Republican Civil War Turns Violent
By: devangelical
Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20 year old male that's a registered republican gun nut that lives with his parents, has been identified as the failed assassin of former president trump.
"where are my shoes?"
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... as maga republicans now double down on their violent rhetoric.
They will have a very long way to go to reach Biden, Democrat, and their leftist media sycophants levels of hate and violent rhetoric.
The fact that this turd was a registered republican will never, ever, be mentioned on any of the usual right wing fake news sites.
It wont even be mentioned by the mainstream media, let alone on the right
And you would be wrong again.
I do believe that Fox News is considered a right leaning (yeah, strongly) mainstream media. I've even seen a picture of him somewhere, don't remember where but it was a picture of his high school graduation and definitely shows he's white.
Yes, and??
Voter registration cards are public record.
AP mentioned it.
I'm anxious to see how a delusional paranoid psychotic adjusts to this event in his next public appearance ...
Nope, they are not even mentioning it here on certain 'articles' by certain posters.
The PD&D+denial continues and, hard to believe, or that it could be possible, is elevated.
Fucking nuts. Cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Batshit crazy.
I have seen people on the network shows saying this incident will define the rest of the campaign. These assholes dont care if Trump gets elected or not.
Do you really doubt that this won't have a huge impact on the upcoming election?
No one is going to vote for the pos former 'president' convicted felon and rapist that wasn't going to vote for him before.
not as much as it could have ...
Death wishing much?
The media 100% decides what elections are about. If they make it about this incident for the next three months they will be putting their thumb on the scale for trump.
Maybe they think their ratings will be better if we have a lunatic authoritarian president.
24 hour news cycles need fresh content.
no news isn't good news...
There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Trump will play the "pity me" card and donations from those to stupid to realize that his total lack of decency will pour in. Which means more of the same. I really do not see it having as big of an effect as people are projecting because I believe most people in the country have already made up their minds.
Trump remains a worthless piece of shit.
Big effects aren’t needed given how close the race is, especially in the swing states.
How is stating an obvious fact death wishing? Two inches changed the future.
Why should this make anyone vote for trump? he is still the most unfit candidate in the history of this country whether someone shot at him last night or not.
stop trolling
It shouldn't/wouldn't/won't.
It won’t change the minds of Biden or Trump supporters. It may influence the narrowing slice of undecided voters.
I’m reminded of Patton’s speech to 3rd Army in WW II that included, “Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time.”
Reagan’s popularity soared after his assassination attempt. If Trump can control himself as Reagan did, and project inclusive strength, it may be a game changer.
this is all objectively ridiculous. Trump has spent 9 years acting like a lunatic, and now he's supposed to be some sort of hero? hell no.
I can only imagine how frustrating the campaigns are for you. It seems so unfair that someone that is so unfit for a second administration is evermore likely to win it.
And Democrats have spent nine years acting like bigger lunatics trying to get Trump at all costs. Legality and morality of their actions don't matter to Democrats.
Getting shot doesn't make trump a better candidate. Only idiots will see it that way.
Of course it doesn’t, but Americans love celebrities with resilience, winners. And Trump is emerging from this attempt as a winner.
Ironically it is the illegality and immorality of Trump that is the issue.
I'm waiting for the new kevlar maga hats, autographed by trump for $999.99, available at trump's campaign websites...
You probably won’t have to wait for long.
How many are you planning to get?
I'll wait for the cut rate aluminum foil chinese knockoffs to hit the market...
which the fools will fork out the cash for and never receive
I've seen his political affiliation mentioned each time his donation to the democrats comes up. He had the best of both worlds - pledging cash to his cause and license to disrupt the other party's primary.
An 18 year old registered to vote with the definite intention to mess up Trump's primary vote 2 1/2 years later?
Totally ridiculous.
No, we don't know...