
Woke Dems have lied about transgender suicide -- but there is hope

Via:  Just Jim NC TttH  •  11 months ago  •  114 comments

By:   nypost (New York Post)

Woke Dems have lied about transgender suicide -- but there is hope
When nonbinary teen Nex Benedict committed suicide a day after allegedly being beaten up at school, the tragedy was quickly hijacked as a textbook case of anti-LGBT bullying.

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S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

When nonbinary teen Nex Benedict committed suicide a day after allegedly being beaten up at school, the tragedy was quickly hijacked as a textbook case of anti-LGBT bullying.

The president and the first lady weighed in with a "heartbroken" White House statement.

"Nex Benedict, a kid who just wanted to be accepted, should still be here with us today. Non­binary and transgender people are some of the bravest Americans I know … In memory of Nex, we must all recommit to our work to end discrimination and address the suicide crisis impacting too many nonbinary and transgender children … No one should face the bullying that Nex did."

Hatemongering Nancy Pelosi went further: "The anti-trans fervor fueled by extreme Republicans across the country is having deadly consequences for our children," posted the former House speaker.

"We must stand up against anti-trans hate."

The New Republic was just one media outlet that blamed the death on conservatives: "Oklahoma Republicans Passed a Bathroom Bill. Now a Trans Kid Is Dead."

Story was untrue

But as usual with news stories that slot too neatly into a favored political narrative, it was a lie.

The truth was equally tragic but had no electoral payoff for Democrats wishing to paint their opponents as cruel bigots and Neanderthal book-banners.

The Oklahoma medical examiner who ruled Benedict's overdose death a suicide said the 16-year-old "did not die as a result of trauma" from the fight at school, and handwritten notes at the scene did not make reference to difficulties at school.

Benedict suffered from "bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, self-harm (cutting), chronic tobacco abuse and chronic marijuana abuse."

No wonder.

Her short, sad life had been marred by an evil far more real than the politicized victimhood of cynical activists.

According to court records first reported by Red State, Benedict had been anally raped by her father from the age of 9 to 11, at which point he was discovered and thrown in jail.

He was released in January and has been rearrested for failing to report as a sex ­offender.

Benedict's history of mental illness, trauma and abuse fits the profile of so many poor children who have been categorized as nonbinary or "trans kids."

Instead of being treated for their underlying problems, they are caught up in the gender transition industry that promises the world and turns out to be a betrayal of their innocent trust.

But there is hope on the horizon.

The most comprehensive review of the evidence for transitioning children, the landmark Cass Review released in the UK Wednesday, has found "no good evidence" for the interventions after all.

It is a staggering rebuke to the medical malpractice industry that fed children sex ­hormones and surgically butchered them at the altar of gender ideology.

Irreversible harm

The modish medical experiment embraced by celebrities, the media and cynical politicians has caused irreversible harm to tens of thousands of children around the world.

Shame on the medicos who betrayed their primary duty to "do no harm" and cashed in on the pain of troubled children, many of whom, like Benedict, are mentally ill, autistic or are abuse victims.

Dr. Hilary Cass, a British pediatrician, has courageously laid bare the shocking toll on children, many of whom come to regret changing gender, and has recommended that nobody under 18 should get hormone drugs — while "great caution" should be exercised with the under-25s.

"Gender medicine for children and young people is built on shaky foundations," she says in the 388-page report that was four years in the making.

"The reality is that we have no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress … There are few other areas of health care where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views, where people are vilified on social media, and where name-calling echoes the worst bullying behavior. This must stop."

Cass criticizes the guidelines for transitioning children, developed by the World Professional Association for Transgender Healthcare, as being "highly influential in directing international practice" despite lacking "developmental rigor and transparency."

A single Dutch study, now disputed, that claimed puberty blockers improved the psychological well-being of gender-questioning children had "spread at pace to other countries [and created] a greater readiness to start masculinizing/feminizing hormones in mid-teens," she writes.

"Some practitioners abandoned normal clinical approaches."

Clinician complaints

The Cass Review was commissioned by Britain's National Health Service after the country's main pediatric gender clinic, ­Tavistock, was beset by complaints from clinicians that it was not helping but harming children with an ideological approach that rushed kids onto a medical pathway that invariably led to cross-sex hormones and, in some cases, amputations of breasts and ­penises.

Whistleblowers claimed the clinic was operating effectively as "a new form of gay conversion therapy," and if left alone, the children would simply grow up to be gay adults.

The Tavistock clinic closed last month.

The move followed restrictions on childhood gender treatment in Finland, Norway and Sweden, and in at least 20 American states, like Florida and Texas, that have implemented bans or restrictions that have been vehemently attacked by the Biden ­administration.

But now that the Cass Review has signed the death warrant for the malign gender pediatrics industry, there should be a federal reset here, too.

As children's author J.K. Rowling puts it, "The bandwagon you hopped on so gladly is hurtling ­towards a cliff."

But the chances of the president seeing sense on the issue are slim.

After all, it was Joe Biden who issued an executive order last year calling on federal agencies to increase access to "gender-affirming health care" for "transgender kids" in response to red state ­actions.

"My message to all the young people: Just be you," he said at the time.

Good advice, but not in the way he intended.

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Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH    11 months ago

From the article........"Instead of being treated for their underlying problems, they are caught up in the gender transition industry that promises the world and turns out to be a betrayal of their innocent trust."

Shame on us

Professor Silent
1.3  mocowgirl  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1    11 months ago
From the article........"Instead of being treated for their underlying problems, they are caught up in the gender transition industry that promises the world and turns out to be a betrayal of their innocent trust."

This has been nothing but child abuse from the start by adults who profited in some way from exploiting children with mental issues.

I am disgusted by the people who allowed this to become a profitable political issue and a profitable medical issue at the expense of children's lives.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.5  Vic Eldred  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1    11 months ago

Thank you for posting this article which corrects the false narrative we had on here a little while ago.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.5.2  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Tessylo @1.5.1    11 months ago
This is the false narrative

Then you'll have no problem proving that.

Professor Quiet
1.5.3  arkpdx  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @1.5.2    11 months ago

You are not expecting a response are you?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.5.4  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  arkpdx @1.5.3    11 months ago

No.  You know, there are some here that will run at the mouth endlessly and NEVER back up any of their made up claims.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2  Sean Treacy    11 months ago

The cass report is damning.  It’s tragic this insanity gained such a foothold in medicine, which isn’t supposed to be an evidence based industry. 

Senior Expert
3  George    11 months ago

Maybe we should go back to sending them to mental health professionals instead of doctors who will mutilate them for profit.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  George @3    11 months ago

Excellent idea.

Professor Guide
5  Tacos!    11 months ago

I don't understand the point of this. She didn't die instantly or as a direct result of the assault, so this is ok? Nothing to see here? WTActualF?

She was bullied and assaulted, and knew she had to go back to that situation every day. So instead, she committed suicide. And rightwing political nutbags think that somehow absolves her bullies or the adults who inspire young people to hate?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Tacos! @5    11 months ago
She was bullied and assaulted, and knew she had to go back to that situation every day. 

Did she seek out help with any of it?  Was that help working?  

And rightwing political nutbags think that somehow absolves her bullies or the adults who inspire young people to hate?

Nobody is saying anybody is absolved of anything.  There is a lot more going on than what the initial fake story that the left wing idiots are running with.  She died of an overdose, not injuries from a fight.  There are a lot more issues than just the bullying going on that everybody is ignoring all for their look at me supporting "XYZ" moment.

Professor Guide
5.1.1  Tacos!  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @5.1    11 months ago
Did she seek out help with any of it?

From what I have read, the bullying had been going on for a year, and was known to her friends and mother. She felt that the school was not going to help her, and she may have had good reason to think so. Any time someone is bullied, it can be difficult to seek out help. It's hard to make yourself vulnerable again by asking for help. Who can you trust?

She died of an overdose, not injuries from a fight.

What prompted her to overdose? It may have been suicide, or it may just be that she was taking pills to get some relief from her injuries, which, while not fatal, were quite real.

We can't ignore the details of the situation. It's like saying the Civil War was about states' rights. It's true, but if we disregard the part about the right to enslave people, we dishonestly ignore context.

Professor Silent
5.1.3  mocowgirl  replied to  Tacos! @5.1.1    11 months ago
What prompted her to overdose?

We will likely never know so it seems that everyone will just project their feelings into a situation they have never lived about people they have never met.


Professor Silent
5.1.4  mocowgirl  replied to  Tacos! @5.1.1    11 months ago
We can't ignore the details of the situation.

You mean like the fact that the suicide note did not reference difficulties at school?

The Oklahoma medical examiner who ruled Benedict's overdose death a suicide said the 16-year-old "did not die as a result of trauma" from the fight at school, and handwritten notes at the scene did not make reference to difficulties at school.
Professor Guide
5.1.5  Tacos!  replied to  mocowgirl @5.1.4    11 months ago

So it’s just an irrelevant coincidence that she was attacked the day before?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
5.1.6  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Tacos! @5.1.5    11 months ago

Attacked?  Didn’t he through water on the girls which started the fight?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5.1.7  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Tacos! @5.1.1    11 months ago

I notice you couldn't answer the question.  Not a jab at you.  We don't know if she reached out for help.  There is a lot of people that could have stepped in but didn't (family, close friends, etc.).  But we see that with many other issues as well.

We don't know for sure what prompted the overdose.  Just like everybody else, all we can do is speculate.  For all we know it could have been planned weeks or months before the fight.  

Professor Silent
5.1.10  mocowgirl  replied to  Tacos! @5.1.5    11 months ago
So it’s just an irrelevant coincidence that she was attacked the day before?

Did you ever bother to watch the full video of Nex's interview with the police officer at the hospital?  

According to Nex, Nex threw water on the younger girls because the girl said "Why do they have to laugh so loud?".  Nex even banged one of the girl's head on the paper towel dispenser.

Nex said nothing about these girls being a source of ongoing conflict.  

We will never know the abuses Nex suffered at the hands of her own mother and father before the state placed her in her grandmother's custody.  Nor will be ever know how much counseling she received, (if any) before being placed on drugs to supposedly help her cope with her childhood trauma that resulted in having bipolar disorder and depressions.

This is not a trans issue.  This is not a non-binary issue.  This is a lifelong mental health issue that resulted from a pedophile father raping his young daughter.  There is no "healing", at best there is only coping (with or without drugs & alcohol).  

The focus should be on making child rape a capital offense that mandates the death penalty in all 50 states.  And lifelong support for their victims.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
5.2  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Tacos! @5    11 months ago

PUHlease. Did you read the article? Looks to me like nowhere to run nowhere to hide. Here, let me help.

Benedict suffered from "bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, self-harm (cutting), chronic tobacco abuse and chronic marijuana abuse."

No wonder.

Her short, sad life had been marred by an evil far more real than the politicized victimhood of cynical activists.

According to court records first reported by Red State, Benedict had been anally raped by her father from the age of 9 to 11, at which point he was discovered and thrown in jail.

He was released in January and has been rearrested for failing to report as a sex ­offender.

Benedict's history of mental illness, trauma and abuse fits the profile of so many poor children who have been categorized as nonbinary or "trans kids."
Professor Guide
5.2.1  Tacos!  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @5.2    11 months ago

Therefore, what? Being bullied at school is irrelevant?

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
5.2.2  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Tacos! @5.2.1    11 months ago

Nope but not the only factor by a long shot..................................

Professor Silent
5.2.3  mocowgirl  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @5.2    11 months ago
PUHlease. Did you read the article? Looks to me like nowhere to run nowhere to hide. Here, let me help.
Benedict suffered from "bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, self-harm (cutting), chronic tobacco abuse and chronic marijuana abuse."

No wonder.

Her short, sad life had been marred by an evil far more real than the politicized victimhood of cynical activists.

According to court records first reported by Red State, Benedict had been anally raped by her father from the age of 9 to 11, at which point he was discovered and thrown in jail.

He was released in January and has been rearrested for failing to report as a sex ­offender.

Benedict's history of mental illness, trauma and abuse fits the profile of so many poor children who have been categorized as nonbinary or "trans kids."

Anyone, who is not trying to make this a political issue, would care about the facts. 

The facts are that we only know one fact about the abuse Nex suffered by being anally raped by her father from the age of 9 to 11.  The rape alone would be more likely a factor in why Nex committed suicide than what some teenager would ever say to her.   If anyone is to blame for Nex's suicide it is her family who either abused her or allowed her father to abuse her for years.  

Nex was a childhood rape victim.  Unfortunately, the majority of rape victims suffer lifelong trauma.  Some people try to downplay the lifelong adverse effects of being a rape victim.  If they are not a rape victim, how in the Hell would they know what it does to a person?  Counselors, may or may not, be beneficial.  Because of client confidentiality, we will never know what problems Nex discussed with her counselors or their advice, if any.

Nex was raped as a child.  As a teenager, she was developing the hormones to become sexually aware.  That could have been a very frightening and confusing feeling since her only sexual experience had been childhood rape.

There is so much we don't know.  I believe it would be best to educate ourselves on how to protect children from abuse rather than blame the children who had nothing to do with it in the first place.  I doubt that childhood rape victims want their history common knowledge among their peers.  However, that might be what it takes in order for the other children to understand why childhood rape victims think and react differently in social situations.

There is a lot of info at the link below on behavior issues resulting from being raped.

Rape trauma syndrome - Wikipedia

Rape trauma syndrome   ( RTS ) is the   psychological trauma   experienced by a   rape   survivor that includes disruptions to normal physical, emotional, cognitive, and interpersonal behavior. The theory was first described by nurse   Ann Wolbert Burgess   and sociologist Lynda Lytle Holmstrom in 1974. [1]

RTS is a cluster of psychological and physical signs, symptoms and reactions common to most rape victims immediately following a rape, but which can also occur for months or years afterwards. [2]   While most research into RTS has focused on female victims, sexually abused males (whether by male or female perpetrators) also exhibit RTS symptoms. [3] [4]   RTS paved the way for consideration of   complex post-traumatic stress disorder , which can more accurately describe the consequences of protracted trauma than   post-traumatic stress disorder   alone. [5]   The symptoms of RTS and post-traumatic stress syndrome overlap. As might be expected, a person who has been raped will generally experience high levels of distress immediately afterward. These feelings may subside over time for some people; however, individually each syndrome can have long devastating effects on rape victims and some victims will continue to experience some form of psychological distress for months or years. Rape survivors are at high risk for developing   substance use disorders ,   major depression ,   generalized anxiety disorder , and   obsessive-compulsive disorder . [6]
Professor Guide
5.2.4  Tacos!  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @5.2.2    11 months ago

Then why is your attention in every direction except the bullying?

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
5.2.5  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Tacos! @5.2.4    11 months ago

Just adding the other circumstances TO the bullying.

Professor Guide
5.2.6  Tacos!  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @5.2.5    11 months ago
Just adding the other circumstances TO the bullying.

But nothing in the presentation of this seed - or in the supportive responses to it - implies a mere desire for completeness. It's all about exposing a "lie." The story was "untrue." It's about vindicating the political Right and vilifying the political Left.

The seed argues that her death was inevitable regardless of the bullying. The bullies aren't at fault, someone else is - maybe even the dead girl herself.

But what is the point? Bullying is ok if the victim doesn't have a difficult past? 

Unquestionably, this kid had been a victim of other tormentors besides these specific bullies, and to a much worse degree. But there is zero desire in this seed to explore why the kids at school bullied her, or why the school does not create an environment where a bullied student feels she can seek help.

As I said, it's all about repairing the reputation of the right, while attacking the left for trans ideology and supportive treatment. This also seems irrelevant because this kid had not transitioned, as near as I can tell, and had no intention of it. The most I've heard was that she was identifying as non-binary, which seems pretty benign. If I had been the victim of sexual assault, I probably wouldn't want to be identified by sex, either.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5.2.10  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Tessylo @5.2.8    11 months ago

Who is blaming the victim?  Be. Specific.

Professor Guide
5.2.11  Drakkonis  replied to  Tacos! @5.2.4    11 months ago
Then why is your attention in every direction except the bullying?

Because it's about the Left's strategy of taking the tragedy of someone's life and using it for their own political purposes. Clearly, Dex had a hell of a lot more important issues going on than simply how she "identified". But for the Alphabet Posse, how Dex identified was the only thing that mattered. They tried to sell a narrative that bigotry and hate was the reason for Dex's death, including that the girls in the bathroom "murdered" her. They did so with nearly no facts. They took the few that weren't even confirmed and spun a narrative that suited their political goals. And the worse part about it is that they know that when all the information is eventually released, their narrative will already have been heard and nobody will care about old news. People will already have the narrative they wish people to have, even though it is a lie. 

So, let's revisit your question;

Then why is your attention in every direction except the bullying?

Why is your attention in every direction except the cold and heartless use of this tragedy by the Alphabet Posse for their own self-interest? 

Professor Guide
5.2.14  Tacos!  replied to  Drakkonis @5.2.11    11 months ago
Because it's about the Left's strategy of taking the tragedy of someone's life and using it for their own political purposes.

Are you suggesting the Right doesn’t do that?

the Alphabet Posse

Classy. jrSmiley_80_smiley_image.gif

how Dex identified was the only thing that mattered

It’s really not that weird for advocates to be more excited about a story impacting a population they care about.

including that the girls in the bathroom "murdered" her

I still think it’s reasonable to consider the possibility that their actions - both that day and during the year prior - led to this girl’s death. The difference in the narratives here is only the immediate, proximate cause of death.

By way of analogy, consider if I sneak up on some old woman and scream at her. She goes into some cardiac episode and dies the next morning. The proximate cause of her death is heart failure, but it’s reasonable to think that me terrifying her was also a cause of her death.

Why is your attention in every direction except the cold and heartless use of this tragedy by the Alphabet Posse for their own self-interest? 

I don’t personally care about the politics of the moment. But I do care about advocating for a marginalized population, and I also care about bullying.

Professor Guide
5.2.16  Drakkonis  replied to  Tacos! @5.2.14    11 months ago
Are you suggesting the Right doesn’t do that?

No, I'm not suggesting that. Rather, that the Left, in my opinion, does so orders of magnitude more than the right does. It is practically the basis of their entire strategy. Dex's sad case would be a textbook example of what I am speaking of. 

Consider Dex, apart from any agenda. I find just hearing about what her father did to her unbearable to even think about. I can't even begin to imagine what that did to her, mentally. Sure, diagnosed with depression and bi-polar disorder, but that doesn't really say much about what life for her was like for her in her own mind, from day to day. Nor does it say anything about what kind of help she was receiving or whether anyone was any effective help. We don't know anything, really. Think about that. Think about her.

Do you really think Dex committed suicide because other kids would not accept her non-binary status? Do you really think that was the burning issue for her? I don't. While I'm no psychologist, I suspect the real issue was that her father stole her personhood from her in some way or scarred it so badly she couldn't deal with it. The drugs, the self harm, smoking and identity as non-binary were all just ways to try and cope and it all became too much for her. 

And the Alphabet Posse took all of that and made it about them. They neither knew her nor cared about her. They just used her, raped her in a way, for their own purposes. For their own cause. Sorry, not having it. 

the Alphabet Posse

No, just accurate in my opinion. They do not tolerate any viewpoint other than their own. Anyone who dares a dissenting view other than theirs is attacked on a personal level. It's the same story with those constantly crying racism, even when it's damned silly or the feminists decrying the patriarchy or any other Leftist attempt to destroy the foundations of Western values. They change the meaning of words and use them in order to paint their enemies in whatever light that works for their base. 

I still think it’s reasonable to consider the possibility that their actions - both that day and during the year prior - led to this girl’s death. The difference in the narratives here is only the immediate, proximate cause of death.

And I haven't read anything that suggested that Dex and her friends weren't subjected to any bullying that was beyond what children normally do anyway. I'm sure that it had some impact on Dex's thought processes, but I seriously doubt it was anything like a primary cause. To suppose otherwise would, to my mind, suggest that Dex was somehow strong enough to deal and come to terms with what her father had done to her but could not somehow overcome what her classmates thought of her. 

By way of analogy, consider if I sneak up on some old woman and scream at her. She goes into some cardiac episode and dies the next morning. The proximate cause of her death is heart failure, but it’s reasonable to think that me terrifying her was also a cause of her death.

Yes, I can see your point. However it isn't that simple. People considering suicide do not live in the same reality we do. Rather than an open world, it is more like living in a tunnel where all they can see is their pain. It may be that the girls in the bathroom may have been the final straw, so to speak. It could have just as easily been something she had seen in a YouTube vid that night. We can't know. The Alphabet Posse sure as hell doesn't, which is what makes me so angry about it. 

Professor Guide
5.2.17  Tacos!  replied to  Drakkonis @5.2.16    11 months ago
No, just accurate in my opinion.

It’s dehumanizing. These are people - human beings with souls, who feel fear, love, hope, or shame, just like anyone else. They are as entitled to dignity, respect, and peace as anyone else. They describe themselves as a community, but you seek to inspire fear and hard hearts in others by calling them a posse. 

They do not tolerate any viewpoint other than their own.

No. Not any viewpoint. A specific viewpoint is at issue. Their viewpoint is that they have value equal to anyone else. Of course, they would be intolerant of an opposing viewpoint. So would you.

Anyone who dares a dissenting view other than theirs is attacked on a personal level.

When you think it doesn’t matter that certain people are attacked, bullied, or discriminated against on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity, you probably deserved to be verbally attacked on a personal level. But even if we agree that it is not the preferred response to insult someone for their opinion, it’s a damned sight better than being physically attacked because of what you are. And it’s pretty selfish to complain about insults in the face of people being put in the hospital or driven to a grave.

Professor Guide
5.2.19  GregTx  replied to  Tessylo @5.2.18    11 months ago

No doubt, like her father...

Professor Guide
5.2.20  Drakkonis  replied to  Tacos! @5.2.17    11 months ago
It’s dehumanizing. These are people - human beings with souls, who feel fear, love, hope, or shame, just like anyone else. They are as entitled to dignity, respect, and peace as anyone else. They describe themselves as a community, but you seek to inspire fear and hard hearts in others by calling them a posse.

Hmm. Are you a member of the Posse? Because this is a pretty fair example of what they do. Not one word of what I said can be connected to a determination of their worth or value as people. I spoke of their methods. Rather than address that, you follow their script in saying that, because I object to what they do, I'm dehumanizing them. That is exactly what they do. If I oppose their agenda, their goals or their views, I am dehumanizing them. 

No. Not  any  viewpoint. A  specific  viewpoint is at issue. Their viewpoint is that they have value equal to anyone else.  Of course,  they would be intolerant of an opposing viewpoint. So would you.

And what, specifically, is the viewpoint you are referring to? That I object to their methods? 

When you think it doesn’t matter that certain people are attacked, bullied, or discriminated against on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity, you probably deserved to be verbally attacked on a personal level.

This is a strawman. The subject I've addressed is the way the Alphabet Posse used Dex for their own ideological and political purposes. I remember when this subject was first posted here on NT. There were few facts, none that were officially confirmed. Even so, the left side of NT were climbing over each other in order to accuse the girls who jumped Dex in the bathroom of murder. The only relevant facts that mattered to them was a. Dex identified as non-binary, b. she was jumped by some girls in a bathroom and c. she was dead the next day. That was all that was necessary. The trial was conducted, the verdict read, end of story. 

The right side of NT objected to this, and rightly so. Not because we have more information now but, because we rightly pointed out there was not enough information to make a reasoned conclusion. We pointed out that the only reason the left side of NT was taking the stance that it did was because it fit the narrative that supported their ideology. 

The response from the left side of NT in the right doing so matches what you are still doing. Because we pointed this out, you falsely accuse us of defending the actions of the girls who jumped Dex in the bathroom when that wasn't even the issue we were talking about. It was you guys building a narrative based on speculation you insisted be taken as fact. 

But, rather than actually doing what the Left is always claiming what they want to happen, have a conversation about an issue, you make the bogus claim that we think " it doesn’t matter that certain people are attacked, bullied, or discriminated against on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity ". Complete crap. Go back to the originally posted article from months ago and this one and find one person that makes such a claim that it doesn't matter. You won't find one. Rather, that is simply a tactic your side uses in an attempt to shame people into your way of thinking. It doesn't work on people who can think for themselves, Tacos! Sorry. 

But even if we agree that it is not the preferred response to insult someone for their  opinion , it’s a damned sight better than being physically attacked because of  what  you are.

I agree. Concerning Dex, however, your task would be to prove that she was physically attacked in that bathroom for being who she was rather than her having thrown water on her attackers previously, which also qualifies as a physical attack. And, since you've already proven that you're going to take what I say and use it to suit your own purposes, no, I'm not saying Dex had the jumping coming to her or that the girls who jumped her had every right to do what they did. 

In spite of that, you continue to make the central issue of Dex's death being about her identification as being non-binary. While that isn't impossible, I find it highly unlikely, assuming the information provided by the seeded article, and I've already given my reasons why in my post of 5.2.16 , which you seem to have ignored. Rather, you simply seem to be following the methods consistently used by the Alphabet Posse. Specifically, rather than give an explanation as to why you hold the opinions you do, you choose to attack me personally for objecting to the preferred narrative of the Posse. 

And it’s pretty selfish to complain about insults in the face of people being put in the hospital or driven to a grave.

I could care less about being insulted. Someone recently told me I was disgusting. I neither complained nor flagged the comment. What I do care about is that when I try to have an actual discussion about an issue all I mostly get are insults. I find that intensely frustrating because my desire is to have a discussion. 

Here's something you should understand about this. How I see the Posse treating this is completely separate from my view of Dex herself. Everything I've said in all my posts is how the left and the Posse has treated this issue. Concerning Dex herself, my heart has been broken since reading the seeded article above. I am completely bewildered that no one seems to take issue with what her father did to her. The man who should have been first in line to murder anyone who did that to his daughter in the most horrible way imaginable was the one who violated her. I see the image of her smiling in the photo and I'm haunted by the demons that she must have lived with every day. I am bewildered by the fact that her father apparently went to prison but it couldn't have been for very long and I can't understand that, either. Anally raped from age 9 to 11. But that may not tell the whole story. What went on before that? What happened after? What was her world like after all of that? Assuming the article is true, we know some "data" but that doesn't really tell us anything about what she was going through. I don't agree with her choice of being non-binary, but there's a lot I don't agree with about myself, either, and I would no more reject her as a human being than I would reject myself. In fact, I can guarantee that I am harder on myself than I am of anyone else. 

And that is why I am disgusted by how the Posse used her. She's a tool in their ideological goals. To me, she's a person. A person who experienced horrors that most of us will never know. I grieve for her. 

Professor Guide
5.2.21  GregTx  replied to  Drakkonis @5.2.20    11 months ago

The realities of someone's life are irrelevant apparently, if they can be used as an ideological tool.

Professor Guide
5.2.22  Tacos!  replied to  Drakkonis @5.2.20    11 months ago
Rather than address that, you follow their script in saying that, because I object to what they do, I'm dehumanizing them.

That’s clearly not true. I objected to how you refer to them. I did not at all discuss what they do. Why are you inventing a conversation we did not have?

And what, specifically, is the viewpoint you are referring to? That I object to their methods?

No. You appear to be not reading for comprehension, or intentionally lying. I didn’t say anything about methods. I specifically defined the viewpoint. You even quoted it.

But you can’t even be consistent about what you said, much less what I said.

Your words: Anyone who dares a dissenting view other than theirs is attacked on a personal level. Also your words: I could care less about being insulted.

See, I only mentioned it because you brought it up.

Most importantly, your rant totally ignored the main thrust of the comment to which you were responding. Did you even try to comprehend it? It would appear not since you continued unsigned the derisive label even though I had explained why maybe you shouldn’t.

I grieve for her.

Indeed? You grieve so deeply that the most important thing you can think of to do right now is to defend the political right on NT and in the world generally.

Professor Guide
5.2.23  Drakkonis  replied to  Tacos! @5.2.22    11 months ago
I did not at all discuss what they do. Why are you inventing a conversation we did not have?

I know you didn't discuss what they do. I did. Do you not understand that a conversation such as ours has two sides? If not, then the issue isn't the inventing of a conversation that didn't occur but, rather, your failure to understand this basic point. 

No. You appear to be not reading for comprehension, or intentionally lying. I didn’t say anything about methods. I specifically defined the viewpoint.

The viewpoint? Apparently, you do not understand that a conversation such as ours has two viewpoints. 

See, I only mentioned it because you brought it up.

Which I find to be the problem here. It seems that you believe the only relevant portions of this conversation are your views. It apparently escapes you that I am participating in this because I have opposing views. Somehow, you appear to take the fact that I have an opposing view as misrepresenting your stated views rather than as an argument as to why I think your views are wrong. I find this to be another characteristic of the Left. They can't seem to entertain such a possibility.

 Most importantly, your rant totally ignored the main thrust of the comment to which you were responding. Did you even try to comprehend it? It would appear not since you continued unsigned the derisive label even though I had explained why maybe you shouldn’t.

No, actually, you didn't. You merely stated that it is, in your words, dehumanizing, without explaining why. As if it is so simply because you state it is. I explained why I do not believe it is dehumanizing. You still have yet to present a counterargument. 

Indeed? You grieve so deeply that the most important thing you can think of to do right now is to defend the political right on NT and in the world generally.

To what, specifically are you referring to? What ideology or agenda of the right have I referred to or what ideology do you think I am promoting?

What I stated was that the left made a judgement on limited information that, as far as I can tell, has no factual support and you have provided no argument for beyond insistence. In previous posts, I explained what I thought was the most likely contributors to Dex's death. You responded with nothing other than statements that essentially claimed that because I didn't agree with what you thought, my motives had to do primarily with anti-LGTBTQ sentiments. In other words, the Alphabet Posse's favorite tactic of simply declaring someone a "hater" when the Posse no counterargument. The fact is, if I thought Dex died because she identified as non-binary, I would say so. I do not believe that is the case and, as much as I am trying to get you to present a rational, reasoned argument for an alternative, you just keep going in the same vein you've gone with from the beginning. 

To this point, this has mostly been a waste of my time. Rather than talk meaningfully about the issue, I've had to instead speak of what is wrong with this conversation. I find this boring in that it never produces anything productive. I am trying to convince you of what I think is the truth concerning Dex and how the Left has used her. If you have a purpose beyond simply objecting to my views, present an argument as to why you believe what you do. Present a reasoned argument. Otherwise, we are wasting our time. 

Professor Guide
5.2.24  Tacos!  replied to  Drakkonis @5.2.23    11 months ago
The viewpoint? Apparently, you do not understand that a conversation such as ours has two viewpoints. 

Yes. The viewpoint. Just one, which I defined plainly. Why would I do that? Here’s why:

You said:

They do not tolerate any viewpoint other than their own.

To which I responded:

No. Not  any  viewpoint. A  specific  viewpoint is at issue. Their viewpoint is that they have value equal to anyone else.  Of course,  they would be intolerant of an opposing viewpoint. So would you.

Incredibly, you then acted as if I had not just defined the viewpoint:

And what, specifically, is the viewpoint you are referring to?

It’s like you’re deliberately ignoring the plain words in front of you. No wonder you feel like you’re wasting your time. You are. But that is not my doing. It’s all yours.

Professor Guide
5.2.25  Drakkonis  replied to  Tacos! @5.2.24    11 months ago
The viewpoint? Apparently, you do not understand that a conversation such as ours has two viewpoints. 

Yes. The viewpoint. Just one, which I defined plainly. Why would I do that? Here’s why:

You said:

They do not tolerate any viewpoint other than their own.

To which I responded:

No. Not  any  viewpoint. A  specific  viewpoint is at issue. Their viewpoint is that they have value equal to anyone else.  Of course,  they would be intolerant of an opposing viewpoint. So would you.

Incredibly, you then acted as if I had not just defined the viewpoint:

Oh, I see. Apparently, I need to point out that you've moved the goal posts. The subject of this conversation is how the Alphabet Posse used Dex to further their political goals, not whether LGTBQ people have worth. You attempted to shift the conversation by claiming my use of "Alphabet Posse" is demeaning, without explaining how it is so, even after being asked to explain. 

And what, specifically, is the viewpoint you are referring to?
It’s like you’re deliberately ignoring the plain words in front of you. No wonder you feel like you’re wasting your time. You are. But that is not my doing. It’s all yours.

From my perspective, you don't seem to be able to follow the conversation. When I asked you what, specifically, is the viewpoint you are referring to, it was in order to clarify your meaning concerning the following. 

Indeed? You grieve so deeply that the most important thing you can think of to do right now is to defend the political right on NT and in the world generally.

In case the question wasn't clear enough what, in what I've said so far, do you feel was said for the purpose of defending the political right? As far as I'm concerned, I've only presented what I think about this issue and have only stated objective facts as rationale for those views. For example, it is a fact that those on the right of this issue pointed out when this issue first hit NT months ago that the Posse was simply using Dex for their own political purposes. This seeded article appears to confirm that view. 

Rather than discuss that, you keep deflecting.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  Tacos! @5    11 months ago
. And rightwing political nutbags think that somehow absolves her bullies or the adults who inspire young people to hate?

so many strawmen...

Just say "it's okay to lie about her death to score political points" 

Professor Guide
5.3.1  Tacos!  replied to  Sean Treacy @5.3    11 months ago

Non-responsive. Why don't you just say you can't justify the thing you want to excuse?

Professor Guide
5.4  MrFrost  replied to  Tacos! @5    11 months ago
She was bullied and assaulted

The only way the right would give a shit is if they were killed by an illegal. 

Professor Guide
5.4.1  Tacos!  replied to  MrFrost @5.4    11 months ago

That would be a conundrum. Who gets attacked? Who gets defended?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
5.4.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  MrFrost @5.4    11 months ago
The only way the right would give a shit is if they were killed by an illegal. 

What an odd expression.  I shit daily regardless of the story of the day.  I don’t give the results to anyone but if you asked me for it, I’ll consider your request, legal or not.

Professor Guide
5.4.3  MrFrost  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @5.4.2    11 months ago


Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
6  Drinker of the Wry    11 months ago

No one here knew Nex Benedict, his classmates or the nature of the bullying. 

The media sells narratives and didn't need the results of an autopsy, That fact that he was able to walk to the nurses station, didn't require an ambulance, and was released the same day after his mother took him to the hospital isn't square with the reports that he was "severely beaten".  No reporters looked at the family history and reported on the multiple rapes inflicted by his father.  And they didn't need an investigation to create the narrative.

I have no way of know if the suicide was linked to the bullying or if so, how much of the was a factor versus his other life trauma.  The suicide note hasn't been made public and I haven't even read much from his friends.  

Apparently others don't need much factual information before forming strong opinions on cause and effect.

Professor Silent
6.1  mocowgirl  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @6    11 months ago
Apparently others don't need much factual information before forming strong opinions on cause and effect.

When it revolves around a political agenda, the correct spin that invokes the desired "feelings" and ignores facts is all that matters.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
6.1.2  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Tessylo @6.1.1    11 months ago
You are not dealing with facts,

Then provide the "facts".  Time to put up or shut up.

Professor Guide
6.1.3  Drakkonis  replied to  mocowgirl @6.1    11 months ago
When it revolves around a political agenda, the correct spin that invokes the desired "feelings" and ignores facts is all that matters.

Perfectly put. 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
7  Jeremy Retired in NC    11 months ago

The sad part about all this is that this is not the first time an overdose cause of death was promoted as something it wasn't.  Last time it resulted in riots all over the place.


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