
Tagged: hillary

And now for a bedtime fable

And now for a bedtime fable

By: vic-eldred  •  News & Politics  •  43 Comments  •  4 years ago

Yesterday we had yet another performance from the woman who still feels that she was robbed of a win in 2016. It will forever be remembered as her turn. You know, breaking that glass ceiling...
How The Electoral College Functions

How The Electoral College Functions

Via: thomas-craig  •  News & Politics  •  11 Comments  •  8 years ago

Why am I posting this?  Because, I am sick and tired of how ignorant people are about the process for electing the President of the United States of America.  Too many people believe that the...
Clinton Says Obama Broke Through The Racial Barrier Because He’s An “Attractive, Good-Looking Man”

Clinton Says Obama Broke Through The Racial Barrier Because He’s An “Attractive, Good-Looking Man”

Via: aeonpax  •  News & Politics  •  3 Comments  •  8 years ago

During her Wednesday interview at ReCode’s Code Conference 2017, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton blamed her loss at least partly on misogyny, while claiming that President...
Ahead of attack, Hillary Clinton called for strikes against Syrian airfields

Ahead of attack, Hillary Clinton called for strikes against Syrian airfields

Via: krishna  •  News & Politics  •  6 Comments  •  8 years ago

Hours before the U.S. launched airstrikes against Syria, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke out Thursday about how she would respond to Tuesday's chemical attack in...
Stop Whining That We Only Have 2 Political Parties!

Stop Whining That We Only Have 2 Political Parties!

Via: krishna  •  News & Politics  •  6 Comments  •  8 years ago

People keep whining that we aren't a democracy that represents all voters because we have a 2 party system. That somehow we are forced to have only 2 parties-- that there's some sort of conspiracy...
Just Chilling Listening to Ed Sheeran!

Just Chilling Listening to Ed Sheeran!

By:   •  News & Politics  •  1 Comments  •  9 years ago

I LOVE "I See Fire!" & "God gave Noah the rainbow sign, no more water but the fire next time." James Baldwin I find both even more fitting looking over the Media Feed & Feedback, but...