College Board Tells DeSantis It Won't Change AP Psychology Course To Exclude LGBTQ Topics
By: Molly Bohannon (Forbes)

College Board, the organization overseeing advanced placement courses for high school students nationwide, pushed back on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' recently-passed legislation, telling the Florida Department of Education it wouldn't alter its curriculum for AP Psychology to exclude information on gender and sexual orientation.
The College Board told Florida it "will not modify our courses to accommodate restrictions on ... [+] teaching essential, college-level topics" such as gender and sexual orientation, pushing back on the state's "Don't Say Gay" law. (Photo by Ben Hasty/MediaNews Group/Reading Eagle via Getty Images)
MediaNews Group via Getty Images
Key Facts
The College Board issued a statement Thursday saying it "will not modify our courses to accommodate restrictions on teaching essential, college-level topics" as doing so would "break the fundamental promise of AP" in that colleges wouldn't accept the credit and students wouldn't be prepared to continue in the discipline.
The organization highlighted that the American Psychology Association has said the topics of gender and sexual orientation "are foundational for any college-level course in psychology," and that participation in AP courses is optional and families can review content before deciding whether their student should enroll.
The Florida Department of Education told College Board last month it would seek an "assurance document" to indicate whether courses comply with Florida's new rules against public schools teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity and asked it to examine which courses would need to be modified, the Washington Postreported.
In April, the Department voted unanimously to extend the state's "Don't Say Gay" law to prevent the state's middle and high school teachers from teaching students about sexual orientation or gender identity; previously, the law only prevented discussions for students in kindergarten through third grade.
Forbes has reached out to the Florida Department of Education for comment.
Crucial Quote
"To AP teachers in Florida, we are heartbroken by the possibility of Florida students being denied the opportunity to participate in this or any other AP course. To AP teachers everywhere, please know we will not modify any of the 40 AP courses — from art to history to science — in response to regulations that would censor college-level standards for credit, placement, and career readiness," College Board said in a statement Thursday.
Chief Critic
Florida's Department of Education press secretary, Cassie Palelis, said in a statement that "College Board is responsible for ensuring that their submitted materials comply with Florida law." She continued: "It is worth noting that College Board does not maintain a reliable position and is susceptible to outside influence by the mainstream media and political activists."
Key Background
This isn't the College Board's first dispute with DeSantis. Earlier this year, Florida officials said the curriculum of AP African American Studies—a course being introduced in 2024— lacked "educational value" and promoted "a political agenda." The College Board then released a plan for the course that removed references to some of the terms DeSantis took issue with, like "intersectionality" and "systemic." The changes—seemingly in response to Florida's issues with the course—led to broad criticism of the College Board caving to DeSantis' wishes. The organization backtracked on the changes, saying in April they were again revamping the course to ensure students "have access to the full breadth and beauty of this discipline." In its statement Thursday about AP Psychology, the Board said: "We have learned from our mistakes in the recent rollout of AP African American Studies and know that we must be clear from the outset where we stand."
Big Number
28,600. That's about how many students took the AP Psychology—one of College Board's more popular courses—exam this past May in Florida. In 2022, about 292,000 students across the country took the exam.
Further Reading
College Board defends AP course amid Florida restrictions on LGBTQ lessons (Washington Post)
College Board refuses drop gender topics from AP psychology course (Tampa Bay Times)
Florida Expands 'Don't Say Gay' Policy To Older Students At DeSantis' Request (Forbes)
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There is starting to be a lot of push back on a number of DeSantis dictates and a lot of law suits.
Considering the courts have blocked most of his demands people feel more justified about the pushback.
That certainly could be the case, but some of the school board meetings have had Republicans fighting against some of his bizarre dictates.
always stand up to bullies...
there's been a lot of republican infighting going on, and it's going to get worse. popcorn time...
This is how all populist movements finally die. We are only at the beginning of the end. There is a lot of popcorn to consume yet.
It's good to hear not everyone on the right is drinking the DeSantis kool-aid.
The mayor of Miami Suarez is the latest presidential Republican candidate has been at odds with both DeSantis and Trump for a while now.
I barely hear any news of Suarez. Every now and again something trickles out, but nothing of substance.
He just entered the race a few days ago but what you will be hearing about him is large dollar donations that are suspect since it looks like a pay-for-play scheme.
I heard part of an interview with him last night. His attempt to weasel out of directly commenting on the Trump indictment was ridiculous.
Yeah, that was strange.
the general lack of courage and leadership within the GOP must be a supply chain issue... /s
Damn those supply chains, can't believe any of them.
It was really strange. A definite weasel move.
without a doubt, G.
Last time there was a republican lawmaker this opposed to LBGQT+ rights, he was arrested for taking a wide stance in an airport bathroom.
LOL, I remember that, Ozzwald.
toilet stall tap dancer larry craig...
I read somewhere that a lot of students are changing their plans and don't want to go to any college in Florida.
I was ridiculed by leftists here when I stated that I had read something somewhere but could not remember where.
I wonder when those same leftists are going to ridicule you for your "I read somewhere" comment.
Exactly, Florida perhaps has much in common with California:
There was an article in our local paper a few days ago about that. Didn't mention what school (s) though.
This article is 4 months old but it's not good news for Florida schools.
This stat is strange for community colleges.
Community college enrollment plunges nearly 40 percent in a decade
Why is this bad news? Rich people never send their kids to schools like this, so of course they serve no purpose. If we get rid of them, the rich can pay less taxes. That is the purpose of government in Florida.
The old principles of constitutionalism and liberty are fading fast from this party.
AP courses are not required. They are elective. But the state wants to prevent students from even accessing the material taught in those courses. Why? They fear that content.
Republicans that push this legislation are cowards, with no real faith at all in the things they claim to believe. If they had such faith, they would not fear exposure to opposing viewpoints.
And then let’s consider what it is they fear. What they oppose is education that shines a light on non-whites or LGBT people. But if you call it bigotry or white supremacy, they will thrash about in agony over being insulted. They’re taking snowflake-ism to unprecedented extremes.
Sadly, you hit it right on the head, Tacos. The inability to open their minds to see more than a singular viewpoint or lifestyle seems to be frightening to them.
We as a country seem to be going backward in that respect, and at warp speed.
"essential, college-level topics" such as gender and sexual orientation"
Essential? Don't college age young people pretty much know the facts of life already?
Speaking of Florida, here's more craziness
ACLU on Twitter: "The state of Florida never provided medically necessary gender-affirming care to Duane Owen — causing her enormous suffering and violating her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody." / Twitter
A very popular course in Florida and across the country. It's an elective so what business is it of yours or the Florida state government if the course is taught?
As for your comment about more craziness I guess that you missed this.
You have to remember that that DeSantis won Florida by 20 points, including Marion county, where he won by almost 40 points.
What you are complaining about is what the majority of the state citizens voted for and fully approve of what he is doing.
You are deeply in the minority.
So, what is your point?
Actually, they voted for DeSantis to be governor new laws were put in by the Legislature and were not voted on.
Yes, I am which means nothing. DeSantis and his new culture war laws are having a rough time in the courts and to date the state has spent $17 million in legal fees with a lot more coming.
My point is that what you are complaining about is what Florida voters want and approve of.
"Actually, they voted for DeSantis to be governor new laws were put in by the Legislature and were not voted on"
If they were not voted on, what are you crying about? If they were voted and passed, then DeSantis would probably sign them into law, much to your dismay.
"the state has spent $17 million in legal fees with a lot more coming."
Because far leftist woke triggered groups have filed lawsuits against the state because their feelings are being hurt.
Florida has no choice but to defend itself from these frivolous lawsuits.
Not ''crying'' about anything, simply pointing out facts.
Using childish wording, IE, far leftist, woke triggered groups and feeling being hurt really makes your comment nothing more than childish nonsense, try harder. And the lawsuits have had very positive results for them the latest being this:
But you're not.
"Using childish wording, IE, far leftist, woke triggered groups and feeling being hurt really makes your comment nothing more than childish nonsense, try harder."
So you just complain about how I word my post versus what was actually posted. Not in the least bit surprised.
"And the lawsuits have had very positive results for them the latest being this:"
In which would be appealed and if needed, will go to the SC and probably ruled as being a legitimate bill.
To wit...
"Hinkle was nominated to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida by President Bill Clinton on June 6, 1996,"
Maybe his decision was politically based?
No, I pointed out the childish wording which takes away from the point you're trying to make. I'm surprised that you don't grasp that.
Probably ruled as being a legitimate bill!!! And what legal precedent are you using for your opinion?
When you can't make a legitimate argument it's the old fallback of ''politically based''...LMAO nice try but no cigar.
So you made my point....Thanks!!
"And what legal precedent are you using for your opinion?"
Not my call but you whining that is not a legitimate bill does not make it so.
"When you can't make a legitimate argument it's the old fallback of ''politically based''"
I'm pointing out the same thing you posted earlier in 4.1.4
"simply pointing out the facts".
Didn't make your point at all.
I didn't whine nor say it was not a legitimate bill. Don't make things up when you're debating a point.
The fact was that the judge was appointed by Clinton, the rest of it '' Maybe his decision was politically based?'' Is of course nothing more than trying to discredit a decision by the judge without any proof.
So the comment still stands. '' When you can't make a legitimate argument it's the old fallback of ''politically based''...LMAO nice try but no cigar.''
You must choose: here you say K is wrong because he's in the minority. OTOH, he is in the majority nationwide. He's probably in the majority in his own home, although that's none of our business.
How do you decide which population is applicable?
Subsidiary question: what does being in the majority - or in the minority - have to do with being right or wrong?
I just realized that this is in fact significant. As K says, your vocabulary prevents any sensible person from taking you seriously - adults just do not talk like that. A petulant, aggressive ado talks like that.
You choose your words, so... you are intentionally presenting yourself as a petulant, aggressive ado. Why? I can think of several possible reasons, but I'm curious about your thoughts.
(This is also a test of your capacity for introspection. I'm not expecting much.
But I did. You just don't want to recognize it.
"The fact was that the judge was appointed by Clinton, the rest of it '' Maybe his decision was politically based?'' Is of course nothing more than trying to discredit a decision by the judge without any proof. "
Many left wing judges are well known to make decisions based on feelings, later getting overturned by a higher court. This will be no different.
"The fact was that the judge was appointed by Clinton, the rest of it '' Maybe his decision was politically based?'' Is of course nothing more than trying to discredit a decision by the judge without any proof. "
I don't smoke so I didn't ask for a cigar.
There are a number of cases filed against DeSantis rules that judges have put on hold or overturned. When you make claims without proof you simply are pointing out that you have no idea of what you speak. That seems to be a consistent theme in your comments.
Do you have a link that shows that left wing judges base their decision on feelings? or do you have any proof that those so called ''feeling'' decisions are always overturned by a higher court? Or is this simply more of your feelings?
Good choice, since you are unable to produce facts to back up your comments you were smart enough not to ask for a ''participation trophy''.
Where in the hell did you get that from. Never did I say there was anything wrong with it.
"Why do so many CONServatives have a problem with inclusion, diversity? Education?"
Very few conservatives have a problem with any of those. It is when leftists continuously throw it in our faces, trying to force us to agree and accept their version of inclusion and diversity. Much like how you far leftists claim we conservatives are always trying to force religion on you.
I, like you, should not have to be forced to agree and accept something we do not agree with, but the majority accept it as part of life.
You want to be a part of any team? Great. try out for what you want, work hard and get the qualifications, but don't expect to get what you want simply because you identify as something other than white.
Good, healthy businesses don't operate in this way. Colleges shouldn't either.
Once again you're factless in your comments.
Time to stop this one-sided repartee since you can't seem to keep up.
Do you have anything to say regarding the premise of the article? If not, all other comments will be deleted.
Everyone get back to the subject of the article. Any more off-topic comments will be deleted.
just say the word.