Trump Criticizes Harris for a Joint Interview with Walz
Trump is out there making fun of Harris ... claiming she is not strong because she held a joint interview with Walz.
But, of course, Biden held a joint press conference with Harris.
And worse, for Trump, this is exactly what he did in 2016.
As did presidents before him.
This guy is so full of shit. Every day he steps in it yet people keep supporting him.
By his reasoning, Trump needed Pence to hold his hand during his initial interview after selecting Pence. A guy ... that nobody heard of.
Every "low rider", in any city you can name, has a Mike Pence in their back window, bobbing it's head and smiling . Pence is the classic bag licker, an obvious choice for the Trump mentality, perfect stooge to throw under the bus . I wonder, did Pence ask "mother" for permission to be Trump's V.P. ?
There is a difference. Trump had done individual interviews prior to the Pence choice. Harris, not so much.
It is common for the nominee team to do a joint interview soon after the VP is selected to show how they work together as a team. Trump & Pence did this as did Obama & Biden and Bush & Cheney.
Trump, and his supporters, continue to try to make a big deal out of nothing.
Yeah, one of the differences is the extremely short runway for Harris. Her campaign will be atypical.
In this interview, Harris answered the questions directed to her and Walz answered those directed to him. It was two distinct interviews done simultaneously. Take out Walz' part and you will see Harris in a one-on-one.
Nice spin but most know why.
Of course, I offer perspective that favors Harris and you merely label it 'spin'.
Spin is twisting the truth in a dishonest fashion. I just pointed out that Harris answered her own questions ... that Walz was not a factor in her answers.
When was she supposed to do it? She’s been running for president for like 6 weeks.
And what do you think would or would not have happened in this interview if Walz hadn’t been there?
... and look at where she's at now, compared to her empty suit opponent.
... that's the biggest bee in their empty bonnets.
Vice-President Harris selected Governor Walz to be her running mate. She can certainly have him sit down with her in an interview with her if she wants. Nobody gives a bull what Donald thinks of that. After all, we don't criticize him for every time he gives a 'death stare' into a teleprompter to read! Most Americans simply are not . . . petty and small to try to turn every damn thing into drama.
Harris has done interviews by herself as V.P. And this is not a difference that matters anyway. Indeed, as is customary for some trumpists—the only reason this critique is being brought up is because Donald did something "SELECTIVE" in the past, and somehow that VALIDATES him in the eyes of some trumpists. That V.P. Harris did not choose do the same thing the same way. . . trumpists pounce on it.
First, Donald is not Harris' model for what constitutes a 'good' president that she should look at his conduct and do as he does. Second, had Donald not have sat for individual interviews and Harris had sat for an individual (alone) interview. . . trumpists would not have lauded her for it. But, would have 'passed on it.'
I am pretty sure some trumpists are only here for "the Critique"—never for the APPLAUSE of a democrat: Right, wrong, or indifferent.
it's going to get a lot worse for trump, but I'm enjoying his final acts of desperation, like those of a cornered animal ...
I expect the civil war threats by maga to start right after the debate and before their felon's fraud sentencing ...
Very bad optics that will not impress the electorate. It further enhances the view that she is too dimwitted to handle anything that is unscripted and/or by herself
What are the bad optics?
It is common for the nominee team to do a joint interview soon after the VP is selected to show how they work together as a team. Trump & Pence did this as did Obama & Biden and Bush & Cheney.
Even if Harris wanted Walz there as a security blanket, hell, even if she is his puppet, she and Walz are still a thousand times better for America than Trump/Vance.
It is sad sad sad that so much of our media demands this or that from Harris and demands next to nothing from Trump.
I've come to the conclusion that much of the mainstream media doesnt care if Trump gets back in office under the theory that it is not their problem.
The interview was a success for Harris!
If MAGA weren't in a bubble they'd know.
IMO, they know. It is obvious by the pathetic chickenshit attacks. Finding fault is the objetive ... even if they have to resort to hyperbole and lies to do so.
Soon after the VP is selected…
Trump selected pence on the 15 of July and the interview aired the 18th….
spot the difference.
harris, despite being the nominee for about 6 weeks, has done zero solo interviews and held zero press conferences in the late stages of a presidential campaign in which she didn’t receive a single vote for president.
after yesterday, you won’t see many tries either.
Nobody cares. America just wants the MAGA to be gone...
You can't fault Harris Walz for gaining on Trump every day!
He might not be since he operates in a delusion of his own making.
But he should be.
No, that would be truth.
It's funny watching the same people who praised Biden's performance and competence up until the second his own party knifed him in the back immediately transfer their hero worship to Harris as if nothing happened. The only thing funnier is the Biden/Harris shill squad imagining they have any credibility.
The proof is in the pudding. If Harris stops hiding and begins a regular schedule of news conferences and interviews, than it's clear the people who control the party think she's doing well and exposing her to the public helps her. If she continues to boycott the press and keep hidden other than in tightly scripted appearances, we know her bosses understand she's not ready for prime time.
Don't fool yourself. Kamala is The Boss of her own campaign!
If anyone needs someone to take over for them it is El Trumpo.
You are able to amuse yourself with your fantasies, but I personally do not care how you amuse yourself.
Trump supporters will bitch and moan no matter what Harris does.
I read earlier that maga is complaining that harris left her teenage job at mcdonald's off her resume`...
looks like the trump molehills2mountains sector are getting as desperate as their inept candidates...
um....I didn't list my jobs at Burger King and a pizza joint when I applied for the job I have now....didn't think it was relevant
it was a mc d's drive up window in rifle colorado where I first interacted with our state's official maga skank, lauren blowbert...
Which is why Trump and his sycophants are desperately trying to find something negative to say about it and the best they can come up with is that she's weak because she didn't hold a solo interview. They know it's a weak argument, they know their weak sniveling waste of space, but they've been backed into a corner after having believed themselves invincible when they were facing Biden as an opponent.
and still no adequate response or plan from the trump/vance campaign to counter harris....
So the radicalized right complained that she didn't do an interview, now they are bitching that she did an interview. I'm seeing a trend develop.
Yes, expect one chickenshit complaint after another. Pretty sick given the alternative is Trump.
Did you address that to me by accident? Is bears no relationship to anything I posted.
She's running for President. She should do interviews and hold press conferences. why does the loony left have such a problem with that?
lol ….. you cal that an interview? C’mon man. The crackpottery is getting extremely thick in here, in here, in here ….
Because they are loony tunes
right wing radical maga's seem to be having some difficulty adjusting to the probability of political irrelevancy.
Trumpists are staring too 'hard' and need to pull back as these microscopic critiques are getting. . . Weird!
Donald 'death stares' into his teleprompter when he reads it. Disturbing. Weird.
This is the same fool that mocks (along with his petty trumpists) others for reading from teleprompters. Yes, he is staring 'down' a teleprompter in the image above (from a Youtube video segment). Yes, it's petty to state so. But, this fool is a petty, small, man. . . so he gets his just desserts back for criticizing Kamala.
Donald says the media is "fake," "looney," and a host of other derogatory, self-defeating terms he can come up with and yet they still come back for more abuse. "C'mon, man."
as evidenced nearly every morning by the maga propaganda published on NT ...
The fact is that Kamala not only had to have a chaperone but also a "journalist" so unbelievably partisan that she delivered the "question" with multiple choice answers.
A chaperone for what, exactly? What is his function in that context?
Only a fool would attempt to compare Harris and Trumps public communications during this election. Trump communicates regularly (off prompter) with the public. Harris does not. End of story. And when she has, she does so in a very controlled environment or via teleprompter.
Being critical of her actions here is only logical in that regard.
True. Trump goes off script all the time and embarrasses himself on a regular basis. I was reading this morning where he told an NBC reporter that it's legal in 6 liberal states, including MN, to kill children weeks after they are born. That's a big douchebag lie, but apparently there are people in his base that believe this.
Harris is working very diligently to give as little for right wing populists reasons to critique. That seems to be working for now.
I think that's fair. We should be critical of our politicians.
I've heard that lie reiterated by his idiot supporters, in person, more than once...
Removed for context - sandy
link for context. What did he really say? What was the context?
We had Basement Biden, now we have Cave dweller Kamala. The American public deserves better
Her pandering “flip-flops” are reaching never before seen levels. Anyone who believes her on those, is just simply dull.
At last night's Michigan rally -
This is also not the first time he's brought up this lie. He said the same thing in June during the debate with Biden.
This is a shitty thing to say even for a politician.
Whether we deserver better can certainly be debated, but these are the choices we have and while I'm not a Harris fan she's miles and miles better than Trump. I'll back the horse that does the least amount of damage and hope the big money Republicans find better in 2028.
It’s no debate. Hiding, to get elected, is about as dishonest as one can get. You might not like it but you know where Trump stands. He spews it out every day. But Harris gets a free pass from my friends on the left as she hides from the press and public.
Which is total bullshit. No debate about it.
An apt description for the sewage that emanates on a minute by minute schedule. He should have his midnight Bran take-in modified.
Where is Harris hiding? She's out on the hustings every day.
You’re joking right?
I find that to be a waste of time with modern day rinos.
More poor judgement on your part ….
She's not hiding. She's doing campaign rallies like she should be.
The Toxic Avenger.... We all know why he shouldn't be anywhere near the Whitehouse ever again.
Weird... The right has been bashing her saying they know exactly where she stands. And again, she's touring, not hiding.
Yes, any vote for Trump is total bullshit and there should be no debate about that.
“…any vote for Trump…”
He is the ‘useful idiot’ for with every useless utterance, it only confirms his inadequacy to hold the highest office in the land.
Our ‘friends’ on the right inexplicably ignore all the ‘red’ flags and rest their ‘opinions will vary’ arguments on tired tropes.
Stale, stagnant, and stupefying.
Opinions do vary, on nearly all counts in this case
Outrageous, egregious and superfluous…..
Any vote for Trump is a vote for a 34 times convicted felon, accused rapist, 24 times accused sexual predator, insulter of Goldstar families, wannabe dictator, CEO of 6 bankrupted companies, former President who downplayed a deadly virus and personal protection equipment which may have led to tens if not hundreds of thousands of dead Americans, lover of Kim Jong Un and Putin, tax cheat, trustee of trust that was fined for millions and shut down and man who was unfaithful to at least two out of his three wives who then paid hundreds of thousands to porn stars to keep quiet during his political campaign. But that's apparently what right-wing Christians just can't resist, to them he's the second coming of Christ.
they're happy to forgive him for his sins, he's not a democrat...
Yet you are comparing the two ... and this article is about Trump comparing the two.
Do not expect intellectual integrity from MAGA...
... says a person that claims to be a trump supporter and a veteran...
... oh, the irony.
Wow, biting commentary ….. I think you hurt my last feeling ….
A predictable 'rebuttal' — ignore what was actually written in the exchange and merely type a negative platitude.
Balances out the all the useless idiots buying 'autographed' bibles.
If you say so ….
Happens all the time, it's an accident of the cop-clock. You're being churlish for the mere sake of it.
I type slow...
That statement is petty. Because, Donald is always on stage with a teleprompter. In fact, he uses one even when he is outdoors at a rally:
Oh look, everybody. Donald ('death stare') Trump has TELEPROMPTERS on stage at an outdoor rally! It's petty to mention it, I know. But,. . .we MUST because Donald is so weird to try to blame others for using them. BTW, Donald was DEATH STARING into this 'prompter, before shots rang out: it could be that the 'prompter might have helped provide cover for Donald in his 'time of need' that day.
Wasn’t the shooter 90 degrees on Donald’s right?
READ IT AGAIN: I am pretty sure I wrote: "could be," and "'prompter," and "cover" and "time of need" - bullets were straying- injuring and/or killing several attendees. Don't know if one or more of them landed on a 'prompter.' But, typically, the point was ignored for the sake of a 'dig.' Besides, that was sarcasm anyway for which I forgot to administer its "/s" tag. Oh well.
Additionally, Donald hid behind his podium without turning it to an angle (for protection), so he did not perceive the shooter has having a direct line of fire to this right. (Don't bother belaboring this.) I've made my point: The teleprompters, plural, are always at Donald' rallies. You can have the last word.
No it is not. It’s the truth. Problem is, many folks can’t handle the truth.
The teleprompters CLEARLY are in the picture AND Crooked Donald (bone spurs) is hiding behind his podium. It is plain to see.
Be happy to have an [✘] conversation with you as soon as you stop misrepresenting my comments. Until such time, not interested.
Trump sure seems embarrassed to appear together with Vance. Or more likely, he hates him.
vance was the choice of jr and charlie kirk. no matter, he's the perfect patsy for trump when the blame game for his loss starts...
How's that going?
How, with a gun aimed at his own foot?
"Here, Baby.Hold my beer..."
Another bizarre attempt to disparage or criticize, no matter that it makes no sense.
dangling shiny objects in the faces of the mentally challenged...
This is petty "negative nancy" bullshit. Crooked Donald and his Trumpists have criticized the fact that Kamala is spelled properly and pronounced in the manner it is done. Nothing new here about people Negative Nancys being critical of anything that 'moves' in their proximity.
Crooked Donald, typically is petty (old and dumpy) with lying (perpetually malcontent) lips that won't stop flapping. That some trumpists are no better than their leader on pettiness is just sad.