
Tagged: bible

Noah’s ark: Lessons for humanity’s survival in a changing world

Noah’s ark: Lessons for humanity’s survival in a changing world

Via:   •  Confucius  •  26 Comments  •  4 months ago

The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 9: Sodom and Gomorrah

The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 9: Sodom and Gomorrah

By:   •  Religious and not News Chat  •  48 Comments  •  4 years ago

Hi everyone, it has been a long time since I last posted an article in my fallacy of biblical stories series. So, I thought now might be a good time to do so. If you reviewed the previous...
The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 8: God, the biggest fallacy of them all?

The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 8: God, the biggest fallacy of them all?

By:   •  Religious and not News Chat  •  120 Comments  •  5 years ago

Up until now, the fallacy of biblical stories series has focus on specific biblical stories. For Part 8, I will examine the one thing that connects them all: God. After all, God is the central...
The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 7: The Virgin Birth

The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 7: The Virgin Birth

By:   •  Religious and not News Chat  •  197 Comments  •  5 years ago

Up until now, I've have been focusing on the biblical stories of the Old Testament. For part 7 of the series, I will look at what is one of the most famous and celebrated stories of the New...
The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 6: The Day the Sun Stood Still

The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 6: The Day the Sun Stood Still

By:   •  Religious and not News Chat  •  53 Comments  •  5 years ago

Welcome to Part 6 of the fallacy of biblical stories series. This one will focus on a supposed celestial event described in the bible. Namely, the time God caused the sun to stop moving for...
The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 5: The Tower of Babel

The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 5: The Tower of Babel

By:   •  Religious and not News Chat  •  63 Comments  •  5 years ago

Welcome to Part 5 of the biblical fallacy series. Today we are looking at the ancient skyscraper wannabe, the Tower of Babel. It's an ancient construction project that is supposed to explain the...
The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 4: Jonah and the Whale

The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 4: Jonah and the Whale

By:   •  Religious and not News Chat  •  86 Comments  •  5 years ago

For Part 4 of the series, I will be examining the story of Jonah and the Whale (or is it a "big fish?"). On the surface, this story seems like it came directly from a children's fairy tale book....
The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 3: The 10 Plagues of Egypt

The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 3: The 10 Plagues of Egypt

By:   •  Religious and not News Chat  •  409 Comments  •  5 years ago

For Part 3 in my series on the fallacies of biblical stories, A few individuals have suggested I explore the veracity of the 10 plagues of Egypt, as it seems quite fitting since we are all...
The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 2: Adam & Eve

The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 2: Adam & Eve

By:   •  Religious and not News Chat  •  77 Comments  •  5 years ago

Welcome to Part 2 of my series exploring the veracity of some biblical stories. If you missed Part 1: The Great Flood & Noah's Ark , feel free to check it out and comment, thanks. The focus...
The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 1: The Great Flood & Noah's Ark

The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 1: The Great Flood & Noah's Ark

By:   •  Religious and not News Chat  •  457 Comments  •  4 years ago

This article is the first in a series of articles I plan to write (depending on my available time and interest) objectively examining popular biblical stories to establish their veracity or...