Irresponsible, Irrational and Unpatriotic

Trump is on track to be the GOP nominee and the likelihood of other candidates displacing him grows weaker each day. At this point one must 'hope' that legal battles and/or some unforeseen event will be enough to give another candidate a chance at the nomination.
This is a terrible situation that the GOP brought on themselves. They had the perfect chance to distance themselves from Trump after he left office in the wake of his outrageous Big Lie campaign. Perfect time, perfect excuse. To distance themselves, they (most of them) should have taken the high road like Liz Cheney and fought to blackball Trump from the GOP.
Instead, they pussyfooted around and played nice with Trump. Worse, they made excuses for him and many even defended him. Many of those who did not defend him are at least prepared to actually vote for this miserable human being if he is the nominee. Apparently they do not see how this (collectively) promotes his nomination.
Now it might be too late. Trump stayed relevant since his defeat and now is revitalizing his campaign among GOP voters. As noted many times for years, Trump needs only a plurality to win the GOP nomination. To wit, the MAGA contingent alone can assure Trump the GOP nomination. And by doing so, the GOP will likely lose the general election to almost any D nominee.
And by doing so, the GOP will likely lose the general election to almost any D nominee.
In result, the nation loses. The only choice for PotUS will be the D nominee. The Ds appear to have no motivation to put forth a strong candidate so we will be stuck with an 82 year old PotUS (at the start of his second term) and an abysmal V.P. who is very likely to become the next PotUS by default (unless an 86 year old Biden finishes his term).
Those who are vehemently against Biden and cry daily about how he is "destroying the nation" have, by their inaction in their own party, enabled Biden four more years (and a worse option of Harris for 1-4 of those).
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Leaving office in the wake of his Big Lie campaign was the perfect chance for the GOP to distance themselves from Trump. Instead they made excuses and pussyfooted around him.
I'm so glad that you posted this article.
It so describes the situation. Then add the abortion issue and it becomes impossible to vote for GOP.
I do wish there was a third party, but given that at this point it could only serve as a spoiler, I am not so inclined.
It sucks but it is the way it is.
Yeah, the third party in 2024 could very well be Trump's party if he were to not secure the nomination. Then Trump gets the last laugh by rallying his MAGAnuts to spoil the GOP nominee in the general.
We do need a strong, viable 3rd party but that of course will not be available by 2024.
So you wouldn't vote for a Joe Manchin as a "No Labels" party candidate because you fear Trump would benefit and win?
I do not see how you got that from what I wrote. But I would agree with what you wrote.
My comment was that the likely third party candidate would be Trump.
If Manchin were to run as a third party candidate in 2024 he would have almost no chance of winning the general. So it would be a wasted vote. And since Joe Manchin is not really an exciting candidate for me, I would not vote for him on principle. Now, if Tim Walz were to run third party (I wish he were running for the D nomination), I could easily vote for him on principle but I would not do so because that would contribute to splitting the D nominee and giving Trump (if he were the nominee) a chance.
Too many what-ifs here, Vic. So let's just stick with the fact that there is no viable third party right now so the real choice will be between Trump (likely) and Biden (likely). After his Big Lie campaign, my vote is mechanical if Trump is the nominee: I will vote the most effective possible way to ensure he never secures the office of PotUS.
Not with Trump in the picture, and he is in the picture big time. I do like Joe, but I think that this election, he will serve as a spoiler since Biden is not a strong candidate.
I don't blame you. That wasn't addressed to you. I asked Perrie that question. I want to find out what she thinks is the lesser of evils.
If Manchin were to run as a third party candidate in 2024 he would have almost no chance of winning the general. So it would be a wasted vote.
That may very well be true, but the No Labels party has done the work of setting up a run in just about every state. So it may very well happen.
And since Joe Manchin is not really an exciting candidate for me, I would not vote for him on principle. Now, if Tim Walz were to run third party (I wish he were running for the D nomination), I could easily vote for him on principle but I would not do so because that would contribute to splitting the D nominee and giving Trump (if he were the nominee) a chance.
So your back to Joe the puppet.
Too many what-ifs here, Vic. So let's just stick with the fact that there is no viable third party right now so the real choice will be between Trump (likely) and Biden (likely). After his Big Lie campaign, my vote is mechanical if he is the nominee: I will vote the most effective possible way to ensure he never secures the office of PotUS.
Yes, there are too many what-ifs and it is still early with many possible surprises still to come.
My language was crystal clear ... don't twist the sense.
I am going to vote against Trump. Biden might get my vote, but it would not be because I am voting for him.
He's slimy. Very slimy.
I will vote against Trump, but I will not vote for Biden either. I dislike Biden more than I do Trump, but that's just me. In my opinion both have done too much damage to this country already. My biggest beef against Biden is the disaster he has created at our Southern border, and our degraded military readiness and abysmal leadership from the SoD and CJCS on down.
Third party concept works in Canada because coalition is possible to successfully form the government, but I don't believe it is in the USA, or am I wrong? The NDP (New Democratic Party) is a socialist party and has been able to make deals to have some of its platform enacted as the price of continuing a coalition when neither the Liberals nor Conservatives achieved a majority, which has been a positive benefit for the Canadian people. The NDP's predecessor, the CCF (Co-operative Commonwealth Federation) civilized the nation's health care with the single-payer universal health care system. My brother ran (unsuccessfully unfortunately) for the NDP many years ago.
If I were an American voter, and Liz Cheney were the leader of a viable third Party, I would vote for her Party instead of either of America's two major parties. I know she was booted out of the respected positions she held in the Party and from representing her own riding, but then not everybody votes for a candidate who has integrity and guts to practise and prove it.
OMG, I am so sick of hearing how Dem Presidents are/were destroying the country, the military and American way of life.
Until Trump, I can't remember the same level of animosity aimed at any GOP POTUS. We served, we obeyed, we all got along, in my case never really knowing who our friends and family voted for.
This country offers the best opportunities in the world.
Our military is second to none.
Tune out the negative nonsense espoused by certain power hungry politicians.
Then I guess you think things are just peachy keen on the borders since you did not mention that at all. To each their own.
OMG, we are so sick of hearing about Trump. As if anything Trump has done excuses what Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine and Democrats have done to this country. Nothing excuses the high inflation; gas prices; economy on the brink of collapse; southern border and illegal immigration crisis; soft on crime; billions flowing to yet another never ending proxy war with no way out; and two tier justice system. Nothing like the DOJ/FBI protecting Democrats at every turn while pursuing their political opponents- even if they have to manufacture evidence. That is what we need 4 more years of! SMFH.
Speaking as someone who lost a lot of friends after 2016 since I didn't vote for Hilda the she Beast (nor Trump); I lay blame solely on the left. Your queen lost; and you lost your collective fucking minds. TDS is a real disease; and many will never recover from it. The animosity had a direction. Anyone with working common sense could see it.
Brandon and Democrats keep letting in several million illegals over the next two years; and that will no longer be the case.
I would agree with you; but our military has a major problem- it's CoC is an elected official. Sometimes it ends up with an Obama or Brandon that tries to interfere with the day to day operations. Obama allowed the State Department to set rules of engagement in Afghanistan. Didn't turn out well; but that is what happens when career unelected government officials get put in charge. Brandon first kicked people out of the military for not getting a Covid shot. People who are supposed to be young and the height of physical preparedness- with a disease that was fatal to only those that were out of shape; obese; old; or had prior medical conditions. Then Brandon had to turn the military woke. Forget about combat training- troops needed to learn about micro-aggressions and proper pronoun usage. But not to worry, it is not like the military is prepared to fight anyone with all of the military equipment and munitions Brandon has shipped off to Ukraine. With recruitment way down (can't imagine anyone not wanting to serve under Brandon) it's not like they could fight a real war anyways.
If only leftists would do that with Democrats and their media sycophants. Democrats have a far bigger blowhorn in the media than Republicans do. So all we get 24/7 is "But Trruuummmmpppppp!!!!!!!" Allowing the Democrats and Brandon to never answer for what they have done to this country.
Yet another tired rant complaining about those who criticize Trump and, in so doing, making excuses for Trump.
If the GOP had criticized and marginalized Trump then it would not be stuck with him as their likely nominee. By not taking action, GOP members have almost certainly handed the presidency to the D nominee. And the Ds have failed to replace Biden so he is the likely nominee. In result, your endless focus on Biden instead of removing the cancer infecting the GOP (Trump) is shooting yourself in the foot.
But sure, Ronin, keep ignoring the Trump problem and everything will work out just fine.
America's "winner take all" elections do not allow third parties to thrive.
Yup, 48 of our states have the wrong system.
Is that sarcasm? Lots of countries don't use "winner take all".
No, it was a serious comment.
What has a Republican POTUS ever done for the border?
Be honest in your assessment.
Remember I lived in Tubac for a while...
You have a choice where you live.
I still chose Texas.
Since the end of Title 42, what has happened?
Crossings dropped what 60%, more in some areas.
What happened to Bush when he left office? Obama?
They stayed out of the news and politics as completely as possible.
Trump is unique in American politics.
Your imaginary leftist villains and their imaginary queen aren't to blame.
Your imaginary damage "done to this country" is just the defeatist vomit of
partisan nonsense.
meh, I'm going to be highly entertained by watching that snake swallow it's own tail. I think it's hilarious that the burn it all down party will be suffering exactly that fate themselves. by appeasing a shrinking segment of radical conservatives, the GOP is throwing away any chance of attracting the independent voters.
Very true. I have voted for the GOP in the past, but not now. Trump is going to get the nomination and DeSantis is not a choice either.
That would indicate that it is more than character for you. It's the traditional American policies?
What would call traditional American policies?
As long as De Santis suddenly became the anti-choice guy that he is, I'm not interested.
One issue culture war voters break the way they always break.
the ultimate GOP candidate for POTUS hasn't even declared their intention of running yet.
For one thing MERIT. I recall when an almost impossible 100% scholastic rating was required to get in an Ivy League school. Now they don't even want to test.
As long as De Santis suddenly became the anti-choice guy that he is, I'm not interested.
To the contrary: he believes in abortion with restrictions. And Btw that is for Florida not New York.
But that has nothing to do with who is president. That is the universities' standards. And they are talking about dropping the SATs but the student's GPA and high school coursework would still count towards getting into colleges. I'm still in favor of testing, though.
Btw, it is one thing to get into university and a whole different thing to remain in school.
His first standards were reasonable. Now he has SB 300, the Heartbeat Protection Act And if that is what he wants as a gov, that is what he will promise for the nation.
Not really. Grade inflation has made college much easier and of course social justice pressures to ensure equity. .
The only culture war going on is one that Trump created.
Choice is the very essence of personal liberty. Sorry, you don't see it that way.
You can't grade inflate APs and no matter what, you can't stay in college if you can't hack it.
That being said, I think it's better to take the SATs than to be blown out of college.
I want to know what individual freedom xtian conservatives are going to give up.
The right wing has been engaged in their culture war since long before the Trump era. Think about Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority, which was founded in 1979, James Dobson and his organization, Focus on the Family, and Newt Gingrich, just to name a few of the leading right wing culture warriors. The Federalist Society, the right wing culture war's judicial cadre, was formed in 1982. And, of course, there was the John Birch Society, which was in the vanguard of the right wing culture war. The John Birch Society was founded in 1958.
While I do recognize that, I also recognize that these are but fringes of the party. The Dems have their fringes, too. They are just a bit less in lockstep. For example, Tipper Gore, who lead a war against music wanted records to be labeled. Something you might attribute to conservatives but she was not.
Well, they sure took a stand against vaccinations and mask-wearing. When talking about personal freedoms, it's all is fair.
Early on, the Birch Society was a fringe group, although their philosophy is now central to Republican beliefs. The other individuals and entities I mentioned have always been integral parts of the Republican organization.
Tipper Gore's crusade was something of an anomaly for Democrats. It occurred during the Reagan years, when so-called "conservatism" was ascendent. While I'm sure she was personally disturbed by the lyrics on the Prince record her daughter was listening to, it also seems to have been an attempt to appeal to "family value" centrists on her husband's behalf.
The woke believe in equity & inclusion over merit. It is real and it is rampant in government and academia. The other day another Biden judicial nominee withdrew his name from consideration. They have been embarassed before the Judiciary Committee. They can't answer simple questions regarding what is in the Constitution.
And they are talking about dropping the SATs but the student's GPA and high school coursework would still count towards getting into colleges. I'm still in favor of testing, though.
Yes, and you know why that is being done. Plus the allotment of college entry based on race, which is btw un-Constitutional. Don't you think they have discriminated against Asian Americans in the process? Without any doubt, that is why education in the US is failing.
Btw, it is one thing to get into university and a whole different thing to remain in school.
Getting in is everything. Graduating is easier than ever.
His first standards were reasonable. Now he has SB 300, the Heartbeat Protection Act And if that is what he wants as a gov, that is what he will promise for the nation.
You are right. I made a mistake earlier
Traditional American Policies? He is messing with business for the expressed reason that it said something that he did not like.
He is attempting to control school curricula because they are saying things that he doesn't like.
That sounds like taking away the 1st Amendment. Traditional American Values, you mean kinda like the Traditional German Values of pre WWII?
Except more people are moving there than away.
And it's like fingernails on a chalkboard to them. Thus the reactionary commentary we see here. You know the drill. It's all about Feeeelings.
Are you our resident political scientist?
Early on, the Birch Society was a fringe group, although their philosophy is now central to Republican beliefs.
The John Birch Society died as soon as William F Buckley declared it extreme. In those days there was an equality of extremes. It was the liberal wing of the democratic party on the one side and the little known John Birch Society on the other. Today there is no such equivalency. What we have is the radical American left which controls most of the MSM, most of academia and most of the federal government. There is literally nothing comparable on the other side.
and book bannings are not about feelings? Banning drag shows are not about feelings?
Business has gotten involved in politics...the most evil kind btw.
He is attempting to control school curricula because they are saying things that he doesn't like.
No, it is because they are teaching things PARENTS don't like.
That sounds like taking away the 1st Amendment.
Taking away the first Amendment is what the FBI did with Twitter on the laptop story.
Yes, yes I am. Your comment proves that you're clearly not.
Twist and spin. Teachers can't talk, students can't talk... It is almost like you are choosing which ideas get to be heard and which do not. Hmmmmmm
Awwwwwww the poor parents. That is so much bullshit. The parents who "don't like" something are an ostentatious minority. One or two parents get a bee in their bonnet about something and then make a big splash, creating waves that are amplified by politicians and social media, until a little pissant becomes a major sanctimonious douchebag.
They have exercised their 1st Amendment rights and been retaliated against by people who do not have the authorization. It is akin to a bill of attainder. It is governance not by the law, but by fiat of people in power. That is what Lennin did. That is what Putin does. That is what Trump was trying to achieve. That is part and parcel of a totalitarian state. But you go on and on about how President Joe Biden is head of a totalitarian state when he operates inside of the strictures of law. You seem to be totally detached from reality. What is worse is that there are other people on here who also seem to be infected with the same attachment to disingenuous tellings of the American tale.
yeah...when you're discussing Rupert Murdoch, Koch Brothers, and all who loved the Citizens United ruling
Could you please cite a source?
A source that says THIS IS VIC'S OPINION?
I gave you the examples. You were silent.
One's a News man, the brothers are left leaning libertarians and the Citizens United ruling has nothing to do with Disney & Target corrupting young children or Budweiser dumping on their customers in order to pander to generation Z.
Like having CRT and porn and trans gender shit taught to young children.
Stop the projection and admit that woke ideology is evil to the core.
spin all you want you won't convince me
Fox News is a corporation, The Koch Boys are not left leaning, and Citizens United were about corporations and their "free speech" so they could pour as much dark money into political campaigns
That's a matter of opinion.
I made my points here.
Funny that to some inclusion is dumping on people.
only in your own mind
Your so-called "points" are nothing more than absurdist theater.
Social Security.
You don't know what CRT is as you have proven at every juncture you have been asked for a definition of the same. CRT is not taught in grade school, it is Graduate Level Instruction. What you consider CRT is anything that might besmirch your sanitized version of American history.
There is no porn in schools, don't be silly. Unless you consider a statue of David to be porn. Transgender children need to know that they aren't some kind of freak, which is just the opposite of what you would have them taught.
You call what I write projection, yet you refuse to or cannot see that is what you do on a daily basis. Your hyperbole is outlandish to the point of caricature, yet you continue to post about how the left is killing democracy and leading an authoritarian state. Must be you don't realize that is what your precious leaders want to achieve. It is not my fault that the chorus of "take their rights away" is coming from your keyboard.
Rush - Witch Hunt
Since when does NT require posters to know anything about the subject they post about? It's so easy to just make shit up, and then try to get reactions to that rather than to anything factual.
Most "debates" here have nothing to do with reality, and some members make a career of deviation.
Only...I don't think they comprehend this
What I don't comprehend is why Ds don't like Harris. She's been a fine VP.
She's likely the most qualified VP to possibly succeed as president ever.
Speaking of qualified women for president, I wish Michelle Obama would run.
Were it not for chronic Russian propaganda, Hillary would have made a great president.
I think it's the baggage she carries and I personally don't think she's all that intelligent.
I agree that both Hillary and Mrs. Obama would make great presidents
She ran as a Progressive during the last Dem Primaries and she's done nothing Progressive in her past. Actually as a prosecutor her record shows quite the opposite.
Hillary may make a good President, but she'll never get the chance. She's not well liked even by Dems and especially by Progressives. Mrs Obama only weeks ago reiterated she has no will to run for any public office. Dems are stuck with Uncle Joe and it's not a choice I personally like. I would have liked Amy Klobuchar or Tim Walz to run. I think either one would have done well against almost any Dem.
I just don't see where she has really done or said much of anything. Kinda like Pence in that regard.
What baggage?
Hillary may have made a good president. Her days are over.
I like Michelle. I wanted to see her at least try. I can't think of any democrat right now that I would support
all that crap that the cons gave her about her affair and sleeping her way to the top. They are no different than we are. We find a juicy morsel like that and make as much out of it as we can. We did with with trmp. They did it with with Harris
I'm just trying to be honest here, John
Hillary you mean?
Yes, the GOP had the chance to rid themselves of Trump but choose not to sperate themselves yet they cry about Biden on a daily basis. They best clean up their own house before throwing rocks.
How do they do that when Trump's support was bolstered by all those bogus indictments and possible future indictments. Were those actions designed to bolster sympathy for him.
I doubt Ronna McDaniel can simply remove him from the primary.
On January 20, 2021, every GOP member had the option to engage in blackballing Trump. Instead they chose to play nice ... many chose to defend Trump. The D litigation helps Trump but the reason Trump is in the running is because the GOP did NOT try to distance themselves from him.
You bet they do, but just remember 2024 is different. Comrade Joe has a record.
Donald Trump tried to overthrow the US government. He belongs in prison.
Lets hear more about the "Russia hoax" now Vic. Did the "Russia hoax" cause trump to try and overthrow the US government 4 years later? rofl.
I guess the key phrase is 4 years later. You hated Trump on day 1 long before Jan 6th 2021. You believed in the hoax and you still do.
So let us first see what happens between now and the primary election.
What I want to know is how all the independents can forget that Joe Biden ran the country more like Joe Stalin.
Because that did not happen. What on Earth are you talking about ... comparing Biden to a ruthless, murderous, authoritarian dictator like Stalin?
I think it is going to be an interesting election watching the returns and the talking heads. A recent poll I saw had Trump over Biden with independents but that was only a poll and I've made my position on how much I trust polling before. There's still a lot to happen before any of this happens..
Where have you been?
Is our border secure?
What did Stalin do to America's energy sector?
What did Stalin do to the FBI that it spies & intimidates parents?
They don't believe you .. go figure. /s
But at least there is you.
How do you go from a non-secure border to Stalin??
What does our energy policy have to do with Stalin?
Now you compare the KGB with our FBI??
Vic, sometimes your comments are truly beyond belief.
Because Stalin was a law unto himself. I'll ask again and I'll be more specific: did Joe Biden open our southern border?
What does our energy policy have to do with Stalin?
Because Staim wasn't afraid to bring hardship on his people to reach a goal. Ask the Ukrainians about that.
Now you compare the KGB with our FBI??
You bet I do.
Vic, sometimes your comments are truly beyond belief.
I'm sure they are
As far as I am concerned, the border is one of Biden's clear failures. That does not, in any way, justify a comparison with Stalin. The comparison is absurd.
Again, what a profoundly ridiculous reach. You might as well compare Biden with Stalin because both men were enabled to rise in their parties via ties with predecessors (Stalin with Lenin and Biden with Obama).
Good grief.
Has Biden killed millions of Americans? Has he disappeared anyone?
Your claims are absurd.
I took you off ignore. You people are way too fascinating to ignore
It was never a hoax. Trump was in bed with Putin & his whores.
Yep, I've hated Trump since his insane birther days.
Biden is about as far from being like Stalin as anybody could be.
trump's ego won't let him quit his presidential candidacy. he'll tank the entire GOP before that happens. once again it will be democrats solving the problem that the GOP can't find the courage or stomach to face up to, trump. the GOP primary voters will attempt to grace trump with the nomination at about the same time the judicial ceilings come crashing down on him in the primaries. the window of opportunity for any republican leader to step forward and speak the truth about trump is now closed.
it's clearly evident that there is no emerging leadership in the GOP, just gutless cowardice. fear of a man that has led the party to disappointing loss after loss for the last 7 years. weak hangers-on that are waiting for someone or something to do the heavy lifting in the political arena and relieve them of their burden that cannot be mentioned for fear of retribution and being ostracized by low info voters that can always be depended upon flip the R lever, no matter who is on the ticket.
the GOP fell right into the trap that trump set for them with his early run announcement, and there won't be a candidate now with the legs to run the distance. their biggest donors are absent so far. one thing is for certain, the willfully ignorant will be financially shaken down multiple times again, all in the name of protecting their hero/demigod from those that are doing the all work to finally rid them of their terminal political disease.
meh, if it ever comes to that, I've got about 25 million suggestions... /s
Do the soldiers in Afghanistan count?
I took you off ignore.
I hope you don't regret it.
Most of the sane universe is convinced it was.
That's the mindset of the Biden regime.
Thanks again.
oh for gawd's sakes! were there millions of Americans killed in Afghanistan? No there weren't and you know it
Regret taking you off ignore? Is that a threat? You'd better be sure of yourself before you go making idle threats
13 service members were killed because security was turned over to the Taliban. What American president would do such a thing? What officer would allow it?
Is that a threat?
I don't make threats.
Honestly, some of these comments are so far removed from reality that I really have to wonder how anybody could possibly expect them to be believed.
It is bizarre. My reaction is more of SMH and notching down the credibility of such commenters.
I've been there for quite a while now.
Both Mueller's and the senate's investigations proved it.
The senate just wouldn't do anything about it.
These are historical facts. Get over it.
Lol. tell me you never read either without telling me.
I agree. Imagine posting about Trump and Putin colluding together. Who could possibly believe such nonsense?
And then others attempt to deflect with childish deliberate obtuseness.
Although I might have my differences with them, hardly makes him a commie.
Or akin to the right calling Biden a commie?
Poetic license?
No, they aren't.
It is really telling when republican leadership had (past tense) Donald Trump swinging by his political 'balls' and voting republicans would not allow them to squeeze, twist, or castrate!
Anyone who cares about anything in this country that is not a conservative value is treading on dangerous and dark grounds leading to being called a communist by conservatives. Yes, that includes caring independents too who care about girl/women equal pay and/or abortion rights and privileges .
Security at the airport was provided by a few hundred soldiers from the Army’s 10th Mountain Division. It was never turned over to the Taliban. And if 13 Americans dead from a terrorist bombing by ISIS-K pisses you off, how about this fiasco: In 2013 TFG said “We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives.” Yet when he became president he sent thousands more soldiers there because he thought it would make him look tough on terrorism. He allowed the war to run for another four years during which 50 Americans were killed and another $400+ billion were squandered. But that Fuck-up Sundae wouldn’t be complete without a big cherry on top. TFG does not disappoint, the “great negotiator” negotiates the shittiest possible deal with our enemies, the Taliban. This deal had unenforceable, nonsense ‘requirements’ for the Taliban to discuss power-sharing with the Afghan gov’t. But, before those Taliban-Afghan Gov’t negotiations even started, TFG released 5,000 Taliban fighters and pulled out 4,500 soldiers leaving only 2,500. With these actions, TFG simply told the Taliban they had won.
He serves the woke. He is not a Communist.
The comparison I made between Biden and Stalin had nothing to do with Communism. It was the fact that both seem to be totalitarian reigimes. Don't bother using the term commie as some are now doing around here. Although there are many Marxists teaching at our universities and BLM was founded by Marxists, I never said the country is in danger from Communism. I said it is in danger from the radical woke left.
For the airport itself, but the outer perimeter was left to the Taliban.
And if 13 Americans dead from a terrorist bombing by ISIS-K pisses you off
Here is what pisses me off:
Marine Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews, who was at Hamid Karzai International Airport during the bombing, testified in March that, ahead of the ISIS-K attack, he asked for permission to take a shot at a suspicious man who matched the description of a potential ISIS-K suicide bomber, but that permission was denied.
Vargas-Andrews, who is now a double amputee as a result of the bombing, told the House last month that his team leader had the potential suicide bomber in his sights and was ready to take the shot but that the battalion commander said he didn't know if they were permitted to take the possible bomber out.
"Plain and simple, we were ignored," Vargas-Andrews testified in March. "Our expertise was disregarded. No one was held accountable for our safety."
Retired Marine Corps Gen. Frank McKenzie, formerly the leader of U.S. Central Command, told the Washington Examiner last month that “I'm not aware of any reporting from any source any time that would corroborate that.”
Days after the ISIS-K bombing, a botched U.S. military airstrike in Kabul on Aug. 29 killed an innocent aid worker and numerous family members of his.
The State Department announced in February 2022 that it was offering a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the identification or location of ISIS-K leader Sanaullah Ghafari, also known as Shahab al Muhajir, and for information leading to the arrest or conviction of those responsible for the Abbey Gate bombing.
Logari is said to have previously been held at Parwan Detention Facility, next to Bagram Air Base, which was abandoned by the U.S. in July 2021, but he was subsequently released by the Taliban when they took over Afghanistan in mid-August 2021.
ISIS-K claimed credit for the attack and named Logari within hours as the terrorist who had carried out the “martyrdom operation” at the Kabul airport, with ISIS’s Amaq News Agency recounting the terrorist group’s narrative.
Good grief man, just stop. Claiming Biden is a totalitarian is beyond ridiculous. Claiming his administration is a totalitarian regime is embarrassingly absurd.
me thinks he's given up hope for a presidential pardon of his criminal hero...
I’ll see your fuck-up and raise you positive infinity: Two months into the Afghan war a request was made for 800 Army Rangers to prevent Al Qaeda and the top levels of the Taliban from escaping Tora Bora into Pakistan. That request was denied in one of the greatest US military blunders of all time. Our enemies metastasized in Pakistan, threatening that country and carrying out attacks on Americans for the next two decades from there. We could have killed or captured those responsible for 9/11 and been out of there in three months. But no, conservatives loves their super profitable wars. We would go on to attack Iraq resulting in the meteoric rise of Iran’s power and the creation of ISIS.
A good one, by any rational standard.
Lots of gop meet the definition of "fascist" (racist and authoritarian). I know of no Democrat who espouses socialism.
But hey! Who cares?
Well, this is the Democrats' wet dream. There are doubts that Biden could defeat Kamala Harris. So, Democrats push the narrative that Biden's opponent will be someone that Biden has a chance of defeating.
Just keep in mind that there aren't any guarantees. Trump may not be the Republican nominee. And Biden may not be capable of defeating Trump in a rematch.
Very good Nerm!
It is possible that Trump will not secure the nomination. Cross your fingers. I do not see it, but we are still early in the election cycle so hope remains.
It is almost certainty that Trump will not defeat the D nominee (even Biden) in the general election. It is possible, but it is also possible that our planet will be hit by an asteroid before the election.
The GOP still has a "pro-choice" issue and until that is cleared up, I am not interested.
Speaking of "abortion" (an absolute non-issue for me), do you believe in any restrictions on abortion? If so, should the voters of each state vote on it?
It seems the dems no longer believe in "safe, legal and rare."
Two out of three voters agree with Perrie.
I am actually glad you stated your position on this issue. Because I am often perplexed as to why female voters allow the GOP to DISRESPECT them in every way it can and, wash-repeat-rinse the offenses. When somebody is smiling in my face while hating to their core and stabbing my reality/ities in the back-especially after they take away what I want, have, cherish for others. . .I don't play around with that person or group. I see them for what they are-each time I look in their direction.
Barring something unforeseen at this point, the Republicans are going to get run over in '24 by the pro-choice vote. Its not like they havent been warned.
They think "Hunter Biden" will save them.
Perrie has weighed in on abortion many times. I am surprised that you do not know that she limits abortion when the fetal nervous system has developed and it can experience pain.
I thought most Americans believe in abortion with restrictions?
I didn't know. When is that?
Point of clarification needed: Fetal nervous system. Is that the (acceptable) stage of what is called, "viability'?
Roughly near viability about 24 weeks.
Same as DeSantis! Imagine that! Perrie and DeSantis are on the same page!
I know Perrie probably had a long day, but that is the point I wanted to make to her.
It's thirteen months and three weeks till the Republican convention (July 15-18, 2024). The Democrats' convention is a month later (Aug. 19-22, 2024). That means the general election campaign season will only be 2 1/2 months.
What amazing powers of prediction. So, who's going to be appointed special counsel after the next election (in 17 months)?
Why do you play these stupid games, Nerm? You even quoted my qualification of: " I do not see it, but we are still early in the election cycle so hope remains." so clearly you know that I recognize we are early in the cycle and that the situation could dramatically change.
However, as it stands now, Trump winning the general election is a fool's bet.
oh jesus h christ!!!!!!!!!
She's stated it numerous times!!! Now you're acting coy like you never paid any attention to Perrie's words.
You're beyond absurd
Maybe I just took too long to make a point.
Both Perrie and Ron say 24 weeks.
you're right. nobody takes away the individual freedom of bodily autonomy from the majority voting block without paying a hefty political price, at the very least...
why are you taking so long to make a point? Could it be...trolling?
There is more than one issue at play here. Power to regulate abortions, which is a medical issue, now rest with the states, which is where it should be. Nowhere has it been abolished.
No it shouldn't be. It shouldn't be decided by the states or the feds. It is a private medical situation between people and their physicians, which is why it was originally ruled on citing privacy laws.
I wanted Perrie to state her position so I could show her that DeSantis said the same thing. She left early. Does that sound like trolling?
Wait...if you think that is trolling, maybe you also got it wrong about that officer you dropped a dime on?
Yes, I do.
In actual numbers abortion has gone way down from the 1970s, so you must have the wrong impression.
I have often thought the same things
Then why did he sign the heartbeat law? So not the same.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs six-week ‘heartbeat bill’ into law to limit abortion
I like people who can look on the bright side of things....
And to think the British use to rule the world...Haha
Yea, pretty amazing that a small island country could do that.
Florida has a new abortion ban after 6 weeks, but it can't go into effect yet
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — The Republican-dominated Florida Legislature on Thursday approved a ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, a proposal signed into law later in the day by GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis as he prepares for an expected presidential run.
The ban gives DeSantis a key political victory among Republican primary voters as he prepares to launch a presidential candidacy built on his national brand as a conservative standard bearer.
The governor's office said in a statement late Thursday that he had signed the legislation.
The six-week ban will take effect only if the state's current 15-week ban is upheld in an ongoing legal challenge that is before the state Supreme Court, which is controlled by conservatives.
I'm afraid I made a terrible mistake. DeSantis was in favor of something with a six week ban and somehow I read it as six months, which would have been the same as your idea.
Sorry, my mistake.
What officer are you talking about?
And...didn't DeSantis just sign a 6 week abortion ban? How does that equate to him agreeing with Perrie on 24 weeks?
phhhffftttt.....that was no mistake. You just wanted to make a point. Your point is as sharp as a pencil eraser
It doesn't. When I read it I thought it said 6 months.
As you said in post 6.1.28
Big error on my part.
I don't believe you
Thanks Vic. That was very big of you to admit you made a mistake.
I do Trout. I do stuff like that. 24 weeks/ six months was the old standard. I could see how that could get stuck in your head as your read.
ok then since you said it. I'll accept he made a mistake
better mark that on your calendar.
Yes, Trump could win, and fat pigs could fly...
No polls show Trump having a chance again.
That's what they said in 2016.
As if January 6th never happened?
Biden will beat Trump by 20 million!
Trump isn't going to ever win again.
o polls show Trump having a chance again.
The last Washington Post poll has Trump winning by 7 over Biden
Morning Consult has Trump winning by 1.
The nabobs of negativity are always carrying on.
Despite things obviously getting better all along.
You would think 2020 was, "The Best Year Ever!"
Unemployment is low, wages are rising, inflation is coming down and businesses are profiting...
Things are not going badly as those nabobs say.
The only thing I disagree with in the article is that Kamala Harris would be a disaster as president. There is no evidence of that. She has been largely smeared by partisan rhetoric.
I would feel so much better if Biden had as V.P. an individual who I feel would make a fine PotUS (like Walz).
I dont have any problem with Harris. She is a very accomplished person.
It's a moot point. Neither Joe nor his handlers can get rid of her. They can't risk losing LBJ's monolithic voting bloc.
People of color are not a monolithic voting bloc, because if such could be the case - you would not have any people of color surrounding Trump or . . . Tim Scott in his announcement event the other day. But even if it was so that people of color voted in a 'bloc' - its a viable option not worthy of criticizing in this case. . .because Trump is a salvage candidate for president.
The term is "moot" not mute, lol.
Do you consider 90% of any group voting for a candidate monolithic?
Perhaps a Freudian slip.
Thanks, I was able to correct it.
Just be careful correcting people can get you a ticket these days,
She would know. She follows my every word.
She was a prosecutor and a congress critter. What else has she done?
She was attorney general of the largest state in the country for two terms. And a US Senator.
What have any of them done?
Probably not slept their way to the top with a married man.
see below and above for the pettiness that is leveled against Harris. I can't defend her since I know nothing about her so let them make their little humorless innuendoes and call it a day.
I'll live another day to play with my food
... he said, while ignoring his hero's 3 marriages in which he cheated, his dalliances with porn stars - one he married, while humping a playboy bunny, and 26 accusers of sexual assault with one already suing him for defamation, and about to do it again because of what he said on national TV 1 day later. funny how that didn't seem to matter in 2016...
Lincoln dallied with porn stars?
Didn't know he had access to a time machine.
Yes, lots of people are dismissive of Harris.
Probably many men you hang around with.
She was California Attorney General and has served a full term as Vice President.
She is more formidable than you think...
After all, she's a women and she's black.
Right? She's lowkey in the administration.
Exactly as Vice Presidents should be, but she is tough and is a good campaigner...
Who in the gop, except Trump and Pence, have more experience than V.P. Harris?
Sure didn't matter with Clinton, or that Hillary enabled it.
As the President of the Senate Harris has broken several tie votes for Democrats!
Yes it is petty and sickening. Labeling Harris a whore, etc. is both wrong and driven by partisan 'reasoning'.
My dislike of Harris has nothing whatsoever to do with her intellect, etc. I dislike her ideology, temperament and do not see her having the competence to lead this nation.
that's a pretty low bar, being set in 2016 ...
No! Why not? Because a monolith means a (single) totality of something. Nuance informs us, blacks and other people of color vote for an assortment of reasons for candidates with the same party. One can think of the 'rip' between democratic party voters over Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders/Barack Obama and similarly voters for Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden before those heterogeneous democrats folded into supporting Biden.Moreover, a varying percentage of people of color vote for republicans.
A (black) voting bloc is simply a large (diversified) group of voters with increasing-decreasing percentages which empowers itself to bring about change which otherwise may be occur.
The above being stated, if you are loosely appropriated the term "monolith" for purposes of stating there are more people of color democratic party members than republican party members-I can agree. It is evident there are more in the democratic party.
So you have no hard feelings about the married dick that slept around with her? Just asking. After all, conservatives want a 'repeat' of a notorious p----y-grabber, Donald Trump, who just got sued in court for his 'practices' on a female.
You see how much I know about Harris? I thought she was a local prosecutor. Big error on my part. Thank-you for the clarification
In other words you demand 100% of a given group's votes to be called monolithic?
What would that be? I wasn't aware of anything other than ordinary wishy-washy Dem liberalism.
If there is anyone more unqualified or unfit to be president it is Kamala Harrisl
Since you said she is not qualified now I am sure she is.
... you'll still flip that R lever, no matter who is on the ticket.
Yes. But the candidate will likely be DeSantis. Are you going to flip the D lever?
At this point, that is wishful thinking.
DeSantis is making a fool of himself weaponizing his office against a huge driver of his own state's economy. It makes him look like a petty tyrant. Or a wannabe petty tyrant, which is even worse.
I've never voted for a presidential candidate. I vote for the best odds for american me.
So is thinking that Biden is electable for second term.
now I am sure she is
Yep there are a few here that are my moral compasses.
Whatever they are for, I'm generally against and vice versa.
He is electable if Trump is the nominee.
That is one of the essential themes of this article.
I think the actual owners of the GOP would take it upon themselves to protect their assets if an unsatisfactory candidate emerges that would pose a greater threat to their combined interests. profitability is sustainable in prolonged turmoil, but not so much in chaos.
How many times do the republicans have to make it plain to onlookers? When all is considered, the new republican party wants: 1. Donald Trump! 2. Trump-alone.
Trump is the echo reverberating through red states; they have summarily dismissed from their hearts and minds all moderate conservatives. Time to accept that there can be no reasoning with people determined to 'eat' their political opposition just as soon as the act can be accomplished.
Red states, time and time again, have picked the same champion: Donald Trump. Believe them when they demonstrate in attitude and voting power what kind of republican party they want!
Wrong on all counts, as history will gradually point out.
Well, when history points it out. . . be sure to let me know!
Get out the popcorn, DeSantis has announced he is running for president.
A year and a half of BS headed our way.
The Musk factor makes this interesting (and not in a good way).
Certainly good news in that this should harm Trump's chances at the nomination. One must wonder how blindly loyal the MAGA crowd really is. Will they continue to support Trump ... even to the point of refusing to vote for someone other than Trump?
IMO, they are very loyal and it would not surprise me that they would refuse to vote for DeSantis or anyone else if Trump is not the nominee.
they're split. too bad...
A sidewalk interviewer asked a guy in a red hat, "Could anything sway you to DiSantis?"
The instantaneous (no time for thinking) response was "No!"
That's not statistically significant, but......