retired military ex Republican

Educational suicide.

By:  retired military ex Republican  •   •  9 years ago  •  8 comments

Educational suicide.

By dumbing down schools science courses or not teaching them at all. Teaching history as Fox news would have liked it to have been or instead of laying bare the truth on History as it really happened. I'm afraid the old radical uneducated or twisted mental Politicians or Corporate Owners or Religious leaders are eliminating the truth from making into many schools in many states. Do you know what your child's school is teaching. What your colleges are no longer teaching because of The Koch brothers or others like them in more areas than you would ever expect. Florida, Texas or is your state among them. Grade school through College all are being affected.

www.dailykos.com/.../- FSU -Students-Faculty-Alumni-Protest-...

www.washingtonpost.com/.../the- koch - brothers -infl...

Internal emails and memos from the economics department of Florida State University (FSU) open a window into the kind of direct pressure the Kochs seek to exert over academic institutions in return for their largesse. The 16 pages of documents , obtained by the Center for Public Integrity, show that the energy tycoons demanded through their grant-giving arm, the Charles Koch Foundation, a role in faculty appointments and an emphasis on teaching that was in tune with their radical political views.


jrBlog - desc
Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    9 years ago
The Koch brothers are well known for funding the scientific research community. David Koch has a masters degree in chemistry.
retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    9 years ago

Having a masters degree is not impressive enough to guide curriculum at even a Junior College.

Polly Cooper
Freshman Silent
link   Polly Cooper    9 years ago

Personally, I have no problem with private colleges teaching anything they wants - Koch brothers or not. (Or, for that matter, "Christian" colleges or uber-liberal progressive colleges) If you don't like the curriculum, don't send your kid there. On the OTHER hand, what's wrong with giving kids an alternative point of view? The only problem I see with that is the uber-liberal educational ideology in primary and secondary schools that you don't teach kids how to think anymore - you just teach them to believe what is currently "politically correct". In this (and other) areas, Libertarians are correct - get government OUT of education. Let the individual communities decide what the curriculum should be. (even if it's a Koch community)

Polly Cooper
Freshman Silent
link   Polly Cooper    9 years ago

Note: My last comment has grammatical errors which do not indicate my current level of education! I HATE this new laptop. The keyboard sucks! And I can't find the "edit" button!

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

Well, unfortunately, for your political thesis, the VERY liberal NEA (that's National Education Association and their various state affiliates for those uneducated out there) have been in control of education in this country for the last 50 or so years.

I don't think the Koch bros are members nor are they supporters.

So, blaming the lack of science education and the general education malaise in this country on the Koch Bros is as ludicrous as it comes.

retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    9 years ago

Hope the additional sources are of help if you care. Local news papers have been livid.