the fetus is viable.
If someone could fix the image I would be grateful. Thanks in advance.
If someone could fix the image I would be grateful.
It is a weird image. Kind of human like, but with a seriously oversized yet empty cranium. Not sure that can be fixed.
The hideous creature will have to be photoshopped out. Newt's own mother advocated for retroactive abortion until the day she died.
It's time for Newt to be committed.
When this doesn't get the response he wants he'll say the left wants to execute everyone under the age of 13. He needs to back to banging whores behind his wife's back and be quiet.
That sure sounds like something that he try.
I wonder if he's reflecting on his teenagers and this is all wishful thinking....gee...if I could have drowned them in the bath tub at 10....
Gingrich is totally mistaken, of course. It's the GOP/NRA that supports "post-birth abortions".
That's a good one, G...all those children shot in schools. Post abortions for sure
The intelligence of the anti-choice folks should never be underestimated.
And this is the article from the Onion that pictures the diagram.
and the actual article announcing the opening. I encourage you to visit the link and read the entire article. The Onion staff did an outstanding job of painting abortion as a procedure done to heartless harlots.
I think it's sad that people don't recognize satire
I agree.
But satire is just a little exaggeration of what some people really believe so it would be difficult for them to recognize their mindset is being ridiculed.
In this instance, the hatred of women, of our elected representatives, is a reason that the US made it to the list of the top 10 most unsafe countries for women a few years ago. The US is still probably in the top 10 and moving higher up the list as birth control access is being limited or eliminated and males are given access to our restrooms and locker rooms.
leave it to republicans to believe a bullshit story like this one...
And then continue to repeat lies that they've heard
but...but...but they don't lie!!!! I got 3 tickets because of that!
pffft, knuckle draggers...
... mouth breathers
window lickers...
Tell us again, which elected office does Newt Gingrich hold? Gingrich is engaging in Clinton era politics. Elected Democrats continue to play this style of politics while holding elected offices. Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden are contemporaries of Gingrich who haven't been thrown out of office. Mitch McConnell is also a contemporary that has stayed far too long.
Democrats tell us that women have a God given right to kill their unborn infant at any time, for any reason. That's consistent with the oxymoronic politics of the Clinton era.
I definitely think a woman has agency over the fetus right up until the point of viability, and exceptions for after that (life of the mother, severe deformities etc.).
I am not a democrat, I just don’t much care about something that has never had any conscious thought or taken any conscious action. Plus the vast majority of abortions take place well before a brain has even developed, very few occur after the point when a fetus is starting to resemble anything human. In most of those cases an abortion takes place due to the exceptions I listed above, life/health of the mother or severe fetal abnormalities that will most likely be fatal anyways.
And Nerm, republicans are just as bad when it comes to the bullshit Newt pulled here, Trump is the fucking long of just making shit up.
newt's wife is a fucking alien being...
In case you missed it, Republicans are talking about a ban on elective abortion at some point later in the pregnancy. Some Republicans are talking about a 6 week ban on elective abortion. Others are talking about a 15 week or later ban on elective abortion. Of course, there are Republicans talking about a total ban but they are a minority among Republicans.
Republicans are in agreement that elective abortions must be banned for the third trimester.
Democrats put forward Hillary Clinton as the best, most qualified candidate for President. Democrats high horse has very, very short legs. Democrats' outrage has zero credibility. And the bullshit shoveled by Democrats don't smell like roses, either.
Democrats are outraged over Trump with Joe Biden in the White House? Really? That's a special kind of stupid.
What about a pregnancy that is no longer viable, but is poisoning the woman the longer it goes on?
What is it about elective abortion you do not understand?
That's what normal people think about most Trump supporters.
That's not really elective, it's a medical emergency.
So, the posed hypothetical didn't address my comment. That's Clinton style politics. Twist any discussion into the most obtusely extreme hypothetical and lie asses off to justify going off the rails. Slick Willie, Al Gore, Newt Gingrich, Phil Graham, Tom Delay, Chuck Schumer, Nancey Pelosi, and even Joe Biden were (and are) masters of art of lie and vilify.
Since when were you talking about an elective abortion? You said Republicans were in agreement that abortions should be banned in the third trimester. No qualifications or exceptions mentioned. You didn’t say anything about “elective.”
This is why it’s so important to be clear about the actual policy. Simplistic bans like the words you used are risking the lives of women.
I was just stating a fact. Not my problem if I didn't use the specific words you wanted to hear.
Well, you must have missed it because what I said was "In case you missed it, Republicans are talking about a ban on elective abortion at some point later in the pregnancy." It's the first line in comment @5.1.2
For Clinton Democrats, lying is a way of life. For Third Way Democrats lying is an autonomic kneejerk reflex. They can't help themselves. Now that the lie has been proven to be a lie, it's necessary to throw as much bullshit as possible against the wall to find something that sticks.
And I used your fact to state another fact. "So, the posed hypothetical didn't address my comment." That's not a question and it's not speculation; that's a fact.
A 6 week ban is basically a total ban since most women don’t even know they are pregnant by week 6. And the total ban crowd is not as small in the GOP as you like to pretend.
And what about late term abortions in the case of a medical emergency? You keep trying to specify elective, but have yet to actually take a position on medical emergencies. Do you support exceptions for medical emergencies?
I don’t know what democrats are outraged about, but I do know that I thought nominating Clinton was a huge mistake since she was the only one who could possibly lose to trump, turns out I was dead on accurate and blew up big time in the dems face.
I do know that imo, for all his faults, at least Biden has not shown utter disdain for our system of government and more or less said he plans on turning it into an imperial presidency accountable to no one. My priority is keeping trump out of office, period. I will vote for whoever I think has the best chance of achieving that.
Especially if you went nearly 40 weeks (that's 10 months for those with a math impediment) and you couldn't wait to deliver that precious bundle and then to have it snatched away from you at the last second.
My heart goes out to your sister, Tess.
I'm glad she has them.
I'm still waiting....
get some goldfish...
How so?
Gingrich came to power as Speaker during the Clinton era and promoted a politics of massive fraud and lies. Since his disgusting performance during the Clinton era, he has continued to engage in the same sort of propagandistic deception.
I see that kind of thing all the time, though. It doesn’t seem unique to the Clinton era. If anything, it seems like it’s more prevalent now than ever before.
You're probably right about that.
That comment is a fraud and a lie. It would make Gingrich and his role model Goebbels proud.
Really? Then why are Democrats up in arms over any limitation on abortion? Democrats claim a woman's right to choose supersedes all other rights. And Democrats aren't talking about choosing genders.
Yes, really.
Hunter Biden ring any bells?
You think Newt Gingrich is living in the White House?....
Read what I was replying to, then try again.
I read it. Wtf does Hunter Biden have to do Newt Gingrich?....
I am done with your inability to follow a thread.
Newt Gingrich is trying to influence public opinion; that's how politics works. Hunter Biden is trying to influence the President for his own benefit; that's how graft works.
Not too surprising that Democrats cannot tell the difference between politics and graft.
I can’t take you seriously on your “outrage” over corruption because you ignore similar situations involving Trump.
And if it is proven that Joe was influenced by his son or in any way attempted to influence or establish policy or legislation for a payment from a third party then throw him out of office. So far zero evidence has been presented to that effect,
So far all the gop has shown is that Hunter is an idiot and should be in jail, which is fine with me. Past that all I hear is speculation without any evidence, hence why I ignore it.
Tell us again, which elected office does Newt Gingrich hold?
Fuck it Newt, just go all the way and say Democrats want to legalize murder in all cases. Who cares that no democrat has ever said that.
This kinda shit right here is why we are where we are politically, everything is zero sum. compromise is weakness, every issue has to be “we get everything while giving up nothing” and in order for one side to win the other has to lose. The idea that both can win is dead and gone.
I don’t see how a system with compromise as it’s foundation can possibly function in such a political environment.
christo-fascists don't compromise...
religious wackos will be the the death punch to the GOP in '24...
newt, the father of rwnj radicalism, no compromise, and publicly celebrated rwnj hypocrisy...
his wife is no prize either...
as a good little catholic, I wonder how she reconciled her adulterous affair with newt to the pope...
silly me, what was I thinking, she used her checkbook... after some lip gloss and a few tic tacs...
When Donald Trump says he could kill someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it, he’s just referring to New York’s liberal abortion laws.
Your statement is false and could be construed by the weak and insipid as being pro Trump.
Lord, I hope not. If someone needs a sarcasm tag for that comment, well … sigh … you may be right. In the age of Trump there is no bottom to stupid.
You are forgiven by Father Guido.
You’d think at some point, people would hear about a thing, and pause. You’d think people who have had even ordinary education and experience would be able to ask, “wait, that can’t be true, right?” And then they might say to themselves, “I need to confirm this before I freak out about it or get other people upset about something that might not be true.”
But, sadly, no.
Barbara boxer famously wanted mothers to be able to kill their babies until they left the hospital. Killing a month old baby isn’t any different their current championing the right kill fully viable humans a month from a birth. Moving a baby a couple inches doesn’t really change the biology.
Your statement is false.
it's official mackerel snapper propaganda...
Actually, it's completely different.
let's see your source and the data on "killing fully viable humans a month from birth".
How stupid are people???? Guess this shit just answers the question.
And the answer is 'very'