Texas GOP Official Who Mocked Vaccines Died From COVID-19
By: Thomas Colson (Business Insider)

zero loss to America.

A Texas GOP official died with COVID-19 days after sharing a meme questioning the usefulness of coronavirus vaccines.
H. Scott Apley, a member of the State Republican Executive Committee in Texas, died in hospital on Wednesday morning.
He tested positive for COVID-19 on Sunday, according to a fundraising page set up to cover his medical bills and, later, his funeral expenses. As of early Thursday it had raised $28,000.
Apley, who was also a member of the Dickinson County Council, was a new father, according to the page. His wife had also tested positive for the virus.
The Texas Republican Party confirmed his death on Wednesday.
"I am very saddened to report that H Scott Apley passed away last night at about 3 am," the page said.
"He leaves behind his wife, Melissa, who is COVID positive, as well as their infant son Reid."
Five days before his death, Apley shared a meme on Facebook which questioned the usefulness of COVID-19 vaccines, the Daily Beast first reported.
The post was a screenshot of a tweet which read: "In 6 months, we've gone from the vax ending the pandemic — to you can still get covid even if vaxxed — to you can pass covid onto others even if vaxxed — to you can still die of covid even if vaxxed — to the unvaxxed are killing the vaxxed."
In May, he shared a link to an article that described how tickets and giveaways were being used to incentivize people to get vaccinated, and said: "Disgusting."
Also in May he shared an invitation to a "mask burning" event at a pub in Cincinnati with a caption that read: "I wish I lived in the area!"
Dickinson Mayor Sean Skipworth told the Galveston County Daily News that he did not know whether Apley had been vaccinated against COVID-19.
The Texas Republican Party said in a statement: "The Texas Republican Party is incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) Member Scott Apley from Senate District 11.
"Please join us in praying for the Apley family."
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gee, what a shame... and no thanks.
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Any unnecessary death is a tragedy. But this shows that if there is a god, he does have a sense of humor.
Evening..was reading a news article from the States where a women lost her fiancee, mother and grandmother all in a matter of days..
His last words to her were...I wish I had got the vaccine.. as he was wheeled off to ICU..
All to late now...She is going to get vaccinated...
Not only Karma, but also poetic justice:
Poetic Justice | Definition of Poetic Justice by Merriam ...
Jun 28, 2021 · Definition of poetic justice : an outcome in which vice is punished and virtue rewarded usually in a manner peculiarly or ironically appropriate.
Examples of poetic justice in a Sentence: After the way he treated his staff, it was poetic justice that he lost his job.
I do feel a little sorry for people like this. They live long to realize that they are the one that killed them. That has to be a rough final thought.
The sad part is his baby is positive. The baby couldn't get vaxxed even if he chose to, which he couldn't even do that. So the dumbass mocks the virus, kills himself, and might end up killing his baby.
So refuses to get the vac, mocks the vac, buys into conspiracy theory, then he and his whole family get the virus and he dies....
Yet somehow people will still not get it.
Now if this mother and child live, they may have health consequences for the foreseeable future. And a fatherless child.
All may have been avoided if precautions were taken and not dismissed.
Operative words...........MAY HAVE but I guess we knew going in that NOTHING is 100% effective.
The vaxx would have saved his life. It may not have kept him from getting sick, but he wouldn't have died.
Site is acting wonky so I can't edit my comment above. I should have said that the vaxx may have saved his life. I was given additional info by Jim.
I was wrong
I have to do my own research.
Brutal local paper called the wife a coward and was highly critical of this 45 year old attitude even this weekend.
Other papers were a bit kinder
Bye bye moron.