Trump Threatens 'Dangerous' If Jack Smith Sends Him To Jail
By: Tommy Christopher (Mediaite)

Another not-so-veiled threat by the Republican Dear Leader.

Ex-President Donald Trump threatened it would be "very dangerous" if he were jailed over the new charges he's likely facing, citing the "passion" of his fan base.
Trump completely hijacked the news cycle when he announced Tuesday that he's about to be indicted in Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation into Trump's conduct surrounding the 2020 election leading up to the January 6 attack on the Capitol.
Since that all-caps-festooned announcement, Trump has ranted about the charges in various public forums, and it did not take long for him to raise the specter of violence that his supporters resorted to after he incited them on January 6.
Trump gave an interview with Iowa's The Simon Conway Show on Tuesday following the news, and spoke to host Doug Wagner filling in for Simon Conway. Wagner brought up the prospect of Trump being jailed prior to his trial, and asked Trump what his message to fans would be:
DOUG WAGNER: Is it something that concerns you of the people making sure that they don't go out of their right mind if something like that happens, if that, for example, they do say — Jack Smith says, OK, I'm going to put Donald Trump in jail?
DONALD TRUMP: I think it's a very dangerous thing to even talk about, because we do have a tremendously passionate group of voters, much more passion than they had in 2020 and much more passion than they had in 2016.
I think it would be very dangerous.
Trump has made similar and at times more direct comments in the past under nearly identical circumstances.
Trump whipped up a frenzy on the eve of his indictment and arrest in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's investigation around hush money payments to Stormy Daniels — the stage name of Stephanie Clifford — by telling supporters he expected to be arrested and urging them to "PROTEST" and "TAKE OUR NATION BACK!"
After several escalations, Trump upped the ante yet again in a late-night social media post by warning of "death & destruction" if he were charged. Violence did not ensue in that case.
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"Stand back and stand by"
"Be there, will be wild"
it's going to be dangerous all right, dangerous for the dumb ass whose big seditious mouth put 600+ and counting of his fellow domestic terrorists in the same prison...
All jokes aside, Trump has never explained what he meant, or actions he took when he said, "I saved bin Sulman's ass." Did America have a president that engaged in a cover up for a murder? Or--was his statement just more of his---'bravado?'
We all know how much he brags. I tend to think it was just bravado
if there was a way to profit from that act, he did it...
Kushner got 2+ billion. And that is what we know about.
KARI LAKE: "If you want to get to President Trump, you're going to have to go through me, and 75 million Americans just like me. And most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA. That's not a threat, that's a public service announcement."
"We will not let you lay a finger on President Trump. Frankly, now is the time to cling to our guns and our religion."
nice sound bite for the federal prosecutors.
Sad commentary on the state of America.
That it is.
We'll take our chances.
Agreed. 100%.
Some words from Republicans prior to Trump's first federal indictment:
That was followed by Kari Lake's provocative comments.
Those statements are going to be considered an instruction to his followers to wage an actual shooting war against those who oppose him, just as he caused the January 6th insurrection. So many people have guns, and IMO they are itching to use them. God help you Americans.
No exaggeration, Trump is a danger to America!
This suggest to me that Trump is starting to see the writing on the wall. His lie-induced, narcissistic alternate reality facade is starting to fade and he is is afraid.
It is all his own doing.
He should be afraid. He's guilty and he knows it.
Ehh, me thinks he is rousing his rabble. I don't think that he will go down without more blood on his hands. We can hope that he fades away, but I just don't see that in his play book.
Trump is not your normal politician. The nation said collectively, "He will get better, " over and over again throughout his Presidency, but he just kept getting worse and worse. He is not going to get better and he is not going to go quietly into the night. Stop with the kid gloves and pussy footing around.
Personally, I'm tired of excuses and deflections for this man, Trump.
Exactly. No compromise with Trump, ever.
Is that what you think I meant?
Here too, do you think I was suggesting that Trump is going to go quietly into the night?
The point of my post was that I think his delusion is giving way to harsh reality and that he is getting frightened. And like a frightened animal he will lash out. This seed shows the beginning signs of this lashing out.
Thanks for the clarification, TiG, and sorry if I misunderstood the point of your argument.
Also, I was using your point, i.e. that he is beginning to see the cracks in his wall that he has built around himself, as a jumping off point to remind everyone reading this that this action, this innuendo threatening action, is how he works.
Really, that has been the theme for longer than it was a song. From Lynard Skynard and their anthem "Sweet Home Alabama" through the present day, there has been a portion of the population that will do what they do no matter what anybody else thinks about it.
The MAGA contingent feel like they are being marginalized and the attitude of "Come and get us" is prevalent due to the constant calls from others telling them that they are stupid or backwards or something of the kind. They are not stupid. They are not, to any extent more-so than others, backwards. The language of these anthems is in direct response to the amount that they feel that they are being pushed to do something just because somebody else says to do it. This is a reaction, not an action. Nothing happens in a vacuum and all actions have there effects. We, as a nation, need to find a way to short-circuit this action-reaction feedback loop. The people who are not MAGA have to live here also. They feel threatened and intimidated just like the MAGA. They throw on the bravado and strut around also. The resultant is more of the same kind of response from the MAGA.
Branding MAGA as "bad" does not work because it is like telling anyone who is assured that they are doing the "right thing" that they are not. That is the world that they inhabit and forcing them to give up their conception of what America is and stands for, well how does anyone else like that? They don't.
We are all on this piece of space debris called earth,we had better figure out how to get along.
Just think of how much more advanced societies could be if we could agree on how to allocate our resources.
I was front row for Skynyrd at Willy Nelson's 4th of July Picnic at the Tulsa Speedway which was actually on July 3rd 1977...
I used to enjoy the song for the catchy, bouncy hook, but when you are in a band,it ages rapidly, especially if you sing the lyrics with a modicum of thought.
I like Skynard because I grew up listening to them and I agree with a good portion of what their songs say. I also disagree with some and have matured in my opinion of the band and their music. As with most things in life, there are both good and not so good aspects.
Trump threatens. He is afraid. And he should be. His facade will crumble when the nation and the world sees him under oath with the cameras rolling. He has nothing to say and can't prove anything he's ever said. He is uncontrollable. Is without decency. Does not have the capability of restraint. And the money. His money is dirty. His only asset is debt.
It is very unlikely that Trump will testify in his criminal trials. Most criminal defendants do not.
Agreed that most criminal defendants do not take the stand, but then how can anyone predict what that animal might do?
If he insists on taking the stand, he'll lose more lawyers. He's having enough trouble keeping defense attorneys.
Maybe he should pay them.
I don't think he will. He will definitely be charged with obstruction and/or perjury if he does
Can you imagine being part of his defense team? I'd exist in a permanent state of face-palming.
A surefire way to get a conviction. Sitting at the defense table face palming or smacking your forehead on the table
I wonder where he's getting the money to pay the huge upfront retainers...
From the cultists' "campaign" contributions.
The great unwashed masses did buy up all of his trading cards to the tune of 1 million not to mention around 5 million in speaking fees. His minions have sent him around 19 million in the first quarter of 2023 alone.
Brings new understanding to "A fool and his money"....................
And that in itself will speak volumes.
He is grifting the 'trailer park people.'
Did you ever see the movie "And Justice For All..." starring Al Pacino? If I were ever Trump's defence lawyer I would do what Al Pacino did in the trial of the judge he was defending.
Quite understandable. Of course the defense attorney would have had to be forced to defend Trump and then snap when his ethics finally overcame his desire to continue to practice law.
Yes, a heroic sacrifice of a career, but worth a paragraph in history.
What does he ever say under oath except plead the 5th Amendment?
Which is almost never, because he's such a nutcase that his lawyers always do everything they can to keep him from having to say anything under oath.
I thought I read a while back that he pleaded the 5th in a trial a record number of times.
Yup. I don't know if it was a record or not, but he did that in a deposition in the NY fraud case. One of the rare instances. Note that the plan wasn't for him to actually answer questions.
Remember, it won't be Jack Smith that puts him behind bars but 12 jurors and a judge.
Donald has been his own worst enemy for years. No reason to expect that to change now. If the repubs nominate him they are trying to give the election to the dems. If the dems stick with Biden they are trying to give the election back.
Biden does have the advantage of not being Trump.
That worked in 2020. After 3 years of Biden you may see plenty of people voting for Trump because he is not biden.
Biden has been a good president for We the People.
Trump was a president for his fellow billionaires.
It's time for Thunder Mouth to back up his boasting which he will never personally do that since he is much to big of a coward. The dumbasses that believe him will do something very stupid just like the Jan 6th insurrection and they will end up in prison (which is where they belong) and Thunder Mouth will claim as always that he didn't support it.
They might want to ask the dumbasses currently serving prison sentences and their life ruined how there hero came to their rescue..Oh, wait, he didn't, he left them in prison.
let all of his dumb ass supporters rot in the slammer...
after his federal indictment in DC, he'll curb his tongue or get detained and be wearing an ankle bracelet for the rest of his campaign...
how does that work? I thought those things work on GPS. Is somebody gonna re-program the damn thing every time he wants to leave Mar-A-Lago?
it's just a tracking device, but a cyber fence can be installed to alert authorities if breached...
"he was looking kinda dumb with his fingers and his thumb in the shape of an L on his forehead"
Didn't need the L to know he was a loser.
those are the words to a Smash Mouth song. I like the song and I thought of it when I saw the meme
Trump has finally lost his damn mind. This is manipulation, plain and simple. Just like he is realizing the harm that can come his way for his 'dare' to act the ways he has - so will his 'followers' (Including that Lake woman. BTW, she swore she could not lose the election. She did lose. It was all bluster.) realize that the last batch of nation 'attackers' are sitting on their butts in prison cells. . . with records to boot! The question is this: Is Trump worth the time off and the losses (of jobs/careers) that fighting for his silly ass will cause them.
Remember Ashley Babbitt! She gave her all for the cause and the cause came to naught!
I seriously do not get it. I will NEVER understand what some people see in him. His entire is little more than a record of greed, pettiness, cowardice, and just being an overall asshole about everything at any moment. And yet... and yet some people seem to have this idea in their heads that he gives even the most remote fuck about them in any way shape or form.
They have this idea that because he hates the same things and people you hate that he will actually so something to make their lives better even though he has never once, in his entire life, done ANYTHING that wasn't purely for his own benefit.
It blows my mind, it really does.
Traitor bitch. And yes I know she was prior Air Force, USMC here so fuck off to anyone who may try to give me shit about it.
I understand what people see in him. It boils down to policies. Trump tells his MAGA constituents what they want to hear. He is very good at that. And then his presidential actions were all what Rs want: conservative judges, nationalism, focus on illegal immigration, focus on religion, etc. If you disregard the human being and all his bad human behavior and just look at the president, Trump works for the GoP.
That said, I share your amazement that his supporters are actually able to disregard the abysmal character, lack of ethics, willingness to throw the nation under the bus, endless lying, etc. just because Trump's policies were right down the center of GoP desires.
It is appalling that some people would actually vote for a pathological liar, malignant narcissist who demonstrably betrayed the nation as a sitting PotUS. It is irrational, irresponsible and unpatriotic.
Yet here we are.
I, too, can see it this way. Trump is the mirror image MAGA supporters in the millions have been asking for over decades. His supporters truly want to take the country over and are working the steps to bring it about in entirety. The problem for the GOP is now the party is exposed as heartless, morally deficient, and Machiavellian (cunning, deceptive, and manipulative) to all who care to see it which contradicts its family values branding.
And that is really what onlookers at the republican party are having the hardest time adjusting to, isn't it? We, citizens, keep looking at the republican party as a thing that once tried to be reasonable, valuable to democracy, and given to just compromise and not at the party for what it has become an organization of millions of conservatives determined to bring liberals and INDEPENDENT voters back under conservative control after wandering off for a time.
Trump is transactional with his millions of supporters and they mirror him in the same way. If you watch MAGA closely you will see many millions of them have a neoliberal approach to politics. That is, MAGA wants to control the workings of this country and to do this requires governmental control and CULTURAL control and Trump makes it all about money and no heart or conscious.
The problem with this neoliberal approach is its 'soullessness.' I put the word in quotes because some good people do not think we have souls but evidently we do because we can see and feel simply having all the money in the world is not making anybody deeply and qualitatively happy. It is what you do with wealth and money (for others) which gives satisfying peace.
Trump and MAGA have the wrong 'prescription' for the United States.
MAGA fails to accept that all the people assisting programs in this country created and maintained indefinitely are borne out of a need or out of a lack of an important "ingredient" in our society from various historical dynamics in play. It, MAGA, wants a nation to live up to its, MAGA, ideology despite the fact that ideology is antithetical to true freedom for a deeply diverse nation of people struggling, striving to become 'one.'
I agree. I also see reports this morning that Bowe Bergdahl's Court Martial was overturned... fuck that guy too.
I'm sorry ashli didn't get shot between the eyes.
I remember being in a packed dueling piano bar around the time of the Republican primary for the 2016 race. Everyone was having an awesome time singing along and laughing, making song requests, drinking, etc. In this venue you wrote your song request on a billboard, and some turd wrote MAGA on the board to be funny or whatever. Then the one single wild eyed Trump supporter in the building started screaming TRUUUUUMP!!! TRUUUUMP!!! The whole mood in the venue instantly soured as this big redneck fuck gave anyone who gazed toward him a menacing look like he was about to rip their throat out. It was just another sign of the Pandora’s box that was being opened.
So is he threatening to incite violence if he is held accountable for his own, and EXTREMELY unnecessary and retarded, actions that were in violation of multiple federal and state laws?
And that is the GOP's guy. The party of laws and accountability lol.
GOP - the party of white supremacy, racketeering, and sedition...
Curios as to what would happen with Trumps MAGA minions if somebody with a high powered sniper rifle just shot Trump in the head from a long, long way away?
I imagine there are a very few folk on the planet capable of thousand yard shots.
What is curious to me is why nobody has tried.
Perrie, this is not death wishing. Just curiosity.
Trump is hated by many, why has nobody tried?
Is it that liberals don't tend to go with second amendment options?
I remember Trump saying on1-6 that he knew many were armed but that he wasn't worried.
Most flag carriers on 1-6 were actually carrying spears and bo staffs.
the secret service advance teams secure all positions of advantage prior to public appearances.
america's asswipe, trump, threatened a new civil war, again, this weekend on a truth social rant...
He's never going to stop spewing that crap.
I truly expect some of the maga trash to try a full performance after their failed dress rehearsal on J6.
No doubt that some of them will keep trying.