Fox News Host Criticizes Joe Biden For ... Riding A Bike | HuffPost
By: Josephine Harvey (HuffPost)

Rachel Campos-Duffy called bike riding a "senior break" while showing footage of the president exercising. By Josephine Harvey
Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy on Monday strangely suggested that President Joe Biden lacks physical stamina to do his job because he took time off to go cycling.
As footage aired of Biden going for a bicycle ride during a weekend getaway in Delaware, Campos-Duffy was asked to weigh in on criticism of the president for taking time away despite facing several major domestic and international issues.
Campos-Duffy chose a familiar line of attack and took aim instead at the president's faculties as the network showed footage of what looked like an active president cycling with his wife and his protective detail.
"You teased the segment by saying the world is falling apart, and I think Joe Biden is falling apart," she told host Harris Faulkner. "Being the leader of the free world has to be the most demanding job in the whole world, and he simply does not have the mental or physical stamina to do this job."
"That is why his handlers and his wife, who, by the way, look increasingly like Visiting Angels, have to schedule in these senior breaks for him so he can take naps and go for bike rides because he can't concentrate on the job the way he should," she added.
She then compared him to former President Donald Trump, whom she claimed "worked these long, long hours and had impromptu hourlong pressers with the media."
Trump was renowned for jetting off to his golf clubs throughout his presidency and was spotted on the course even when the White House assured the public he was hard at work. He was also reported to spend hours on end on Twitter and watching cable news.
Campos-Duffy had critiqued another world leader's physique just over a week ago.
"He does look good!" she said of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, whom she said was looking slimmer. "I'm sorry, he looks better than our president!"
Watch the Fox News segment below via Raw Story.
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Josephine Harvey Reporter, HuffPost Suggest a correction
Joe Biden Fox News Bicycling
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Does Fox News ever hire a woman with a brain or they just eye candy?
To work at FOX, having no brain is a given and also a job requirement.
I never thought Megyn Kelly or Gretchen Carlson were stupid but the quality of intelligence has seriously depleted since those 2 left
And you think CNN or MSNBC does? I don't.
Answer - just a bump
If watching Fox all day is considered working, I guess so.
Is she sending him love letters, too? She had better be careful, because Trump will be jealous if he finds out.
But that was "executive time", which is fully supported by FoxNews.
Who here thinks Trump could even ride a bike that didnt have training wheels on it ?
I highly doubt he could ride one with training wheels
The pink helmet is a nice touch
Sure, Biden can ride a bike but can he drive a golf cart? It takes a real athlete to drive a golf cart.
Biden riding a bike means he's unhealthy, somehow.
What does it mean when one's "exercise" involves charging a bunch of Secret Service agents cart rental fees to follow one around one's own golf course? Is that triathlon training?
True, Hannity was complaining the other day that Biden coughed....once....during one of his pressers, and demanded that Psaki address the cough in question.
They guy falls going up steps and we're supposed to believe he can ride a bike?
Yes, Jeremy, the video of Biden riding a bike was clearly faked.
At least Hollywood knows the difference between fictional comedy and ridiculous comments. Some folks like to entertain us (unintentionally) by making ridiculous comments (like saying Biden can't ride a bike) in the face of opposing evidence (video of Biden riding a bike).
And now I, again, understand why people have to put the "/s" on some comments.
Sure, sure, Jeremy. We all know you'd never say anything untrue just to down Biden.
don't try and backtrack now
You forgot the /s ...
(Sorry, couldn't resist..LOL)
That was a crappy attempt to backpedal, even for him.
that was kinda a dumb statement
I can walk and chew gum at the same time but sometimes I fall up the stairs....because I'm clumsy. Always have been
ok...really dumb
If you cannot do a crane kick, you are of no use to me...
You know, I really have to wonder how you know to look for this stuff
Part of the evil leftist ways.
It's in the handbook.
About as dumb as abandoning US Citizens in Afghanistan?
Trump tripped going up some stairs during the election so I guess that we are supposed to believe that he can play golf.
and no POTUS has ever had his hand slapped away by FLOTUS in public more than Donald by Melania.
Aww, come on honey.
I said no! Do I have to go down to the border myself?!...
How about Trump nearly falling going down a low ramp after one of his anal speeches and had to have the help of an assistant?
But...that does not count, eh?
His excuse for going slowly was that the ramp was slippery due to rain. The ramp had a non slip surface made from the same materials used for those non slip strips you can put in bathtubs.
he only walks from limos to elevators and probably has no idea how to open a door...
See, the thing is, there's a difference between nearly falling and actually falling (TWICE).
Trump riding a bike, LOL he can't even find his limo when he's right next to it...
yeah that was priceless
Ah, the stable genius.
A stable genius would figure out how to make the horses muck out their own stalls.
If Trump had fallen they would have needed a crane to get him back up.
At least he doesn't need help to walk down a slight incline.
You should also post the video of Biden literally running up a ramp.
Maybe his bone spurs were acting up
I've never seen that before. What a doof! (Although in the interest of fairness, I will admit to jumping into the wrong car after ballet practice one evening and yelling, "Mommy, Mommy it's snowing!!!!!!"...only to have some lady say, "Wrong Mommy, but I'm excited about the snow, too.")
Who is we, do you have a mouse in your pocket? I'm sure that you can match anyone blow for blow on stupidity.
Dang, you beat me to it!