Biden approval falls, holding near low end of his presidency, Reuters/Ipsos finds
By: Jason Lange (Reuters via YahooNews)

The dead cat has bounced. Note that the poll included more Democrats than Republicans. So, Biden's popularity among Democrats ain't helping.
The top issue is the economy which ain't on the White House list of talking points. And the typical divisive issues aren't going well for Democrats. Especially since Democrats are complaining about those same divisive issues and pleading for Biden to do something. Democrats have dragged out the Trump circus too long without doing anything.
It appears the Democratic Party has fallen and can't get up. Sanctuary cities are complaining that illegal immigration is a crisis. Democrats didn't do anything to protect abortion for 70 years and now are completely helpless. Democrats told us that college education was the pathway to a better lifestyle and now Biden has to bail out college educated people. The war in Ukraine has stalled and it looks like Europe will have to endure a long, dark winter. Celebrations of the anniversary of the Afghanistan withdrawal have been muted with reminders of how that was botched up. Pelosi has tried to provoke China using toddler diplomacy.
And no one is paying attention to the economy. Biden is painting a rosy picture while the Fed is preparing for worse to come. Right now the Biden administration looks like it's clueless. But as the election nears that perception may shift to Biden doesn't care. And Democrats are busy chasing fuzzywinkles instead of doing their jobs.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden's public approval rating fell modestly this week, a poor sign for his Democratic Party's hopes in the Nov. 8 midterm elections, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll completed on Tuesday.
The two-day national poll found that 38% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance.
While Biden's approval rating hit 41% last week, it has been mostly below 40% since mid-June despite a string of Democratic legislative victories that Biden's allies hope will help them defend their narrow congressional majorities in November.
Democrats are expected to lose control of the U.S. House of Representatives in November and possibly the Senate as well.
Even with control only of the House, Republicans would be able to bring Biden's legislative agenda to a halt and launch potentially politically damaging investigations.
Biden's overall approval rating has been below 50% for over a year as Americans have grappled with high rates of inflation and an economy scarred by the COVID-19 health crisis. Biden's lowest ratings of 36% - in four weekly polls in May, June and July - rivaled the lows of his predecessor, Donald Trump, whose popularity bottomed out at 33% in December 2017.
When poll respondents this week were asked to rank the nation's biggest problems, the economy topped concerns, with a third of Republicans and a quarter of Democrats pointing to it as the top issue.
For Republicans, the next most pressing problems were immigration and crime, each of which topped concerns for about one in 10 Republicans.
Among Democrats, about one in eight saw the environment as the top issue, and about one in 10 pointed to the end of national abortion rights. Reuters/Ipsos this week added abortion rights to a list of concerns for Americans to rank, a list that also includes immigration and healthcare, as the issue has attracted more attention since a June U.S. Supreme Court decision ending the nationwide constitutional right to abortion.
The latest Reuters/Ipsos poll, conducted online in English throughout the United States, gathered responses from 1,005 adults, including 449 Democrats and 357 Republicans. It has a credibility interval - a measure of precision - of four percentage points.

Dead cats don't bounce very well. Democrats' mixed messages and wrong priorities can't be hidden by blaming scapegoats. And the only thing Biden has accomplished is to raise the heat on Democrats. Get that fork ready.
And shotgun Joe triples down by attacking ALL MAGA people and attempting to gaslight ALL 2nd amendment supporters.
I’m shocked his approval rating is that high. How anyone can approve of the job this buffoon is doing is beyond me.
He has the all powerful D behind his name.
Radical partisans on both sides will put party before country. No matter how big of a fuck up the person they put in the Oval Office is.
Ask any hard line leftist to name one good thing Biden has done; and outside of "Beat Trump!" you won't get anything concrete. They will also give you a long list of all of Trump's supposed crimes; and ask "how can you support Trump!" No defense of Biden what so ever; just "But Trruuuummmmppppp!!!!!!"
He’s opposite Joe.
He sez he’s a uniter but really he’s a divider. He sez he’s pro law enforcement but really he panders to the defund movement. He sez inflation is transitionary when clearly it is not. If Joe sez buy, sell. If Joe sez run, walk. If Joe sez (insert action) do opposite of that action ..... etc, etc.
And millions of Dems voted for Trump in 2016 "Only because" because he wasn't Hillary.
Democrats Who Voted For Donald Trump Speak (
So much for identity politics.../s
Remember the last time a Democrat did that? It didn't end well for her and the Democrats and the left have been crying ever since.
Whoever is coming up his talking points, be it Joe or his puppet masters, are once again miscalculating badly. One comment took Hillary out. Joe is dumping them almost daily.
I think he is being set up to fail by his handlers. They know they’ve lost the midterms. Their sights are set on 2024 and who to run for POTUS ..... and they don’t want it to be Joe.
Wisely I might add.
No matter what they do, it's not going to end well for them. Best prepare for the whining now, you know it's going to happen.
They are going to have to find a Unicorn in order to have a viable POTUS candidate in 2024.
My advice, buy more Pfizer stock.
They make PreparationH.
Again? You mean it stopped at some point?
Actually his numbers have been on the rise for a couple of weeks now...
Actually .... not according to this seed/article.
The Reuters/Ipsos poll, reported in the seed, included more Democrats than Republicans in the sample (449 Democrats and 357 Republicans). Doesn't matter if that was intentional or not; the sample was biased towards Democrats. And Biden's polling numbers still fell.
The dead cat has bounced.
Midterms will hopefully teach Democrats the lesson they deserve.
Unfortunately Republicans will then over reach the other direction; and after a few election cycles bring the Democrats back in. Great thing about a two party system is the party the wreck everything is never out of power forever.
As for Brandon. He doesn't know what day it is; where he is; or how anyone or anything is actually doing. Give him his ice cream; and keep Hunter funneling him his "allowance"; and all is right in his world.
Is that why Biden had to bail out college educated people?
Didn't work after 2010. Never underestimate Democrats' capacity for self-delusion.
And Brandon is still doing shitty.
RCP uses all polls to get an average which is much more accurate than ONE poll.
Notice your meme leaves out the increased number of illegals crossing the border, inflation, rocketing gas prices, number of people who died of Covid, the Afghanistan Retreat...
Foreign wars : Over? You do realize we are still fighting in Syria and Iraq right.
When you want to be honest we'll talk.
Yo do not want to discuss that one.. Trust me. You're lucky I have to go to work.
Even according to your “RCP average” his approval rating has been trending down since he got into office. Significantly down actually. Weeks or months long variations are just blips in the data compared to evaluating the entire data set time frame.
I could try to explain how to fit a trend line into a data set like this but I’m sure it would be lost on many of our “highly educated” liberals here.
Lol .....
What's there to discuss. There have been more deaths due to Covid under Biden WITH the vaccine than under Trump WITHOUT the vaccine. By Brandon's on declaration, he needs to resign.
I also notice you are avoiding the other items I listed. Wonder why that is.
Well, jobs are doing great. Unemployment is down. The number of full-time jobs is trending up while the number of part-time jobs is trending down. The labor participation rate is increasing although it hasn't recovered to pre-pandemic levels. Median income has recovered from the downturn during the pandemic. Jobs are plentiful and wages have increased.
Yet poverty hasn't changed very much. More people are in need of food and housing assistance. Household debt is increasing. Household savings are shrinking. So, a robust trickle-down economy doesn't seem to be improving people's lives. And there is real fear of a recession on the horizon.
And neo-liberals are crying alligator tears. Worker mobility allowed by an abundance of jobs doesn't mean workers are leaving the labor force. Labor participation rates don't indicate that people are leaving the labor force. Labor force participation doesn't look like it's collapsing.
The current employment situation has fulfilled the dreams of trickle-down economists. And Biden is taking credit which should tell us something. Just another neo-liberal, supply-side talking point that hasn't lived up to its promise.
Another nugget of irony....
Overall Biden's numbers are up 5 points since the end of June, 6 points overall and up 9 points with Independents. The numbers are way up mostly with men and people 30 to 48. His current average is about where Trump's was at this point in his Presidency. That said it doesn't mean much for the mid-terms either way. By far the majority of people polled are saying their thoughts on the President (good or bad) will not be a factor in Nov.
See 3.2.10
looking for source of this claim.........
His approval per RCP is 41.8 On June 1 it was 40..3
once again - looking for source of this claim.........
It’s on an upward trend for the last few weeks .... however ..... it’s already headed back down. Following it’s downward trend since Biden got in office almost two years ago. It will get real quiet in here again from the left on this topic soon enough.
Wait for it ......
You won't acknowledge the claims as legitimate anyway, but go ahead and click on the image and watch the video...
Either way I don't really care enough to continue to engage in the conversation. Biden isn't running in the mid-terms - the Dems look to still lose the House, but keep the Senate and the partisan bickering across the country will get worse for the next 2 years.
Yes, only 5 points. The "giveaway" hasn't hit the numbers yet. It's obvious the partisan right hates it and the partisan left wanted more so I doubt they will get a lot better.
Normally you are correct. This year the fall of Roe has energized the left - even though that didn't bump up Biden's numbers.
Again why? Biden isn't running and no one except the partisan right gives a shit.
That's true. And they continue to bitch it wasn't enough. It will never be enough for the populist left.
They are about where Trump's were at this point in his Administration. They can go all the way to 0 as far as I'm concerned. I didn't vote for Crazy Uncle Joe in the WI Primary and only voted against Trump in the election. A choice I will never make every time, but never be happy with.
The MN general election where Trump carried the district by 15 points was only won by 4 a couple of weeks ago.
I thought you had this all figured out already? Now you tell me I have to wait?
Trump isn't running in November either but that doesn't stop the Democrats from harping on it.
I'm with you on this. I'm so tired of voting for the least objectional...
Given that many of the Republican primary winners are still talking about how the election was stolen Trump is still kinda relevant, but yeah I'm tired of hearing every time Trump farts on Truth Social.
It doesn't look to get much better in the near future. I'm keeping an eye on the Forward Party right now.
I don't know. You haven't provided any links to the 2 claims you made in @3.3 and @3.3.3. But then again it's really not surprising. We see this a lot from you all on the left.
You're right. Unfortunately, right now, they are in panic mode so the whining and crying is only going to get worse before it quiets down.
Joe is Captain Sad and supporters are his ship of fools:
Looks like no one has heard of outsider poles. Rasmussen has Biden at an approval rating of 45% for the same dates and used a larger selection from a 'Likely Voter' pool instead of the less reliable 'Adult' pool used by Ipsos. That so many have jumped on this indicates a desire to believe anything that massages their predictions.