I think Kagan is right, and some of them are just fine with it.
They are without a doubt. Donald Trump did not evolve into what he is today without the active support of institutions: The Republican Party, a myriad of thinktanks, Fox News and other Media Conglomerates, certain evangelical churches, a seeming mish-mash of Nationalist and otherwise discriminatory groups... the list goes on.
I'm not even sure that it's just that. There seems to be a sizable group of people who don't want to think. They're happiest when they're being spoon-fed.
They're happiest turning decision-making over to anyone who is an "expert", and they've been fooled into thinking that Trump is an expert by his money and bloviating. They can't be bothered to listen to his speeches, but they're sure Harris can only deliver a "word salad". They see his gold-plated toilet and plastic wife and think he's a good, smart businessman, but they aren't interested in his bankruptcies or his shady dealings. They think he's an expert on the economy, so they believe him when he tells them that tarrifs are good for them, and that he can repeal all federal taxes.
They don't think. They don't research. What do they need a free press for?
If they were just some loosely organized amalgamation of people, trying to push a variety of points, I would concur.
The reason Trump is such a force in todays political sphere is that all of these people are capable of falling into the trap of believing what he says is the truth.
It does not matter that he is not telling the truth.
It does not matter which sub-genre of Trump supporters.
Different people have different takeaways, but the effect is the same: They line up behind Trump.
They pick their own little piece of evil out of the vast amount of hate that Trump spews and hold it close to their heart.
The reason Trump is such a force in todays political sphere is that all of these people are capable of falling into the trap of believing what he says is the truth. It does not matter that he is not telling the truth.
As Michelle Obama says these trumpists try to pick apart the words of V.P. Harris while leaving Crooked Donald's word salads unmolested in their many 'bowls. ' Why? Because trumpists DESIRE what Crooked Donald supplies them as their leader: The takeover, removal, and suppression of marginalized people's rights, freedoms, and privileges. . . as a form and fashion of 'returning to what conservatives call 'great' again.
Some trumpists don't care one iota that marginalized people were subordinated in our country which likes to brag to the world about freedom, rights, and privileges. They did not wish to share the country with marginalized people before and do not 'now.'
Some trumpists have a figurehead, a 'voice,' a CONSCIENCELESS suppressor, in the person of Crooked Donald and that is why they will keep him. And it says something about Elon Musk (and his damn electric cars of the future) that he is spending his wealth on a man whom even he can't trust to tell him the truth!
BTW, the LYING by Crooked Donald is only going to get worse as he deteriorates deeper into old-age. In old-age people become more intentional in stating the things they choose to believe. . . well, Crooked Donald has always believed LYING gets him ahead or out of great many problems. He will do more LYING to the public at 80 did at 78 count on it.
The question for us is will the public be SERVING him when he is 80 and accepting 'receipts' from a nonsensical maniac who has billionaires and dictators BOUYING him up around the world, when he should be casted down! (We won't have anything Crooked Donald wants if he has friends in higher places than himself).
Let's just call it what it will be:
Crooked Donald, the old fart that wipes his you know what with a new issue of lawyers on a routine basis, will not be for "the people" (who need help in this country- remember he and Elon laughed in a interview about 'crushing unions'), he will use the courts and the judges who cooperate with his way of looking at the world to FINISH breaking 'everything.'
Oh yeah, Bannon is getting out of prison and plans to structure a 'MAGA army' (whatever) and start his usual slide into SHIT as he hits the ground running.
That is, I believe, the common consensus. I am not so sure that I would buy the direct transition, but there are several factors that point towards it.
Moving on.
Trump exists as a lens to focus the disagreements that people have between their lived lives and the American Dream on a scapegoat. Trump provided that scapegoat, ie., others, when he rode his golden escalator down to announce his candidacy. He has since doubled down again and again to the point where he can undeniably be called a fascist. The rally atMadison Square Garden ties it all up and presents it as a whole package: The "enemy within", "America is for American's", the mass deportation of "The other"...
Fuck Trump and his followers. A vote for Trump is a vote to end the United States of America and to start a barnyard devolution.
Trump supporters, are you okay with Trump leveraging his potential power to censor the free press
NO, I am not OK with any party censoring speech. I believe most Trump supporters feel the same, we are furious the way the Biden/Harris, big tech and the media has censored speech. If you think this didn't happen, don't waste your time responding.
You deflected from the story about Trump potentially strong-arming WaPo to kill the Harris endorsement and instead attack Ds in an attempt to normalize Trump's outrageous behavior.
You deflected from the story about Trump potentially strong-arming WaPo
There is no evidence of that other than your confirmation bias to believe all things negative about trump. Do you not think that it would be front page news and the scoop of the century? We would have that partisan hack Bernstein on every channel claiming it was worse than Watergate. Bezos has nothing to lose and everything to gain if this actually happened to print it.
There is no evidence of that other than your confirmation bias to believe all things negative about trump.
Back to the pathetic tactic of demanding absolute proof of any claim against Trump.
Do you not think that it would be front page news and the scoop of the century?
No. Do you? Talk about hysteria.
Bezos has nothing to lose and everything to gain if this actually happened to print it.
You cannot see how avoiding the wrath of Trump is a plus for Bezos? He takes a credibility hit for his paper and avoids a vindictive Trump killing government contracts, etc.
The problem we face, George, is that our CotUS presumes that the people would elect a PotUS who is responsible and will see it as a duty rather than a personal arsenal. How anyone can be blind to the abysmal character of Trump at this point is both disappointing and dangerous.
I believe most Trump supporters feel the same, we are furious the way the Biden/Harris, big tech and the media has censored speech.
It begs the question that Crooked Donald and trumpists think LYING is a proper context to argue for freedom of speech. On the other end of the spectrum rests TRUTH. . . but Crooked Donald and his trumpists are walled off from the 'midpoint.'
We're see how 'good for business' this strategy works out for the Washington Post when its readers stop giving it "some" and demand it 'pull out.' (Sexual innuendo intended.) As Beyoncé might say: 'We can find another newspaper in a minute. . . don't ever get to thinking that the Washington Post is irreplaceable!'
Can you read? NO, I am not OK with any party censoring speech.
Now, show me where Trump has put pressure on WaPo to NOT endorse Harris and then you can explain why the LA Times, multiple unions have not endorsed Harris.
You may want to consider that Harris never received a vote in a primary and she's just not a good candidate.
Yes I can read, you made a general, platitude statement and then deflected to Harris.
Now, show me where Trump has put pressure on WaPo to NOT endorse Harris and then you can explain why the LA Times, multiple unions have not endorsed Harris.
I have not claimed that he did, I have stated that I find that hypothesis to be quite believable and fully consistent with Trump's character and methods. Do you not remember what he tried to to with Zelensky? How about all the coercion attempts during the Big Lie? How much evidence do you need of Trump's character before you recognize that it is entirely reasonable for him to yet again put pressure on Bezos?
You may want to consider that Harris never received a vote in a primary and she's just not a good candidate.
No rational person is going to NOT vote for Harris simply because the Ds did not hold a second primary (unrealistic to do so) after Biden dropped out. That is not only old news, it has been nothing more than a feeble, irrelevant MAGA talking point. If that is the best argument you have then you have nothing. A rational mind will consider Harris herself, her policies, her philosophy, etc. Only Trump supporters talk about the Ds lack of a second primary after Biden dropped out.
First, WaPo had their endorsement for Harris ready to go. So they obviously were going to endorse her.
Second, how can you possibly compare Harris to Trump and think that Trump is better for this nation?
If anything Trump is in a darker place since 2021, and is now a convicted felon and owes millions of dollars to a victim of sexual assault by him. And yet we are supposed to believe that it is just coincidental that Wapo chose this election to stop making endorsements. Doesnt add up.
I have not claimed that he did ......it is entirely reasonable for him to yet again put pressure on Bezos?
You contradict yourself in the same paragraph!
No rational person is going to NOT vote for Harris simply because the Ds did not hold a second primary
Says who...you! People still like the democratic process even though the Democrats don't believe in it.
how can you possibly compare Harris to Trump and think that Trump is better for this nation?
Oh, I don't know, Trump served four years and we were much better off had it not been for the pandemic. Harris hasn't done ANYTHING, other than let millions upon millions of illegals into our country. Matter of fact I believe you may be in the legal field find me a transcript of any case Harris has tried; I have searched ever where and cannot find one. Has she ever tried a case in court?
Can you name one person that voted for Biden/Harris in the primary
I am willing to bet nobody, since Harris isn't even on the ballot with Joe in the primary, and he could have picked anyone to be VP after he was nominated.
Certified the election and named President Biden the winner. Now if trump wins, Harris will have to certify the election and name trump the winner....That's going to leave a mark.
Shades of Al Gore, Pence did what was right as I'm sure Harris will do, either way. How nice would it be for her to announce her win personally. been since Bush senior that a VP got to announce their own win.
Agree, the hair on fire is greatly entertaining, for decades we have heard how Blue or Red was going to destroy our lives and way of life. it's like they never learn. or "we" don't, and they use that to scare us into voting for them, or more likely against the other guy.
Despite the many claims, nobody has taken my guns and we aren't a communist country. It's absolutely shocking!
Soumya Karlamangla and Tim Arango reported from Oakland, Calif., and Alena Cerro from New York. Together, they read more than 6,000 pages of Kamala Harris’s trial transcripts.
Oh, I don't know, Trump served four years and we were much better off had it not been for the pandemic.
I wasn't and in real life, you don't get to exclude global pandemics that happened to everyone. Keep in mind almost every other neighboring country did exponentially better.
No country is more similar to the U.S. than Canada, whose economy and culture are closely intertwined with our own. Yet faced with a life-threatening pandemic of historic proportions, Canada showed far greater success in protecting the lives of its people than the U.S. How are we to understand Canada’s superior performance and the disastrous performance of our own country, which has the highest per capita death rate (3023 per one million, compared to Canada’s 1071) of any wealthy democratic country? U.S. Failed on COVID-19. Canada Shows a Better Way | TIME
Harris hasn't done ANYTHING, other than let millions upon millions of illegals into our country.
Harris wasn't the President.
Next? I believe you have to have a reason to go to Oakland or Alameda and request to review courtroom transcripts.
Keep in mind almost every other neighboring country did exponentially better.
Lol. Mexico had significantly more excess deaths during the pandemic
anada showed far greater success in protecting the lives of its people than the U.S.
Lol. Sure climate and population density and having a significantly less obese population were genius preparations by Canada. Smart of them to create that for Covid. Sweden performed similarly to Canada and hardly had any official restrictions. It's always amazing how people just credit the government as controlling all outcomes and ignore all the diverse factors at play.
People still like the democratic process even though the Democrats don't believe in it.
The V.P had an 'abbreviated' selection process due to time constraints. . .and as directed on the advice of the DNC which conducts the proceedings. When trumpists don't like it. . .oh well. The process occurred. It was a valid process. It was approved by the party. It was accepted at the DNC convention.
Joe Biden did not run with any suggestion that he was planning a change on the ticket. So there. We know it. And trumpists certainly know it because it would be quickly pointed out publicly if it was so. It was not so.
Oh, I don't know, Trump served four years and we were much better off had it not been for the pandemic.
Former President Obama says he left Crooked Donald a well-kept government (free of recession even), and it was on the 'strength' of the Obama eight years that Crooked Donald is laying claim.
Nice spin, but no prize. If there were that many that voted for Biden in the Primaries then he wouldn't have been at -6 against Trump in polling. You just moved the goal posts from your original point of people were mad that Harris wasn't voted for in the Primary. The only people mad are MAGA Populists that would never vote D anyway. Either party can conduct their nomination process anyway they see fit and Harris has a 94% party approval rating. Both her party and national rating is well above Biden's.
Let's hope they remain pissed off for at least another week.
... uh, you don't know any puerto ricans, do you? I'd say the orange menace managed to shit in his mess kit at a most inappropriate time. luckily for trump, he now has a full time trump-splainer as his running mate now ...
she was "SELECTED" by the DNC, never by the people
sounds like trump has nothing to worry about then. surely those real americans that care so much about the future of our democracy would never vote for somebody like that ...
I'm thinking there's probably a few PR voters in NY and florida too ..
And I think it even goes beyond Puerto Rican voters. I think many other Latino groups will realize that that prejudice against Puerto Ricans is obviously present in attitudes to those from the Domincan Republic-- Cuba...,etc. etc.
Basically Kagan alleges that Bezos killed the endorsement of Harris due to a threat by Trump.Another element contributing to the claim of Trump being a fascist.
I am very surprised by this too. I would think that Bezos would not care about Trump's threats. But if Bezos is not a Trump supporter (seems that way) then he would not be able to hold campaign contributions over Trump's head like Musk can. In result, Musk might just be building a situation where he can heavily influence government through Trump while Bezos must operate in defense mode. Musk quite likely is expanding his authoritarian style into the public sector.
Now for the most likely reason, Bezos is a business man and doesn’t want to piss off half he readership.
This is the first time in 30 years that the Post has not endorsed a presidential candidate. This year, they were ready to endorse Harris.
It is a smart business decision, if it was a 1 off it might mean something. but they are just following the LA Times. nobody threatened Bezos you would have to be an idiot or a partisan to believe that.
nobody threatened Bezos you would have to be an idiot or a partisan to believe that.
Kagan was the editor in chief. That is his assessment. It is a perfectly reasonable assessment too given the Post was going to release their prepared endorsement of Harris and factoring in what we know of Trump:
One day after The Washington Post announced it would not endorse a presidential candidate in this year’s election or in the future, its billionaire owner remains silent as the newspaper’s staff are in turmoil.
Jeff Bezos has so far declined to comment on the situation, even as his own paper’s journalists reported that it was Bezos who ultimately spiked the planned endorsement. A source with knowledge told CNN on Friday that an endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris had been drafted before it was squashed.
In the last 24 hours, at least one editor has resigned, and high-profile Post staffers have publicly expressed their dismay as many in the paper’s Opinion section are furious over how the situation was handled.
For many current and former staffers of the venerable newspaper, the timing of the announcement was highly suspect and has led them to believe Bezos’s business interests influenced the decision .
Former Post executive editor Marty Baron, who led the paper under Bezos during the first Trump administration called the decision an act of “cowardice.”
“To declare a moment of high principle, only 11 days before the election that is just highly suspect that is just not to be believed that this was a matter of principle at this point,” Baron told CNN’s Michael Smerconish on Saturday morning.
Trump has threatened Bezos “continually,” Baron noted. But when Baron was in charge of the newspaper, Bezos “resisted that pressure” and he was “proud” and “grateful” for that leadership.
“Bezos has other commercial interests, a big stake and Amazon, he has a space company called Blue Origin,” Baron said. “Trump has threatened to pursue his political enemies and he rewards his friends and he punishes his perceived political and think there’s no other explanation for what’s happening right now.”
the story is not about his role but rather Bezos' action
But his role impacts the likelihood he would have any idea what's going on,
Trump would!
Anything's possible, but the idea of a newspaper endorsement getting anyone worked up enough to extort one of the richest men in the world seems insanely far fetched. The only people who care whether the Post endorse anyone are those who prioritize partisan fealty over actual news, and they were all voting for Harris anyway.
But his role impacts the likelihood he would have any idea what's going on,
Did you read what I posted @3.3.5. This part in particular:
Former Post executive editor Marty Baron, who led the paper under Bezos during the first Trump administration called the decision an act of “cowardice.”
“To declare a moment of high principle, only 11 days before the election that is just highly suspect that is just not to be believed that this was a matter of principle at this point,” Baron told CNN’s Michael Smerconish on Saturday morning.
Trump has threatened Bezos “continually,” Baron noted. But when Baron was in charge of the newspaper, Bezos “resisted that pressure” and he was “proud” and “grateful” for that leadership.
“Bezos has other commercial interests, a big stake and Amazon, he has a space company called Blue Origin,” Baron said. “Trump has threatened to pursue his political enemies and he rewards his friends and he punishes his perceived political and think there’s no other explanation for what’s happening right now.”
Anything's possible, but the idea of a newspaper endorsement getting anyone worked up enough to extort one of the richest men in the world seems insanely far fetched.
I thought you paid attention to Trump. How can you possibly think that this is beyond Trump or that it is in any way unusual for him?
Trump has been taking pointers from his best friend, Vlad on how to solidify power.. Since he already has Musk on board, one of the next lower on the billionaires club is Bezos.
Just look at what Putin did to the richest oligarch in Russia when he had the temerity to look like a possible alternative to Putin.
MAGA consider mainline establishment Republicans like the Reagans, Bushes, Cheneys, Romneys, McCains and Pences as "The Enemy Within" because that is how Trump defines them.
We have to give individuals (Bezos/Musk) the liberty to side with whomsoever they wish. . .even when it is baffling (or leaves us speechless). None of these situations makes sense to me with the exception of two major league leading billionaires just stepped into the shadow of this nation's most proliferate liar. . . what can go wrong?
These are interesting times in our country. This election can not get over quick enough. We need to see its final outcome post-haste. Just get it over with one way or the other, in my opinion.
Our country is changing for good or for worse. Only time will tell.
You're right. Government can take control over such individuals in various ways. It is just so damn confusing to try to see such people's principles over and against their business interests when they side with clear 'villains' in our society as proposed leaders.
Former Attorney General Erik Holder just stated something important: 'The people who stand up for the truth in this election should be rewarded as CEOs, corporations, organizations, and individuals. Those who do not stand up for TRUTH should be asked why they could not/would not do so! Also, the founding fathers stood up to the greatest power in their day—Great Britain and won. Why are some CEOs, corporations, organizations, and individuals 'bowing and scraping' before Crooked Donald today?
Get up off the floor and raise your 'fallen' head up!
Vote HARRIS/WALZ 2024 and a democratic party ticket!
(True Conservatives, this may be your last chance to 'cleanly' break away from Crooked Donald! Don't blow it!)
This is what former AG Holder advocates: "The people who stand up for the truth in this election should be rewarded as CEOs, corporations, organizations, and individuals. Those who do not stand up for TRUTH should be asked why they could not/would not do so! Also, the founding fathers stood up to the greatest power in their day—Great Britain and won. Why are some CEOs, corporations, organizations, and individuals 'bowing and scraping' before Crooked Donald today?'
The theme is Truth (telling). Nobody should have any problem whatsoever with the truth! Because whatever problem one has with the truth won't benefit them when they cross it with a lie. Thus, stand up for TRUTH. . . .
The people who stand up for the truth in this election should be rewarded as CEOs, corporations, organizations, and individuals. Those who do not stand up for TRUTH should be asked why they could not/would not do so! Also, the founding fathers stood up to the greatest power in their day—Great Britain and won. Why are some CEOs, corporations, organizations, and individuals 'bowing and scraping' before Crooked Donald today?'
Well, "Crooked Donald" is my handle for LYING Donald for about a month now. That written, I did mess up on retransmission by retyping and putting the single quote markers in the wrong spot, as I can see now. (It's corrected above, nevertheless.)
Now then, let's move on to discussing the power of truth has over the 'tragedy' of lies, because eventually lies have to fall back and shake themselves out! Truth rarely takes a back seat to liars and their lies.
I should think that Bezos is tiptoeing around Trump because most of what sells on Amazon is made in countries Trump wants to impose massive tariffs on. He needs to maximize his influence with Trump in the off chance that Trump wins this election.
According to NPR, The Post lost 8% of it's subscriptions (over 200,000) as of late yesterday afternoon and more kept coming in. There was also a lot of internal turmoil going on at the paper itself with writers dropping out of the editorial board and/or quitting the paper outright.
But I was talking about employees of the Post resigning.
I figured. Ironically more to your point -
Another [person resining from the editorial board], David Hoffman, accepted a Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing on Thursday, the day before Bezos’ decision was made public. Pulitzer judges recognized him “for a compelling and well-researched series on new technologies and the tactics authoritarian regimes use to repress dissent in the digital age, and how they can be fought.”
Trump supporters, are you okay with Trump leveraging his potential power to censor the free press?
Given what he can do merely as a nominee, imagine what he will do as PotUS.
I think Kagan is right, and some of them are just fine with it.
They are without a doubt. Donald Trump did not evolve into what he is today without the active support of institutions: The Republican Party, a myriad of thinktanks, Fox News and other Media Conglomerates, certain evangelical churches, a seeming mish-mash of Nationalist and otherwise discriminatory groups... the list goes on.
I'm not even sure that it's just that. There seems to be a sizable group of people who don't want to think. They're happiest when they're being spoon-fed.
They're happiest turning decision-making over to anyone who is an "expert", and they've been fooled into thinking that Trump is an expert by his money and bloviating. They can't be bothered to listen to his speeches, but they're sure Harris can only deliver a "word salad". They see his gold-plated toilet and plastic wife and think he's a good, smart businessman, but they aren't interested in his bankruptcies or his shady dealings. They think he's an expert on the economy, so they believe him when he tells them that tarrifs are good for them, and that he can repeal all federal taxes.
They don't think. They don't research. What do they need a free press for?
at this point in time the undecided voters lack critical thinking skills ...
any american that cowers before the orange buffoon lacks any patriotic fiber in their character ...
If they were just some loosely organized amalgamation of people, trying to push a variety of points, I would concur.
The reason Trump is such a force in todays political sphere is that all of these people are capable of falling into the trap of believing what he says is the truth.
It does not matter that he is not telling the truth.
It does not matter which sub-genre of Trump supporters.
Different people have different takeaways, but the effect is the same: They line up behind Trump.
They pick their own little piece of evil out of the vast amount of hate that Trump spews and hold it close to their heart.
As Michelle Obama says these trumpists try to pick apart the words of V.P. Harris while leaving Crooked Donald's word salads unmolested in their many 'bowls. ' Why? Because trumpists DESIRE what Crooked Donald supplies them as their leader: The takeover, removal, and suppression of marginalized people's rights, freedoms, and privileges. . . as a form and fashion of 'returning to what conservatives call 'great' again.
Some trumpists don't care one iota that marginalized people were subordinated in our country which likes to brag to the world about freedom, rights, and privileges. They did not wish to share the country with marginalized people before and do not 'now.'
Some trumpists have a figurehead, a 'voice,' a CONSCIENCELESS suppressor, in the person of Crooked Donald and that is why they will keep him. And it says something about Elon Musk (and his damn electric cars of the future) that he is spending his wealth on a man whom even he can't trust to tell him the truth!
BTW, the LYING by Crooked Donald is only going to get worse as he deteriorates deeper into old-age. In old-age people become more intentional in stating the things they choose to believe. . . well, Crooked Donald has always believed LYING gets him ahead or out of great many problems. He will do more LYING to the public at 80 did at 78 count on it.
The question for us is will the public be SERVING him when he is 80 and accepting 'receipts' from a nonsensical maniac who has billionaires and dictators BOUYING him up around the world, when he should be casted down! (We won't have anything Crooked Donald wants if he has friends in higher places than himself).
Let's just call it what it will be:
Crooked Donald, the old fart that wipes his you know what with a new issue of lawyers on a routine basis, will not be for "the people" (who need help in this country- remember he and Elon laughed in a interview about 'crushing unions'), he will use the courts and the judges who cooperate with his way of looking at the world to FINISH breaking 'everything.'
Oh yeah, Bannon is getting out of prison and plans to structure a 'MAGA army' (whatever) and start his usual slide into SHIT as he hits the ground running.
Seems the tea party morphed into MAGA.
That is, I believe, the common consensus. I am not so sure that I would buy the direct transition, but there are several factors that point towards it.
Moving on.
Trump exists as a lens to focus the disagreements that people have between their lived lives and the American Dream on a scapegoat. Trump provided that scapegoat, ie., others, when he rode his golden escalator down to announce his candidacy. He has since doubled down again and again to the point where he can undeniably be called a fascist. The rally atMadison Square Garden ties it all up and presents it as a whole package: The "enemy within", "America is for American's", the mass deportation of "The other"...
Fuck Trump and his followers. A vote for Trump is a vote to end the United States of America and to start a barnyard devolution.
Harris/Walz 2024
The only sane choice.
But the pigs of Animal Farm actually had brains
... the same defective mentalities.
Like this:
"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which”
Didn’t Seinfeld do an episode on the pig man?
NO, I am not OK with any party censoring speech. I believe most Trump supporters feel the same, we are furious the way the Biden/Harris, big tech and the media has censored speech. If you think this didn't happen, don't waste your time responding.
You deflected from the story about Trump potentially strong-arming WaPo to kill the Harris endorsement and instead attack Ds in an attempt to normalize Trump's outrageous behavior.
There is no evidence of that other than your confirmation bias to believe all things negative about trump. Do you not think that it would be front page news and the scoop of the century? We would have that partisan hack Bernstein on every channel claiming it was worse than Watergate. Bezos has nothing to lose and everything to gain if this actually happened to print it.
Back to the pathetic tactic of demanding absolute proof of any claim against Trump.
No. Do you? Talk about hysteria.
You cannot see how avoiding the wrath of Trump is a plus for Bezos? He takes a credibility hit for his paper and avoids a vindictive Trump killing government contracts, etc.
The problem we face, George, is that our CotUS presumes that the people would elect a PotUS who is responsible and will see it as a duty rather than a personal arsenal. How anyone can be blind to the abysmal character of Trump at this point is both disappointing and dangerous.
It begs the question that Crooked Donald and trumpists think LYING is a proper context to argue for freedom of speech. On the other end of the spectrum rests TRUTH. . . but Crooked Donald and his trumpists are walled off from the 'midpoint.'
We're see how 'good for business' this strategy works out for the Washington Post when its readers stop giving it "some" and demand it 'pull out.' (Sexual innuendo intended.) As Beyoncé might say: 'We can find another newspaper in a minute. . . don't ever get to thinking that the Washington Post is irreplaceable!'
Yes I can read, you made a general, platitude statement and then deflected to Harris.
I have not claimed that he did, I have stated that I find that hypothesis to be quite believable and fully consistent with Trump's character and methods. Do you not remember what he tried to to with Zelensky? How about all the coercion attempts during the Big Lie? How much evidence do you need of Trump's character before you recognize that it is entirely reasonable for him to yet again put pressure on Bezos?
No rational person is going to NOT vote for Harris simply because the Ds did not hold a second primary (unrealistic to do so) after Biden dropped out. That is not only old news, it has been nothing more than a feeble, irrelevant MAGA talking point. If that is the best argument you have then you have nothing. A rational mind will consider Harris herself, her policies, her philosophy, etc. Only Trump supporters talk about the Ds lack of a second primary after Biden dropped out.
First, WaPo had their endorsement for Harris ready to go. So they obviously were going to endorse her.
Second, how can you possibly compare Harris to Trump and think that Trump is better for this nation?
If anything Trump is in a darker place since 2021, and is now a convicted felon and owes millions of dollars to a victim of sexual assault by him. And yet we are supposed to believe that it is just coincidental that Wapo chose this election to stop making endorsements. Doesnt add up.
You contradict yourself in the same paragraph!
Says who...you! People still like the democratic process even though the Democrats don't believe in it.
Oh, I don't know, Trump served four years and we were much better off had it not been for the pandemic. Harris hasn't done ANYTHING, other than let millions upon millions of illegals into our country. Matter of fact I believe you may be in the legal field find me a transcript of any case Harris has tried; I have searched ever where and cannot find one. Has she ever tried a case in court?
Can you name one person that voted for Biden/Harris in the primary that says they won't vote for Harris/Walz in the general?
I wasn't.
What did Pence do as VP?
If the left finds Nazi's around ever corner, the right sees illegals in every shadow.
I am willing to bet nobody, since Harris isn't even on the ballot with Joe in the primary, and he could have picked anyone to be VP after he was nominated.
Pence isn't running for President.
The problem with that is there is no Nazii's around the corner but, there are illegals EVERYWHERE!!!!
Has nothing to do with a conspiracy, show me a case she has tried. She touts how she has prosecuted transnational cartels show me the transcript.
Certified the election and named President Biden the winner. Now if trump wins, Harris will have to certify the election and name trump the winner....That's going to leave a mark.
Unlike you I was comparing apples to apples.
Maybe no Nazi's, but there are plenty of authoritarian cultist around.
And the crowd outside was calling for his hanging.
No doubt that would be a bitter pill to swallow.
Shades of Al Gore, Pence did what was right as I'm sure Harris will do, either way. How nice would it be for her to announce her win personally. been since Bush senior that a VP got to announce their own win.
Depending on one's point of view we live in either interesting or crazy times.
There are 14,000,000 many will stay home rather than vote for Harris.
Since you want names, name some people who don't have an I D to vote.
I know crazy, she hasn't tried one fucking case!
Agree, the hair on fire is greatly entertaining, for decades we have heard how Blue or Red was going to destroy our lives and way of life. it's like they never learn. or "we" don't, and they use that to scare us into voting for them, or more likely against the other guy.
Despite the many claims, nobody has taken my guns and we aren't a communist country. It's absolutely shocking!
this took 20 seconds
What Harris’s Courtroom Transcripts Reveal About Her Closing Arguments - The New York Times
What 9 Cases From Kamala Harris’ Past Say About Her Record as a California Prosecutor | KQED
I wasn't and in real life, you don't get to exclude global pandemics that happened to everyone. Keep in mind almost every other neighboring country did exponentially better.
Harris wasn't the President.
Next? I believe you have to have a reason to go to Oakland or Alameda and request to review courtroom transcripts.
Lol. Mexico had significantly more excess deaths during the pandemic
anada showed far greater success in protecting the lives of its people than the U.S.
Lol. Sure climate and population density and having a significantly less obese population were genius preparations by Canada. Smart of them to create that for Covid. Sweden performed similarly to Canada and hardly had any official restrictions. It's always amazing how people just credit the government as controlling all outcomes and ignore all the diverse factors at play.
More than what?
In a list rating the worst country first;
The US was at 17 with 3,527 deaths per million
Mexico was 41st with 2,602 deaths per million
Canada was 87th with only 1,424 deaths per million.
COVID-19 pandemic death rates by country - Wikipedia
The V.P had an 'abbreviated' selection process due to time constraints. . .and as directed on the advice of the DNC which conducts the proceedings. When trumpists don't like it. . .oh well. The process occurred. It was a valid process. It was approved by the party. It was accepted at the DNC convention.
Joe Biden did not run with any suggestion that he was planning a change on the ticket. So there. We know it. And trumpists certainly know it because it would be quickly pointed out publicly if it was so. It was not so.
Former President Obama says he left Crooked Donald a well-kept government (free of recession even), and it was on the 'strength' of the Obama eight years that Crooked Donald is laying claim.
Crazy can be interesting
Nice spin, but no prize. If there were that many that voted for Biden in the Primaries then he wouldn't have been at -6 against Trump in polling. You just moved the goal posts from your original point of people were mad that Harris wasn't voted for in the Primary. The only people mad are MAGA Populists that would never vote D anyway. Either party can conduct their nomination process anyway they see fit and Harris has a 94% party approval rating. Both her party and national rating is well above Biden's.
You are correct, she was "SELECTED" by the DNC, never by the people. Maybe had she not lied about Biden's health this would not have happened.
Only Trump supporters care at this point. Get a grip.
The people will elect her to the presidency or not. That is the vote that matters.
See 1.2.39. That's all.
... already prepping their excuses for losing. gee, I wonder how many puerto rican voters there are in PA?
Seems to be about 300,000 who would be eligible to vote. I do not know how many are registered.
Regardless, that is plenty in a close election to give Harris the win.
Let's hope they remain pissed off for at least another week.
... uh, you don't know any puerto ricans, do you? I'd say the orange menace managed to shit in his mess kit at a most inappropriate time. luckily for trump, he now has a full time trump-splainer as his running mate now ...
I'm thinking there's probably a few PR voters in NY and florida too ...
he should probably drive to mar-a-lardo and see if he can get a spray tan first ...
sounds like trump has nothing to worry about then. surely those real americans that care so much about the future of our democracy would never vote for somebody like that ...
And I think it even goes beyond Puerto Rican voters. I think many other Latino groups will realize that that prejudice against Puerto Ricans is obviously present in attitudes to those from the Domincan Republic-- Cuba...,etc. etc.
duh. trump is a mentally defective white supremacist.
And everyone said I was crazy.
We still do.
When everybody says you're crazy it's time for soul searching.
I did, and I found that I was right.
fuck that, I going with it full bore ...
The second richest man in the world is afraid of trump? This is either complete bullshit of Bezos is the biggest pussy who has ever lived.
Now for the most likely reason, Bezos is a business man and doesn’t want to piss off half he readership.
Why? Everybody and their brother were expecting the Washington Post to endorse Harris. Why would the effect be anything but minimal,if at all?
No, he is afraid of the power Trump would wield as POTUS. Big Macs are the only things that fear Trump.
I am very surprised by this too. I would think that Bezos would not care about Trump's threats. But if Bezos is not a Trump supporter (seems that way) then he would not be able to hold campaign contributions over Trump's head like Musk can. In result, Musk might just be building a situation where he can heavily influence government through Trump while Bezos must operate in defense mode. Musk quite likely is expanding his authoritarian style into the public sector.
This is the first time in 30 years that the Post has not endorsed a presidential candidate. This year, they were ready to endorse Harris.
I suspect after MAGA boycotts of Bud Light and Target that Amazon America's Largest Retailer is merely protecting shareholder equity...
It is a smart business decision, if it was a 1 off it might mean something. but they are just following the LA Times. nobody threatened Bezos you would have to be an idiot or a partisan to believe that.
Who would bother to threaten anyone over a newspaper endorsement? It’s not 1976 anymore.
Are you serious? You cannot see Trump telling Bezos to not endorse Harris?
Kagan was the editor in chief. That is his assessment. It is a perfectly reasonable assessment too given the Post was going to release their prepared endorsement of Harris and factoring in what we know of Trump:
He’s an editor at large. That’s a very loose relationship with the paper.
If that is your 'rebuttal', why even bother penning something so feeble?
You misled people by calling him the editor in chief. There’s a massive difference between the two roles. Why wouldn’t you want that corrected?
That was not intentional; just an oversight on my part.
Regardless, the story is not about his role but rather Bezos' action to kill the endorsement and the likely reason for same.
Trump would!
But his role impacts the likelihood he would have any idea what's going on,
Trump would!
Anything's possible, but the idea of a newspaper endorsement getting anyone worked up enough to extort one of the richest men in the world seems insanely far fetched. The only people who care whether the Post endorse anyone are those who prioritize partisan fealty over actual news, and they were all voting for Harris anyway.
Did you read what I posted @3.3.5. This part in particular:
I thought you paid attention to Trump. How can you possibly think that this is beyond Trump or that it is in any way unusual for him?
Trump has been taking pointers from his best friend, Vlad on how to solidify power.. Since he already has Musk on board, one of the next lower on the billionaires club is Bezos.
Just look at what Putin did to the richest oligarch in Russia when he had the temerity to look like a possible alternative to Putin.
You just described Trump.
MAGA consider mainline establishment Republicans like the Reagans, Bushes, Cheneys, Romneys, McCains and Pences as "The Enemy Within" because that is how Trump defines them.
Every other oligarch in Rus. Most of the time they skip right to the part where the oligarch flies out a hotel window.
Exactly...he's threatened people over a lot less.
Yup, how is this not obvious?
I hope joe fucks trump and company up on his way out the door ...
I don't know, I'm not even sure who Larry Ellison is. Oracle, maybe?
he can probably count the maga readership of the WP on one hand ...
The bride and her sister requested Tablets for Xmas.
My first reaction was to check Amazon.
My second reaction was fuck Bezos.
Shop local
Tis the season
We have to give individuals (Bezos/Musk) the liberty to side with whomsoever they wish. . .even when it is baffling (or leaves us speechless). None of these situations makes sense to me with the exception of two major league leading billionaires just stepped into the shadow of this nation's most proliferate liar. . . what can go wrong?
These are interesting times in our country. This election can not get over quick enough. We need to see its final outcome post-haste. Just get it over with one way or the other, in my opinion.
Our country is changing for good or for worse. Only time will tell.
We gave Musk citizenship despite a shady abuse of his student visa, we should be able to take it away just as easily.
lying on a document for DoD security clearance should warrant immediate deportation, or at least suspension of all his gov't contracts...
that fool is gambling everything on a trump electoral victory ...
You're right. Government can take control over such individuals in various ways. It is just so damn confusing to try to see such people's principles over and against their business interests when they side with clear 'villains' in our society as proposed leaders.
Former Attorney General Erik Holder just stated something important: 'The people who stand up for the truth in this election should be rewarded as CEOs, corporations, organizations, and individuals. Those who do not stand up for TRUTH should be asked why they could not/would not do so! Also, the founding fathers stood up to the greatest power in their day—Great Britain and won. Why are some CEOs, corporations, organizations, and individuals 'bowing and scraping' before Crooked Donald today?
Get up off the floor and raise your 'fallen' head up!
Vote HARRIS/WALZ 2024 and a democratic party ticket!
(True Conservatives, this may be your last chance to 'cleanly' break away from Crooked Donald! Don't blow it!)
dump trump.
Is he advocating that companies and organizations should question why someone didn't vote like he thinks they should?
This is what former AG Holder advocates: "The people who stand up for the truth in this election should be rewarded as CEOs, corporations, organizations, and individuals. Those who do not stand up for TRUTH should be asked why they could not/would not do so! Also, the founding fathers stood up to the greatest power in their day—Great Britain and won. Why are some CEOs, corporations, organizations, and individuals 'bowing and scraping' before Crooked Donald today?'
Seems right to me.
So, he is suggesting that those that vote like he thinks they should be rewarded and those that don't be questioned.
That seems right to you?...
The theme is Truth (telling). Nobody should have any problem whatsoever with the truth! Because whatever problem one has with the truth won't benefit them when they cross it with a lie. Thus, stand up for TRUTH. . . .
Seems right to me.
If the theme was truth he wouldn't have mentioned the election or "Crooked Donnie"....
SORRY! Can't help with that! (Crooked Donald is my 'call.') Truth is something all good people should want to the 'MAX.'
My bad, it looked like part of his quote. Perhaps you should link it when you quote. Truth...
Well, "Crooked Donald" is my handle for LYING Donald for about a month now. That written, I did mess up on retransmission by retyping and putting the single quote markers in the wrong spot, as I can see now. (It's corrected above, nevertheless.)
Now then, let's move on to discussing the power of truth has over the 'tragedy' of lies, because eventually lies have to fall back and shake themselves out! Truth rarely takes a back seat to liars and their lies.
I should think that Bezos is tiptoeing around Trump because most of what sells on Amazon is made in countries Trump wants to impose massive tariffs on. He needs to maximize his influence with Trump in the off chance that Trump wins this election.
According to NPR, The Post lost 8% of it's subscriptions (over 200,000) as of late yesterday afternoon and more kept coming in. There was also a lot of internal turmoil going on at the paper itself with writers dropping out of the editorial board and/or quitting the paper outright.
Rightly so. It is good to see some people stand true to ethics as opposed to the wholesale capitulation of the GOP.
How many people would be willing to cancel their Amazon accounts? Probably not many.
I'm not willing.
I do not see this impacting Amazon accounts either.
But I was talking about employees of the Post resigning.
I figured. Ironically more to your point -
No but I can make an early New Years decision to check the prices on Amazon and go shop locally instead.
Buck Bezos, his mistresses and his money.
Just imagine this on your television set for four MORE years :
Stock image from the internet.
Hey, I really need to get some sleep tonite
Trump's stock was under $13 a share approx. 1 month ago, now it is over $50 a share, who are the investors betting on to win?
Fools and their money are soon parted.
Why hasn't Jenifer Ruben resigned.
Didn't she tell all those who worked at the LA Times to quit in protest?