Tim Walz misrepresented his time in China - Washington Examiner
By: Gabe Kaminsky (Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress the President and the Federal Government)


ByGabe Kaminsky October 1, 2024 11:57 am .
Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) has touted traveling to China 30 times and being in Hong Kong when the Chinese Communist Party cracked down on student protests in 1989. But public records and a new statement from the Democratic vice presidential nominee's campaign tell another story.
As a then-congressman in 2014, Walz described what he said was his proximity to the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, a story that has since been picked up by national media outlets. The 2024 running mate of Vice President Kamala Harris, moreover, previously said that he has taken 30 trips to China — a country Walz insisted in 2016 does not need "to [have] an adversarial relationship" with the United States.
However, contemporaneous news reports from 1989 indicate that Walz was in Nebraska, his home state, as the massacre unfolded, Minnesota Public Radio reported this week. Walz would go on to teach at a school in Guangdong, China. And contrary to Walz's claim that he has visited China 30 times, the Harris-Walz campaign told Minnesota Public Radio that he has actually been to the country "closer to 15 times."
"I still remember the train station in Hong Kong," Walz said at a 2014 event in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
"There was a large number of, especially European, I think, very angry that we would still go after what had happened, but it was my belief at that time that the diplomacy was going to happen on many levels," Walz said at the 2014 event.
News of the holes in Walz's resume comes as the vice presidential nominee faces scrutiny over many other parts of his background that appear to have been embellished. Walz's telling of his 2004 political origin story at a GOP rally contains significant inaccuracies, and he has come under fire from combat veterans over false claims about his military service, among other matters.
Meanwhile, Walz's "extensive" ties to China are at the heart of an investigation in Congress led by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY). The Republican issued a subpoena to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas this week for records on those ties, claiming he spoke to a whistleblower who described a group chat with DHS employees titled "NST NFT Bi-Weekly Sync" that "contains information about Gov. Walz that is relevant to the committee's investigation."
In September, Comer requested documents from the FBI on Walz's connections to China. He cited a Washington Examinerreport detailing how as Minnesota governor, Walz helped secure funding for a Minnesota-based research center that works with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.
The Kentucky Republican had cited in his FBI letter how Walz previously organized a partially CCP-sponsored trip to China for his students as a high school teacher in Minnesota. Walz also had a teaching fellowship until 2007 at China's Macau Polytechnic University, the New York Postreported. The university embraces the Belt and Road Initiative, a program and key part of Chinese President Xi Jinping's foreign influence efforts.
On Tuesday evening, Walz will face off in a debate against Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), the running mate of former President Donald Trump. Vance is aiming to tee off on Walz over discrepancies regarding Walz's touted past, according to a source familiar with the preparations.
"I think the focus will be more on his mischaracterizations of his military record, but it's clearly a pattern of behavior in all aspects of his life," the source said.
The Harris-Walz campaign did not return a request for comment.
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Well, lookie here. He is learning politics like a real Dem..........
Probably the most absurd, hypocritical partisan attack against Harris-Walz is an allegation of lying on anything given their political opponent Trump is the most prolific liar of our times.
Note in seed: “On Tuesday evening, Walz will face off in a debate against Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), the running mate of former President Donald Trump.”
I know I have asked SP to take Trump out of the RBR's
What lies are those?
That he lied about what rank he retired at?
That he lied about carrying a weapon of war in a war zone?
Nope....those are the truth.
I don't think he wants to go there.................Vance may bring it up but I don't think Walz wants nor needs to open that can of worms.
I don't think so either. He already tried to cover his lies by saying he did not know what the words that he used meant. Believe it or not, that was worse than what Harris has said.
What are the lies?
Didn't lie about his service. He lied about his rank. And now we have the China story...............
He lied......
What did his governor and VP candidate bios say he retired as and what did he ACTUALLY retire as?
Bonus question
Why did the Harris campaign change his VP candidate bio?
So you really don't know what is being talked about do you.
So, democrats lie because they believe Trump lies. What logic!
Do you honestly think that is my meaning?
Here, Vic, I will break it down for you. This is what I wrote:
The embedded points are these:
Funny how "He is learning politics like a real Dem..." isn't considered a sweeping generalization but any comments like that about Republicans are removed...
Not the first thing he's misrepresented and surely won't be the last. And naturally there are those coming out to defend the lies coming from their candidates.
“And naturally there are those coming out to defend the lies coming from their candidates.”
Funny stuff, that.
He lies about everything in a way very similar to Biden
Do you have a quote of Tim Walz saying he was in China while the Tinananmen Square protests were taking place? I dont see such a quote in the stories I have looked at about this.
I don't think he said he was there, but said he was in Hong Kong when it was going down, but the truth revealed he was actually in Nebraska at the time.
Here is lying in Congress about it.
" “I was in Hong Kong on June 4, 1989, when, of course, Tiananmen Square happened. And I was in China after that. It was very strange ‘cause, of course, all outside transmissions were, were blocked – Voice of America – and, of course, there was no, no phones or email or anything. So I was kind of out of touch. It took me a month to know the Berlin Wall had fallen when I was living there,” he said."
Now, are you going to cite your source for comments 4 and 5? If not I will gladly remove them.
I dont know how I got a double comment. The source for the quite is wikipedia, as the quote indicates
The quote does not indicate that anywhere............Oh I see now the repeat says wikipedia but the original did not.
Can get any more clear than that...
The university embraces the Belt and Road Initiative, a program and key part of Chinese President Xi Jinping's foreign influence efforts.
Aw have they gone and modernized the Silk Road Marco Polo needed 4 years to traverse?
There would be no such thing as spaghetti if Marco Polo had not gone to China.
I still dont see anything that indicates Walz was "lying". He didnt say he was in China on June 4, as far as I can see. Someone says he was in Nebraska in May. Ok, does that rule him out of being in Hong Kong in June? The lack of specifics in this "allegation" is mysterious. I guess someone should ask him a specific question and see what he says.
The lame ass purpose of this seed is to imply that Walz is a liar therefore everyone should vote for Trump/Vance. Its fucking ridiculous.
Yes because there are archived pictures of him being in a Nebraska armory in May of that year and did not go to China until August of that year, months after the Chinese put down the uprisings.
I don't think the purpose of the seed is what you think it is. It simply shows that Walz, like the left claims of Trump, is a pathological liar.
I know you're serious, but that is a joke.
The war in Europe ended on May 8th of 1945. If someone said "I went to Berlin at the end of the war, but they had gone in July, not May , would they be lying?
There is an absurdity to all this.
I hope he has to answer all your questions though.
Yes because the end of the war was 2 months prior.
" hope he has to answer all your questions though. "
To be honest, I doubt he will. There are stories out that state he has no intention of really answering questions, but always deflecting to something else.....probably Trump
Most people dont take such circumstances so literally.
Here is a test....
If Trump said he was in, say, Israel, on Oct 7, but reports show he did not get there until October 9, what would be your response?
Tianneman Square was a two or three months process, it wasnt a one day attack. There was an atmosphere of protest in Peking during that spring that lasted for many weeks. In what I have seen Walz said about it was a comment on the whole process, not just one day.
But I dont care what he meant. In terms of lies , either way it is trivial. You guys are desperate to drag everyone down to Trump's level, and thats what this sort of thing is always about.
First off, Hong Kong is a thousand miles from Bejing. Walse was actually working in Hong Kong during the unrest culminating in the massacre. During the the extended protests he was plainly traveling between the US and Hong Kong. Do you understand this yet?
What's so monumentally hypocritical is that Trumpites accept lies from Trump on a daily basis and don't even bat an eye, but here, because it's an opponent, they want to make some massive hay out of what was essentially Walz talking about something from 30 years ago that he actually did experience, the aftermath of the massacre in China which was no doubt very real when he went in August even though it was two months after the actual incident.
From everything I've read and heard, Walz never intentionally told a lie about his visit to China in 1989, he was trying to make a point about what was going on, which he dies in fact have a lot of insight on since he was in fact there during the aftermath. But the way he said it made others think he was claiming he was there when it actual occurred, not experiencing the aftermath and being there in China as it went through the global consequences for their violent actions that day.
In contrast, Trump lies constantly. In fact, I believe Trump compulsively lies more than he tells the truth. I have a lawyer acquaintance I've known for a few decades, and he has a similar problem with the truth that Trump has. Any story he tells has to be inflated. His wife grew up with 7 siblings but when he tells the story it's 10 siblings just to make it sounds bigger and more dramatic. That's Donald Trump, everything has to be ramped up, fictionalized and better or more impressive than it really is, and his faithful sycophants just gobble it up. But when an opponent misspeaks about something from 30 years ago Trump sycophants attack and proclaim them the "real" liar all in an attempt to deflect and distract from the Liar-in-Chief they serve.
“That's Donald Trump…”
That he still; after all the histrionics, after all the lies, after all the nonsense, and after all the stated threats against what any true patriot holds dear, and may yet see another term, is unfathomable.
If Trump had said "I saw the massacre, October 7th was such a tragedy, Israel has every right to defend itself, Israel loves me and Hamas wouldn't have done this if I had been President" no one would be making an issue out of it because they would just assume he meant that he "saw the massacre" as we all did, on the news or after the fact, not claiming he was an eyewitness. I have yet to hear Walz ever claim he was an actual eyewitness of Tiananmen square massacre or him explicitly saying he was on the ground in China when it happened. I get what he meant, and really, it's Trump supporters that are misrepresenting his words which have been misconstrued. And what exactly is the point they're trying to make by misconstruing his words? That politicians lie? Perhaps Walz should just say "Yeah, I lied, get used to it, I'm a consummate liar and always have been". Maybe that would get some of Trumps supporters to support him since apparently, they just fucking love liars, they practically worship the biggest liar on the planet.
He's explicitly said, multiple times, he was in Hong Kong on his way to China when it happened. Why do you keep ignoring that part?
Trump supporters that are misrepresenting his words
The irony.