
Tagged: opinions

No, US voters, you don't need to choose between Harris and Trump

No, US voters, you don't need to choose between Harris and Trump

Via: bob-nelson  •  News & Politics  •  17 Comments  •  5 months ago

Commentary: With Vladimir Putin interview, Tucker Carlson proves to be the Walter Duranty of our time

Commentary: With Vladimir Putin interview, Tucker Carlson proves to be the Walter Duranty of our time

Via:   •  NEWSMucks  •  5 Comments  •  last year

A sad role reversal | Op Eds -"There was a moment after the Oct. 7 terrorist invasion and atrocities when Israel seemed to have a world of support."

A sad role reversal | Op Eds -"There was a moment after the Oct. 7 terrorist invasion and atrocities when Israel seemed to have a world of support."

Via:   •  NEWSMucks  •  24 Comments  •  2 years ago

Ron DeSantis, Black History and CRT

Ron DeSantis, Black History and CRT

Via: vic-eldred  •  News & Politics  •  167 Comments  •  2 years ago

How Joe Biden suckered Europe

How Joe Biden suckered Europe

Via:   •  News Viners  •  10 Comments  •  3 years ago

Europe has fallen and can't get up.  How much is this going to cost American taxpayers? Biden is only following the easiest path.  The Cold War did establish stability in Europe.  Europe would...
Racism never left US schools — now it's taking worrying new forms

Racism never left US schools — now it's taking worrying new forms

Via:   •  NEWSMucks  •  8 Comments  •  3 years ago

Opinion: Comey and McCabe IRS audits are a warning sign with a long history - CNN

Opinion: Comey and McCabe IRS audits are a warning sign with a long history - CNN

Via: jbb  •  News & Politics  •  3 Comments  •  3 years ago

Opinion: What a Nobel laureate's take on Donald Trump reveals about today  - CNN

Opinion: What a Nobel laureate's take on Donald Trump reveals about today - CNN

Via: jbb  •  News & Politics  •  1 Comments  •  3 years ago

Opinion: Alito's draft opinion is as unpopular as it is radical - CNN

Opinion: Alito's draft opinion is as unpopular as it is radical - CNN

Via:   •  The Reality Show  •  24 Comments  •  3 years ago

The right-wing majority on the current Supreme Court was selected by politicians representing a minority of the American people who intend that it to become another political branch of government...
Opinion: Lawmaker falsely claiming Trump caught bin Laden perfectly sums up today's GOP

Opinion: Lawmaker falsely claiming Trump caught bin Laden perfectly sums up today's GOP

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  0 Comments  •  3 years ago

 'America First' policy is dead

'America First' policy is dead

Via: john-russell  •  News & Politics  •  6 Comments  •  3 years ago

Opinion: Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'gazpacho police' sums up this moment - CNN

Opinion: Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'gazpacho police' sums up this moment - CNN

Via: john-russell  •  News & Politics  •  78 Comments  •  3 years ago

Oil market dynamics are changing | OPEC | Al Jazeera

Oil market dynamics are changing | OPEC | Al Jazeera

Via:   •  SiNNERs and ButtHeads  •  19 Comments  •  4 years ago

Opinion: The truth about Trump is out there. And it's coming soon  - CNN

Opinion: The truth about Trump is out there. And it's coming soon - CNN

Via:   •  The Reality Show  •  5 Comments  •  4 years ago

Trump is facing his Day of Reckoning. Trolling, taunting, and off topic comments may be removed at the discretion of group mods. NT members that vote up their own comments or continue to disrupt...
Opinion: Biden is not living up to his promises - CNN

Opinion: Biden is not living up to his promises - CNN

Via:   •  We the People  •  45 Comments  •  4 years ago

Poor old puppet...............
The West is getting Afghanistan wrong - again | Asia | Al Jazeera

The West is getting Afghanistan wrong - again | Asia | Al Jazeera

Via: hallux  •  News & Politics  •  2 Comments  •  4 years ago

The GOP chooses chaos over everything else (opinion)  - CNN

The GOP chooses chaos over everything else (opinion) - CNN

Via: jbb  •  News & Politics  •  1 Comments  •  4 years ago

The prospects of a post-democratic world

The prospects of a post-democratic world

Via:   •  The Beacon  •  3 Comments  •  4 years ago

I subscribe to al Jazeera as I once subscribed to the Wall Street Journal : to see what the bad guys are publishing. (Yes, I know... there's more than enough "bad guy publishing" right...
Opinion: I know how much it hurts to lose an election. But Trump's concession is vital for US democracy

Opinion: I know how much it hurts to lose an election. But Trump's concession is vital for US democracy

Via:   •  News Viners  •  58 Comments  •  5 years ago

Oh, woe, Trump won't concede.  How uncouth.  How uncivilized. First there isn't a requirement to concede anything.  The 2020 election is not officially ended until Jan. 6, 2021, when Congress...
Opinion: 'The Queen's Gambit' is the alternate universe we all need right now - CNN

Opinion: 'The Queen's Gambit' is the alternate universe we all need right now - CNN

Via:   •  Watch This!  •  18 Comments  •  5 years ago

I never thought that a mini-series about a young female chess player could be so engaging, but it is. If you want to watch something different, this series is for you!
Opinion: Trump's big problem in Florida  - CNN

Opinion: Trump's big problem in Florida - CNN

Via: john-russell  •  News & Politics  •  5 Comments  •  5 years ago

Obama team fully vetted Biden in 2008 and found no hint of former aide's allegation

Obama team fully vetted Biden in 2008 and found no hint of former aide's allegation

Via: john-russell  •  News & Politics  •  42 Comments  •  5 years ago