The seven biggest lies Biden told this week | The Hill
By: Alfredo Ortiz, Opinion Contributor (The Hill)


by Alfredo Ortiz, Opinion Contributor - 02/09/23 8:30 AM ET
President Biden's State of the Union address was full of lies and mistruths. They betray the desperation of a president with 38 percent job approval on the economy, 16 percent of the population better off than before he took office, and most of his own party wanting a different White House nominee in 2024.
Here are his seven biggest lies:
1: "Take-home pay has gone up."
I predicted last week that Biden would utter this lie. Real wages have fallen every month for nearly two straight years under his administration as historic inflation swamps nominal wages and destroys living standards. According to the most recentdata, annual inflation is rising 50 percent faster than average wages. The truth is that Americans are getting poorer, something we are reminded of every time we visit the grocery store, where prices have increased by 20 percent since Biden took office.
2. "We have created a record 12 million new jobs."
Biden tries to count the jobs backfilled post-pandemic as "new" jobs, but these positions were already created and merely temporarily abandoned due to COVID-19. In reality, Biden has created 2.7 million net new jobs above what Donald Trump created. This job creation is only 60 percent of the 4.5 million net new jobs that Trump created in his first two years in office.
3: "[I have presided over] the largest deficit reduction in American history."
Again, Biden is trying to take advantage of the moderation from the unique pandemic baseline. In reality, Biden has presided over the largest two-year deficit — $4.2 trillion — in American history. While it's true the annual deficit is lower than during the once-in-a-century pandemic in 2020, due to the expiration of pandemic-era spending, that's hardly something to cheer. In fact, Biden's reckless spending has prevented the deficit from falling below the outrageous $1 trillion mark in 2022.
4: "Two years ago, our economy was reeling."
President Trump presided over the fastest economic recovery in American history, with the economy expanding by 11 percent in his last six months in office. Unfortunately, instead of simply continuing Trump's policies and riding his coattails to a rapid resurgence, Biden seized the opportunity to pass several trillion dollars' worth of unnecessary spending that fueled historic inflation, putting a tremendous burden on small business owners and ordinary Americans.
5: Oil companies have "invested too little of th[eir] profit to increase domestic production and keep gas prices down."
Oil companies would like to expand production to take advantage of high oil prices, but the Biden administration's green energy policies make this very difficult. According to Heritage Foundation energy analyst Katie Tubb, the administration "has proposed or finalized regulations that restrict nearly every aspect of the oil industry: financing and private-sector investment, exploration and production, pipeline construction and operation, and consumer use." Biden has issued the fewest drilling permits since the end of World War II. As a result, oil production is still lower than before the pandemic, and gas prices are far higher.
6: "Now, thanks to all we've done, we're exporting American products."
The same day as the State of the Union address, the government released 2022 trade figures showing the country hit a record trade deficit of almost $1 trillion last year. That's up 12.2 percent compared to 2021, precisely the opposite direction of Biden's claim. This unprecedented trade deficit is a direct consequence of Biden's bad policies, including climate and labor overregulation, that make it expensive to manufacture goods in America.
7: The wealthy don't "pay their fair share."
This stale Democrat talking point seems to make it into every stump speech. But it couldn't be further from the truth. The top 1 percent of highest-earning Americans pay nearly 50 percent of the nation's income taxes — about twice their "share" of national income. According to a WalletHub analysis, the top 100 American corporations pay an effective tax rate of nearly 20 percent. (Smaller businesses pay even more.) These liabilities don't include the high tax bills paid by companies' shareholders and executives. The American tax system is one of the most progressive in the developed world, with job creators paying far more than their fair share, despite Democrats' nonstop claims to the contrary.
Don't expect the mainstream media "fact-checkers" to call Biden out on these lies. These are left-wing opinion journalists masquerading as independent truth arbiters to help advance the Democrats' agenda. For example, the Democratic Party broadsheet known as the New York Times claimed, "Mr. Biden's speech contained no outright falsehoods."
Yet, judging by Biden's low approval numbers, the public can see through his lies just fine. His State of the Union address is no exception.
Alfredo Ortiz is president and CEO of Job Creators Network and author of "The Real Race Revolutionaries: How Minority Entrepreneurship Can Overcome America's Racial and Economic Divides."
Tags Biden biden state of the union deficit Donald Trump economy Inflation Jobs wages

You won't see this just everywhere (like NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, Mother Jones, et al) and, as a matter of fact, here it is right on time.
Interesting choice of words from the NYT propaganda rag. I guess if his claims are only 95% bullshit that might not count as outright falsehoods.
Weird that politifact fact checkers found time to “check” Sanders speech but haven’t had the time for Biden. Leaving no doubt that the are a propaganda outlet for the CCP/DNC
Weird that you would post something so blatantly false, then receive so many thumbs up for that post.
Live fact-checking Joe Biden's State of the Union 2023
Fact-checking Joe Biden's 2023 State of the Union address
Sorry to pop your right wing bubble...
Just copying you. Show me the actual fact checks
What the hell do you think the links that I put in my comment are? Both a real-time fact check that occurred during the speech, and the one they posted after the speech was over.
Yes, your second link should a number of half truths, partially truth, mostly true, needs context and at least one statement with no underlying facts.
Another view:
My favorite is he accused republicans of trying to do what he failed to do. For Years Senator Biden tried to sunset Medicare and Social Security every 4 years.
That was a goodie, especially when Joe was called out on it and had to backtrack and say it was only a few. I really enjoyed the MSM and dems losing their minds when Joe was called out on his bullshit. Nothing they did remotely compares to the tearing up of the State of the Union address like Nancy did. I don't recall anyone on the left calling that immature barbaric gesture out.
Pelosi merely tore up a piece of paper after the speech.
It was her personal copy of Trump's SOTU.
Symbolically rude to the person who spread doctored videos of Pelosi appearing to stutter and slur her words.
Reaching down to your opponents grade school tactics perhaps,
but far from barbaric.
It was one of only two copies of the SOTU speech that were personally handed out by the sitting POTUS. That increases the document's historic value.
By dramatically tearing up that "piece of paper" Pelosi proved to the world that she has the maturity of a petulant, spoiled toddler.
Maybe, but then one might ask why Mr Trump did that while refusing to shake her hand, an obvious break of protocol by the guest to the hostess.
I can't imagine the value of something readily available on line, but maybe to the MAGA Museum? Maybe?
What does that say about the Trump who refused Pelosi's handshake at the beginning of the speech? He was a dick.
A POTUS who routinely tore up documents, flushed them or burned them to his staff's dismay?
There is more than enough evidence that just keeps piling up that Mr. Trump also has the maturity of a petulant, spoiled toddler who when not cheating at golf, routinely and falsely accuses Pelosi and others of breaking the law he has no grasp of, while still carrying the torch for an imaginary "stolen election".
Or not. That thing is nasty.
We salute the rank, not the person.
The handshake was offered as part of long standing protocol.
Snubbing it was a dick move meant to embarrass Pelosi and fire up the base.
The CIC embarrassed the office of the Presidency, especially when he was Pelosi's guest.
Lol .... I’m sure you saluted the rank a lot when Trump was President. And we don’t need lectures about our house. Pelosi has regularly embarrassed the real owners of the House.
The American people.
If you watch a video, Trump also didn't shake Pence's hand. Since I'm not privvy to Trump's, or anyone's, thoughts, I prefer to be more open-minded when it comes judging motives.
Pence was also a guest of the Speaker. They had already exchanged polite greetings.
That Trump ignored Pence was also consistent with his apparent dismay with Pence since the beginning.
Donald Trump picked Mike Pence for a specific reason (
It was also the first time that Trump and Pelosi met in person since a WH meeting where Trump called her a 3rd rate lawmaker.
To her own discredit, Pelosi abandoned the traditional script
“I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.”
instead just announcing “the President of the United States.”
Nancy Pelosi Criticizes Trump for Refusal to Shake Hands Before SOTU Address (
No you won't. One only sees it on far-right wing propaganda outlets that lie for a living.
We already know you won't but feel free to prove any of these wrong.
How anyone can read this article and state something as you have tells one hell of a story.
Because the left is in denial and hoping everyone is dumb enough to buy their gaslighted nonsense.
Which they aren’t. Only the Bidenettes buy that horseshit.
feel free to prove any of these wrong.
Biden already did that just the other night.
Alfredo Ortiz has long been owned by ALEC. Nuf said.
Brandon lies about everything.
I ask YOU to prove them wrong. You're the one that made the unfounded comment. We already know Biden's wrong.
Is this your admission that you don't have shit?
I believe that you are thinking of Trump, MTG, Santos, Boebert, etc............
Try again.
Brandon has lied more times than any other politician.
The media spinning it as "Brandonisms"; "Brandon just being Brandon"; or the famous "Brandon's telling another story" doesn't change the fact they are all lies all the time.
Finally, you admit to it. Congratulations.
And it's hilarious some on the left call this SOTU a "homerun speech".
T Ball parents can be like that, nobody wants to umpire those games.
We will see if this SOTU changes Biden's poll numbers. J ust before the SOTUS his numbers weren't good.
You know there are some dumbasses who will think he's "doing just fine". Although those numbers are dwindling.
Gaslit lies and disinformation is all those dimwits have.
Pretty sad really .....
Homerun? I'd call it a pop foulball in a field behind the umpire. Only problem is said field is in the next country over!
I'm sure you've seen this:
The man can really tell spin a yarn. One thing I was glad he spoke of was people seeling their blood plasma for groceries. That's when Joe had his MAGA hat on.
I first heard about that a week ago. In MA they are paying $100 for that. Somebody I know, who is really not doing well told me he did it about 40 times. Next thing I know, I hear Joe Biden babbling about it.
Did President Biden's State of the Union Address greatly exceeded your expectations?
I would be happy to point everyone to what you predicated...
Did mine. Don't remember hearing such deafening unadulterated bullshit in a long time. He was the cranky old neighbor trying to convince the neighborhood he is a good guy. This nation is NOT an HOA Joe.
Biden has always had the lowest of thresholds hasn't he? If he can speak for 70 minutes without a major disaster it's considered a win.
So you agreed with what President Biden said and that makes you really mad?
You mean when Biden spoke of the forgotten people? When he had his MAGA hat on?
You could've just said that to begin with!
That there was an insincere portin of the speech?
Ok. I guess I just added it to the review.
No on either count. Didn't agree and, you shouldn't confuse laughter with anger.
Still making shit up I see
Seems most conservatives never even graduated from high school much less graduated college or sought an advanced degree. (Pew research)
From years of evaluating far right wingers myself, that is painfully obvious.
Seems Fox taught them for decades that stupidity, ignorance, hate of the other and basic fascism was a good thing.
IQ tests reveal that most professed ultra conservatives have very low IQs.
Many studies have shown that folk who don't watch cable news at all are much more conversant on any topic than those who watch Fox exclusively.
Autopsies reveal that far right wing fascists have overly enlarged amygdala (the fear center of the brain).
I guess that is why it is so easy for Trump to gain barnacles by preaching hate and fear.
Please provide sources for your claims.
Well, this particular conservative did graduate from high school and college and has a degree in world history with a specialty in WW II. So I guess he does not know as much about conservatives as he thinks he does.
I have noticed that. One person in particular here is the royalty of deflection, denial, and insults when pressed for sources.
That's a big "if". But, uppers seem to give him some swag (slang) on the rare occasions when his handlers have to trot him out to speak to the public. I just wish he wouldn't angrily yell at his fellow Americans so often.
His yelling usually occurs when he is off script. There wasn't much of it on the STOU night. He was trotted out with that surreal look once again with his eyes as big as saucers and speed reading his speech. A marked contrast to the overly-friendly interview he was given with PBS. If you watch that one, it looked like he was about to fall asleep at any moment.
It will be interesting to learn, in a couple decades, what drugs they are giving him. Who's the Dr. Feelgood dispersing "vitamins" for the Biden?
I'm assuming that as soon as his presidency is over (hopefully in 2 years), we will be finding out a lot of surprising things. They need him now, so we aren't going to find out much.
The way you "ask" is called trolling.
Anybody can simply ask their phone or laptop for sources and details.
Common knowledge rarely needs a "source".
Trump continually lies and says "I didn't say that" while the videos of his statements are all over the internet making him the world's most prolific but worst liar.
The hardest job in this administration has to be the person who keeps sniffy Joe from perping on little children on live TV.
Well, that might be the Easter Bunny - at least the one on the WH lawn.
Another is his Communications Director, Kate Bedingfield. She announced her resignation this week after years of working for him.
The way you "ask" is called trolling.
Anybody can simply ask their phone for sources and details.
Common knowledge rarely needs a "source".
Trump continually lies and says "I didn't say that" while the videos of his statements are all over the internet.