'Red Sea moment': Johnson likens himself to Moses, tells Christian nationalists God paved his path to speaker - Alternet.org
By: David Badash (Alternet. org)
Mike Johnson, delivering the keynote address to a far-right Christian nationalist group Tuesday, likened himself to Moses and declared God had charted his path to become the Republican Speaker of the House, after telling him in his prayers to prepare.
Speaker Johnson, a Christian nationalist who falsely claims the Constitution's separation of church and state is a "misnomer" and has declared the United States is not democracy but a "biblical" republic, is an attorney who once worked for a far-right organization that has since been designated an anti-LGBTQ extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Johnson was the lead sponsor last year of a federal "Don't Say Gay" bill and has bragged that he and his teenaged son are accountability partners in a no-porn pledge that includes installation of monitoring software on all their devices.
"I'll tell you a secret since the media is not here," Speaker Johnson said at the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL) Gala (video below), where he was honored with their American Patriot Award for Christian Honor and Courage, as Right Wing Watch reported.
"Thank you for not allowing the media in, I'll tell you a secret because they wanted to come because they wanted to, you know, take my comments out of context as they've been doing with with great joy for the last few weeks," Johnson charged, not specifying which of his remarks he believes have been taken out of context.
"The Lord impressed upon my heart a few weeks before this happened, that something was going to occur," Johnson continued. "And the Lord very specifically told me in my prayers to prepare, but to wait. 'Prepare for what?' I said to the Lord. You know, I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and the country at large."
"And look, I'm a Southern Baptist, I don't want to get too spooky on you. Okay, but you know, you know okay," he continued. "All right. But you know, the Lord speaks to your heart. And He had been speaking to me about this and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready. Be ready for what? Okay, I don't know. We're coming to a Red Sea moment. 'What does that mean, Lord?' And then when the Speaker's race happened."
He said, "the Lord began to wake me up through this three-week process we're in in the middle of night and to speak to me and to write things down plans and procedures and ideas on how we could pull the conference together."
"Now at the time I assumed the Lord is going to choose a new Moses. And oh, thank you the Lord. Lord, you're gonna allow me to be Aaron to Moses," Johnson told the attendees.
Johnson reminded his audience of the Speaker's debacle, going down the line of friends who he tried to help become Speaker, acknowledging that all of them failed.
He continued, explaining that "at the end, when it came to the end, the Lord said, 'Now step forward.' 'Me? I'm supposed to be Aaron.' Now the Lord said, 'Step forward.' Psalm 77 speaks of the Exodus in the 14th chapter of Exodus and it says, 'Only God saw the path through the roiling sea, we could not see it, men could not see it.' And I believe deep in my heart, is my core conviction, that God wants us to seek Him for the path through the roiling sea."
As Right Wing Watch reports, after Johnson's speech, "NACL founder Jason Rapertpresented Johnson with the Honor and Courage award, along with a piece of a destroyed Ten Commandments monument that Rapert had placed in front of the Arkansas state capitol in 2017."
"'It's very obvious to see, you're one of us,' Rapert told Johnson."
Rolling Stone adds that Johnson's speech Tuesday is "just the latest evidence that the politician who is now second in line for the presidency views himself as on a divine mission."
Watch the video of Speaker Johnson below or at this link.
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Second in line to be President talks to God who awakens him during the middle of the night for their chats.
He claims to be a Christian, but if he is supposed to be Aaron or Moses, wouldn't that make him Jewish?
nah, he's just another unamerican christo-fascist and dominionist...
Anybody who claims to have conversations with "god" is insane.
He sure sounds insane.
He's fucking nuts.
That is an understatement.
I just saw something about yet another gop official involved in a sex scandal while preaching family values - the chair of the Florida republican party, Christian Ziegler, is being accused of rape by the woman he and his wife sometimes have sex with.
He's being called 'a paragon of conservative virtue by republicans/alleged conservatives.
When asked to resign, "He cited trump values (oxymoron) as new republican standard"
whataboutism is their first reflex ...
... then deflection.
When do you think the crucifixions will start. Besides the extent of gun violence and extent of homelessness, it would be another reason why I can't understand why so many migrants want to come to the USA. Wait a second, maybe that would be an intended method to limit them.
It's more likely they will be burning people at the stake. Crucifixion was a Roman form of punishment. Christians liked to burn heretics, apostates and non-believers.
Ah yes, you're right. I guess i was confused by America's Ku Klux Klan with their burning crosses. But didn't they drown witches in Salem?
I thought the witches got hanged. Wasn't there a water test to determine if they were really witches? Something to research in my spare time.
Yes, suspected witches were weighted with stones and sank in a river or pond. If they lived they were obviously witches and would be hanged. If they died they were declared to be innocent corpses...
That makes sense. Who said the Salem witch hunters weren't reasonable.
It's more likely they will be burning people at the stake. Crucifixion was a Roman form of punishment. Christians liked to burn heretics, apostates and non-believers.
During the recent attack on Israel (October 7th) some of the terrorists took babies and burnt then to death in ovens in kitchens of the Kibbutz (and made their parents watch before torturing the parents then murdering them).
I'm surprised Hamas hasn't thought of that yet.
Don't forget the gouging out of their eyes, the slicing off of their breasts and cutting open pregnant women and stabbing the fetuses. The UN won't talk about that, but the JOOZ.....
That's sickening.
And on another level, while not as horrendous as that, I find it sickening that most American media has not mentioned it-- or when mentioned they leave out relevant facts.
The Israelis and Hamas have been involved on other military conflicts. But the Israeli response to Hamas' aggression has never been as strong as it is this time.
(Now you know why).
I don't think so, G. I believe that it makes him part of the secret race known as the Aryan Race. I'll have to confirm that with one of our NT members who belongs to that secret race of Aryans.
I have noticed a rightwing member admires these mythical Aryans. That he identifies with them. Some nonsense about racial superiority...
Well, if he's Aaron or Moses he is definitely not "Aryan".
Ironically, two ancient things were appropriated by Hitler:
1 . The Swastika ,which is a very positive ancient symbol used by various ancient indigenous peoples in different parts of the world. (For example,by Hindus as well as some American Indian tribes. Also by Falun Dafa and of other groups-- the Swastika was a very positive symbol).
Hindu Temple, Rajasthan State India :
Not only is it a a graphic symbol...but its also an actual Yoga pose called "Swastikasana": or "Auspicious Pose".
2. Aryan: The original meaning of the word is not widely known today. In more modern times it was appropriated by the Nazis to mean a "superior race', "The White Race". But the original meaning is different-- and in fact some would say that the original Aryans were "Brown-skinned people"-- not "Whites". It meant peoples from Northern India and Persia!
From the Holocaust Encyclopedia of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:
One of the more misleading belief some people have is that the term "Semites" refers to a race. But of course it is a linguisitic group (a language family). There are "romance Languages" (Spanish, Italian, French, etc-- Languages mainly based on Latin).etc. Slavic Languages and so on.
"Semitic" refers to a language group-- Aramaic, Arabic, Hebrew, They are all somewhat similar (if you can understand Arabic you can understand much of Hebrew and Aramaic). Similarly if you understand Italian, , you can understand most Spanish-- same language group)..
I used to think Aramaic was a "dead language" but a while back I discovered there was a small group ("Assyrians") who spoke it. But they are small in numbers IIRC they live in Iraq).
Semitic Semantics?
You might be surprised how little respect republican politicians have for the vast majority of LIBERAL American Jews...
By the standards of the far rightwingers around here nearly every Jewish Member of Congress must also be antisemitic.
Oddly, or not, all of the Jewish Senators and nearly all the Jewish Members of Congress are Democrats. No surprise that nationalist MAGA crapola is a fail with Jewish voters.
Been there done that...
Why do you believe American Jewish voters are overwhelming Democrats?
The angles point in different directions.
Right wingers have no respect for anybody.
Not even themselves.
Pew Research Center surveys, including the 2020 study, show that Jews are among the most consistently liberal and Democratic groups in the U.S. population. Seven-in-ten Jewish adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, and half describe their political views as liberal.
Not surprised at all. We hear it from them often.
And we are very proudly so.
No, typical is that you claim to "not care" about the political views of American Jewish voters while you simultaneously spout declarations regarding them as if you were their official chosen spokesmodel.
Thanks though, for illustrating my point!
It was also used in ancient China - as seen in this photo I took at the Annual Peony Festival in Luoyang, Henan Province, many years ago.
their bible says nothing about saving any american jews for their big end times kneel or die dominionist final solution for civilization and the planet. the end of the road in their "believe in our loving god and do what we say, or risk oppression and death" religious fantasy...
Sounds like Johnson suffers vain glorious delusional of grandeur...
he's probably sexually frustrated, now that the media spotlight is on him, and can't slip away with a pre-teen boy from church.
Spends lots of time on his knees 'repenting'.
Seems many ex-altar boys have much to regret.
Catholic fascism annoys me.
I don't know what Johnson is, but it's not Catholic.
he's southern baptist. they're like regular baptists, only their geezus allows them to use him as an excuse when they want to persecute minorities, LGBTQ's, other people's children, and women that want bodily autonomy and their fair share of individual freedom.
You do realize that most southern Baptists are black, right?
That is FALSE! A LIE! Of about 15 million Southern Baptists only about one million are black and fourteen million are white. The Southern Baptists Convention renounced slavery and segregation in 1995...
I concede that I was incorrect with my comment.
Isn't it great when someone admits they are incorrect? [deleted]
It took them that long????
it took god that long to find one of the people claiming to talk to him that was also listening.
It's tough when their holy book supports slavery.
Most societies supported slavery at one time.
I'll bet that's not in US history books.
In the long history of the world, not having slaves is a relativity new thing
There are still countries where slavery is legal.
Probably a lot of the "cheap" goods that US import were made by slaves. I had discussions about this topic on NV. It seemed most people either did not want to know or did not want to discuss it because it might have an adverse effect on their profit sharing or stock market returns. When having ethics cost money, well the ethics have to go.
I will note that the US prisons for profit could be viewed as forced labor (slavery).
More information on the modern practice of slavery.
Below is a more contemporary list that includes the United States.
The US economy benefits from slave labor within and outside of its borders.
Would the US be an economic super power today within modern slave labor?
reckon it's better late than never, y'all...
I still have faith that most Americans do or will consider Mike Johnson to be an unacceptable religious fanatic.
I would like to tattoo across his fore head that the USA NOT A BIBLICAL REPUBLIC
I am so sick and tired of his kind
I'm pretty sure that getting nailed to a cross is those thumpers end goal...
Oh, hell, no! They don't want to die! They don't want to sacrifice themselves for their Lord and Savior...the real Jesus....not the orange con man. They would die for him.
Anyway...why do you think they so adamant about keeping their firearms? They are the shoot first and take names later crowd because they will do anything to save their own necks. They would probably sacrifice their families before they would take a bullet
He isn't the Messiah no matter what those Christian fakes say
their imaginary friend comes before their own families.
What a freakshow. I was reading about some of the cases he defended as attorney and they're doozies.
One that he didn't defend, but was a friend of, was some other freakshow preaching on family values and caught masturbating near a playground.
I forgot to mention
- caught masturbating in a van near a playground - I believe the freak was arrested - maybe he was caught before nabbing a little kid to molest.
Freaks! Good Lord, they hold him to no standards whatsoever. Unfreakingbelieveable.
Thanks for sharing that John. I love Jordan Klepper. These freaks are so not self aware, it's unreal.
Do you want defense attorneys to get much more picky about who they will defend?
Great video.
maybe he couldn't wait for sunday, school...
Reputable people and reputable entities always seek out reputable attorneys...
Judges know. Jurors know. It's how it is!
Johnson dedicated his legal career to representing Christian nationalists and theocrats attempting to impose their religious doctrines on the rest of society.
This liberal centrist would prefer to keep my firearms.
Same here. My shotgun may come in handy again some day. Great for scaring vultures off your property
He was arrested and his fellow freakshow friend Johnson declined to represent him.
To my way of thinking, Johnson and his ilk fall into two camps - the conman and the conned.
Decent people don't need a religion to have ethics and morals.
Conmen need religion to convince the gullible that they have a mandate to rule.
The Law and Order Party, led by Speaker Johnson, now wishes to only release the J6 tapes if they can blur the faces to protect the individuals shown from being prosecuted by the DOJ?
Besides the fact that that is pretty much how the DoJ already identified and prosecuted many of them,
that just indicates a new level of stupidity by Johnson.
meh, he was already complicit in the attempt to obstruct the constitutional mandate to transfer power.
I heard about that - and I was in the middle of something else - and it never hit me until I read your comment SP -- I don't believe stupidity is the word. He's so complicit in the whole goddamned thing it's sickening, this alleged religious 'man'.
Johnson said he wants to blur the tapes to prevent people from being identified and prosecuted for their criminal misconduct on January 6th. That was just a day or two after he called the republicans the law and order party. It's not his stupidity at work here. It is something far worse, although I believe that the DOJ already has those tapes.
Yes, most of the prosecutorial work was generated by those tapes and others.
Over 1,033 arrested so far and 378 completed convictions so far.
The horses have long left the barn on this one.
Kudos to Mr. Johnson.
The morons provided their own evidence that day. A lot of the morons posted on social media also. A lot of the morons were turned in by family members, girl friends or boy friends, husbands or wives. MORONS.
likened himself to Moses and declared God had charted his path to become the Republican Speaker of the House
Well everybody makes a mistake every now and then-- even God! But I have a feeling She may correct that mistake in the near future.
It’s one thing to be super religious. Even in a politician, that’s fine. A messianic complex is a sign of a problem.
Believing in mythology and superstition is insanity.
Believing in christianty is superstition and insanity.
Jesus never actually existed. Jesus was a construct.
Yet many on this planet are insane.
In my experience, of the insane group-- some are religious and some are not.
And then there's the whole other issue of people who say they don't like any religion-- rather, they are "spiritual"
The lessor of the evil.
Never have and never will.
I'm not familiar with that part of history. Has there ever been any significant evidence that Jesus existed (or that he didn't?).
Mohammed came later-- I think he did exist (?).
Yeshua was a common name back in the day.
A google search might lead you to the information that there was a rabbi named Yeshua that the Jesus figure is probably based on.
There is zero evidence that a Yahweh exists outside of ancient religious myth. Likewise with his son, Yeshua, that some people have renamed as Jesus.
It only becomes a problem because enough people believe they are a messiah and do their bidding. Examples: Jim Jones or the Ayatollah - Religion. Hitler - Political.
Currently, we have a worldwide movement where a large number of people are convinced that men, who say they are women, are women. This is despite there is absolutely no biological basis for the claim unless we redefine accepted biology differences of male and female.
Do these ill-informed folks have a messianic complex or are they following a messiah? They are not following science. They are silencing the biologists and the scientists.
Whether it is religious based propaganda or political propaganda - it is still propaganda.
It all becomes a problem when enough people follow the Piped Piper to their doom.
Monty Python addresses the issue: "I Want to be a Woman"
Symbolic of his struggle against reality. - Summed it up nicely.
The reality of this is that women are losing their positions in sports and job fairs to men.
It is ironic that many of the people demeaning religious folk for believing in a sky fairy are the same people who believe that men are women
Below is a prime example of a trans woman that some people support being in girl's restrooms and sports.
I'm a let live kind of person. But transgender women have no place in women's athletics. That swimmer who won all kinds of meets after she transitioned has since been stripped and the medals given to the woman who came in "second". I applaud that decision
Me, too. And I believe that the majority of people are until an issue becomes radicalized by some psychopath/narcissist figure for political or religious gain.
Caitlyn Jenner speaks out against the radical men claiming they are actual women on a regular basis. I read another Jenner interview in the Daily Mail today.
My respect for her just went up ten fold
What the hell are you talking about?
Transgenders are not the problem you/many are claiming. This paints targets on the backs of all transgender folks. I imagine Johnson shares similar views. He wants to criminalize homosexual behavior and is claiming schools are turning kids gay, or some other such ignorant bullshit.
That is massive deflection from the evil of Johnson and his kind. The worst kind of scum.
Seven trans boys and girls applied to participate on gender affirmative intermural sports teams in Missouri in 2022...
None are standout athletes so they really do threaten few.
Yet, for those few, this is the defining issue of our times...
I have even heard it called "The End Of Female Athletics"!
Some people might disagree-- and think that it only becomes a problem when those kind of people stop following that person to their doom.
When they actually survive-- and some even vote!
(And that too many of them also may reproduce!
And then there are The Darwin Awards!
Eventually, it will be as more biological males are allowed to play sports as if they had been transformed into biological females.
I really don't understand why anyone supports this at all.
Trans need their own sports or compete in open categories if they can't compete or won't compete with biological males. This is the only fair solution that does not discriminate against biological females.
The way he said "Red Sea Moment" shows he's living in the past.
If someone like Moses had God part the Red Sea so the Jews could pass through-- in today's world it would look more like this:
Denmark just re-instated blasphemy laws. Wonder when Johnson and his ilk will attempt the same in the US?
I suppose if their are a lot of Muslims rioting over people burning Qurans, like in Denmark, progressives here might pass hate speech laws to try and forbid it, as in Denmark.
A free nation does not silence anybody. It is one way to separate the crazies from the craziest. Without censorship, people freely express their thoughts on the internet on a regular basis. It is up to the security agencies to try to evaluate who is most likely to go on a killing spree or commit assorted atrocities in the near future.
In the case of Johnson and his ilk, I was referencing the Christians who believe their belief system and its inane rules, promises and predictions should not be mocked and ridiculed.
It is the Christians that would like to silence people like George Carlin. I do find it very amusing that Christians promote their religion as all about love, kindness and forgiveness, but then they take joy in saying everyone they dislike will "rot in Hell for eternity".
Religion is basically evil because it is a pyramid scheme where the men at the top use and abuse the people at the bottom.
So basically this law is more or less driven by the Koran burnings.
Muslims need to get a grip and understand that all religions are mocked equally. They are not any more special than any other religion
Eventually, their leaders will have to conform like the Christians did by infiltrating secular governments and putting their reps in leadership and judicial systems like what is currently happening in the United States as we see women's rights decrease by small increments in favor of Catholic based laws that ban birth control and funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to the Catholic Church to run charities, schools, hospitals, etc. This was made legal by GW Bush in 2004 with a stroke of the pen - no government votes and no government oversight. Every president since Bush has followed suit.
The Muslims need to educate themselves by watching how the Catholic Church has managed to overturn the separation of church and state in the US without rioting and without raising public alarm. The ACLU did a token resistance in 2004 and have remained silent ever since. Why?
Oh hell. I just opened up a can of worms...
Not at all.
The men, who are Hellbent on achieving power and wealth, spend their time working toward their goals. The men, in the Catholic Church, controlled the European governments conquered by the Roman Empire for well over a thousand years. The only world power that comes close to this type of thinking and domination might be the men in Chinese government because I have read that they are future thinking.
I believe they should be recognized for their achievements as they gain their power and wealth, so their power can be resisted before it becomes impossible to do so.
The RCC is smart enough to allow the mouthy Baptists to take the heat for being the religious zealots that are to be feared for changing laws, but the Baptists do not have the numbers or the wealth or the reps in government office to be a real threat to our secular government at this time.
Those whom god would destroy he first deprives of reason.