Pelosi names Liz Cheney to serve on Jan. 6 select committee | TheHill
By: Mike Lillis (TheHill)
find their weaknesses and fully exploit them...
Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiHouse set to vote on its own infrastructure planTrump brings show to borderCheney, Kinzinger are sole GOP votes for Jan. 6 select committeeMORE (D-Calif.) has named Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) to serve on the select committee investigating the attack on the Capitol by a mob of pro-Trump supporters.
The House voted to form the panel on Wednesday despite GOP opposition.
Cheney, who backed the formation of the panel, was recently dumped by GOP leadership over her criticisms of former President Trump. She voted to impeach him over his actions connected to the Jan. 6 attack.
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) will serve as the select panel's leader.
Pelosi's other picks are House Administration Committee Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam SchiffAdam Bennett Schiff (D-Calif.), Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.), Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-Fla.), Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) and Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.).
Cheney and Rep. Adam KinzingerAdam Daniel Kinzinger (R-Ill.), who has also criticized GOP leaders for embracing Trump after Jan. 6, were the only two Republicans to vote in favor of creating the select committee on Wednesday.
Cheney said in a statement that Congress is "obligated to conduct a full investigation" of the Jan. 6 insurrection.
"What happened on January 6th can never happen again. Those who are responsible for the attack need to be held accountable and this select committee will fulfill that responsibility in a professional, expeditious, and non-partisan manner," Cheney said.
"Our oath to the Constitution, our commitment to the rule of law, and the preservation of the peaceful transfer of power must always be above partisan politics."
Cheney's inclusion on the panel at the invitation of Pelosi will help offer some bipartisan credentials to the investigation.
"That gives us great confidence that we will be able to work in a nonpartisan way for the people," Pelosi said.
It'll likely also highlight the divisions among Republicans over how much they should continue to tie themselves to the former president, who remains popular with the GOP base.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who voted against creating the select committee, will be able to fill five other seats on the panel but has yet to say who, if anyone, he will choose.
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GOP elephant in the room for campaign 2022.
It won't be a factor in the midterms
With over 500 people charged, it will take a long time to move past this.
I'm almost certain there might be several video spots in places with photo/video of the the "kerfuffle" (as you put it) in heavy rotation in certain districts. Whether it makes any difference or not we'll see.
Possibly, the denial machine has been running full speed for several months and has been replaced with CRT hamster/squirrel red meat bait to rile up the disgruntled 'deplorables'. What is probably not in doubt, is that Republicans will run on a bucket of culture battles bunched up with all the regular labels and tropes.
You wish!
I think it will be a factor because I expect the Democrats to use it as a talking point. I think that with the odds so against the Dem's keeping the House and very possibly the Senate they will use everything they can. And let's be honest, with the past 5 months they really have little to hang their hat on.
Not a talking point, TRUTH, and it needs to be rubbed in the faces of the alleged conservatives over and over and over and over and over and over again.
We have LOTS to hang our hats on!
The GOP needs to hammer the last 5 years of BLM, Antifa, and other far left factions rioting that has been supported and encouraged by Democrats openly. Then the new DOJ releasing those same rioters that have destroyed federal property and have assaulted federal officers.
The left does not have a damn leg to stand on when it comes to this. So let's make this a talking point. Voters need to be reminded that no matter how bad Republicans are the Democrats are far, far worse.
Any PROOF of that? Link?
Of course not!
Projection, deflection, denial, per usual.
Released them from what? where? Portland and the two Counties they depend on for jail space lost a Federal lawsuit for overcrowding exacerbated by COVID in 2020. The primary bitching by many concerned peoples of all ideologies was that none of the rioters were incarcerated after arrest. Some were caught and released 4 times.
All of that occurred during the previous Administration.
Only recently have the jails gotten down to their court assigned population levels and the same Portland DA who would not press charges last year is now pressing ahead with rounding up the worst of the worse and jailing them.
We do not need any further evidence of your "objectivity", thanks.
We have LOTS to hang our hats on!
WTF do 'progressive cities' have to do with whether someone arrested by the FEDERAL government gets released Greg? Here's a fucking hint: NOTHING.
I can top that, a poster said that all crimes occur only in blue cities
Cheney even though she is female has more balls than Jellyfish McCarthy ever had in his life.
Looking forward to seeing who Jellyfish is naming to the committee. Space Laser Green for starters, with her on board it will be the Gong Show every day.
expect the full fascist contingent of the GOP...
Women have balls we just call them ovaries
Good one.
I seeded the other day that Marjorie Taylor Greene might be appointed to this committee, but thats not going to happen now. Kevin McCarthy has threatened that any Republican who accepts a seat on that committee might lose their GOP committee spots.
So it looks like Cheney might be the only Republican on there, unless Pelosi names Kinzinger.
pelosi can appoint but they can decline at their leasure.
So Cheney would be the "token " ? to bolster claims of bipartisanship?
Ive watched this game of politics too much .
Lol .... Congress is a fucking joke ..... both sides of the aisle.
Nah, just the reich wing/gop gqp
"both sides do it" = the last refuge of debate by those with no defense...
All those fighting this are obviously complicit.
But of course Ms. Pelosi would choose Ms. Cheney for the committee............she despises Mr. Trump so the committee is going to be loaded with anti Trump. [deleted]
Who doesn't despise trumpturd except those who are on their knees for him daily?
I wondered what that slurping noise was...
That's all you can hear on certain 'articles'
So she doesn't like trump, that doesn't make her partisan. If you look at her voting record, it's pretty obvious that she is 100% conservative republican.
Also, republicans had their chance to get in on a bipartisan investigation and they said...."no", so they can fuck all the way off.
good point , but that doesnt explain her only winning with mid 60% of the vote in her last run . In a state that is supposedly so conservative , must be something about her that the voters are looking at other than her opposition to trump.
i would also say her switching parties is a non starter and a sure way to lose her seat, wyoming has not sent a democrat to national congress since the late 70s , i dont see that changing here from on the ground observations..
Why does that have to be explained Mark?
In 2020 Cheney won with 68.6% while Trump won Wyoming with 69.9%. No big gap there Mark...
Good morning Dulay .
I never said it has to be explained , i simply said it doesnt explain the fact that not all conservatives or moderated did vote for or like her in regards to her voting record . it falls back to my answer to RBT in 8.1.1 about understanding some things about the politics here , especially the part about self imposed ( by the voters ) term limits on representation.
i wont really quibble about how many points she won by because that changes from county to county, I dont doubt or refute your numbers as the statewide total points , i do know she didnt get that high in the particular county i live in ( if i remember correctly it was at about 65%) and a couple percentage points can and do make a difference in winning or losing in politics
just like i said her being on the committee didnt surprise me , but looking at the pros and the cons for her political survival as a representative , she has nothing to gain or lose , again as i said , national public opinion wont help her keep or lose her position , what will is the opinion of those in her district, that actually vote . They are the ones that will decide , irregardless of what others think or say.
You sure as hell implied that an explanation was warranted.
So that begs the question: Do the voters in her district want 1/6 investigated and the truth to come out or would they rather 'move on' and pretend that the truth of what happened is irrelevant?
BTW, @ 65%, a couple of percentage points wouldn't make a dent in Cheney's election. Cheney won the primary by 73.46% and her lowest percentage by county was 60%.
Is there an up and coming Republican that can challenge her numbers? There sure as hell wasn't one in Nov. 2020.
it was implied just as much as pointing to her voting record was 100% conservative GOP ( i think , her voting record, is actually lower but , thats me and im not a republican.)
I think she was primaried by maybe 2 people from the party , and not exactly very hard either the last time she had to run .
This time i have heard of 3-5 people that have announced running for the seat ( goes back to what i said about self imposed term limits by the voters 3-4 terms in the house and they change things up with a different person .) and that will be sorted out by the state and local GOP, also different than the national GOP in the primaries in about 9-10 months .
i wont be a hinderance or a help to her in the primaries , since Im not registered with either major party , im locked out of those races , Closed primaries and caucuses in this state , so unless you join a party , you dont get to vote for a candidate that could be better. but im fine with just voting in the generals , personal choice on my part.
I do have to chuckle though at the 65 % and it not making a dent , a lot of how she did had to do with up ballot names , as well as who was running against her from other parties . all things i consider , not everyone does though , the coat tails things .
Are you asking my personal opinion ? or what i am hearing here on the ground from others ? because they both differ greatly.
I have no idea why you are obfuscating. You said 'it doesn't explain why'...That clearly implies that an explanation is warranted. Sheesh.
From the outside, one would think that the coattails that Cheney initially rode are her daddy's and that her subsequent election was based on her merits. But hey, I have no crystal ball when it comes to Wyoming OR Republican mentalities.
Either or...
you might have a bingo on the coat tails thing with her fathers past reputation and representation of the state , and i will admit she might even have some merits of her own to garner the 2 additional terms , the other coat tails would be presidential election years and partisan voting trends which holds true just about anywhere . .
Ok i will give my personal view of the question.
Do the voters in her district want 1/6 investigated and the truth to come out or would they rather 'move on' and pretend that the truth of what happened is irrelevant?
my personal view was stated when it all happened that day , those that crossed the capitol threshhold should be arrested , and tried in court , and held responsible for their actions . that view has not changed .and that appears to be what is and has been happening . and i am content to let the process work as intended , and IF something in those prosecutions show me a need for a closer look , then by all means look closer . Just because thats what i think , doesnt mean anyone else will think that .
What im hearing from the people around me is pretty much what i have been stating ,pointing out the self imposed term limits of the voters (3-4 terms in a seat), and the fact that the local and state GOP orgs are not exactly too keen on her currently, that is something i am not privy or party too as to the ins and outs .
The other thing i am seeing is people are definitely taking notice of not only what she is up to , but the fact that she has not stated she will even run for re election yet, that can cut both ways keep it quiet until its required that she will run , or simply look at what is going on and evaluate if a run would work and if not not run at all.
This i do know for sure ,there isnt a registered democrat I know that would vote for her simply because they feel the party is not fair to her , they would not risk even a mediocre party candidates loss if they had the D next to their name .best they can hope for is enough independants dont vote for her if she decides to run , or if she runs without party backing , thats allowed here too.
You yourself pointed out she only had about 72 % of the party support last time she ran with minimal opposition candidates available in a closed primary ( only registered GOP can vote in that). the general her percentage dropped again , but she had to contend with more candidates , from across the spectrum as well as it not being a closed voter base .
this is all just based on observation and knowing what the usual trends are for the place .
That is my fear. Cheney has stated the committee will not be partisan but I'm afraid it will be. With the mid-terms just around the corner I have a very hard time believing this will not be very partisan.
cant say it surprises me , she has nothing to lose or gain anyway , if what i am seeing/ hearing holds true here in her district , she is out of a job anyway and will be primaried out of the general..
Cheney being on the committee is total karma.