Donald Trump (yet again) proves there's no bottom with his Colin Powell statement
Most of the surviving POTUSes had nothing but good words to say (I didn't see a statement from Jimmy Carter in the piece) but this piece of shit just has no class
Roughly 24 hours after the death of Colin Powell, Donald Trump proved, again, that he is utterly incapable of empathy, grace or even common decency.
© AFP Contributor/AFP/AFP via Getty Images US President Donald Trump speaks during a memorial service at the Pentagon for the 9/11 terrorist attacks September 11, 2017 in Washington, DC. / AFP PHOTO / Brendan Smialowski (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
"Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media," Trump said in a statement released Tuesday morning. "Hope that happens to me someday. He was a classic RINO, if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans. He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!"
"But anyway, may he rest in peace!" Yes, Trump really said that.
The gulf between Trump's statement and that of other former presidents on Powell's passing is simply massive.
"Laura and I are deeply saddened by the death of Colin Powell," said George W. Bush. "He was a great public servant, starting with his time as a soldier during Vietnam."
"He lived the promise of America, and spent a lifetime working to help our country, especially our young people, live up to its own ideals and noblest aspirations at home and around the world," said Bill Clinton.
What Trump's statement should remind us is that this is a man uniquely self-obsessed -- and without any ability to see beyond himself.
Powell was openly critical of Trump -- he voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020 -- and of the dark direction the billionaire businessman was leading the country. And so, Trump saw Powell's death as an opportunity to get back at him -- and took it.
This is, in a word, classless. In two words: Utterly classless.
It also puts to lie Trump's regularly repeated assertion that he loves the military more than any other president has ever loved the military.
Powell was an highly decorated soldier and served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the first Gulf War. While there's no question that his argument that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction as a way to justify the second war in Iraq was a stain on his legacy, it's just as clear that this is a man who gave the vast majority of his adult life to service to the country.
No one should be surprised by this latest degradation of what it means to be a president by Trump. He spent four years in office defining the job downward. That some people will applaud Trump's trolling of a dead man is, perhaps, his most toxic legacy.
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trolling, taunting, and off topic comments may be removed at the discretion of group mods. NT members that vote up their own comments or continue to disrupt the conversation risk having all of their comments deleted. please remember to quote the person(s) to whom you are replying to preserve continuity of this seed.
HEY!!!!! Your "seeded content" link worked.
yay me!
At least I can do something right
Hell, you do lots right - you pulled in a trout recently.
A big one, too!
I saw how big....
Grats!! I've yet to catch any trout while fly fishing... Might have to go to Twin Lakes and try up there, lol.
you better hurry, otherwise you'll be putting tiny ice skates on those flies...
Well said.
What does it take for people to comprehend that Trump has an abysmal character? How could anyone want such a miserable human being as PotUS?
Maybe because some of his supporters are miserable human beings too?
Demonstrably, but that does not explain why so many continue to support this asshole.
Oh, I thought that did explain why.
It's the only explanation I can think of.
You mean it's not? I thought they have demonstrated why they are called deplorables.
To be clear, there are plenty of people who are not assholes who still support Trump.
I know. I was being a bit facetious.
What's sad is they take pride in that. I suppose some have no shame.
I cannot put it better.
Trump's mental processes are so abhorrent I cannot fathom why everyone is not repulsed by him...
Because most of them are just like him.
An article needed to be written about this? Is anyone shocked after the things he said about McCain?
I keep hoping the press will ignore him .. but no the press continues to spread his toxicity as if it was news worthy -- to him all the press is an ego boost!
Why should they ignore him & not show him in his true light when he is putting himself forward for a run in 2024. The more SANE people see him for what he is the less support he will garner & hopefully force the Republican party to nominate a competent candidate. Only those that want to hide what he is wants to sweep all his shit under the rug. Those that voted for him in 2016 cuz Hillary and didn't realize then what a pestilence he was & now you all want him to disappear & want the media to ignore his nastiness. Guess what UNTIL the Republicans rebuke this piece of shit the media needs to keep showing him for his ignorance, nastiness & egocentrism.
You totally nailed it Veronica.
Voted for him? Now you all? blah blah I never voted for the puke, have NO clue who 'you all' are.. but I do know that it is offensive to be lumped into a group with a general sweep of the same broom that the shit 'you all' supposedly want swept under the rug
I want him to be ignored because the press only assists to embolden his nastiness further. Attacking him only serves to continue to keep him relevant, a victim of the 'liberal press' .. blah blah .. 'you all' think his supporters are a 'stupid' basket of deplorables .. and do not hesitate to comment on it, thus once again creating victims that dig their heals into a 'us against the world' mentality
Amen! but guess what, the media is too biased and alternatives are then sought out to fit the narrative the 'you alls' want to hear .. vicious cycle ..
There's a taunt.
It is a valued voice. But I don't understand coming to a seed just to ask "why are you seeding this?"
Just to clear the air Mrs G ... I was not questioning the seeding of the article, I was questioning the press making his comments news - every spiteful thing the former president has to say becomes headline news...
Peace Mrs G .. was not my intent to ruffle any feathers, my feathers are certainly not ruffled .. but what do you want someone to think when you state
You misunderstood my comments intent .. yet did not say 'hey what the hell do you mean?' ..... I reacted without thinking first ..!
It's like a double-edged sword being wielded by Trump and the Media - cutting both ways. Donald Trump is shameless; and, he most be exposed as shameless so the public has sufficient 'background' and context as why he is a horrid man and dangerously 'lippy' politician.
To be fair, several have. Some have been “never-Trump” from the beginning, while others saw the light over time. Unfortunately, there remains a vacuum of Republican leaders ready to step in as an alternative. Basically, he keeps getting play because no one else wants the job.
And to me that is so sad.
I do get what you are saying.
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I apologize for my part in our little tiff. I certainly don't want to make an enemy of you...I've got plenty of those here.
It's all good. Thanks for explaining what you meant.
Could not happen .. things happen in the heat of the moment, 'we' all misunderstand, do not word things the best way possible .. feel the need to defend ourselves - nature of the beast! Once a deep breath can be taken .. I will always happily sit down to have drinks and dinner with you!
HA! I seem to have misplaced my Halo as well ... : )
Thank-you, rtb. I certainly didn't want to put you in the middle
I will be standing right next to you...on your left. But so close you couldn't slide a piece of paper between us.
I appreciate your contributions, also
... ugh. this seed needs several more deletions. I really hate sitting on my hands when so many fools need to see their online efforts wasted.
It's all cool
Riiiight. Because that worked so well all through 2015 and 2016....
They should tell him in the final hour of Biden's term that he did win which makes him ineligible to run for a third term.
What Veronica said.
With all due respect, I don't appreciate when someone makes a comment such as yours on my seed. You have the right, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I think that if the only comment one has is to ask "why is this being seeded?", then why bother commenting?
I just removed my comment as it mirrored CMF's.
[that comment was totally not necessary]
So you agree that if everyone ignores him he will go away. That will never happen. And I want everyone to know the shit he spews, why because people like my niece think he is just misunderstood.
That's not TG was getting at. But I think you know that.
It wasn't but apparently I'm good at ruffling feathers this morning
It is amazing, is it not, how many people can block out the portions of reality they wish were not true?
Just fascinating (and sad).
What does Trump have to do to cause these millions of supporters to see that he is an abysmal character who cares only about himself and seems to enjoy being a total prick to others?
Which is why I believe this crap he spews needs to be shoved in their face until they see that they are supporting a narcissist that will do nothing that doesn't benefit him & him alone.
Absolutely. If Trump is out in public making statements then he needs to be countered. If people do not counter crap the crap is accepted as truth.
What is amazing is that even when the crap is unbelievable bullshit and is countered, millions still believe it.
I know, I just do not understand.
Did Mr. Giggles make it to the Alotian Golf Club to watch the Ladies College Tournament?
He won't go away even if ignored. As I was not sure what part of his comment was objectionable, I just decided to delete mine all together.
Is this you changing the subject? LOL!
I'm sorry - just a tad touchy today.
Apparently he is misunderstood, by people like your niece. Unfortunate.
No worries.
They play right into his hands, he does this with malice keep the faithful stirred up.
Hope I'm still here to see his obituary
[stay off my seeds Greg and never tell me to calm down in my own seed again]
That is how I see it .. apparently that is the wrong way to look at it ..
Yep .. [deleted]
[thought you weren't commenting any more]
Once again, Hope is the last thing to leave Pandora's box and the 'Gods' put her there as the final ball-kicker. Learn to live with it, Trump and all of his ists 'n isms will be around long after he, you and I are dusty dandelion pushers. If he is running again in 2024, and it certainly looks like it, he is news that should not be dismissed purely because you, I or some are tired of him. The surfeit of ennui he arouses alone is ample reason to mock him to death.
I know you speak truth .. but I certainly hope that truth turns to fiction SOON! 2024 should be open for people like Nikki Haley .. or someone that loves the country, and the people .. not the same old disaster repeated .. this nation is so divided .. !
Yep .. Hope is all I have left! Pandora even knew it was important and tried to keep it!
Sometimes I think that my husband dying was a saving grace. At least he no longer has to live through this nightmare our country has become all thanks to Trump and his army of ass kissers at the highest level of government. Hopefully my time here is also short lived.
Trumpism is the worst thing to happen to the United States (with the exception of 9/11) since ww2.
Please don't despair of life because of Donald J. Trump. We will defeat this idiot and his lying acolytes. We have no choice. Rededicate yourself, dear Paula and do not despair! (Smile.)
Lately when I wake up, my first thought is..."Damn it. I'm still here."
I'mma gonna give you something to think about (don't let the "God" aspect in the song get you down): Just be 'uplifted, Paula!
Kirk Franklin - I Smile (Video)
Some things are more important than this other stuff we involve ourselves in. Mental wellness, dear Paula!
Thank you for sharing that, CB !!
♪♫ I smile. . . Oh, oh, oh! ♪♪
A person dies - especially someone who was a public servant - and it’s time to try to find something positive to say. If you can’t do that, then maybe STFU.
I am a person who would praise Colin Powell in these days, but I understand not everyone will share that opinion. That’s fine. But you don’t need to shit on him the very day that he dies.
Uncover and expose that miserable freak Donald J. Trump: NOW! Stop cradling that evil-doer, Donald J. Trump. C'mon republicans and conservatives, if you like Colin Powell push back and make it count!
We were SUPPOSED to find out so much about deceptive, malicious, and criminal activities of the Trump tax returns, what's hidden on the secret White House servers vis-a-vis Ukraine, the correct purposes of the Mueller Report, and more. . .
. . .and all that is happening is congress and maybe NY Southern District 'dickin' around with papers and squandering precious time!
It's not that people don't know what he is.
Then proper people should act like they know what Donald Trump is. No more games with this 'walking' ham-fisted predator.
How? What behaviors do you expect?
What behaviors? Decency for starts. Modeling. Civility. Openness. Lastly, the same (or better) behaviors you would want from me were I a political leader.
To be clear, are you talking about individual citizens or political leaders?
I think tens of millions of individual citizens do exactly what you describe. We just don' hear about them as much because civil behavior rarely makes the news.
If we're talking about political leaders, they're in a tough spot. A lot of the ones who displayed the behaviors you describe are now out of office...on both ends of the political spectrum.
So yeah....I agree completely that's how they should behave. But I'm not sure how much good they can do if they lose the primaries.
How? What behaviors do you expect?
Instead of ‘expect’ I would use ‘prefer’.
I would prefer that people not pretend that Trump is honest or that he has the character to be a PotUS; not behave as though what he claims is truth; not behave as sycophants who “love” him while claiming he was one of our greatest presidents; not campaign for his return; and, in particular, not support the outrageous Big Lie that our electoral system is so flawed that it could allow the presidency to be won through a rigging that left no credible evidence.
I would prefer the R party rid itself of the Trump cancer and pick at least a halfway decent human being to be their spokesperson / leader.
I'm not sure they're pretending. I think many of them believe those things to be the case.
As would I, but given the free press he gets, that's not a simple task.
Those who genuinely believe Trump are, IMO, hopelessly stupid (politically); those who are pretending for partisan reasons (not even remotely admirable) at least have the means to change their behavior.
They are proving their critics correct by continuing to support Trump. They are willfully screwing themselves because they believe supporting Trump is in their short term best interests (and I think that is a mistake too).
I wouldn't limit it to just politically. I'd bet it filters through to most other aspects too.
Maybe. But it's still dishonest at its core.
Short term may be all they're capable of thinking about. Kind of like instant gratification without considering other possible effects.
Wow! That's some tippy-toeing going on right there! We are often told some conservatives and their 'friends' are straight talkers, this is not that.
I would allow for some amount of plain ignorance in the former group. Some are stupid, many are at least educable, but it's difficult for them to understand what to believe.
I concur on the latter group.
I'm not sure where the "I have a nursing degree and damned well know better but I'm not going to get vaccinated because it's a socialist conspiracy" people fit in. Ostensibly you don't get a college degree if you're stupid, but my God.
I've heard it said that government is about surviving until the next century, but politics is about surviving until next week.
I'm not exactly sure what part of that is not straight talk.
I'd love to see Trump fuck off out of the Republican party to somewhere I'd never have to hear about him again. Unfortunately, he's a spectacle and gets as much free media publicity as the sitting president. It's difficult to dislodge somebody like that.
That is why I qualified with 'politically' stupid. As Gordy notes, many of these people are likely stupid in more ways than simply politics, but at the very least it seems (to me) safe to say that anyone who actually believes what Trump says is politically stupid.
Also, it is amazing to behold what people will believe based on conformist thinking.
Inherently short-term focused and highly related to the direct benefit to the politician.
I think I tend to lean with Gordy on this one.
I vote for Antarctica...or Mars
I'm not sure that's far enough.
I don't really want to see a golf course and casino in either of those places.
fair enough
Hackers broke into Donald Trump's upcoming social-media site, creating fake accounts for Trump and Steve Bannon and posting a photo of a defecating pig
just like most everything else, those fucking morons are decades behind in IT too.