Whitmer admin significantly undercounted Michigan nursing home COVID deaths, state auditor finds

Michigan state Rep. Steven Johnson, a Republican, said an upcoming state auditor general report would reveal the damning numbers surrounding Whitmer's deadly COVID-19 nursing home policy.

Our fearless leader in Michigan ...... busted!
Those old folks only had one redeeming quality, they right to vote. And they can do that whether they are dead or alive, so no big deal. /s/
Since they were old folks, according to an adage attributed to Winston Churchill about being conservative or else they have no brain, they probably voted Republican. I'm sure that's what keeps DeSantis in power in Florida - the old retired folks.
So what do you call those that voted for governor Whitless?
She is either trying to kill off those that won't vote for her; or chase them out of the state with her draconian policies.
At least we have a new district map made up by supposedly an equal panel of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents that they say already favors Democrats to look forward to.
This is what you get when the number of registered voters is not taken into account; and districts are drawn up strictly by population. The Democrats already gamed this system in California and Pennsylvania. Now we will get to experience it first hand here. Hopefully the Republican party can sue and stop the stupidity. Sanctuary cities should not be rewarded with extra guaranteed seats for the Dems.
Kill the bastards.
If you're hiring me to do it you'll have to cover the airfare as well.
It was done in Washington State, NY, California, Massachussetts and several other states with large nursing home populations, and huge death tolls.. Here in Washington it pretty much wiped out the residents of one nursing home...
No worries, she’ll get rewarded for her actions later on like our last feckless leader Granholm, with a juicy cabinet position or veep chance.
Sorry that this happened in your state too.
Or maybe as a contributor on CNN.
It’s a progression with liberals. Jenny on the block did her time as a commentator on liberal propaganda outlets like CNN. Then comes the big Fed job payoff .....
She should be in prison.
If she didn't have the almighty D behind her name she would be. She still stands a very good chance of being reelected in Michigan.
But all of this does serve to prove one thing... Democrats especially when charged with running government, LIE...
Pure and simple, they LIE...
The absolute truth...
In reality all politicians lie when they are in office and faced with something inconvenient. They lie because they are reminded that their first order of business is to be re-elected so anything that can harm that must be squashed. It's not a Democrat thing or a Republican thing, it's a politician thing. We deserve better but I think we have a greater chance of landing a colony on Pluto than getting politicians to stop lying.
I can agree that all politicians lie; but when they lie to cover up a criminal act on their part- that is where I draw the line.
Think it could be something written into their DNA?
Pot - Kettle
Lol ..... I couldn’t lie like that if I had no choice [deleted]
That was just a comment that the numbers can't possibly be accurate ANYWHERE in the world, so nobody should expect it, but your backhanded insult is well understood.
BS. She is trying to hide just how bad her criminal act was; and the media has been nothing but complacent trying to find out the true numbers.
My comment was to indicate that NOWHERE is the death count from the virus accurate, and NO MORE THAN THAT. I don't give a damn if the article was about Attila the Hun or Jesus Christ - I was only talking about the count.
You know, you guys are starting to make me laugh. I didn't even read the article. I just took note of the fact that the numbers are not accurate and I made my point about that. I can care less about what Whitmer did or didn't do so you guys can keep banging your head against the wall haranguing me about her and I really don't give a damn. If your heads hurt from banging them against the wall, take a couple of aspirins and go to bed.
Ain't that the truth, here in Michigan the death counts almost always were accompanied by an asterisk, which, when you looked into it, was counting the VRR variant. This variant was particularly deadly accounting for,at times, 75% of the death counts. There was the direct death count from covid19 while the VRR variant was counted if you died within 30 days with/had/tested positive for covid19.
A friend died of old age, 98, and is listed as a covid19 death even though he never had it or even tested positive for it, the family tried to get that changed but the state refused and he is still a covid19 death.
Liberal rule #1:
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Yours was as you say, a “backhanded insult” as well .... and yet ... it remains up.
The mods are capable of distinguishing insults that are aimed at a specific member, and ones that are more general in nature, but not actually generalizations. Guess we are just going to have to live with that, eh?.
Lol general in nature? Hilarious! As is the supposition that such things are judged here in an unbiased manner.
Without a doubt. Not a surprise here at all anymore…
I’d never make such a supposition…
Love the way you are defending a criminal.
What Whitless did was illegal in every sense of the word. If she didn't have a D behind her name she would already have charges brought against her. Instead she stands a good chance of being reelected.
Defending a criminal? I really don't give a shit what Whitmer did or didn't do. My comment was generic, about the number count only, and anyone with a fucking brain in their head can understand that and not think they can get away with translating what I said to what THEY wanted it to say.
You just completely ignored her actions.
Yes, I did. Absolutely. If you read through what I've said so far you would have realized that you're wasting your time provoking me about it.
Because she would blame Trump for causing the China virus instead of the evil genocidal communist regime in Beijing….As did most democrats who murdered their elderly in nursing homes.
How compassionate of you.
One wonders what you would think if one of your loved ones got caught up in one of the careless death traps Whitmer lied about.
Much differently I promise you that.
You've been not-provoked five times.
It may be a myth that pit bulls' jaws lock when they bite, and never let go, but there are some members here who are just like the myth - they simply refuse to :"let go". However, I did read this...
So there is some truth to the fact that there are beings who never let go.
Let go of exactly what Buzz? They admitted they stopped counting the deaths on purpose, it was not an accident. It was too time consuming my ass. Maybe it is too time consuming to pay my taxes. Bet they will find time to hound me.
Any excuse to defend these actions is horrendous.
I can't believe why everyone keeps arguing with me about what Whitmer did or didn't do. I said and said and said over and over again that my comment was only about the fact that the count in inaccurate EVERYWHERE. I didn't even read the article so I have no idea what Whitmer did or didn't do. I neither supported nor criticized her. Doesn't ANYONE have the most fucking insignificant amount of intelligence to understand that?