Stanley McChrystal Surprises With Kamala Harris Endorsement
By: Alex Griffing Load Comments (Mediaite)

Vice President Kamala Harris received a surprise endorsement on Thursday from the former commander of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal.
McChrystal became a household name during his time leading U.S. forces overseas and for tendering his resignation to then-President Barak Obama in 2010 after criticizing then-Vice President Joe Biden and other administration officials.
McChrystal backing Harris, who he wrote in a New York Times op-ed he has already voted for, pours cold water all over Harris's critics claiming she is unfit to lead U.S. foreign policy after her administration's much-maligned exit from Afghanistan.
"Some deeply consequential decisions are starkly simple. That is how I view our upcoming presidential election. And that is why I have already cast my ballot for character — and voted for Vice President Kamala Harris," McChrystal wrote to begin his op-ed, adding:
As a citizen, veteran and voter, I was not comfortable with many of the policy recommendations that Democrats offered at their convention in Chicago or those Republicans articulated in Milwaukee. My views tend more toward the center of the political spectrum. And although I have opinions on high-profile issues, like abortion, gun safety and immigration, that's not why I made my decision.
The celebrated general went on to explain that while he does care about tax policy and a myriad of other issues, all of which he has his own opinion on and often votes on, his choice between Harris and Trump was dictated more by knowing that the next president will face challenges that require a statesman.
"Our president, therefore, must be more than a policymaker or a malleable reflection of the public's passions. She or he must lead — and that takes character. Character is the ultimate measure of leadership for those who seek the highest office in our land," McChrystal wrote, making clear he has little appreciation for Trump's character.
While McChrystal never mentions Trump by name, he makes clear he disagrees with his stance on foreign policy issues - particularly his open appeasement of Russia's Vladimir Putin.
"Character will dictate whether we stand by our NATO allies and against Vladimir Putin's continued aggression. Character will dictate whether we have a commander in chief who honors and respects the men and women who serve in uniform,' McChrystal writes, adding:
Fortunately, neither candidate in this pivotal election is unknown to us. We've had years to watch both closely.
Each of us must seriously contemplate our choice and apply the values we hope to find in our president, our nation and ourselves. Uncritically accepting the thinking of others or being swayed by the roar of social media crowds is a mistake. To turn a blind eye toward or make excuses for weak character from someone we propose to confer awesome power and responsibility on is to abrogate our role as citizens. We will get — and deserve — what we elect.
He concludes by noting that he made his choice for president with the best interests of his three granddaughters in mind. " I've concluded that it isn't political slogans or cultural tribalism; it is the best president my vote might help select. So I have cast my vote for character, and that vote is for Vice President Kamala Harris," he wrote.
Read the full op-ed here:
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This is a very significant endorsement, but really Gen. McChrystal is saying what we all already know. Donald Trump does not have the character to be President of the United States, and Kamala Harris does.
I heard trump compared to neville chamberlain yesterday, but I already equate maga republicans to putin russians ...
She is in no way fit, qualified, or have the character to be the Commander-in-Chief.
compared to who?
convicted felon vs prosecuting attorney. a clear choice. end of story ...
Kamala Harris? You must be thinking of someone else.
Say's Trump sycophants and those who aren't a General and former commander of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan and the 111 former national security officials from Republican administrations and former Republican members of Congress.
111 Former G.O.P. Officials Back Harris, Calling Trump ‘Unfit to Serve’ - The New York Times (
Absurd comments like this will not be taken seriously.
All one has to do is watch them both and listen.
One is in her prime, the other is in decline.
One is talking about us, the other about himself.
One is for hope and growth and the other is constant grievance and retribution
This, a thousand times.
I bet that if Colin Powell had lived a few more years, he would have voted for her as well.
Is there anyone of real importance, depth of character, a basket full of operating synapses and all that stuff supporting the former doofus other than Prima Donnas-4-Donald?
his support comes from thumpers, racists, xenophobes, and those needing a pardon in the future ...
Oh man, Trump is going to shit a brick.
Gotta luv this.
He is going to heap the insults on McChrystal.
trump has no respect for those in uniform.
... let alone those that served or died.
Cue the personal attacks on the general - how he’s a traitor, he doesn’t understand the issues, he’s been brainwashed, he was an incompetent general, he’s secretly communist, he’s going senile, etc.
traitor, brainwashed, incompetent, totalitarian, going senile ... ... that pretty much describes most current and former service members supporting trump.
And Trump as well, if brainwashed is changed to brainwasher.
I'm hoping for a live perp walk on TV at the end of november ...
no mickey d's chicken nuggets or cheeseburgers in the big house ...
That would be ironic coming from a draft dodger
It should be, but it never has been for him.